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Everything posted by meatball77

  1. I think the early seasons had kids grouped off, there were the popular kids and the nerdy ones (JT and Toby) and then the absurdity of them following the older kids to college. The cast was huge. Now everyone basically moves in the same circles which makes for more organic storytelling when there's a big event that effects everyone. When rewatching I figured what I really miss is the different levels of maturity that you see when there's a group of niners that's young and has young problems as compared with the older kids. The young kid dating the older boy (Ali and Johnny for example) The kids currently all seem the same age no matter what grade they're in.
  2. and the thong. . . then when she gets in trouble she just goes without
  3. I also hate Ashley, so sanctimonious all the time. I don't like Claire (although she's been better in the past season). I don't understand why the writers thought that they needed to have people fighting over her when she first came on. I'm ready for the seniors to graduate. They've been around a long time.
  4. I hate Liberty. Her character is so annoying. I liked Mia but hated how they basically forgot she had a kid after her first season.
  5. Nope If any of the actors are available it would be great for one of the former cast members to come back as a teacher.
  6. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the show, but there's a British series about a woman who is sure that a girl she sees in a train station is her missing child that I watched a year or two ago on Netflix. It's far more like this one than The Face in the Milk Carton because the girl acts out and runs away.
  7. Not only that but she somehow got an entire food court full of teens to side with her? Ones who probably grew up in the community that searched for her for so long? I'll watch the next few episodes but if it's all I'm Carter and I'm rebelling for the entire season?
  8. They looked like they were expecting bad news. From Chris Harrison's blog it sounded like it was being reported that he was in bad condition but that they hadn't announced in the news that he'd died yet. I think knowing he'd been in an accident and then being called to Harrison's house like that means you're expecting bad news. I don't love that they had to show the reactions, but at least they told the entire group together instead of manufacturing a bawling over the balcony scene complete with interviews and confessionals. It was understated considering it was The Bachelor.
  9. I'm just finishing the classic shows, they're available with Amazon Prime. I think they did a better job with casting and with costumes with both sets when they started, I think a lot of that is them casting middle school aged kids, and then we got to watch them go through puberty and they really made sure that they hired kids that looked like the real variety of kids you'd see in school, some who were short, some tall and ones who looked younger and older than their age and they certainly weren't uniformly thin. The acting is also very understated and I loved how they portrayed the kids being nervous about asking each other out, even into high school. I do think there's something just awkward about 80's clothes that you don't see now. It's amazing how groundbreaking those shows were, a lot of these plots would be controversial now but to have them back in the early 80's. The new degrassi does handle controversial topics but controversy is more commonplace (although not in shows starring eleven year olds, can you imagine one of the kids on a disney show get pregnant.
  10. I think the Ballet Choreographer did them a disservice with that piece (not to mention that floor). They didn't have time to be as perfect as you expect ballet dancers to be with their rehearsal time and I'd bet that the two dancers are trained in slightly different styles (french vs ABT for example) which would mean that they'd have slight differences in how they do things like hold their hands and I wouldn't be surprised if both of them are more modern dancers rather than ballet (and if they really were fantastic ballet dancers they'd have contracts). If the choreographer had had them doing different moves and partnering each other it wouldn't have been as obvious when there were mistakes. I will say that for a Russian ballet teacher saying that wasn't bad generally means it's good. I liked the performance in the middle of the show. I hope we get one from Misty Copeland if she comes back to judge.
  11. Zapped was cute. I'm sick of the over dramatic villains. This movie didn't even need a villian, they could have taken all of the blondes sequences out and the movie would have been better.
  12. My thought was that those dress uniforms are outrageously expensive and dry clean only.
  13. So Christian from Dance Academy is going to date Mariana?
  14. I was really refreshed that they had TV parents reacting to the fact that their kid needed to use the morning after pill not because she had sex, but because she didn't use a condom. Same with the reaction from the father, it wasn't a how dare you have sex with my daughter, it was how dare you put her in the place where she'd need the morning after pill.
  15. I'd love for the person on the other side of the computer to be a kid but one she wouldn't expect, like a ninth grader or someone who isn't physically what she was picturing. Or she'll find out she was having cybersex with a 45 year old leech
  16. The problem with the Jeremiah scenes is that last week he was acting like a doting partner who clicked with Divya and the baby. This one makes more sense though.
  17. Good episode, totally out there. Becky's story was hysterical, we'll see where it ends. I liked that they aren't ignoring that she helped get her brother arrested. Drew. Whose boobs are these? And next week he's pushing the guy in a pool. I'm interested to see what happens with Zig. I hope he stays with the restaurant and learns from it.
  18. They had a morning after pill episode last season in The Fosters. It's an important thing for these teen shows I think, and the discussion was good with the kids at least. We'll see what happens in the next episode. Is conservative dad going to flip out or is mom going to take her to the Dr for birth control.
  19. TV line article with some info from one of the producers. http://tvline.com/2014/06/11/the-100-finale-recap-finn-dead-season-2-spoilers/ Loved the ending. Lots of room for next season.
  20. I thought the first scene was a flashback to Sarah's crime days and the beard was a disguise, so that's how well the new clone worked out for me. Everyone else has been very believable, this one not so much. I did think the acting and dialog was fine it was just more of what I'm used to seeing when they have actors playing different versions of themseves (fringe or VD) rather than the brilliance we generally get.
  21. I finished a couple hours ago. I got through all but two episodes last night. The ending was satisfying. Loved the songs the guard was singing for the nuns.
  22. Military Dr's work in Military hospitals and you aren't allowed to get a second job if you work in the military without command approval.
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