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Everything posted by LGGirl

  1. Both episodes were just bad. I'm surprised Amy is allowed around the Duggar children, wearing pants and all. Heck, Grandma wears pants. Maybe that's why she's banished to the laundry room. Just shows how they are fame and money whores. If they were real fundies, they wouldn't associate with non-fundies and expose their kids to provocative clothes.
  2. How about female law enforcement officers running in high heels and miraculously not breaking an ankle and catching the perp.
  3. Their room was paid by the studio. I remember Ricky mentioning it on one episode. Ricky was done working in Hollywood and Lucy wanted to stay longer. Fred was for it until Ricky told Fred that he'd (Fred) be paying for the room from now on and not the studio. Fred changed his mind real quick and wanted to go home.
  4. No Tamoron today!! What a gift!! I thought I heard Savannah's replacement during maternity leave will be Katie Couric. That should be interesting.
  5. Thanks for the thread. I forgot how many great TV themes there have been, especially from the classic shows. I remember as kids we would always sing the theme from the Banana Splits. Yeah I'm old. My all time most hated theme: Homeland. It hurts my ears and agitates me. FF through it every time.
  6. I'm convinced they have been courting for a while on the down low. Their relationship has been made public because they are getting married. The events between them on the show is just staged. And if they have decided to FU JB's courting rules, then all the better. Just a shame that all their special moments have to be staged for the show. Re their registary: it doesn't matter what's on there. I bet most will be returned for cash or credit.
  7. I've think TPTB on the Today has lost all perspective on what's good and bad. They probably think Tamoron is the star and well loved. They'll fire the rest and keep her. I can't stand her either.
  8. I've never been a Billy Bob fan and almost passed on the show because of it. So glad I didn't. Colin's character is getting better but he's being upstaged by Joey King. Molly is so well written. Not the typical eager female cop. She's me favorite character. Loved the ending and how Malvo is messing with the Supermarket King. It almost looks like Malvo, in his twisted head, is doing some type of justice. Didn't we all know that one of Hess' kids would shoot the other with an arrow? Too funny.
  9. I agree that the pace of the show is slow. It's like the writers are stretching out the story line to create episodes for a series when everything could have been told better as a mini series. Regardless. I'm still hooked.
  10. I liked this episode, too. Better than the previous ones. Might be because Zoe was more of a prop for the characters than front and center. Lemon, Wade, George, AB and Levon are more interesting.
  11. Duggers. They have run out of real story lines. Everything is so staged and the kids have been on TV so long that are great actors. Boob and Michelle need to get off the YLC gravy train and take care of their kids.
  12. I would rather they tell Boob to STFU and they will do what they want when it comes to courtship.
  13. I just don't know why Lester just didn't tell Molly that he was talking about Hess with Malvo in the hospital. Malvo brought him up and it was in passing. Not feeling Colin Hanks character.
  14. Add me to the Grey's Anatomy hate feat. I suffered the through it all until Sandra's Oh character (can't remember the name) got the abortion. That was it for me. What a really stupid show.
  15. They hired a new actress to play Babe's twin, Marisa. She brought more life to the character and was better with Bianca.
  16. It's sad that one of the smartest citizens of Arcadia is Jacob. Still trying to figure how they are going to wrap this up in two episodes.
  17. The Brown Derby is my second favorite. So relatable. Lucy eating the spaghetti and Ethel cutting it with scissors. Priceless. My favorite is when Lucy tells Ricky she's expecting. The scene at the end when they are both crying is so touching. The real Lucy and Desi.
  18. And I thought I was the only one who had no love for Kendall! She was an annoying brat in the beginning. More tolerable at the end. Greenlee was just annoying. Never liked her. Didn't miss her when she was off the show. Her and Ryan were insufferable and unwatchable. Susan Lucci. Worse actress ever. Erica was so one dimensional. There was so many possibilities the writers could have done with that character. Liked the finale when Jack left. Hope he left and never comes back. He deserved better.
  19. I know this is mute point but Jeremy even has a job to support a wife??
  20. I saw Sue Ellen in the hospital with all that make up and laughed. Just so unrealistic. Christopher and his GF. Boring. Rich Christopher is going to save poor girl from mean ex. Gag me. Mexican cartel would be interesting if Mama Ryland was running it.
  21. When I saw Emma in her underwear, I just went Uuggghhh. She was gross and not sexy in anyway. Get her off my screen. Other than that, the rest of the episode was OK.
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