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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. Building off @enoughcats' post above, we know about the four stand alone episodes being mixed in with the actual S3 episodes because we are dedicated fans of the show, read about it online and discuss it here on PTV. What about more casual fans? They must be confused! I sure would be. Far from the best way to draw in new viewers.
  2. I had checked in earlier today and saw that there were two votes to eliminate the Mendoza story line and I wanted to heavily campaign for someone to vote for a different option! Not only no Celestial Navigation but no Ken Howard with Charlie and especially (for me) no great speech from Sam about privacy. I'm definitely disappointed. Santos/Vinnick Congressional censure of Jed.
  3. It's not just the above mentioned Shep, Craig and Austen who are filming on Hilton Head Island. The entire cast is there, except for the soon-to-give-birth Cameran of course, including Kathryn, Thomas and his girlfriend Ashley Jacobs. Here’s what happened when the‘Southern Charm’ partied on Hilton Head Island last night Lots of IG and Twitter photos embedded in the story.
  4. Were that to happen, she should claim Immaculate Conception. Biblical precedent, after all. Give 'em a few more years and they will be. Yes, hyperbole but it sure seems like it's going that way. Another VERY funny episode. I laughed so hard at one point that I snorted! My son looked over and wondered WTH I was watching that had me laughing hysterically. (I was on my laptop with earbuds.) The writers have truly been bringing the funny over the past couple of episodes.
  5. About Ella hearing voices, Lucifer seemed very interested. My mind first went to "No, Harry. Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign." :-D So it made me wonder, what might it mean in the supernatural or celestial world?
  6. Power plant meltdown (although I thought Vinnick's drop dead presser was excellent.) Congressional censure of Jed
  7. From the [Hilton Head] Island Packet: The Bravo show you love to pretend you don’t watch is filming on Hilton Head today
  8. Leo's Heart Attack Jed's health fails him
  9. From the shallow end of the pool: Lauren Holly has become unrecognizable! I only realized it was her from her voice.
  10. Leo's Heart Attack CJ becomes CoS
  11. Leo's heart attack CJ becomes Chief of Staff Mandyville
  12. Savannah Film Fest: Aaron Sorkin on His Accidental Screenwriting Career and Directorial Debut 'Molly's Game'
  13. Shuttle Leak Leo's Heart Attack CJ Becomes Chief of Staff In case you hadn't guessed, I hated Season 6.
  14. They certainly are! Personally, I'm fascinated by the Lego Architecture Series. I've spent a good deal of time at Barnes & Noble talking myself out of spending hefty amounts of money on those babies! https://shop.lego.com/en-US/Architecture-ByTheme?HQS=legos+architecture+series&cn=627&d=70%3Fcmp%3DKAC-SAHBINGUS&ef_id=VqlpVgAABaxniDBS%3A20171104183016%3As&s_kwcid=AL!790!10!81570032165427!24658659958 I too was surprised that Marlon Brando was a TS. I screamed at the screen when they added the photo to the clue, "Oh, why not just give it away completely!" But that wasn't the case. I believe it must be generational. Even someone who's 40 was born in 1977, five years after The Godfather and they'd have been two years old when Apocalypse Now was released. Understandable that a large percentage of Gen Xers and Millennials could miss that one, with or without a photo. This Baby Boomer got the answer as soon as I heard Sacheen Littlefeather's name! As for the upcoming ToC, I'm fine with almost anyone but Pranjal, of whom I was not a fan. Austin didn't bug me but my favorites are probably Buzzy, Seth and Andrew.
  15. Shuttle Leak Middle East Conflict/Peace Talks Sam's relationship with a prostitute
  16. Leo's alcoholism/Valium dependency/rehab and the GOP investigation of same. Mendoza SC nomination and appointment.
  17. I like the major story lines idea. I didn't participate when the game was ranking individual episodes because I didn't think I could be fair. If I just read the episode description as a refresher, it only gives the broader plot lines, but sometimes the reason an individual episode is so good is because of the smaller themes and I didn't think I could judge fairly if I didn't recall the little things. If we're only focusing on the major themes, it's a lot easier to be objective. I vote yes. :-)
  18. Whoa, Richard Schiff's not pulling any punches here. ‘West Wing’ alum’s message to lawmakers: Get Trump out
  19. Can I just say that, political topics aside, this was one of the overall funniest episodes of the season. I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time!
  20. Jed and Leo FTW. Early S6, I would sit and yell at the TV screen, " Have you even MET these characters?"
  21. Your opinions are just as valid as mine but I think the implication was there both that she believed she had been in actual hell and that she was talking to--and seeking advice from--the devil.
  22. What's also interesting is that in Charlotte, we now have another human who seems accepting of the fact that Lucifer is the devil.
  23. OK, I'm a little confused right now because you said, "Vote for one" not against. So just to be clear, I'm ranking my final three. Jed and Leo for the win. Toby and CJ in second place Josh and Toby, third. If I'm still supposed to be eliminating one, then Josh and Toby should go.
  24. Bradley Whitford embraces ObamaCare outreach after Trump cuts
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