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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. I hope they ate some real food beforehand... Poor Will. He was eating the King cake while he was looking for the baby! Can we NOT watch him vomit beignets?
  2. Root. How smart to have each partner collect a different color necklace.
  3. Terran Michael is so twitchy with her adult teenage rebellion. "Lorca loves me and I hate you Mother!" I wonder if we get to see Lorca? I figured this would be the jump off to get Georgiou to her Section 31 show, which I will watch. How interesting to get her back to her own universe to see if things could be different. It was an interesting question that Admiral Vance asked our Michael. By now, she should be able to let Emperor Georgiou go. Does she feel that she has paid enough for Prime Georgiou's death? Plus her actual mother is around now; maybe it is time to build up that relationship. A few quibbles: Is Vance the only Admiral in Starfleet? Is there a Starfleet Academy? Why hasn't Tilly been promoted in rank yet?
  4. That's just it; none of the teams learned that lesson for this entire season. I fully expect at least one of the Final 3 to screw up the finale in much the same fashion AS LONG AS THEY DON'T HELP EACH OTHER.
  5. Well... I'm not so mad at the outcome when it turned out to be another reason why RACERS MUST READ THE CLUE. This season was the most guilty of not going back to the clue once you were wrong THE FIRST TIME. I wonder how long this particular challenge went on? I was also hoping that Phil would have penalized the final 3 in some way for helping each other. I guess I'll root for Hung and Chee; they are the least offensive of the Final 3 alliance. When TAR comes back, this needs to be addressed and alliances need to be eliminated from the game.
  6. Now that Book has been jumped into the Federation (cause he wasn't leaving Michael!), we will see what is going on Georgiou. G: "If I had time, I'd poison your children." Culber: "I don't have any children, ho. Try again." Well, to be fair, Michael and Book only became intimate after Discovery was found. Plus, she didn't spend all of her time with Book since she had her own ship. Where is her ship? Yep, Picard had the best catchphrase. "Hit it!" was pitiful. This is going to be fun.
  7. I'd like to think that Admiral Vance doesn't want Discovery to see how many pies and what type of pies he has his hands in. Starfleet, in its current form, is definitely not the Starfleet of old. I'm sure there is a lot of sketchy things going on that Discovery just might stumble onto that will make them pause. In light of all the outrage about Tilly being XO, I can see why Saru made that choice. Tilly is the closest to Saru next to Michael. Tilly has the smarts to do the job, and Tilly is one of the few crew members not completely messed up as a result of the time travel trip. Does Starfleet even have a training program now? All I want is for Tilly to be promoted so she can continue the path to eventually become captain. As it is, she is only warming the seat until Michael comes back to it or someone else that Saru trusts takes the position, if that decision isn't taken out of his hands.
  8. That's probably what they agreed to do for the race. They only have one personal traveling bag between them, and Chee is the one who carries bags outside the race, I'll bet.
  9. I would hope that Admiral Vance is merely an opportunist and will not potentially become evil.
  10. This episode gave me all the feels. I squeed when the Quwot Milat sister turned out to be Mama Burnham! I love Sonja Sohn. Of course Book is going to stick around. Is he and Grudge confined to his ship? That's crappy. I was a little surprised that Saru went with Tilly as his Acting Number One. Could she get promoted from Ensign now? I'm also a bit surprised that Georgiou didn't pop up when mentioned. I guess we will see what's up with her next episode. I figured Mama Burnham's grilling of Michael had to be for another purpose. That was triggering; mother wounds are the worst kind! At least now Michael's wound can finally heal. I would love to revisit Ni'Var and their council. V'Kir seems quite as sassy as the president.
  11. Thing is, Saru knew Michael would break his heart. I guess he didn't expect it to happen so quickly! I will hazard to guess that the new Number One will be Lt. Nilsson? Tilly would have to be promoted from Ensign to make that jump.
  12. Starfleet is in another quadrant from the one Michael crashed into on her exit out of the wormhole. Remember when Michael told Book he had a new quadrant to explore in Episode 3? Right now, Only Discovery can bop from place to place instantaneously. Also, Book's ship took 3 weeks to get to Discovery from the salvage planet. Book is in the same neighborhood, as it were. He would have to burn Discovery's dilithium to get back to the quadrant he was originally from.
  13. I figured that Michael wouldn't have lasted long as Number One. She needs freedom to research the Burn! Outside of disobeying Saru's direct order, did they really need her to be on Discovery waiting for a mission that never happened? I wonder what the interrogator did to Georgiou, or is her Terran heritage to blame? No one gave away Discovery's dilithium. They keep using it as bait to get whatever is needed. It should all still be safe on Book's ship which apparently has a cloaking device. Loved the crew's delight (minus Detmer) in playing with the technology that is new to them. Linus popping up all over the ship was amusing. Wait. Michael mentioned having her own ship. Where is it?
  14. I would love to see what the clues actually say. Just a chyron on the side of the screen as the team "reads" it. The hilarity ensues every time a team skims it and never read it fully!
  15. How cute for the sister to wear those beards for the whole leg. Leo & Alana didn't have too much hard feelings for the Sisters; I bet Alana was real salty upon watching James encourage them to use the yield. But taking too long at the previous roadblock may have done them in despite the yield. Hung just couldn't stop being helpful, even after all the bitching Chee had to listen to from her. I didn't like her sniping at Chee to get over his frustration in 90 seconds. Killer fatigue is a hell of a thing. As lucky as the Sisters are, they are just not good racers. I was wondering how long it took for them to realize that the nice ladies was not going to put a hot boiled goat head into their hands.
  16. Heh. The trabants were so cute! They managed to cram the teams and their sound/camera guys in them. I felt bad for Gary stuffing himself into them. Listen, this alliance is bugging me. Hung, darling... If you decided to stick around (???) and help the other teams, you really can't bitch and moan about it later. Plus, seeing a taxi and claiming it are 2 different things. DeAngelo beat you to the taxi, yes. But he also tipped you off to the scrambled word in the roof that you then helped him unscramble. I'd call it even at this point. Phil was all, "Hung and Chee, you could have won this leg, but y'all playing games." No good deed goes unpunished, Hung! How did the lady not hear the other teams yelling the unscrambled word? And apparently the teams didn't have to go back up and walk the building again to figure out the word... I think Phil kept the Sisters because of the alliance shenanigans. He is sick of this shyt!
  17. Worf, who had a personal relationship with Jadzia and tended not to think too much of her Trillness, was mean to Ezri, yes. She seemed like a poor replacement for his wife! He may not have acted so badly if the next Dax Host was male. Unless Admiral Vance was in love with Admiral Senna Tal, that doesn't negate my point about how he treated Adira.
  18. I am loving this season! I do have thoughts and nitpicks for this episode, though. This show is centered around Michael and I am great with that premise. However, I hope that the upcoming episodes don't always use Michael as the magical negress who can fix all problems. This episode should have let Nhan be the one to help the Barzan doctor come to terms with the death of his family and get him to help the Federation. Hugh says that Nhan was too close to the situation, but how? She and the Dr. Attis were the same species; that should have meant that Nhan was better suited to talk sense to him. I wonder if the man interrogating Georgiou is part of Section 31? Does Section 31 still exist? I may be willing to handwave Georgiou being able to outwit holograms as a result of her Terran heritage. Michelle Yeoh is awesome, of course. But how will the knowledge that the Terran Universe has long ago died impact her and how will that affect her relationship with Michael? The Admiral and Senna Tal have history. I didn't like the way he treated Adira; he should have known what having relationships with a species like the Trill is all about by now. Sisko didn't treat Jadzia poorly because he was close to Curzon. I'm not expecting Admiral Vance to be busom buddies with Adira, but he should be respectful of the current host of his friend.
  19. True. She went from a traumatized orphan to an inspector in the Earth Defense Force in one year? That requires some sort of testing and vetting, doesn't it? How was Adira able to explain the odd knowledge that was displayed? "You can make a Bajoran dish?" "Yes." "Have you ever been to Bajor?" "No." Huh?
  20. The lore wasn't ignored; it's just that we, as the audience, knows what the true deal is. No one on the Discovery would know and Adira surely didn't know, even though her boyfriend was a Trill himself. The Trill government had more Hosts than Symbionts to join them with initially. They made up a Commission and a rigorous compatibility test to ensure that every Trill wouldn't get a Symbiont, which would have lowered the supply of symbionts. The compatibility rate was 70% of Hosts can be joined. They didn't say how many Trill were left on the home planet, nor the number of symbionts still viable after the Burn. I wonder if the Trill government knows of any others who may have survived the Burn in unorthodox ways. Maybe they wouldn't have been so shocked to find a symbiont with a Human host.
  21. Yay to Queen Envy Peru! That was Mama Queen's best drag? I didn't like it either, Fred. I cackled at the "your look is dated" critiques going to Janey. Loved seeing the other queens! That was fun.
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