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Everything posted by truthaboutluv

  1. I look forward to her making it about herself and acting all betrayed even while she left Stefan and hooked up with his own brother. But that's our Elena - zero self-awareness. That said, I'm torn about Stefan/Caroline. I would love it because I have never been an Elena fan, going all the way back to the first season and after this Damon mess, I frankly don't think Elena is good enough for Stefan anymore and want him nowhere near her. And I like Stefan and Caroline. She actually makes him smile and genuinely happy. However, the creators and writers of this show have made it abundantly clear in more ways than one, no matter how many negative comments viewers make about it, that this show rests on that horrible triangle. It is clear they will never effectively end it and that's why I don't want them to put Stefan and Caroline together because I fear they will do all they can to torpedo it because Stefan has to always remain single and unhappy and pining for Elena because she is just that special, while she continues to bang his brother on every possible available surface. I fear that if they put Stefan and Caroline together they'll either kill her to end it or make Stefan treat her very badly all in service of his so called great love for Elena and I would rather not hate Stefan thank you very much. And when I say treat her badly I don't mean being mean but we'll probably see a lot of unintended insensitive moments, etc. when he inevitably puts Elena's needs before her and yeah just no. So it's hard because I really think that they can be an awesome pairing but I just don't think the writers will allow them to be because everything has to be about Elena and the triangle of suck that will not die.
  2. I love Stefan and yeah he may be broody but I appreciate that his broodiness if you will is not all about Elena like Damon who apparently can only be decent through the powers of Elena's magical vagina. Stefan's issues are more about his fighting his personal inner demons. And I disagree with the whole "he's a vampire and not embracing who he is while Damon does, etc." The show has made it clear as day I believe that human blood is equivalent to crack cocaine for Stefan. Yes a vampire's nature is to feed on humans but Stefan when on human blood becomes completely uncontrollable and vicious and just goes about wiping out humans by the hundreds/maybe thousands. Which is certainly not good for a vampire trying to be stealth. Human blood brings out something extremely ugly him and that's why he avoids it which I certainly don't see why that makes him not willing to accept who he is. Imo, he does. He's an addict in a sense and he works at not letting himself fall off the wagon. And of course he did at the end of S2 to save his brother. Which brings me to another thing I find fascinating about Stefan. I truly believe that for Stefan, Damon comes first. Sure he loves Elena but when it comes down to it, he'll choose his brother. Unfortunately, cannot say the same for Damon who would sell out Stefan in a hot minute if it was a choice between him and Elena. I'm not saying he doesn't love Stefan. I believe he does in his own annoying way, I just think for Damon it's all about Elena.
  3. I guess that's part of why I've always been able to see through Damon's bullshit, as Somerholder does nothing for me. His constant eye bugging and twitching just makes him look deranged half the time IMO.
  4. Best part of this site, it includes an ignore option. A function that sadly TWOP doesn't. I really don't have much of an opinion on that Blaine humor because it's so kind of random. But honestly, I just want to know if it will be funny because after tonight I feel like Glee being funny is like a once in a blue moon occurrence.
  5. I don't think it's just Klaine so much. With the smaller cast it was expected that there'd be a lot of focus on all of them. Based on the summaries sounds like a lot of Rachel, a lot of Sam and Mercedes and even a lot of Artie. It sounds like how Modern Family for example is. Every episode, all factions of the family have their own individual story and that's a half-hour show.
  6. I don't care about Kass' age or how successful she is in her everyday life. My comments are directed solely at her actions within the game of Survivor and as such I found her vote last night to be incredibly stupid and will call it so. Just like I called Eric the dumbest Survivor player I had ever seen when he gave up his immunity necklace and then naturally, immediately got voted off. What's worse about Kass' action to me is that I saw it not as naivete, an inability to play the game, general cluelessness. No, in my opinion it was done out of nothing more than ego and so no, I have no respect for that and yes will continue to rank her along with other players throughout the years, that I consider to have made some of the dumbest Survivor moves ever. She showed herself last night to be egotistical and petty.
  7. I'm not saying they've gotten everything wrong (oh and Philip Seymour Hoffman was public about falling off the wagon), just that all their so-called blind items about Glee have been crazy rumors and stories floating around the fandom. The worse part is they don't even try to be subtle which is why I've long suspected that they're just trolling the fandom at this point and the ones who want to believe these ridiculous stories. But yes, back to legitimate spoilers, apparently GOBR has posted one of the songs for The Back-Up Plan episode (this is the one after Opening NIght I believe) and it's One Direction's Story of My Life which will be sung by Kurt and Blaine. Speaking of The Back-Up Plan, I am curious about the plot summary. Because the title suggests a lot of things but especially coming on the heels of Rachel's big opening night, it does make me wonder if something doesn't go exactly as she planned. Of course I know there's no way the writers are making her fall completely on her face and bomb. But they may surprise me yet.
  8. Both fanbases have people who want to believe the rumors. With some Darren Criss fans, they've been insisting since S2 that Chris Colfer has some amazing power on the show and controls things and so everytime something happened with Blaine's character they hated, he was blamed for it. Goodness knows I read enough theories about his being behind the horrible cheating storyline. That said, the reason I brought up the Chris Colfer fans who believe this or want to believe it is because as I stated, I find it baffling that anyone who is a fan of his would want this story to be true. Whatever you think of Darren, Chris is the one who looks bad in these blind items because it makes him out to be an unprofessional, vindictive person. So my feeling is if I'm a fan of this person, my reaction would be to immediately dismiss it and call it bullshit.
  9. Yes this same site is the place where they had "blind items" that stated that Darren is really bi-sexual, that he and Chris hooked up a few times and that's why they now don't get along, that Lea and Cory's entire relationship was PR, that Lea is currently doing it with Chord and is hiding it since she's still playing the grieving girlfriend part to promote her album, that Lea and Dianna were once more than just roommates, that Naya and Heather had something going on, etc. etc. Basically their "blind items" are all regurgitation of the shit being spewed on the various boards in fandom. Do I think Darren and Chris are best friends, no and I don't think they have to be. The only thing they're required to do is show up, do their jobs and try to sell whatever crap the writers throw at them. But all that other stuff is bullshit and it amuses me when I see some Chris Colfer fans who loathe Darren wanting to believe these rumors. Like why as a fan would you want to believe that since the only person that looks bad in these blind items is Chris Colfer. If there is any truth to that stuff, all it means is that Chris Colfer is so unprofessional and petty that he would try to screw with someone's job. Who would want someone they're a fan of having that kind of reputation in Hollywood? But again, the whole thing is all bullshit anyway.
  10. I have to imagine that at this point, save for maybe a few delusional individuals, everyone has accepted that the show will never again be a hit. At best, all they can hope for is to hold onto the few die-hards still holding on whether out of genuine love or for masochistic reasons and just plug along to the end.
  11. Is it wrong that I laughed and laughed more at that than anything that happened in the episode? Something tells me that's not the reaction they were going for.
  12. I found this episode interesting...though I'm not sure whether it was a good interesting or bad. I have made my peace with the fact that the show will never be what it was for those first two seasons and I was fine with some of the awkwardness I found in the episode because the showrunners are clearly trying an entire new format/style for the show. It's going to take an episode or two for it to flow more naturally. And I certainly didn't miss the new kids but I think the biggest issue I had with the episode is that I just didn't find it funny. I know Glee has always walked the line of being a dramedy but even in its darkest comedy days it was hilarious. It was hilarious because it was so cracky and downright offensive at times. And I anticipated this the second RIB started talking about their "adult reality" which I noted they even had Kurt say as part of the dialogue (man those writers are hacks). I guess I honestly just found the episode kind of boring and stilted. Also, I was never her biggest fan, but I realized how much these people need Santana's snark and bitchiness. And it's not surprising because it was the same way I found Rachel and Kurt kind of boring on their own until she came to New York. The writers need to breakup Kurt and Blaine. It is just beyond stupid at this point. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I actually kind of can't stand living with you and don't want you around my space..." Okay then. Of course the whole thing was just stupidly contrived so the writers could make sure they didn't live together and of course have Blaine live with his second boyfriend Sam. Yeah they threw the shippers a few bones with the cutesy domestic scene in the beginning and even talk about make-up sex but it's likely all the affection they'll have for the rest of the season as they continue to live separately while Mercedes and her ex-boyfriend live together. But the engaged couple, not so much. Okay, whatever. Speaking of Mercedes and Sam, I have to say that in five minutes, I was reminded why Mercedes may be the best romantic partner Sam ever had. I don't know if it's that her natural charisma just rubs off on him but I swear he becomes infinitely more charming and interesting around her. Their last scene was hilarious. I like Elliot just fine but I found him treading dangerously close to the Gary Stu-ville. I always get slightly irritated with the characters who say all the right things, do all the right things, is always so wise and all knowing. It's kind of annoying actually. Also, while I find him fairly inoffensive, I could take or leave him to be honest. When he was on, it was nice but when he wasn't around, I didn't miss him. Also, I had to eye-roll Kurt saying Elliot is the only real friend he's had since he moved to NY. Okay, so even if for argument's sake I buy that all the people he met in the Apples were Adam's friends who stopped being his friend when they ended their whatever, I thought the whole point of the episode when Kurt found out about the Apples and was joining organizations was so he could find his footing at NYADA. I'm supposed to believe in all that he's never made one friend. And his only true friend is the guy that until a few episodes ago he was sure was trying to take over his band and only then took the time to get to know him? It makes me wonder what it is about Kurt that apparently he has that much trouble making friends if that's the case. I found myself completely bored with all things Artie and Rachel, so I've got nothing about either one...
  13. IMO, it's as simple as this - Blaine's character was more or less created for Kurt. Now whether that was just to be his gay wise friend/yoda and it changed to the boyfriend or whether the latter was always the plan, the point is that's what the character was created for. And as such, prior to S4, Blaine actually had no storylines that didn't involve Kurt (save for Big Brother I guess) and most of his scenes were with Kurt which means that's pretty much who Darren worked with. And because of that you had your factions develop - Klaine fans, people who hated Klaine but loved Darren/Blaine, people who hated Klaine but loved Kurt/Chris and I guess people who just didn't care at all but they don't count since by their very nature they avoid that stuff. And so the comparisons started and when the comparisons started, so did the resentments and criticisms and taking of sides. The better boyfriend olympics started all the way back in S3, long before The Breakup ever happened and the infamous cheating plot. It was all about how much Kurt wasn't appreciated, how Blaine was a showboat who got everything, how Kurt deserved better. And on the flipside it was how Blaine had no identity other than Kurt, the only storylines he had were about Kurt, etc. And when that started, it quickly led to Darren is a weak and annoying scene partner who is not worthy of the Golden Globe talents of Chris Colfer and then the other side countered that Chris Colfer hated Darren Criss and was doing all he could behind the scenes to torpedo Klaine. And then the cheating and The Breakup happened and it all went to shit and hasn't come back since. The better boyfriend olympics became vicious and every comment about Blaine became about being a greasy facebook fucker and how Kurt was being marginalized, was too good for that greasy facebook fucker and how abusive and awful Blaine is/was, etc. etc. Honestly, like I said, this is why I sometimes feel like I find the fandom shit more annoying than the crappy writing on the show.
  14. That's not what I was referring to as over the top and I stated that it was some, not all, of the comments and reactions to him that I found over the top. Also the comments about it not being very classy of him to go on GMA after Cory passed and the side comments about his obviously sleeping with Ryan Murphy have been posted at TWOP. And yes, I found both of these to be over the top, not to mention finding the latter offensive. So no, I'm not referring to someone saying Darren Criss is a crappy actor when I say that I think some of the hate and reactions he gets is over the top. YMMV but I do think a significant part of that falls on the writers who haven't been consistent with the character. Not to mention that I honestly don't think the writers have ever figured out who the hell Blaine is. For all the inconsistencies, crappy writing, I do think the writers have a good sense of who Kurt, Rachel, even Santana are and who Finn was. With Blaine though I truly don't think the writers ever thought beyond "teenage gay dream" when the character first came on and since then it's just been a matter of throwing out stuff here and there. Like I said, I don't think Darren is an amazing actor by any stretch of the imagination but I do place a lot of Blaine's inconsistencies and his not truly being a fully realized character on the failings of the writers. YMMV of course.
  15. I like Darren just fine. He rambles a lot and can be incredibly long-winded which is why I avoid his interviews like the plague but I think some of the dislike and hate he gets is extremely over the top. He is certainly no great thespian but I think somewhere along the way the lines between Blaine Anderson and Darren Criss became very blurred. I remember how some people tried to make him into a bad guy when it looked like he was going to keep his GMA appearance to promote that film he was in, a few days after Cory's passing. It was funny because I thought the person who looked really bad were the ones judging him because the criticisms were so obvious and calculated. And I remember thinking "wow, even something as horrible as Cory's death some use as an opportunity to sell the Darren Criss is the worse person in the world" meme. The other thing I like about Darren is that I think with a few choice comments here and there he's made it clear that he knows how crappy a character the writers have turned Blaine into. But it's a job and the show has given him a lot and he's not going to go around bad mouthing it and ultimately it is what it is. But he's definitely one I'm interested in reading an honest interview from, years after the show is long over. But like I said, I truly think a lot of the criticisms he gets is over the top. Honestly, the whole Darren versus Chris and Blaine vs. Kurt is one of the many reasons I have become incredibly turned off by the fandom as much as, if not more than the show itself. I feel like rather than direct the criticisms where it really needs to be and that's the shit-tastic writers who keep writing shitty material, a lot of their shitty choices and decisions somehow get transferred onto the actors. It's also interesting that Darren wrote what was like a love letter to his fans right before The Breakup aired and I always thought it was because he saw the writing on the wall for his character and knew there was no coming back from that and it really has been downhill ever since. Still, for the most part I find Darren inoffensive. I do think he's handsome and has a great charming quality about him. As an actor he's not the greatest, but certainly not the worse I've seen and I love his voice. Yes he's no belter but what he does, he does very well in my opinion. eta: Also, I find all the little comments about his sleeping with Ryan Murphy to be disgusting and all kinds of offensive and unnecessary.
  16. So, I guess the DWTS crowd has already officially jumped ship to the new board. Okay, I can live with that. So just going to c/p my post from TWOP. Don't have a lot of thoughts because as usual I was doing other stuff and plan to catch up with the DVR. Just a few quick observations. Mark is slipping with Candace's technique. There is potential with her, a lot actually but he's not working enough on helping her master the technique and it's starting to show and her scores are reflecting it. After a great debut she is quickly slipping down the ranks. I continue to not care about Cody Simpson and think he was ridiculously overscored. Meryl is a beautiful dancer but something about her and Maks just don't work for me. I don't know if it's his choreography, their chemistry or just my general annoyance with Maks but something just isn't working for me. I don't know what Carrie Ann was blabbering about with Charlie as I thought that was an amazing jive and possibly the best male celebrity jive ever. The celebrity males tend to be very weak with this dance and Charlie was on point and sold the hell out of the number. Danica and Val were gorgeous and Amy and Derek were just breathtaking. I really love the latter's partnership and am super nervous for Amy with whoever she will get in this switch up mess. And I can still see him losing. Remember Charlie likely has Meryl's same fanbase and so far, Charlie has been outscoring her. So if they go to the end, I can easily Charlie winning especially depending on which one has the better freestyle. Two, never count out Derek and only Derek somehow still manages to luck out with a celebrity with two prosphetic legs. You can tell that Amy actually is genuinely a good dancer with great rhythm and she has the amazing back story. Would totally not be shocked if they somehow win.
  17. Ah the words of many a fan for their favorites and then it all doesn't work out as planned. I no more know what the future holds for Lea Michele than anyone else but there have been many very talented people who were expected to do amazing things when their series ended and then, when it was all said and done, not so much. But by all means, good luck to her. Btw, it's funny the rush for Lea to separate herself from Glee since she's the one positively talking about a possible Glee spinoff centered around Rachel and admitting how she'd definitely be willing to do it. Of course how the spinoff would be any different than the show now is beyond me but doesn't matter since I can't see any network greenlighting a spinoff for a show that no one is watching anymore.
  18. Unless she beats Dani up, I can't see what step she'll go that'll be a step beyond. If she brings up charges against Dani, she would be well within her right to do so because this adult woman had sex with her 16 year old son. She is a criminal. YMVV, but that's just it, you can't leave age out of it. And that's why I say I am so disappointed in the show for going there because I think your comment is indicative of the trend of the responses when shows pulls stuff like this. It gets treated like it's normal or well not normal but as a bad decision by two people, a regretful hookup. And for me, it was more than that. This wasn't just sad sex between two people imo. Like I said, if Brandon had hooked up with Talya I would have seen in that way. But for me this was an adult taking advantage of a teenage boy. Yes he was sad and heartbroken but he is a teenager and at that point was a vulnerable teenager. She as the adult should have known how to deal with her pain better than having sex with a 16 year old boy. Her feelings and vulnerability is not my concern. Like everytime I really think about the storyline I just get more furious at the writers. I put up with all their 10,000 drama they've thrown in one season but this was just unnecessary and I swear, I swear, I hear the word pregnancy come out of Dani's mouth and I'm done.
  19. The law would. It may not have been a violent incident but by any legal standards what happened was statutory rape and if found out by his parents, either of them would have legal grounds to file a criminal case against her and she very well could end up having to register as a sex offender for her the rest of her life. As others have noted, Brandon being drunk also makes the the situation even murkier for Dani. This is why I hated that the show went there. Aside from the fact that it was not needed in an already drama filled episode, nothing good can come from this. I felt the whole thing took the show to a trashy television place it didn't need to go. And I for one will definitely be out if Dani ends up pregnant. I have zero interest in watching a 16 year old boy have to deal with knocking up some emotionally needy nutcase who clearly has no sense and any kind of boundaries. It's like when the writers decided they wanted Brandon to mess up and mess with the "golden boy" image, they decided to throw everything and the kitchen sink at once and I'm kind of over it. But more than that, I am sick and tired of shows having teenagers having inappropriate relationships (not that this was a relationship by any means) with adults and it being treated as just normal or even acceptable. Brandon wasn't even freaked out about having sex with Dani. He looked guilty because obviously he didn't want to sleep with her and regretted it but still it was almost treated like just a regrettable hook up and it's like no, it was a drunk 16 year old having sex with an adult who should have known better. And in my opinion, the other problematic thing with this whole situation is that I don't think Brandon ever showed any interest in Dani so even though many say that you could tell the storyline was leading there, imo that was largely because Dani was creepy and inappropriate. I never saw any attraction or interest in Dani on Brandon's part. This really just felt like drama for drama sake and again with everything the show already had going on, it just wasn't necessary imo. If they were that determined to throw in an unnecessary drunken hookup for Brandon with everything else they've thrown at the character, why didn't they just let it happen with Talya. At least it would have been age appropriate.
  20. Admittedly I stopped watching Glee on a regular basis in S4 and have pretty much watched in passing this season, and that's when I actually remember it's on, but that being said, while I will give you all the stuff about Sam because I actually do remember all that, is Blaine really constantly pushed as hot on the show? I see this repeated a lot and it is certainly stated as a fact but when I sit and think about it I wonder if it is more that it's been said enough that it's become accepted as fact versus actually happening on the show. Yes, Tina had a very creepy crush on Blaine but Mercedes had a crush on Kurt back in S1. But other than that, and not including stuff that happened while Blaine was still at Dalton (since the character has had like two personality changes since then not to mention two different ages), who is really calling or considering Blaine hot on the show? And yeah Kurt called him the alpha-gay during their argument in DWS but that entire dialogue in that scene sounded ripped from the discussion boards about the show. And yes, Sebastian was a horndog after Blaine but Kurt had both Chandler and Adam interested in him. He was the one who wasn't interested, it wasn't the other way around. I guess this kind of reminds me of a recent discussion I had about The Vampire Diaries. Someone made the comment that the characters all do crappy stuff but then pull the moral high ground with each other and I then realized that actually they really don't. It just seems that way because the viewers spend a lot of time debating whose crimes are worse than the others and which character is worse than the other. I just sometimes wonder if it isn't the same with Blaine and even with some other things about the show that get stated as a fact.
  21. For me it isn't even so much going after the actors' looks, bad as that is, it's that the writing's not even clever when they do it. That's what most gets me about the Glee writers. They clearly think they are so awesome and clever, as evidenced by their annoying overuse of meta which I know they probably think is so adorable and awesome. But in reality all their stuff is cheap repetition of the same crap they've done multiple times already. Oh and ftr, one of the behind the scenes people on Glee denies that they are going after a real flaw of Darren's. I guess a fan tweeted that it was shitty of the show to make fun of him for gaining a few pounds and the guy claims that Darren actually looks fine and the joke is actually because he's not fat and it's just a storyline. You know what's hilarious about that though, the fan defending Darren is kind of knocking him at the same time by basically saying he's gained weight. I like Darren well enough but I have to say it is kind of interesting for a change to see a famous male celebrity being judged for not being physically perfect, as the females get so often. But seriously it is just as shitty as when women get it and as with the women, Darren looks fine. There is no requirement that guys must have some six pack abs imo. Of course I'm of the variety that finds guys like Ben Affleck and Vince Vaughn hot so there you go. eta: One of my main unpopular Glee opinions - I think the Sam/Kurt friendship/potential friendship is grossly exaggerated and I never bought the idea that this apparently great friendship was sold out in favor of Sam and Blaine.
  22. Yes he was shirtless for the calendar and in both that and Roar, all the guys were shirtless (well I guess save for Artie) so it's not like they just have the character running around all the time with his shirt off. Now Chord has been shirtless but even that I wouldn't say has been that numerous.
  23. And as with my comment about Karofsky, I don't care about the actor's ability, good or bad. I don't care that Chris Colfer could pull it off better than Darren Criss. The point is that I don't want to see it at all for the very reasons you have mentioned - i.e. another cheap PSA episode. Whether or not it is Kurt helping out someone else who is getting bashed for being gay, this is still Kurt learning another hard lesson about the realities of his sexuality. Yeah, we got it the first couple of times. And as good as an actor as Colfer is, repeated scenes of the same stuff eventually loses its strength and luster. I stopped being moved by Kurt and the tragic gay stories maybe about mid-S2. Of course I should not be surprised that the show delivers another redundant storyline as all they've been doing for two seasons is recycling shit. Not to mention this is the show that still pretty much writes cheating plots for every couple when they want to create some drama in the relationship. Original writing is not exactly their forte. Other than the episode with Roar, I honestly don't remember Blaine being shirtless often. I wished he was so I'd be spared his horrible shirts and bow-ties.
  24. Yes that's what the spoilers make it seem like but the point is from the extended summary, it still seems like we're going to get an episode involving Kurt dealing with the harsh realities of being gay and I don't know, learning the lesson that even the big city is not as different as Lima. Because even if he gets bashed from trying to help some other guy being beaten for being gay, the point is still the same.
  25. The line about Kurt coming across an old enemy is in the extended summary for Bash and Max Adler is only listed for the Opening Night episode. Based on what happens or at least is rumored to happen in Bash, I'd say the "old enemy" is his being attacked for his sexuality. Because let's face it, it has been awhile since the writers have given us Kurt, the tragic gay.
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