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Everything posted by jmonique

  1. I don't get it: The show can't find things for the entire regular cast to do every episode (wherefore art thou, Lily, Joe and Haley?), so we really need to keep featuring Cam's nightmare of a sister? Really? Although, as others have pointed out, these writers really have no idea what to do with the kids. The Alex-Luke storyline was just random and gross, and Manny is a man without a point.
  2. I totally respect that this is Anthony Anderson & Co.'s platform. But every episode turning into a Civics class -- even Christmas episodes -- is a lot.
  3. I get that some things happened, but run away already. It's so sloooooooooooooooow.
  4. I know I already complained about it in this thread, but OMG, this show is SO slow. Like, GLACIALLY slow. Is it because I'm definitely NOT a teen? I just don't care. They've bored it out of me.
  5. Why is Phil "striking out on his own" in real estate, when he has a magic shop? Pick a lane, Modern Family writers.
  6. Gotta say, Flash ditching Wally and Legends leaving Jax behind, and both shows welcoming new blonde white guys? Not a great look for the CW.
  7. This show is well done for what it is, but I'm not seeing much running away yet. It would have seriously benefited from all episodes being released at once, because this is taking forever to get under way. Also, Julian McMahon aged ... differently from what I would have expected.
  8. Yeah, I was having a hard time trying to decide if Melissa's posturing or the horrific wig on Caity's stunt double took me out of the action scenes more.
  9. I'm catching up on this now on Hulu. The sound mix is dreadful. Was it this bad live last night? Also, WtF, Selena Gomez?
  10. I was always the smart one in the family (that wouldn't seem like bragging if you knew my cousins). Which I only mention so you can realize what it really means when I say: For the love of everything that's holy, why do they insist on writing Alex like a complete bitch? Seriously, if the next episode includes a plotline where Claire discovers "666" on Alex's forehead, I would not be surprised. We really need portrayals of smart girls on television, and while they don't need to be saints, it would help if Alex wasn't so completely snotty and offputting 24/7. Everyone's such an extreme caricature now. This is why shows definitely shouldn't go past season seven.
  11. If I were Amy, my big takeaway from first glance at Reese's journal would be the girl is a killer artist. And then I would have respected her privacy, but I guess if Amy had done that, we wouldn't have something to do in the next episode. As for the ex-girlfriend and Nate, I would agree that they're a little rudderless at the moment. I get playing a long game with a storyline, but I think the "Kevin" showrunners need to get things kicked into gear on some fronts. Five episodes of Yvette bullying Kevin into giving up his life's possessions, going completely broke and looking like a whackjob to friends and family has me ready for the next step in the story.
  12. In the pilot, when Kevin and Nate see each other for the first time in a while, Kevin recalls that Nate had a crush on Amy in high school. Nate explains that he's also been checking in on Amy regularly since her husband died, in case they need anything.
  13. This is why forums are good: I'm about 2 minutes into the show, and I'm so completely over Andre's treatment of Junior that I almost stopped watching. Based on your responses, I'll see this one out!
  14. I get not liking Kevin, but I'm still kind of surprised by how much the character regularly gets screwed in regards to storylines. Randall's practically walking on water, and Kevin's been the odd man out since birth. Tonight's flashback to Kevin at 28 was like watching A Douche Bag Tries to Make it in Hollywood. But given everything, I can see how he got to that point. I'm just hoping after the current addiction storyline, they can give Kevin something actually good for once.
  15. I need this show to send Yvette back home already. I don't get the point of browbeating Kevin into giving away every last dime. I really like all the other actors, though.
  16. I like the show. But I think I'd like the show more if, say, the mission had been dumped on Kevin AND the responsibility of helping him had fallen onto Nate, Reese, Tyler or Kristin. I'm just not feeling Yvette and her smugness.
  17. Literally just finished it. My biggest takeaway of the season right now is I was impressed by Noah Schnapp and glad he got a chance to demonstrate his skills in the second season, after being out for most of the action in the first season. That and I find the Eleven/Mike scenes way too intense for their age.
  18. The last thing this show needed was Cam's sister. Is she ever going to leave?
  19. Me: Well the Mon-El Who Ate Natoinal City is gone, even though I'm sure he'll return at some point. Let's give the season premiere a shot. Supergirl producers: HAHA. SUCK IT. WE'LL MAKE THE FIRST SCENE CHEESY, WISTFUL CRAP ABOUT MON-EL.
  20. Well. This is pretty dreadful. And by "dreadful," I mean "doubt I'll watch it even just to kill time on a Friday dreadful." Every minute of this was forced beyond belief. And if this is happening now, when the heck were the first six seasons set in? Pre-2000?
  21. Darci's quite talented, but I wouldn't be surprised if Angelica finishes higher than has been expected in the thread. As a half-Asian, I'd say don't underestimate the way we'll get behind the few Asians that make it this far on reality shows. Consider it the Jasmine Trias Theorem.
  22. Loved "You look like an asshole" as Jessica saunters off the elevator. And the first glimpse of the different fighting styles, with Jessica and Luke both more brawlers contrasting with the Matt and Danny, who've both studied their crafts for years and years. Also, I haven't checked the credits, but I'm assuming this is NOT the stunt person from Iron Fist, because this was way more entertaining.
  23. I stumbled across this show for the first time just as the Lab went out and just stunned me with how they nailed the choreography, at their ages. And then Eva came out, got the complete sob story and did her bendy routine, and then the tears came out, and of COURSE she was going to outscore the dozen or so kids who came out and KILLED it before her, because she had sads and still managed to do the routine anyway, I guess? On the bright side, now I've caught up on The Lab's videos on YouTube, and I don't have to watch the rest of the season.
  24. Possible TRIGGER WARNING: Not to go somewhere unwarranted, but am I the only one who saw a rape survivor angle in Fitz's story? The violations of his mind and his (Framework) body, the shame, the inability to look his loved ones in the eyes and admit what had happened -- it's really tragic what Aida put him through. And this episode kicked off with full on gaslighting: "Every decision you made was your own." This show should have pulled more focus to Elizabeth and Iain sooner. Because damn.
  25. Season 3 needs to have Mon-El put on a ship and sent far, far away from EVERY Earth. Ever. Or directly into a sun. There's been no growth. Every single thing he does is because he thinks he's in love with Kara. He isn't a hero to make a difference. He's trying to be a hero because Kara's a hero. This is more a case study of borderline personality disorder, wherein someone experiences ALL THE EMOTIONS EVER, at lightning-fast speed, patterns themselves after someone else and thinks that person can do no wrong -- until they get tired of them. Chris Wood is cute, and he's trying. But I didn't tune in for Mon-El's man pain. I can't even recognize this show anymore. Season 1 had a lot of problems, but I vastly preferred the days of Kara being mentored by a strong woman like Cat, as opposed to eight to 10 episodes about this man child.
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