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Everything posted by GraceAnne

  1. Dear lord… Just once I wish someone would tell Olivia to STFU…. She is a CIVILIAN running a BROTHEL! What part of that is confusing to Olivia? I mean did she stop understanding the law? “I’m undercover!!” Yeah hunny I’m an undercover supermodel… In my head… Thank god Barba is on this show… I feel like he actually is in my head when he speaks. Liked Amaro and Rollins being platonic. Poor Carisi...he can’t catch a break with these people… Oh and I agree.. LOVE Rollin's ponytail!
  2. I'm confused... Is there actually a person out there who is looking for MORE personal information on Olivia???
  3. So many great parts, love when the whole gang is together. Standing awkwardly in the kitchen, running behind the cart, etc. … I could have watched the episode on mute and just laughed at their combined expressions. I’m not necessarily against Nick and Jess but it was so badly written last time I’m not ready to go back down that road again…. They are so much better apart at this point. Everything out of Nick’s mouth this episode was pure perfection! Jamie Lee Curtis is ALL kinds of awesome as usual. Winston and CC …. Awesome!
  4. Apparently death is NOT an option over there. I had a long pep talk with myself that I will need to quit that show if the triangle from hell is resurrected. My love of Bonnie and Caroline can only go so far.... The best part of my criticism of Joseph Morgan's hair.... I just had a baby and I'm sitting on my couch in 2 day old sweats with a side ponytail bitching about this hottie's choice in hairstyles! My husband had the good sense to not say a word, just gave me the side eye. Oh the shame.... lol From your mouth to Julie Plec's ears.... Apparently speculation rose again after season 7 was confirmed. In a word... Ugggg...
  5. Dear lord, Jackson actually made Hayley bearable in the episode! ... However I'm still willing to start a Kick-starter campaign for him to take Hayley, Hope, and babysitter Cami far far away... for safety reasons of course. The thing about Julie Plec IMO is she doesn't give two shits about the natural progression of a character and how it reflects to the audience. For example I REALLY liked Hayley's speech to Jackson and it made me in turn like (hmmm, that might be too strong of a word..) Hayley. The problem is you just know in an episode or so she will be making moon moon eyes at Elijah and screw Jackson over. Which would be fine, except you had her give this awesome speech and now I think she's an a-hole again. Hayley is not that popular of a character with limited acting skills, if you want her to succeed the writing for her should be stellar. I did like some of the scenes between Klaus and Hayley, but I wish people would stop referring to her as a queen.... and I just cannot trust JP and Co to not somehow turn this into another triangle between brothers. Off topic but do you guys know there actually is speculation about Elena and Stefan being the endgame again??? That writing team gives me nothing but headaches! As usual I loved all the family scenes and as everyone said I think it's become apparent Klaus would be happy to have Jackson dead at the hand of Elijah. As far as Kol goes at this point I don't care if it's NB or DS who plays the part I just want someone being Kol! Joseph did a wonderful job of expressing love for his child but still holding back since he really has no idea how to be a normal "person" let alone a dad. Shallow end of the pool- PT was breathtaking this episode, she should stand quietly more often. I don't like JoMo's hair this season but can't figure out why.
  6. I started fast forwarding through Enzo’s scenes… it's a method that has worked well for me when the Wolves come on TO, so I’m hoping for similar results on TVD as well..... I totally don't get the Damon connection anymore. Speaking of things that don't make sense... Jeremy is going off to be a Vampire Hunter in the same episode that a Vampire pins his head to the ground in broad daylight and runs over his best friend? Hey Buddy... if you're looking to kill Vampires we got one or two pointless sociopaths right in THIS town who could use some killing! Geez….
  7. I really enjoyed Damon and Liz’s scenes, of course they were somewhat tainted due to Damon and Caroline’s history. Although apparently EVERYONE associated with this show has decided to re- write that particular story so I’ll play along for this episode since MM was killing it! I mean, the young Caroline on the bike with Liz? I didn’t even realize I was tearing up! At first look I didn’t love Damon getting to be with Liz in the end but I started to think back when I lost a parent and realized a lot of how things went down rang true. Sometimes when you’re that close to someone you get caught up in the particulars of talking with doctors and making preparations that you almost lose track of what is really important- being with the person. I’m looking forward to seeing how it effects Caroline going forward. This might be an unpopular opinion but I didn’t love the Caroline/Stefan stuff. I have firmly been in the camp of loving the two as friends but grudgingly accepting the powers that be would put them together at some point. Now, I’m not sure if it was my preconceived notion of the two, but I felt like neither character was blown away by the kiss. Don’t get me wrong visually it was filmed beautifully, but I thought compared to the cinematography of the kiss, Stefan and Caroline’s reaction after it fell flat. Almost as if they both didn’t really feel anything? No passion, maybe? I don’t know… I guess we’ll see. Oh and by the way….. where the FUCK is Bonnie? I’m so done with her separate storyline, let’s just wrap it up already.
  8. Oh my goodness he was downright adorable!
  9. Not too shocking Klaus has a hidden agenda/plan in regards to Jackson and Haley. I only hope we don’t wade into Klaley (is that what they’re called?) waters for the reason Klaus wants him dead. I mean TWO men wanting to spend time with Hayley is already weighing on my suspended belief….
  10. The absolute worst... Not to be too much of a hater but I've spent the last few episodes FF through most of the wolves (and Haley) scenes and I find myself much happier! Now maybe Cami can explain the psychology behind that! lol
  11. Yeah, I don't really get this either. IMO they really hit gold with a lot of the actors this year, unlike when the series started (Cami and Hayley- I'm looking at you two). So I'm not sure of the point of just killing them off, it seem counterproductive... I can't wait to see how this plays out! I guess Freya might end up being the next big baddie herself. I mean surely in a thousand years Klaus has heard the sentiment “ Pot… Kettle….ect…. ” That was a well written as well as acted scene. Kol furiously explains all his gripes and Klaus’s is all…. “Well duh, I’m f’ing crazy. You know this!” …. Typical Klaus, never change you insane douche bag!
  12. This was a great episode! Hoping we move away from the wolves and spend more time on Freya, who I’m intrigued to see where they go with. I just can't get onboard with bad ass Queen Hayley. I enjoyed the family scenes but something just seemed “off”. Don’t get me wrong the Mikaelson family scenes were (and are) the absolute best thing about this episode/show. However…while I think the actors playing Nu-bekah and Nu-Kol are acceptable to great in their own right, watching the two of them in a scene with the only one who is an “Original” (Klaus) was somewhat… off-putting? I don’t know, I just felt like I was concentrating on that more than the actual scene playing out. Hopefully this will be less of an issue for me as we continue on. I’m so curious to see what actually happens to Kol, will he die, will he live, will NB be brought back? Either way I’m hoping they don’t write off the character. By the way... were there a lot of fans out there who were like “ OMG I can’t wait to watch a plot about a mystical baby with the powers of a witch, werewolf, and Vampire!” …. Just curious. Personally when it looked as is Elijah might eat Hope and Cami I thought, two birds one stone…
  13. I find myself cringing every time Elena speaks or smiles or breathes. A little self awareness could do wonders for the character. In that same wheelhouse I think that’s what saved the character of Caroline. She knows she neurotic and judgmental…. And it endears the character to the audience. So I guess this is how they plan on redeeming Kai… Not sure how I feel about it but I LOVE him calling Elena out. If he does that every episode he can stay forever! “You two together is still totally revolting to me. Finally a familiar feeling! ” Yes Kai! Welcome to my world every Thursday night at 8. By the way, why is Damon saving Kai? While I’ve gotten somewhat tired of the constant Caroline/Stefan scenes, I will say the two were on this episode. I’m still not really on board with them romantically but the characters bring out the best in each other’s personality. While I like Michael Trevino I’m pretty sure he only has 3 possibly 4 expressions in his acting arsenal. Enzo… Am I supposed to understand his motivations? I mean this is about Damon? The same Damon that he has not shared a scene with this season??
  14. Just finished the audio book and I have to say, big difference not having Kristen Bell as the narrator. I also agree I could have used a little more of an “ Ahh Ha!” moment in the ending. While I love Leo and I love Logan, I don’t enjoy the possibility of Veronica dick-ing (ha) around with both of them. I hope that’s not a continued theme if there is third book.
  15. I'm really enjoying this season but baby Hope is one of my few issues. While I can't see them actually killing her at this point, I do hope once the current danger has been quelled they decide NOLA is too dangerous in general and ship her far far away. It’s not JUST that I don’t feel like dealing with a baby every episode or once they decide to inevitable age Hope up to where she doesn’t need a babysitter… It’s that I’m so tired of ever road leading back to that damn mystical baby! I mean the underlining issue EVERY episode this year has been about keeping Hope safe. For example…. "Oooo.. ahhh... it's Klaus's bio dad... this should exciting... oh wait.... nope he killed him for Baby Hope.. awesome" I’m so not looking forward to the upcoming storyline of what a special little snowflake this baby is. Yeah- I still don't understand this. I mean one mystical baby passes through your who-ha and poof you're a hybrid too?
  16. Thank you! You summarized exactly what I meant perfectly. Everyone keeps telling me she's the Alpha and all awesome but even with her standing up to whoever I'm still all "Ehhh.... whatever...". I can see how Finn is starting to become a little MORE on the cray cray side, I'm just hopeful it's part of his storyline to see him unravel. As if he had the best intentions when this began, but now the power and his desire to take revenge on his family has clouded his "pure" intentions. At least that’s how I hope it plays out. I really enjoyed the sisters together as well. It was pleasant change for me since I'm not a huge fan of the females on this show so I'm hoping both stick around!
  17. This still bothers me! I mean, what a bunch of A-holes.... And never once are they like " Guess we killed all those (possibly) innocent and unsuspecting vampires for no good reason.... Whoopsie, our bad." Such a bunch of self involved idiots over in Mystic Falls.
  18. I agree, while I loved Stabler it started to become the same old shtick every episode..... and it's not just Amaro the writers seem to be doing it to this season. Well, I mean he definetly is becoming Stabler 2.0 but all the actors seemed to have been shoehorned into their particular character description. Every episode- Amaro is ANGRY, Liv is STRUGGLEING with being a mom and captain, Rollins is Spiralling out of control, Carisi is annoying everyone, and Finn is just cool throwing in a couple of good one liners. The repetitiveness and lack of chreativity with the character's personality is just boring at this point.
  19. http://www.ew.com/article/2015/02/02/cw-orders-julie-plec-drama-pilot-tales-darkside-remake Apparently they can't get enough of Julie Plec over at The CW...
  20. I guess I’m in the minority around here but I didn’t love the episode. I just was not into the Klaus/Haley/Jackson scenes…. And sadly I think my problem is still with Haley, who it appears is becoming more front and center as the series goes on. I can’t exactly pinpoint my problem with her but every time someone talks about her being a queen or all her power I find myself going, “ Really? The trash bag who wore that horrible red dress to the Miss Mystic competition? Ehh….”. I think it could have benefited the character of Hayley if the writing staff over at TVD had taken alittle more time with her character if JP & CO had an inkling they would continue to use her. It makes me wonder if the people who are fans of Hayley did or did not watch TVD? Anyway, the accent is getting better although now we are over enunciating words which is only a small step up. I really hope we don’t go to THAT place with Klaus and Hayley. The suspended belief that everyone around New Orleans JUST loves her and Cami will be too much for me. 1000 year old, body switching, vampires and witches fine, but that.. I’m out! As everyone stated I’m curious to see what Klaus’s actual intentions were with the whole Jackson fight. I did have a moment of sheer dread when Jackson mentioned them being from the same pack, where I thought it would totally be JP style to have Jackson die and Klaus take over as the Alpha and marry Hayley. Side note- I LOVED how Joseph Morgan played the scene where he was looking for Hayley and threw the ball to the kid. JM can look downright angelic and is such a nice contrast to the violent creature he portrays.
  21. Here's the thing... I agree it probably sucks to be barraged with rabid fans and their comments, complaints, questions, etc. In just about every job you have to deal with an unsatisfied consumer at some point, and that’s exactly what we the viewers are consumers. My company actually does mandatory training for everyone just on the off chance you have to deal with someone. And guess what? While I don’t dislike my job, believe me I ain’t Living the Dream! These writers and producers are getting to do what thousands of creative people would give their eye teeth to be able to do! So my empathy level is somewhat low for JP and company. It also could be that she seems to relish in acting like a 15 year old swooning girl in most interviews and on social media. Who knows. Dear lord that last TVD episode will definitely help! LOL
  22. As some who liked the pairing, I like you're assessment of how it could work with them. The funny thing is, when I watched that scene I totally thought Klaus's was full of shit when he said that to Caroline. It was just another cheesy line of his. For as much as I enjoyed the two together I always felt whatever his crusade of the week was ( The Cure, Hybrid, etc.), not Caroline or anyone else would not get in his way. Now he's all "Okay Cami I shouldn't kill Mikael, guess you're right... by the way, can you hold the White Oak stake that is the only thing that can kill me? Cool thanks". ITA I am SO over this baby business. I usually just pretend the root of every scene isn't about trying to protect the miracle baby. Although if at some point they're going to delve into discover Hope's super natural ability, it's going to be more difficult for me to do that. Personally I would have rather watched a story were the baby was killed/died. Clearly being The CW it wouldn't have happened but IMO it could have been an interesting story. I also would take shipping the little abomination off to boarding school and moving onto other stories.... but hey that's just me.
  23. Dear lord, do these idiots ever do anything but make bad situations worse? ... and how is death of Caroline's mom still somehow about Elena?
  24. I agree- I don’t completely follow the whole Hailey Queen/Alpha thing, but in my defense I wasn’t paying that much attention. I’m not really sure about why I’m so bored by the wolves, it could be a few things….. I’ve never been a Hailey fan from back in TVD days and she only recently has moved into the “barely tolerable” category for me. While I agree Jackson seems like a good guy, I’m usually not too intrigued by his type. I mean, if my friend is looking for a boyfriend he’s my dude, but on TV with his main interaction being Hailey… not too much. That’s probably why I love all the scenes with the Mickaelson’s, they’re ALL a bunch of assholes! I do reserve the right to change my mind if Jackson/the wolves start interacting with other characters…. Heck, I adore Aidan and Josh! OMG! Totally! This imaginary show is getting better and better! lol
  25. Mostly when I watch an Elena scene I vacillate between… Ugggggggg…… OR Why couldn’t we keep Katherine instead of her?
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