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Everything posted by MaryHedwig

  1. I have watched all of Season 3, and loved it, but please do not read further if you have not watched it all. I have a few questions: 1. Is child care free in Israel? Is there a push to have children, even babies, stay in childcare all day? Why was Akiva dropping his baby off at day care every day? 2. Can just everyone pick up any child at a daycare center in Israel? Doesn't there have to be a list of certified persons? 3. Was Racheli ultra-orthodox? If not, wouldn't that have been an issue regarding marrying her? 4. Libbe died when her baby was two months old? So not from childbirth I assume? Do we know why she died? 5. I didn't think one could get locked into a car, unless it was a police car. I am wrong about this? Or are cars different in Israel? (I am not wrong about my car, I just checked.) 6. It looked to me as if both Shiva the lucky one and Racheli were from much wealthier families. Correct? Would that have been an issue? 7. Does one not get paid for studying the Torah? Are all those families being supported by women working outside of the home? I probably have some more questions too, but I would appreciate any answers anyone might have. I love this series.
  2. I was assuming she was sneaking in and not paying at all.
  3. I am rooting for Chris too. He work is incredible. I love the sound of his voice. I love his clothing choices. I love the stories he comes up with for his 'clients'. I agree with you about his social media skills but I wonder if that is something they can help him with. Nobody else stands up to him. However, did you notice how the camera lingered on a beefcake shot of Eli? Maybe that is the one we are supposed to fall in love with.
  4. I feel the same way about Marianna.
  5. I recall one throw away line. Something like Sumi to Alice: here's my first month of rent. Probably not even that clear.
  6. I agree. I was getting them confused. Also their last names are too similar. I think it's the hairline.
  7. Well...I've wondered if they are flammable!
  8. What was Lindsey rolling over their face in the bathroom?
  9. I didn't like how Cruz threw Capp under the bus in his conversation with Chole. It bad enough that Capp barely gets any lines.
  10. Isn't this episode supposed to be set in the post-COVID future? All salad bars are closed now. My favorite salad bar restaurant, Sweet Tomatoes/Souplantation closed for good because they could not make the transition to a formal menu. Do we really foresee salad bars opening up in the future? I, for one, might be post-COVID as grossed out by them as Shawn.
  11. I wondered if her judgment of the patient was also related to her high BMI. Fat is still one of the last safe prejudices in many circles.
  12. I was waiting for a public service announcement at end of the episode, "Hermann and Cruz entered the elevator during a fire for dramatic purposes. Do not try this at home."
  13. Yes, I have worked in Superstores like this one and those 'stupid games' made all the difference in lifting morale. My favorite was 'Tiara Wednesday'. I still play games with myself when I enter my local Target as a customer. I give an 'award' in my head for the employee with the sharpest outfit- it appears they can wear any pants and top as long as the pants are khaki and the top is red. My favorite look is a red plaid shirt thrown over the entire ensemble. I also give an 'award' for the parent toting the most children. The record is 9 children for two adults and 6 children for one..
  14. She was channeling Whoopi Goldberg vibes, even before her scene at the end. How did that creepy judge think he was going to get anything pass her?
  15. Not to mention the episode where the mothers have sex with the professors in order to assure their daughters get a spot at Hudson. (I remember commenting after that one that those mothers should consider what they could have done to assure their daughters do not go to Hudson)
  16. You scared me. I thought you were going to say your alma mater was Hudson U.
  17. The 'Superstore' where I worked also had the Bibles locked up.
  18. Poor Garrett also has to deal with people's insensitive wheelchair remarks as well.
  19. 'That's how you're goin' do me?' I can't stop laughing.
  20. Did one of the houses end up without a garage?
  21. I also thought Caroline was being creepy when she offered to help Ruth after her car was defaced. Caroline appeared to be taking advantage of the situation to try to prove that her interest in Ruth was merely professional by leaving the door open and Caroline's uber-businesslike tone of voice. Also, Caroline micro-managing the situation: arranging a ride home for Ruth; finding a person to restore the car for free; offering Gillian as a peer counselor. Maybe Ruth appreciate that but if my boss did that, I might have felt infantilized. Caroline should not have offered to have Ruth spend the night. Ruth should not have abandoned her right before the interview. In other words, I agree that both women have behaved badly. I did love Gillian's line to Caroline: 'I'll talk to her, I assume you don't want me to suggest murder?'
  22. Was nobody looking for the car that Harrison stole? Did Ted drown? Did he walk into the water, as in commit suicide? He wasn't wet though, was he? Did Ted just die of natural causes? Would he have died even if Harrison had not left him on the beach? I was pleasantly surprised that Harrison returned to pick up Ted. Is Harrison going to have to spend his adulthood in therapy to discuss guilt over Ted's death? Does he even have a conscience or would such a thing not bother him? (He did look like he had some remorse.) Does Harrison develop a conscience later in life? Please don't tell me he will some day marry Flora or Calamity? Are we to believe that the vision of his wife was a hallucination. Hell, I saw it too? What does that mean about me? Those of you watchers from Britain: was a scene cut out that included the birth of the baby? Was a scene cut of regarding the hottie who gave Gillian a cup of tea while she was on the phone? Who was that hottie, do we have a back story on him? Shouldn't the baby be named Ted?
  23. But that's because she was breaking bad.
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