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Everything posted by Sheena

  1. I'm in! I'm good with the order, too- oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've seen the film... so many Boston Legal and Blacklist jokes to use! This is gonna be fuuuuuuun! :D
  2. Yeah, I think the most common one I've seen is either pairing up Teen!Jack/Teen!Daniel, or Teen!Jack/Teen!Sam, depending on who is writing it, and then having them take off in to the wild blue yonder.
  3. Despite the fact that I very much enjoyed it after this point (albeit for different reasons) and my favourite season of the show is the seventh, I'd put in that I feel that The X-Files jumped the shark after the fifth season, but before the sixth and before the film. I think, to me, the film was the shark jumping (even though I actually like it too). Xena, to me, either jumped it as soon as they went to India (when they met Eli and Gabrielle gave up violence) or once they had been crucified. Ugh, "Angel Callisto"...
  4. While there are many songs which, for me, made TV episodes better or have greater emotional impact, the one which comes instantly to mind is "Full of Grace" by Sarah McLachlan, as played during the season two finale of Buffy " Becoming pt II." That whole episode is heartbreaking and that song... I tear up even just thinking about it.
  5. Of course, I would never suggest anything in any way questionable, but it's available on Canadian Netflix. *winks dramatically* Same, although I don't think that it functions well as a pilot, but rather as a treat for fans who have already seen the series; The Line,, for example, is really needed for future jokes at its expense. But I quite like the re-cut, it flows far better.
  6. Yay Stargate SG1 board! Oh my gosh, and the arms... THE ARMS... and the smile... *melts* Buuuuuurn! So true, too.
  7. Didn't dance to this week's theme song for the first time ever- I was so stunned by the that I sat staring in terror. A friend even spoiled part of this week's episode, and it still hit me hard. Oh my gosh, it so was! :D It was totally my expression too, since it came with the double realization that a) this was so freaking unexpectedly awesome, and b) that line would totally have worked on me. Totally going for a GIF hunt on Tumblr now...
  8. That ending was pretty darned sweet. And shows us what Elizabeth would look like with a shorter haircut. But mostly it was very sweet. The bit with Red, that is, not the hacker with terrifying entitlement issues regarding women. To me, that was the freakiest villain yet, and he wasn't even a Blacklister... This was episode 17, right? So we still have five more to go?
  9. Yeah, I almost feel bad for hating it (throwing things at the TV during the pilot, running around the house laughing hysterically when the cancellation news broke...) since I hear it got better near the end (apparently largely thanks to the efforts of Judy and Gar Reeves-Stevens, whose work I normally like), but... *shudder* so very angry... To clarify, I don't mean to indicate that anyone is defending it, I just sort of begin compulsively ranting whenever that show comes up because I am a crazy person who can't let go of TV-related anger. I must say, though, the idea of alternate lyrics sounds remarkably fun- I think Voyager's theme song would be vastly improved with some amusing lyrical additions... hmmm... *ponders*
  10. I actually really love the Firefly theme song and think that it's entirely appropriate for the series- it has the no-sound-in-space-violin-stand-in, it's definitely in keeping with the story and characters in the series... it's very much a theme song, which is something we don't always get with TV shows (pretty instrumental pieces though they often are, they frequently tell us nothing of the show we're about to watch, whereas this one tells us a great deal, both lyrically and with the choice of instruments and style used). I can understand not liking it, definitely, but not thinking it an appropriate theme song, I'm afraid I don't quite get... I find the Archer theme very annoying, but I think it's totally appropriate for the series. Two things: first, Enterprise's theme was just inexcusably bad. But then, so was Enterprise. Oh Rick Berman, to have words with you... angry, angry words... *shakes harder, boy* Second, you don't like it, you can skip it. And I don't at all mean that in a "If you don't like it, go away" manner, I just mean that it's long enough that you can literally skip it on your DVD player, PVR or Netflix without worrying that you're going to accidentally eat in to the program itself (like, for example, Worse Than Jazz contestant and, as I recall, winner-- and holder of a short-enough-to-be-problematic-when-fast-forwarding-show-- The Mindy Project). I contend that being skippable means that it can't be the worst ever, even if you don't like it, because it's not hard to never have to sit through it. Heck, I like it, but if I'm marathoning the series, I'll skip it- after two or three episodes, I tend to find most shows' theme songs drive me nuts (apart, maybe, from Brooklyn Nine-Nine's, which I dance to, and The Lost World's and Xena's, which I enjoy trying to force my voice low enough to speak along to).
  11. That is just plain silly- he'd clearly have sexual tension with at least two of the walls, be loved from afar by the ceiling with a piece of floor action on the side. But we'd all know that, in the end, he'd end up realizing that his soul mate was atop his head the whole time. ;)
  12. Well I'll be damned- I finally got sick of waiting for CityTV's website to put up the episode and acquired it through methods, and wow the timing is eerie. Saturday night, with a friend and her husband, became a board game night, and we kicked things off with a game of Party Mania... a VCR game. And it was exactly as manic as Annie and Abed's game, if with a whole lot more yelling and swearing. Gotta say, I quite enjoyed Annie's brother, not many lines, but most of them made me laugh. :)
  13. Thank you, that was quite helpful! :) I'll probably grab the book when it comes out, although I think I'll wait to read it until after I see the series... fingers crossed Netflix gets it soon. That said, I'm less happy with that subplot now because already it could have been removed with no real change to the plot of the film ( ). So it changes, in my view, from something which was simply explained poorly to something that was shoe-horned in, likely as setup for future endeavors, since at least one is already on its way. TV-to-screen adaptations are tricky anyway, though, so if the most negative stuff I can say about it is that it isn't perfect in its adaptation (what is?), has an unnecessary subplot, and follows tried-and-true story beats in a way which isn't new but isn't boring or stale either, then I think it worked out well.
  14. I went to see it with a friend and her husband (the three of us have ever seen Veronica Mars before) and my friend's friend and her husband (who are VM fans)- it was the most packed movie theatre I've been in, probably for the last year (excepting Frozen on Christmas Day). I... I sort of have mixed feelings about the movie. Overall, I really liked it. It was fun, funny... it was way darker than I had anticipated , but that could be said of the series as well, since the very little I know of it comes, in large part, from an unsuccessful EHG canon submission which alerted me to the fact that the series involved , both of which I had not at all thought the show would cover (I had always pictured Dawson's Creek with more quipping and a mystery of the week). There are a fair few things which seem to not lack context, exactly, but lack sufficient context... if that makes any sense? An example of this would be when, in the I can't accuse it of being telling-not-showing exactly, since they did show all of the context needed for all but one bit, I just haven't seen it yet. And while that's certainly not their fault, it felt bumpier in places than it should have since adaptations to screen need to be able to stand on their own as well as with the series. I remember reading a review of The X-Files: Fight the Future which noted that the movie made too much sense inside of the context of the series and not enough sense outside of it... if we could water that criticism down, I think it would hold for Veronica Mars (or at least the second half would, I have no idea of its context inside the series, lol). The one thing that I didn't really understand and I felt was a failing on behalf of the filmmaker(s) was I do feel like the movie was a little predictable, but that isn't always a bad thing, and I don't think that it was here (the theatre actually had the volume up a little high, so it helped me know when to cover my ears, lol). Also, a fair bit of sequel-baiting at the end there... any word on the possibility of more Mars?
  15. Out of season, but I'll toss in The BFG and The Fool of the World and His Flying Ship animated films- both used to air on Christmas morning on TVO, so both mean Christmas to me. I also quite enjoy White Christmas, Meet Me In St. Louis and anything seasonal which is Muppet or Sesame Street related. And an echo of Die Hard, it's always fun. :)
  16. Awesome episode! :) Great canon induction, and also Sarah is my hero for her choice for Loser of the Week; I was a convention panel once where the Spuffy vs Bangel debate literally almost came to blows (fists were being clenched, people were turning red- it was nuts), and I've sort of tried to let the matter lie since then (despite being firmly entrenched in the Bangel camp), but I'm always glad to hear this kind of news and I may not have otherwise heard it. Thank you, Sarah! And wow, Tara's mum sounds like a really amazing person!
  17. Yeah, he was just awful. I didn't hate that episode, though, mostly because it's difficult for me to hate an episode where "orgasm wall" is a thing.
  18. Agreed. Four out of five meows from me. Could've done without the Zardoz outfit on Starburns, but I suppose someone had to wear it and it makes an uncomfortable amount of sense for it to have been him...
  19. My reaction to the last minute of the episode: Points for the Also, was it weird for anyone else to see Rachel Brosnahan as Jolene/Lucy hot on the heels of seeing her as Rachel Posner on House of Cards?
  20. Same, she's understanding and reassuring beyond human comprehension. I'd like a panic button for really crappy days at work which would have Stephen Fry calmly saying "Everything is going to be alright" and then Jenny Agutter explaining why. ...wow, moment of realization- I didn't clue in to the name of the actress who plays her until just now, and my goodness, she's the gal from Walkabout and Logan's Run, isn't she? *gapes for a moment* Big thumbs up to her, I would never have called that.
  21. I didn't take to her at first- something about her manner put me off a touch, although I realize that was sort of the aim for her introduction- but apart maybe from Shelagh, she's had the most 'I Want to Hug You' moments. Like when she told off her mum? I wanted to hug her. And then stick my tongue out at her stupid mum. And then hug her again. :)
  22. I quite enjoyed that one- just when I thought it was getting a little dark or too Law-and-Order-ey (after a fashion, obviously- and I quite like L&O, of course, just as its own show), they throw in to the mix, and we're right back in Castle territory. :) And we're Oh, and I'm glad to have ...I am so using "font" as my new work-friendly euphemism for sex. :D
  23. Yeah, that episode bothers me far less than "Deadlock" from season four. I have been angry at Jane Espenson ever since. And as a Whedon fangirl, I get looks for saying that, but I don't care- "Deadlock" was inexcusable. *takes long breaths while counting to ten...*
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