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Foghorn Leghorn

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Everything posted by Foghorn Leghorn

  1. Oh so true about the stroller! I for one want to see progress with both kids but especially Will. No strollers, no diapers, and both talking! Bill tweeted a couple of weeks ago he was in Florida at the pet convention so he must be well enough to travel. From what I have read about spinal fusion recovery the no bend, no lift, no twist rule can be the norm to a degree for some time if not forever. Now both he and Jen are further challenged and both kids have gained more weight as their pictures show on twitter. How does Jen get the kids in and out of the car alone? I wouldn't be surprised if that apartment is now the home of a caregiver/housekeeper. Kate was hired as Will's caregiver with another child on the horizon and although she likely performs some light housekeeping I doubt she is responsible for the heavy house cleaning/laundry/grocery shopping and I am sure the yard work and pool are contracted out for maintenance.
  2. Poor Maddie! She looked very pale and like a deer in headlights last week and when Ryan said she was in pain I thought that is more than the flu! I guess it will depend on how much toxin entered her system before they got them out. I have known 2 people with ruptured appendix and both were very sick before and after and in hospital.
  3. Whoopi is a bully of the worst kind and the network is paying her to be a bully making them just as responsible.
  4. RA was back burnered for so long though he deserves screen time although it is a lame storyline!
  5. Yes it is that round one we often see in pics, beside the pantry I think. Always wondered why they didn't use it for everyday.
  6. You mean like those of us who stick up for Sharon who gets all your hate! LOL
  7. I don't think so, there is another photo of the dining room table that appears mirrored. This one appears to be wooden table top and is a newer photo and the kids are both in red and white striped tops.
  8. Jen posted a pic of the kids eating at the "big kid's table" on twitter. Rattan chairs, kids and food are not a good mix when it comes to cleanliness. Jen's ocd will go into overdrive! LOL
  9. I guess I was having a blonde moment too! LOL
  10. Sorry! I typed RA by mistake, it should have been PA for Patricia Arquette...
  11. Anyone notice the faux pas yesterday at the coffee house? Sharon was putting her coat on and the back room was completely dark then Avery walked in and the room was lit up. I replayed it but didn't see it come on so they must have done a cut when they noticed she would walk in from a dark room...I know, I have no life....LOL
  12. I am sure Arquette may "be busy" next time she is invited to this mess! WG trying to hijack another's Oscar moment and PA looked stunned! And WG shaking her finger at the camera, why? Then PA gives a disturbing and interesting list of statistics and I am waiting for applause for her thoroughness and passion about the subject but no Gabrielle goes straight to reading from her blue card like it was irrelevant into a topic change without even taking a breath? Again PA looks stunned! How rude edited to change RA to PA (Patricia Arquette)
  13. So agree. They sing their audition songs and some get roasted for song selection yet the song was good enough to get them through then last night we have party songs and Harry goes for lyrics?
  14. Sharon looked really good! Avery was a real bitch to her and just proved to Dylan she does give a crap making her a liar. Every time I see Lauren's hair I am reminded of Demi's hair extension commercial! LOL They keep dressing Abby in very short outfits to highlight her stick legs, you could probably toss a bowling ball between those thighs! One thing I have noticed since her hanging out so much with the kids is she is much older looking than they are. And did the Mariah and Sharon storyline just dry up? Sharon told Nick she was keeping busy with her kids which leaves out Faith who is with Nick and both Mariah and Noah are busy playing Nancy Drew so no one is left...... Joe Joe Joe, where are you?!! Phyllis has not grown on me nor will she. I am sick of pursed lips and she spits out her dialogue with her eyes blazing and has to be restrained all the time....tiresome.
  15. You put into words what I was subconsciously thinking! I watched The Hunt for the I-5 Killer last night too then AI and when he stared at me I got the creeps...does he have to finish every song like that, hope that changes.
  16. I liked DT too. He played Billy before for God's sake. So what if he and AH weren't a match age wise, she looked older than him and their pairing wouldn't last so who cares. Every time they replace a cast member they have to learn to do it with someone who looks the same age for it to go over better. Same now with another Kyle they started him with older actors now bring in a baby looking Kyle.
  17. Qaasim hardly sang more than a few notes and showed no range during those scarce moments. We need to hear him sing! Daniel is a joke. He reminds me of a little boy finding out he just got his first paper route and can go all by himself on his bike! This is not Tiny Talent Time! LOL I think Rayvon is doing a Pharrell look with the hat.
  18. Agreed, any judge making that remark last night of all nights does not deserve the millions of dollars being paid to them to comment, all they had to do was pay attention!
  19. I posted the video of Jen and Bill talking about how they are coping since Bill's surgery on TLC forum yesterday. You can also see it on the network's site. She says it there, baths them gets them ready for bed, cpaps, stories, pj's.
  20. The issue I have with Jen is she says she does it all without help. Michelle is honest and we actually see her coping and not hearing about it in a TH with no proof it happens as with Jen. Michelle has no nanny or hovering parents or a doctor friend who always seems to be there to handle one of the kids. Judy or Dave gets one and Susan gets the other. Jen takes the credit for making a pretty good effort though! She can recruit with the best of them! LOL I agree, no kid should be on tv and nothing filmed about their childhood that any adult wouldn't want filmed about themselves either. Potty business comes to mind and what comes to mind is a show like My 600lb Life. I don't want to see a companion/caregiver vaseline and baby powder a butt hole!
  21. Their depiction of "alcoholism" is something only seen on tv. What a disservice to all involved.
  22. I was watching a clip from the TLC (network) site of Bill and Jen giving a TH update of what life is now like after Bill's surgery. It sounded like Bill referred to Jen having to get CPAPS on for the night. I replayed it and clearly heard an "s" which means Zoey must be on one too? And it sounds like Bill can't do anything with the kids as he can't lift or bend over at all. That must be hard on the kids who don't understand. found the link http://www.tlc.com/tv-shows/little-couple/videos/how-are-you-faring-as-bills-caretaker/
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