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Everything posted by seltzer3

  1. I always thought it was more BKJ was just not a very clean violin player (In fairness, probably his condition makes it hard). In a lot of performances he sounded flat when he plays fast (which is common for violin players). Dude however has a lot of charisma, and radiates a lot of energy. I can see the audience eating it up.
  2. It would be lame if Michael wins. The dude flubbed his words. Shin Lim was incredible. Apparently the 6 to 9 transformation, is an actual magic trick/slight of hand, which just blows my mind.
  3. OMG America you guys suck. I'm pissed sacred Riana and the cats got eliminated. The worst is that America seriously think every singer deserves to advance? 0 singers have gotten eliminated. At this point, Shin Lim is probably going to be the only non singer making it to the finals.
  4. Riana would purposely scare and troll the asian female judge (Anggun) in every act she did. It helped that the Anggun was a good sport about it (although I think she is legitimately frightened). I think Riana is trying to make Mel B the Anggun. However, Mel is totally not wanting to be a part in her act.
  5. Impressed with the cat owners. They have such poise, when the cats refused to do the tricks. I liked where the cat was crawling on the shoes of one of the owners. So I was reading comments on youtube (take this with a big grain of salt). Some of them (People that watched this in the audience) said that the sacred riana was climbing on the walls and disappears (along with the riana clones)...then reappears behind Mel B. But someone in the audience was so freaked out that the audience member actually fainted (probably why there some muffled screams). So the producers had to cut that part. The cut magic trick sounds similar to what she did hear at 3:50.
  6. Annoyed that all of the singers advanced. I hate that Mochi got eliminated. Really do not want a final 10 of all singers.
  7. Looking straight by youtube views, the bottom 5 are. 1. Pac Dance Team 89k 2. Flaujae 131k 3. Vicki Barbolak 136k 4. Lord Nil 164k 5. Human Fountains. 176 k 6. Mochi (if one of the 5 get the judges saves) 177k 7. Amanda Mena 184k 8. We Three 220k 9. Junior New System 237 k 10. Angel City Choir 268k Definitely Safe 11. Shin Lim 708k 12. Courtney Hawin 1 million
  8. I think Mochi, can go through. He has a ton of positive comments on youtube. I think him juggling the pyro diablo had enough buzz. Do agree with too many visuals. He's incredibly talented. The part where he did a juggle, and a cartwheel right after to catch it (in timing with the music) is mightily impressive. I hope the singers at least cancel two of each other out. I think the choir is going to lose out.
  9. The electric violinist is overrated. I know its hard, considering his disability. However, you can clearly tell that his playing is quite sloppy in the fast section. A lot of his notes in the fast section were off-pitch.
  10. Wow, what a terrible first week. Why did they push almost all of the good acts in the same group? I'm hoping that Shin Lim and Mochi make it past the group, and that we don't have 7 singing acts advancing.
  11. Condolences to Mel B in advanced. The Sacred Riana in the Asian version, purposely scared the same female judge over and over again in her acts. One thing about Riana, is that she does not break character at all. This was her reaction winning Asia's got talent.
  12. Yes! Both the cats and the Sacred Riana made it to the live show!
  13. My favorite act was actually Pursuit. Watching dance choreography in between the beats and the music is incredibly impressive. Its incredibly hard to dance within the resting parts of the music. They all must have a good sense of internal rhythm. Angyil is one of my favorites as well. I love hip hop/ballet fusion.
  14. Do you know which acts are up next week? Hoping get to see Shin Lim and Scary Reina. Their magic acts are so much better than we saw tonight.
  15. Which is kind of hilarious, because Ocasio-Cortez made the comment about how I don't think most people just wake up in the morning and exclaim I'm a capitalist or a socialist.
  16. Sara, actually was the most astute about the Crowley/Ocasio race, when she was talking about how uncomfortable she was with the amount of money raised in races. Crowley was the epitome of establishment Democrat. He took tons of money from lobbyist (and even took money from a Republican Lobbying firm last week). He's been unopposed for 15 years, and doesn't even live in his district. He also skipped multiple debates, with Ocasio Cortez, pissing a lot of the community in the Bronx. He got complacent, and paid the price from people who feel that he doesn't really care about their district. Ocasio's had 70% of her money be individual contributions of less than $200. Ocasio's biggest campaign platforms is overturning Citizens United and not taking corporate money, as well as abolishing ICE, and federal jobs guarantee. She is part of Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress two groups that endorse candidates that do not take corporate money . Those groups try to knock off politicians that take too much lobbyist money on both parties (They tried to take out Dianne Feinstein and Joe Manchin but failed). Ben Jealous (who won as well), is part of Justice Democrats. I wanted to hear Sunny's take on it, since she's from the Bronx, but freaking Meghan and Whoopi interrupted her on a constant basis. I loved Joy for saying no one knows what a socialist means.
  17. I want to say Negan. Scott Gimple did make some amazing episodes. The grove was one of the best episodes in walking dead in my opinion. I thought season 4 and 5 were actually one of the stronger seasons. I thought the Alexandria Arc is really boring in the comics, and it actually did okay translating to TV. Negan is such an over top charicature in the comic. So he's just sounds really stupid translated to the television.
  18. How is James entitled? He was being incredibly nice in his final words, and to the people that voted off. I think any person would be upset getting voted off. Also James had a huge disadvantage in that tribe swap. He had the least amount of time of developing relationships with the four people. Kellyn, Des, and Michael had 6 additional days with each other.
  19. I don't think Kellyn dislikes Angela. Kellyn is just Naviti strong, and just seemed really annoyed that Chris and Domenick would try to axe each other, and fracturing the Naviti alliance. So she probably feels like she needs to do damage control with Angela. Also, Angela may think that even though Domenick and Wendell is against her and Chris, that may not be true with Kellyn/Des. Exit interview with Morgan, apparently there was actually a huge Naviti split with a pro Domenick vs pro Chris. (Des was apparently pro Chris, and Kellyn was in the middle).
  20. The problem for Desiree, is that she was having her team put each puzzle piece one at a time. Wendell had the smart strategy, by having his team slide the pieces like a clock.
  21. I think Carrie could definitely compete. She's really creative, and she's good at doing well in challenges that are very restrictive. Fatima, Joe Flamm, and Chris could do decently. I would say that maybe this season isn't very interesting, but I think they are pretty competent. I think there is natural nostalgia for older seasons, but some of those seasons had pretty bad competition. Seattle, for example (While Kristen, Sheldon, and Brooke were good), it was a pretty whack season. They had a challenge where Tom didn't give anyone a win, because all of the food sucked. Hung's season had the same result, where they had to redo restaurant wars, because both teams sucked.
  22. Is it bad that I want Medvedeva to fall like 5 times?
  23. WTF, how is her long program worse than Carolina's?
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