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Everything posted by walnutqueen

  1. Julie & Brandy's place has to be for realz - I can't imagine those cranky little doggies being that comfortable on a set. :-)
  2. And there ya go - it's always about the money.
  3. That is very good news, Suz! This is one ID show I can look forward to.
  4. jenkait - I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you peace and comfort in your time of pain. That was a very good catch, Lizzing! :-)
  5. Parker suffers from "special snowflake delusion", commonly found in our budding youths. Tony Beets set him straight in a hot minute, because Tony is the real deal. I am ever so glad that Dave Turin is working with Freddy Dodge this year. He is competent and deserves to work with real miners. And, they found nuggets! ;-D Yet another season of Jack praying to the sinus gods for a new set of false teeth and gold for his goateed bloated Baby Huey. Blech.
  6. More info on the Kilcher family and their homestead (which includes a tourist attraction) : http://www.alaska.org/detail/kilcher-family-homestead http://kilcheralaskacabins.com/KILCHER_HOMESTEAD_LIVING_MUSEUM/KILCHER_HOMESTEAD_HOMEPAGE.html
  7. Those daughters are in total denial. If their Dad is indeed innocent, why hasn't he told them the real story behind the money and the HeeHaw bunch? They are SO close with him, but other than denying the charges he hasn't told them anything? They were twisting themselves into knots trying to explain the "blackmail" plot. Those East Texas HeeHaws were a meth-addled bunch of crazies in their own right - money with hair & blood on it smuggled into the country in dead soldiers' caskets? Check.
  8. They are adorable little {outdoor} butterballs of total mayhem.
  9. The picture of Carl's Hat sits in the attic, waiting patiently.
  10. For some reason, I thought he was alluding to Hershel in that scene, but didn't want to open a fresh wound. They'd recently stopped at the "Father" grave; didn't he leave something on that headstone?
  11. My resident raccoon thinks she's one of my feral cats, and they tolerate her and her babies (this year 3, last year 5!) with none of the usual screaming standoffs one has with these critters. They all like the dry cat food, and the raccoon's special treats are hot dogs or eggs. You should see the expressions of wonderment and bliss those little babies have on their faces when they taste their first hot dog - it's priceless. Last year one of the babies was fascinated by my huge ass wind chimes, and would reach up to tap the clapper and then sit and listen to the church bell chimes with eyes skyward and head weaving like Stevie Wonder. Possum also comes to eat cat food, but isn't nearly as tame or as cute. When the skunk visits, it is gently discouraged from returning (because the stank wafts in through my windows something fierce, and I find it most unpleasant). :-) JMO - if raccoons were in tour walls or ceiling you would definitely hear them moving around - they are not light of foot and can be quite clumsy. So maybe it is acoustics? Also, they'd be coming & going every morning and evening; if you still suspect them, try sprinkling flour around the house and look for the tracks going into the secret access place.
  12. Those dismal health statistics for Texas were just begging for another Lewis Black rant.
  13. I have never watched that Dance Moms show, and I was truly horrified by that Amber Alert shit. Give me zombies, murderous clowns and serial killers, please. Floved them all watching American Horror - their reactions were better than the show! The Zenos definitely have the best looking snacks.
  14. ParadoxLost - you must have lost your shit when the survivors were reunited yet again in the Season opener. I know I did. That Carol/Daryl hug got the happy tears flowing. :-)
  15. I saw that one too, auntjess. The guy caught dumping the body was only 19, and the cops think they caught a young serial killer. If not for a cop who suspected poaching, and a game warden finding the girl's body, this kid could have gone on killing for some time, I think. When you look at all the people who've disappeared and/or been murdered in the "Trail of Tears" area over the decades, it's a little eerie.
  16. jenkait - I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. {hand to heart} I agree, too many unanswered questions. That doctor had me scratching my head, too - but ultimately, I didn't give a shit about this case. :-)
  17. I have planned my AMC marathon watch meticulously, so that I seamlessly flow directly into tonight's new episode late enough to be able to ff through all the commercials. I can hardly believe the time is drawing nigh. Such unspoiled anticipation! :-)
  18. I am so happy this show is back - I look forward to it every week. When I'm watching an outrageous scene on TV, I often imagine my favorite couch people's reactions (Zenos, Julie&Brandy/dogs, and the 3 gay guys) and wonder what will make it on to next week's show.
  19. "We did not bother to speak to Barney Davis, because if you do, somewhere between the Barney and the Davis he tells you to drop dead". Classic Kenda!
  20. mandolin - that's an easy one. Go early so the kiddos have a fun day. Then slip them some Bendryl in the afternoon (the allure of those overpriced souvenir cups mask the taste). Problem solved,
  21. It appears many of us are as obsessive about avoiding commercials and timing our DVR viewing as we are about TWD. I have truly found my people. :-)
  22. You are not alone, ghoulina. I'm watching, too - even though I watch the marathons every damned time AMC airs them. I can resist anything except temptation, it seems.
  23. I've been recording the Breaking Bad binge on Sundays, and yesterday AMC crapped out on me. It wouldn't record anything and I missed several episodes before discovering this and being forced to watch 4 hours of LIVE TELEVISION WITH COMMERCIALS (and no ability to pause or rewind). Oh, the horror! I am forever traumatized. ATT gave me a $25 discount and the problem was resolved by the next morning, but my nightmare now is that it happens again when TWD season premieres. I may have to watch live again, just in case. :-)
  24. I have been watching since Day One, Maharincess; while I admit to an obsession with almost all things Alaska and Northwesty, this show really is captivating. Otto is my favorite, too, but I don't really dislike any of them. I adore Eivan & Eve, and Charlotte is such a sweet person; I love seeing her with the animals. There's just something about these people that I like - despite the fact that they're on reality tv.
  25. I am still watching, and still loving this show, Maharincess. Moving outhouses and cleaning chicken coops are shitty jobs, aren't they? I'll bet Charlotte and Jane have hellacious knots in their hair wearing it loose like that with all the hoods & hats & collars. Unless nice thick hair behaves differently than my baby fine long hair did back when I wore winter garb and worked on the farm. I notice Eve always has hers tied back or up somehow ...
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