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Everything posted by walnutqueen

  1. Yes indeed, auntjess. I am glad the shows are running concurrently, because it really highlights the very different vibes these two shows have. The constant contestant backbiting turns me off that Rowhouse show.
  2. There's no shame here, ever, ZW! How is it that so many of us can get along here, even while disagreeing about who's the most odious Ho'wife, and these women find drama every fucking day? Full disclosure, I probably wouldn't say "Let's sit under this lovely plumeria tree". I'd be more likely to say "Let's sit under the awesome fucking plumeria, eh." :-)
  3. I fail to see how calling it a plumeria tree is in any way abnormal - that is what I'd call it, too, and would never dream that this would come off as superior or knowledgeable. Crap - I just defended Heather - off to have some ice cream down in Hell.
  4. Thanks for sticking up for me, Higgins. :-)
  5. Perhaps Wrestling Flamingoes could shed some light on the matter? ;-)
  6. THIS. I forgot about that awful Young, Hot & Crooked show they're promoting - now there's an ID show title none of us even thought of.
  7. The patriotic, idiotic, flag waving grilled cheese PBJ pink shirt guilt tripping Moms can go home and STFU with their entire "support the military" shite. I would've given the Madres $6 for nothing just to see them beat out the MMs and their mediocre (and that is charitable) menu. Blech.
  8. Once "your precious son" marries what you think is a pig/whore/slutcunt, she is his wife, your daughter-in-law, and the mother of your grandchildren, allegedly, so perhaps discretion is the better part of valor? Sly and backstabbing attempts to undermine the relationship or hurry along its inevitable (in your mind) demise is not good for the kids, so adults need to man the fuck up and take one for the team. Family stuff is deeply rooted and takes a lifetime - many rifts are healed with time or distance, some are never resolved - but the kids are blameless and shouldn't be exposed to too much negativity (if that's even the issue - I have no fucking clue what the real problem is with the in-laws, and neither does anyone but them & K+K). For now the kids seem happy and loved, and that's fine by me.
  9. Eh, toxic is as toxic does. I doubt the familial rifts are simple or represented by this show. Sometimes the only way you can deal with family shit is to draw a line in the sand and lay low for a while. Children don't need the drama, and if other family members bring it, their rights fly outta my window and their asses get the boot. I'm all about keeping the kids away from passive aggressive grownups' reindeer games, and I hope K+K are, too. Evil Kim forcing poor Kroy to abolish his family seems like a stretch, to me, as does Kim hating her Mom for no reason - I think there's a lot more to all the stories.
  10. That grandparent topic discussion led me astray. I totally forgot to mention how much I LOVED KroyDaddy fishing with his son. There was a time in my life where that kind of shit might have made even these barren loins drop an egg or two. Much as I love my old Mum and dearly departed Grandparents, there's a leetle part of me that wouldn't mind being parented by these two loveable lunkheads, in another universe. I suspect I'd have been better adjusted much earlier in life, and if not, I would've had a fun childhood with K+K at the helm of the ship of fools! :-D ETA: Fatherless in the Fifties, Bad Stepdad, lifelong Daddy issues - if you hadn't already figured that one out yourselves. :-)
  11. I like this show, too. My DVR was saving me space when it failed to record this episode, though. Caught it n Demand; filler, filler, Phyllis Diller. Or maybe I catnapped through the part where I was supposed to be enthused? I am really looking forward to seeing the places from a buyer's standpoint - I hope they show some of that input and commenting, rather than just TH and $ results. I like the lack of interpersonal drama very much - I wish more "reality" shows would reflect the way decent normal people often interact.
  12. I guess I watched TV when I was 15 (wiki tells me I did), but I honestly don't remember liking anything other than animals and BOYS, BOYS, BOYS. :-)
  13. UO - Veronica Mars and that Buffy show - totally unwatcheable for me, and I wonder what I am missing, because people whose opinion I'd usually trust are gaga over this shit, and I - am not.
  14. In my world, grandparents have NO rights. Blunt and rude as this may seem, I do not honor the notion of "family" in the biological sense. Your right to fuck with kids ends when your own kids reach adulthood (or CPS intervenes, whichever comes first) - from then on, you control nothing except your own behavior. If that chaps your hide so much, I suggest you have or adopt another child to raise yourself and get it right, or wait 18 years and hope the the grandkids are more accepting and forgiving than their parents were. (I meant "they" when I said "you", by the way). This whole hand wringing and pearl clutching about the sacred poor parents and the tragedy of damaged family relationships is ridiculously exhausting - I'm ready for a Solo cup'a'vodka and a smoke, fer christsakes. Families sometimes suck the big brown bear.
  15. I'd love to bag on Gina's outfits & makeup, but I cannot in all good conscience do so. Because I dress like a steaming pile of dog shite and haven't even used mascara in years. I'd be more inclined to ridicule people who follow fashion and trends with no sense of personal style. Good go on you, Gina( r ). :-) I still want to see her in that silly white curly court wig, though! edited because when I added the "r" to Gina's name in parentheses, it posted some weird trademark thingy rather than the Aussie accent I was joking about!
  16. I have no problem watching "bad" people on TV. I've had so much personal experience with REAL bad that the TV tropism is just that - fiction that barely scratches the surface of the complexities of the "psycho". Anti-heroes are my specialty. :-) I, on the other hand, reject any notion of protagonist/sympathetic hero treacley good guy; that kind of shit makes me wanna vomit (and change the channel). :-)
  17. I freakin' LOVED A Crime to Remember, Suz! And yes, More, please. I tried watching that Heartbreakers show, I really did - but it was just too awful, even with my tongue firmly ensconced in my cheek. I think I may just be too old to wax nostalgic about the 80s, 90s, or whatever decade ... :-) On the bright side, I managed to incorporate some true crime silliness into a dream I had ... I met up with some guys I knew (but didn't; how it goes in a crazy dream), and one of them introduced me to his mother - who mentioned it was the anniversary of her daughter's murder. I made the appropriate noises of caring & concern, but even in my dream, I was shitting myself in anticipation of coming on to this forum and sharing that delectable tidbit with y'all. I am thoroughly corrupted. :-)
  18. The only difference between these twunts and the American ones is their shit flushes counter clockwise (or so I'm told), but with a delightful accent that is semi-comprehensible to the average American ear. :-) Oh, and usually your first ho'wife season is a little less calculated.
  19. Raja, I have a deep and abiding affection for you forever, but I have a secret white sand beach that caresses my tootsies like Lanikai. My 80-something mother even goes barefoot in it; so California isn't the cesspool it's made out to be (but I would NEVER set foot in its nasty water!. :-)
  20. And yet, I must be reminded that it is BACON DAY IN THE USA. ;-)
  21. Nekkidness is close to Godliness, Maharincess! You know me too well. :~)
  22. The only window covering in my house is on the front bedroom I haven't used in over a decade. I haven't had sex with anyone in longer than that, but I am nekkid more often than not (in my house and in my BACK yard). Trees obscure a decent amount of my front windows, and the only time I have to think about sidewalk "traffic" is in the afternoons when the mail comes and a couple of kids are walking home from school. So you won't see this either, in real life, unless you camp out in my front yard foliage and have excellent eyesight (and then you'd be really, really sorry and need brain bleach and psychotherapy!). :-)
  23. If it's eye candy you're watching for, there are better shows than this, OnceSane [whisper] Farm Kings [/whisper]. :-)
  24. I am not a smiler. Never have been. Except when waitressing or dealing with the public in my job - then it was service with a smile all day long. I have been "told to smile" on many occasions (although not in my later years - I don't think anyone would dare!), and I can honestly say the majority of those types of comments came from women. Since I worked in male dominant fields, I found this rather interesting, but not surprising. Whatever the sentiments are about sourpuss, the Captain seems to have noticed or been told about it, since he makes mention of catering to clients' outrageous demands with a pleasant demeanor in the First Look.
  25. You didn't miss much. Shannon's new age stuff, Vickie claims not to resent Lizzie, Lizzie's getting it on the counter but is still pissed at Tamra over her birthday party, yada, yada, yada. This gem from Lizzie: "... and, I just felt like maybe she's being disgenuine with me".
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