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Everything posted by sofaslug

  1. I was beginning to think I was the only one watching Life or Debt. I did catch an earlier episode today where a couple was going to lose their home. They blamed the bank for losing their paperwork and kept on spending. Then it appeared like they might be trying to scam the bankruptcy lawyer. I had wondered if Victor ever left a family "unfixed". Apparently he did this time. I'm also amazed at how quickly the participants can land another job or a higher paying job when they're given their "magic number."
  2. I wondered the same thing about him. His finally writing in Katrina's voice was pretty powerful. It'd be interesting to see the whole piece that he wrote.
  3. O. M. G. That thing puts the ugh in ugly.
  4. I hate the Trident ad with the guy in court whose cell phone starts to ring. The expression on his face looks like he's trying to hold in a fart. Turn off your damn phone, moron! I'm pretty sure those were instructions before starting. I keep wishing the judge would come down and smack him with the gavel.
  5. I think it tries to hard to be hip. It's hit or miss with me. I do like it's intro, though. I can't watch Teachers. Don't find it funny at all.
  6. I saw the Papa John's ad where he states if you don't like your pizza the next one is free. If you didn't like the pizza, why would you subject yourself to another one, free or not?
  7. Cripes! Now I've got that damn song stuck in my head!
  8. Lawrence was robbed. The judges thought Man Bun's first course was oily and, his main course too salty to eat. They raved about Lawrence's main course. Liked his first course just wished it had a bit more of the terragon. MB's only really successful dish was dessert. And he wins. {insert head shaking here}.
  9. I just found this forum and agree with a lot of what others have written. I don't understand the appeal of Seinfeld. The characters are loud and mean spirited. For example, when George starts wearing a toupee, Elaine snatches it off his head and tosses it out a window because *she* doesn't like it. Also didn't, and don't, get the appeal of The King of Queens. Hated Jerry Stiller's character on Seinfeld and it appeared to be carried over here. Also couldn't/can't stand Leah Remini's character. Mean and loud. Found Friends and Big Bang Theory to be snooze fests.
  10. Thanks. I had a feeling Holgie would be going. She appeared to have a tough time with the sliders and the massacre of her fish. Can't remember anything about Chandra except her not knowing what pheasant was.
  11. I fell asleep just before the ending (both airings!) Who went home this week? Thanks!
  12. Just a couple more days and the Big Lots wenches will be gone! And, loudest wench, I've seen The Grinch. Christmas *will* happen without you. So there.
  13. I like this one as well. The dog seems so proud of his gift selecting skills. ;-)
  14. After enduring the summer months of people trying to hide their skanky feet, we're "blessed" with the Amope commercials with people gazing lovingly at their feet after sanding down all the callouses. The yoga woman especially drives me nuts.
  15. This one cracked me up as well. It's like as long as he can get the shirt over his head, it fits. :-D
  16. "If your mother were alive she'd be rolling over in her grave.". :-D
  17. I had never seen the tv ad but before the Superbowl they aired on the radio almost all the time. At first I thought it was an SNL skit.
  18. Saw it a couple of nights ago and thought of this thread. I clearly need a life.
  19. Augh! I commented on this when this damn ad first appeared last year. I was appalled that they resurrected it. Why, Milky Way, would you put out an ad that is essentially saying that eating Milky Way makes you stupid?
  20. GAH! Don't give 'em ideas for next season's Unconventional challenge!
  21. I triple dog dare her. Heidi would never, ever, ever, ever wear that crap.
  22. I can't believe Ashley won. I thought it was one horrendous look after another that came down the runway. A couple of her models looked like they had some problems walking. The muse outfit was hideous. I thought the kids previewed for PR Junior had better designs than Ashley. I think think this may be my last season of PR. Hope the judges don't break their arms patting themselves on the back for appearing fashion forward. Ack! My head hurts and I need an extra strong dose of brain bleach.
  23. I thought Kelly's aesthetic looked urban Springfield/Holyoke (city outside of Springfield). I like Kelly. She brings an enthusiasm to her work, tacky fabrics and all, that I appreciate. I'm not her demographic but I could picture some older teens/young women in my area (about an hour from Springfield) wearing some of her pieces. I like Edmond. Hate ruffles. Candace's were very theatrical to me. Hated Ashley's looks. Also, Ashley, purple lipstick isn't flattering. Could only think of drowning/hypothermic victims.
  24. I thought the same thing when I saw the previews for next week.
  25. Several years ago I worked in a halfway house and one of the residents was confined to a wheelchair because he had lost a leg, the foot on his other leg and several fingers due to smoking. He was being transferred to a nursing home because he was going to lose more of his other leg. This was due to his smoking and it wasn't enough to get him to quit. Every time I see that ad I think of him.
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