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Everything posted by memememe76

  1. This may be my favourite episode. I have come to have affection for all of the characters.
  2. I don’t mind when shows cast actors who may look too young. Most of the time, it’s the complete opposite. I don’t think Malik look much younger than my nephews in that age bracket.
  3. I am not that sympathetic with Kid Kevin here. We have seen Rebecca and Jack invite football people over for dinner. Of course, Kevin was an ass then too. But Rebecca and Jack were perfectly fine.
  4. Beth and Randall were granted the privilege to foster Déjà. They did not just pick her from the side of an alley.
  5. Loved the episode. The scene with the teacher and the wife in their apartment is an example of where This Is Us tries to give us a peak into even the smallest characters’ perspectives. Loved the poem. And I am on Team Beth. I live in West Coast Canada, but I am pretty sure I have seen a Rita’s in Chicago and NYC too, although I have never tried it. Not just a Philly thing. Is that a real cheesesteak place? I went to Gino and the other one across the street.
  6. Alice is the type of character I loathe so no surprise I found the whole episode tedious. Anti heroes are still supposed to be interesting? Yawn. Mary is very much my favourite character and I hope she and her mom can continue to hate Alice.
  7. I HATED this episode. I don't care about the merits of characters' actions in this episode, why did the writers even put Daisy in this situation in the first place? Second episode in a row where a character of colour is let go because of illegal or dubious behaviour. Now Bess is surrounded by men, except her daughter. And then they let Daisy go with another morality speech by Henry. HATE! Talk about your poor optics. Makes me not want to watch the rest of the series.
  8. Once Randall left the hospital, didn't he go to Memphis with William? And then William died. There was no time.
  9. Teen Randall wasn’t inserting himself into Beth’s life despite her protestations. Rebecca went to the table first. Then Teen Beth came to him to ask about the lemon wedge. And she kissed him. This is not a Metoo instance.
  10. Given Toby’s heart attack and mental health issues, I don’t see how easy it’d be for them to adopt. Their options are limited. I guess I have seen parents with kids with wayyyy more issues than Kate and Toby.
  11. I too know about boxed ice cream but never thought about cutting it like butter or cake. I opened one side and scooped it out. It was a mess so I never buy boxed ice cream now that I am rich and entitled. Loved the episode. Young Sophie is way annoying. She reminds me more of adult Madidon than adult Sophie.
  12. The shot of Hermione sobbing is the shot I will most remember. TBH, I don’t recall what happened to Veronica’s parents last season. Marisol Nichols was great. A lovely episode. It seems like a lot could still be examined by finding more about Fred’s family history.
  13. Jaewon was not a Yes Man or a Bro last season so don’t see why he needs to be let go. This was only going to be a once per week thing. Jaewon is seen as a Yesman here because he agrees with the idea.
  14. The young sibling bonding was soooo good. The initial scenes with Nicky and the first doctor were so touching. I think the storyline between Miguel and Jack existed when Nicky is on the show to show that Jack found a new brother. Miguel came to Jack’s rescue when Jack is normally portrayed as the hero.
  15. I liked it, but I have no vested interest in comic book lore. Love the stepsister.
  16. I did not know the actress who plays Myrtle just passed. RIP. Loved Sandra’s reaction to seeing Mateo.
  17. Pitch! That’s where I saw him. Most of the main cast is somewhat recognizable to me so I hope that once the writing improve, they will be more comfortable.
  18. I love Brittany Snow so much that I will give it more of a chance, but they have some big issues to deal with. The other two women were actively unlikeable.
  19. The Kate Kevin scene may have been the best Kate Kevin scene ever on the show. And the scene where Kid Kate kisses that boy was her best scene. And yay, a Joy Luck Club alum! Love Rosalind Chao.
  20. I enjoyed it. I do wonder if Jennifer Morrison’s character will actually end up with Kevin. Is Nick Wesschler that hard up for work to play the husband left behind? But I really want the show to go back to the originals.
  21. I am thrilled for Lopez too. And Wu continues with successful mid budget movies that feature diverse casts and gear toward female audiences.
  22. The actor playing Danny really played it poorly. I ended up feeling badly for Jason and his parents. Gigi too. This needs a second season!
  23. This was a fun episode. From the start of the series, the best scenes involve the entire cast together, just snarking at each other. The actual plots don't mean a whole lot to me.
  24. In whatshisname’s defence, he is teammates with Zac and Justin, who both like him. And I think Taylor trusts him for corroborating his report. And he worked with Jessica at the cinema.
  25. The portrayal of Bryce's mother was really well done. IMO, this show did a better job than, say, Big Little Lies of showing a mother grieving for a son who caused so much misery to other people. The scene between her and Hannah's mother was a highlight. I like Ani more than most, but I can understand why she annoyed so many. The show lacks the romantic highs of season one. Justin and Jessica ain't it for me. Does her dad know? If so, how hasn't he maimed Justin yet? And I miss Sheri, Courtney and Ryan. At least Courtney had a few scenes, that provided nice humour. And I prefer Ryan over Tony's boring boyfriend. And Sheri was so misused. The show does a wonderful job of highlighting male bonding, but man, is there one truly viable female friendship on this show? I ultimately preferred season three over season two because there was no trial. I hate trials. I liked that the kids mainly stayed inside the school environment.
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