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Everything posted by Maccagirl

  1. I do not have any close friends or family serving in the military, and I even thought it was a little disrespectful. I did not like the "soldiers" being used as props, and especially when the water was tossed on one and Kendall was riding on the other gent. I am pretty liberal and very progressive, but this video bothered me a lot from a military respect perspective. I hope it does not backfire on Kendall K.
  2. Hmm, did Noth & SJP ever date in real life? I've never heard or seen anything about that before. Anyone have any details to prove they did or did not? For some weird reason this is going to bother me until I know for sure!!
  3. Thanks for your helpful info. My DVR always records the choreographer's version - which I don't like or watch, but can understand how they can repackage that and label it as "new". However, my DVR also tapes the same new weekly episode when Lifetime airs it again later in the night. So I usually wind up with 2-3 copies extra (depending on the channel's lineup)! I would blame my system, however, it only happens with Dance Moms. I have about 50 other timers amongst my family members, and none of us have this happen with other shows. I am hoping what gimipizzauoldtroll says is accurate and if I do not watch them and delete the shows, they are not given any watched ratings from those extra recordings. I am considering just wiping out the timer and being done with this show once and for all. Now if my DVR still records it after I delete the timer, than I will freak out and move outta my house lickety split!! gimipizzauoldtroll: Many thanks for your helpful info. That is quite interesting information. I also need to applaud you for your forum name - that is brilliant and humorous at the same time!!
  4. Sorry 'bout that. I have DISH satellite. Unfortunately for me, the reverse happens. My DVR records too many episodes of Dance Moms. Even though I have it set to record only "new" episodes, somehow the show still lists itself as "new" in the description, even though it's been aired already. The creators/producers, whomever is responsible, is a crafty bunch. I don't know for sure, but I would think that helps its ratings? Perhaps someone with more expertise with this can clarify?
  5. Yes, I could not agree more. She is the only one who can over talk people, and has to constantly be front and center. I am done, so done. Did I say done, cause I am DONE!
  6. Hallelujah! I could not agree more with you. Thanks for reading my mind and posting.
  7. Luckyroll3: Perhaps her dear NJ friend, Theresa Guidice grabbed an extra one for her while she was doing laundry duty at "college camp"!! Oh my gawd!!! That would have been perfect. You know Andy Cohen would have been all over that for sure!!!
  8. Yep, I am right there as well. The shows have morphed so much through the seasons, it's not entertaining or enjoyable at all to me any longer. I have this thing, where once I start something, I need to finish it, so I will most likely finish this season, but then be done, ESPECIALLY if Nene is in the cast again next season.
  9. Luckyroll3: LOVE THIS!!! This line cracked me up so much; thank you!!
  10. The comment below was "milk outta my nose" funny!!! Thanks for the needed chuckle today.
  11. AMEN! I do not wish their marriage to fail (esp. because it would make MJ happy), but if there were ever any signs of a marriage in trouble - these signs are huge, lighted in red and flashing non-stop.
  12. Not sure who is responsible for airbrushing the photo of Abby in the red convertible , but they deserve an award for sure. Really, is there any resemblance to real life here at all? ETA: added link to picture
  13. I was not sure if my memory was failing me or not, but I thought Tim Gunn had some harsh comments about Isaac, so I searched online and here is one example I found: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/fashion/gunn-blazing-tv-favorite-fashion-guru-tim-unleashes-serious-dish-article-1.442176 Here's an excerpt from the above link which involves his comments on Isaac: On calling Mizrahi a spoiled snob in his book, he says, "Oh, please, I was so kind to him. I mean, I wouldn’t have the words to describe some of the more abhorrent behavior. He really is a terrible, terrible, terrible person." Quite interesting that Isaac would be allowed in the Project Runway dynasty.
  14. Although Michelle's manor of talking bugs me to no end, I did enjoy her quip about the 3 items Helen always uses: Jersey knit, cap sleeve and lace! So spot on, and then Helen wins with it - arrrghhh. Isn't this the second challenge with a diamond reward Helen won? I may be getting regular PR and Allstars mixed up in my memory, but I could swear Helen has won two rings in this all-star challenge. I hope she sells them for some coin, because I don't see how anyone could be willing to partner up with her long-term. Between her elitist attitude, her drama, her need for constant praise, etc. I don't think anyone should have won given the judges comments that they all disappointed and were not "great" dresses, but "okay" dresses. ETA: I removed an unnecessary snark about a physical trait - no need for that.
  15. I am really surprised (don't know why anything on this show surprises me anymore!) the judges do not ever mention a designer using the same design they did in their regular season of PR. This happened most recently as last night with Helen and last week with Dmitry. Do the judges not even know what the designers created in their regular seasons? If not, why? If they do, why are they not asking the designers why they are repeating themselves?
  16. Thanks to leighroda, Tessa, darknight and nextiteration and any others who responded to my questions; I truly appreciate your helpful insight. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Mine will be nice because I will not be trapped on a charter bus driving to some competition with Abby screaming, crying and whining the whole time!
  17. I have a couple of questions for those of you who are experienced in the competitive dance world. Let me start off by saying I am a viewer who thinks most of the show is fake, scripted, acted, exaggerated, etc. However, I am perplexed by the fact that at ALDC the girls only have 1 week (sometimes it is portrayed as even less) to learn new dance routines (some girls have both group and solos, duos, etc.). (1) Is this regular - or unusual? I would think in order to be fiercely competitive, you would want a longer rehearsal time. Also, can Abby really be putting together choreography and ordering/receiving "coshtumes" that quickly, week after week? (2)Also, can a studio reuse a dance routine at all across different competitions? I am hoping that most of this adds to the drama and the timeline is not as tight as the show makes it seem. That would be an unbelievable amount of stress for most of us, never mind young kids who are also busy with school, social stuff, etc. Thanks in advance for any and all insight you can provide, I greatly appreciate it.
  18. This was "milk out the nose" funny!! Thanks so much for that laugh, I needed it today.
  19. Me too my dear. I thought I may have been the only one. I have never understood why anyone ever liked her, even from day one. I just figured "to each his/her own". I hope her true spirit is starting to be noticed by more people, especially those in the hiring divisions.
  20. Totally agree with your comments above. Loved Claudia's ramen noodles reference. As soon as I heard that I wanted to scream out loud "YES, YES, that's what her hair looks like"!! Then, she floored me with the "bridemaids" comment. I hope she keeps it coming - or should I say, I hope "she keeps it real"?
  21. The resolution I thought was even weirder to say, considering there will be prison time for 2015, is for both of them to resolve to spend more time together in the coming year!! WHAAAAATTTT? Shows how in denial and stupid Teresa is - but it also made Dina look like a total idiot, and someone who just agrees with whatever her "bestie" professes. What a couple of morons. My resolve in 2015 is to stop watching these stoopid housewives shows and use the time for more interesting tasks, such as watching paint dry and watching the grass grow. Happy New Year to fellow board readers.
  22. DARN! I hoped XMAS came early for me this year and she and Joe finally had a taste of what they dealt to others and others' family members. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted I guess.
  23. I was wondering how long it was going to take for her to get to "they kept the clients waiting 6-8 hours"!!! Plus, I thought she looked so unkept and frazzled while she was "waiting" with the clients at the Hamptons house. I did not think she represented DVF well in that particular setting, and I tend to like Jessica quite a bit. She did look um, "effortless", that's for sure!
  24. Loved the MJ slam - perfect. I am so bothered by that overused phrase. Ugghh, thank you for commenting on this; I thought I was the only one who noticed. I hear it on so many of the RH shows, reunions, WWHL segments, etc. Do they think it makes them seem intelligent, or is it just a bad habit they don't even hear anymore, such as "ya know"? The guys use it just as much as the gals - equal opportunity offense I guess.
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