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Everything posted by Maccagirl

  1. Oh my gawd - that is hysterical. What a visual gift you just gave me!!! THANK YOU!
  2. I totally agree - from what was portrayed to the viewers, Heather, and especially Shannon were really involved and coming from a place of concern and compassion for a friend. A true and honest apology is deserved to both of them.
  3. My thoughts exactly. The power shift has been interesting to watch over the past couple of years. Vickie's table has turned more abruptly than Teresa's Guidice's table flip!
  4. That's a good catch. It's amazing how many times I catch spelling and grammar mistakes on professional documents, websites, etc. I am not a professional editor or proof-reader, but those people exist. Hire them, NOW!!! It's one of my pet peeves for certain, drives me bonkers!!!
  5. Using "Uzi to shoot a flea" and "bat guano crazy" in the same post deserves a slow clap standing ovation. Thank you my dear!!!
  6. Yes and yes again!! I could not believe how this was handled. I guess she needs her lawyer to also instruct her on how to be a Mom to TWO daughters. Perhaps that was too expensive of a legal document for her to justify? It also seemed as though Abby was wondering why she handled telling her on camera, and not telling her in private, ahead of the filming. If it happened that way, then double shame on Melissa for selling out. She really does make me nauseous watching her on my screen. She is so fake and transparent and DUMB, it's unbelievable.
  7. Your comment made me laugh out loud! It's funny because it's true!!! Thanks for the giggle!
  8. I had a lock installed on my master bedroom closet so I could lock up my jewelry and valuables when I wanted: such as when I hired a summer-babysitter while I was working all day, cleaning staff, contractors, etc. At certain times, I would place things in there to avoid temptation, but to also prevent me from jumping to the wrong conclusion right away when I couldn't find a certain necklace, camera, etc. It was just an easy way to deal with peace of mind. I never though twice about it, and therefore did not notice it on the HW shows. Wow - you guys really pay attention to all the details!!
  9. I haven't read all the comments yet, apologies if this is a duplicate. I think Maggie's "more" was a combo about her being pregnant - and there is another number that couldn't be seen to include in the headcount yet, mixed with making the number sound higher for protective/defensive reasons.
  10. I totally agree with all the others' posts about Jill being just one of the hypocritical kiss-ups. Does she not remember the bench she bought for the ALDC lobby in PA? Jeez, lady, get a clue (or a more realistic script!)!!! I also agree with the notice of Nia's cute bob for the Fosse dance - it looked so great on her. On the other extreme hand, WTH was with the wig they put on Mackenzie for the same routine? That was wrong in too many ways to count. She has plenty of her own hair, couldn't they do something with her own hair, or get a better wig? If Maddie were given that wig, do you think Melissa would have said something? I sure as heck think she would've. But, it's just Mackenzie, so who cares.
  11. Yes, me too!!! I circle the drain along with the shows - ugghhhhh.
  12. I will miss seeing sweet Fade. I have mixed feelings about his leaving. I hate to see him go, but I think this platform is not his thing; and is beneath him. He creates with a different vibe and process than what PRAS can offer. He also does not play into all the drama (thank goodness). It may be all for the best, but dang, the wrong person was chosen last night. I already miss this sweet person, who delivers both art and levity, in a passionate way.
  13. No mention or showing of the minis this episode? Is that all done now? Jeez, this show is so inconsistent. It's sooooo bad, I think I am mostly watching just to see how much worse it can get, if at all.
  14. I hope Fade was bringing his version of silly fake drama, which is the way I see it. I've chatted with him a great deal on social media, and he always comes across as he did on his original season. I'm giving him a pass until more episodes air. I could never, ever, ever, ever compare Fade to Ken.
  15. I could not agree with you more. I love, like and dislike all the same personalities you mentioned above. I would think PR would never want to associate with Ken again, but then again, ratings are ratings - and he'll deliver the drama. What an extreme opposite group compared to the Junior ensemble that just finished last week. The Juniors' camaraderie and support was a breath of fresh air compared to this "adult" group (minus a few, well mannered and respectful designers) of cut-throat, combative, snakey people. I hope Mitchell and Ken go real soon, with a few other following right behind. Looks like Ken is having another meltdown and threatening to leave tantrum again. I hope it happens next week and I hope he truly walks off. He is an angry, arrogant ass, and I do not enjoy him one bit, or what he brings to my screen. I hope he gets "owt" real soon. I really hope Fade gets better recognition this time compared to his season. I think his talents were sorely overlooked, or not understood. Let's replace one of the regular judges with Dmitry - he just makes sense with his observations and critiques. I respect his judgments more than the others.
  16. I really appreciated Debby Allen's words to Nia and Kalani about pushing yourself to not just be a performer, but to be a true artist. Wise words. I hope they absorbed that message, and can take that with them throughout their journeys.
  17. This show ran long and my DVR did not record the whole ending. I only saw the three who tied for 2nd place. Can someone please tell me who was first and who was sent home? Many thanks. PS: Adrian's Father, is patting himself on the back a little too hard. Yes, I agree, he seems like a douchebag. I hope for Adrian's sake it is all an editing ploy, but I have a feeling it is otherwise.
  18. It seemed like Jill was the episode's narrator last night. Enough with her talking, explaining, excusing, already. Basically, what I am trying to say is: enough with Jill already!
  19. I sooooo get that - and usually feel the same way. I have a tendency to think my opinions on the episode will be so inferior to what I just witnessed - so perhaps it's best that I just keep my trap shut!!! I must say I am loving Claire is back; at least one of my wishes for this show has come true. I wish she still wasn't the "alone" and "lonely" girl, but that probably aided the character's return from Germany, so I'll live with it!! R.I.P. Adele - you were a beauty.
  20. Hmm, thoughts anyone? I enjoyed this episode, especially the bits about Tom trying to get them all to leave ... I am new to posting pics - I hope I get it right and you can see the pic below. https://www.facebook.com/pleaselikemeABC2/photos/a.685788458138828.1073741826.332602973457380/1044303492287321/?type=3&theater Any thoughts/feelings on new character Ella? If Claire comes back, what does that mean for a possible interest between Tom and Ella? I love Tom and Claire together, so if they do not reunite romantically, I hope the friendship can remain, and not throw off the whole group dynamic.
  21. I enjoyed this episode much more than the season opener. I am hoping Claire's return will help expand the plot lines for future episodes. I've always enjoyed her character. I wonder if she and Tom will navigate to one another again? Even if I do not fully enjoy the plot, I am always amazed by the acting. Josh's Dad was brilliant in this episode. My favorite, hands down, is always Josh's Mom. Debra Lawrance is beyond words with her portrayal of the complicated mother character. I was agreeing with her profusely when she was talking about Arnold to Josh, and wondering why Josh likes being with him. Her self-banter makes me squeal with delight.
  22. The sad, but ironic thing here is that most of them are too dense to understand this reference. Brilliant my dear, brilliant.
  23. I must be another romantic idiot!! I totally agree with you. I enjoyed Arnold as a regular character, but I do not enjoy him with Josh at all. I do not get it, I do not see chemistry with the two of them at all. I really liked Geoffrey. Most people think fans only like Geoffrey because he is cute. Yes, he is cute, but I really enjoyed the character they created for him and I thought Wade portrayed it beautifully. Plus, he is the one who helped Josh to realize he is gay. I wish he could at least still be in the show as a friend character, but I know things don't always work out that way in real life and this show tries to keep it as real as possible. I do hope Claire comes back more, and not just in Skype sessions. She and Geoffrey are my two favorite younger characters. Mom and John the dog are my two favorite characters out of the entire cast. John and Josh taking a bath together; does it get any cuter? I think not. I hope next week's episode is a bit better, and not sooooo focused on Josh and Arnold and all of Arnold's issues and the permeating awkwardness.
  24. Got the DVR all set - can't wait for tonight's show. Let the season begin!
  25. Are you able to post a link to the periscope video? I have heard of periscope, but other than that, I am lost! Thanks!
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