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Everything posted by Maccagirl

  1. Great countdown - spot on brilliant.
  2. I, too, liked Erin's dress, but not the ruffle. I admit I am mesmerized with sparkly, glittery things and I border on tacky at times! However, even though I liked the dress, I do not think it was impressive enough to be on a DESIGN show. I have seen that dress hundreds of times. Heck, my Barbie had a similar one in the 1970's. Now that I think about it, I probably liked Erin's dress simply for nostalgic reasons as a throwback to playing with Barbies! As much as I thought Cornelius did a good job, I agree with the other posters who said it really did not fit "editorial" all that well. Nina, through the years, has always insisted the editorial pieces be almost explosive with color. I wonder how it will look on the pages of Marie-Mary Claire? I adore Rik, but did not really enjoy his piece this week. I still hope he is one of the 3 finalists. I want to see his Mommy sitting in the audience, hopefully wearing the piece he made for her last week!
  3. Oh my gawd, you made my day. As I was reading your post, I had the character's voices in my head reading them to me!! Thanks so much for the giggles.
  4. Sadly, i think you are correct; they'll never go for it and we are left with enduring more sad stories, justifications, etc. Sigh. Laurence was robbed for certain. That robbery was criminal and should result in jail time for all the judges. I agreed with the aufing as well.
  5. After watching last night's episode and seeing how Heidi thought Jenni's dress was Erin's, I think they need to keep the anonymity factor fully in place until both the winning and losing pieces are determined. Then they can have the models come on to the catwalk wearing the top 3 and bottom 3 designs. The designers would then come out and stand next to their model (perhaps surprising the judges on occasion). The judges can still, at that time, give the designers info on why each design was selected for top and bottom. With the "anonymous" system they have now, once they judge all the creations, then the designers are unveiled and the judges are more apt to bicker and persuade the others to keep a certain designer over the others, etc. Let's start a petition to make the winning and losing selection fully anonymous!!!
  6. That is so funny, it's a good thing I was not drinking milk, because it would have shot outta my nose on that one!!!
  7. Just curious, what does "TT" stand for? Thanks for helping me learn something new today!!
  8. Yes, I can definitely vision that - but cannot think of one specific movie or scene. I was late teens/early twenties in the 80's and had a BLAST, so the memory-specifics from that period may have been eradicated!
  9. I am wondering what Dexter's feature in Marie Claire will have for fashion from this week's design? I cannot remember which piece he did, I remember Dexter and the team acknowledging he jumped in and helped everyone with focus of team vision and assisted with sewing, etc. I truly do not mean this to sound negative at all, I just cannot truly remember if he was the solo designer for a specific piece - can anyone help my memory? Thanks in advance. I must say if PR wants to continue with focusing on drama, I prefer the drama when the unified teams would not bash any of their design colleagues. It sure beats the mean spirit of Gretchen or Ivy once again attacking Michael Costello. Last night's dramatic runway auff'ing was easier for me to take than the backstabbing drama we usually have to endure. I hope the designers (esp. Cornelius), feel the effects of building one another up and the spirit continues for the rest of the season. I would like the show's focus to return to fashion and creation, not hate and destruction. There's too much of that in the news these days - I watch shows to get away from that!
  10. Thanks so much. I agree, about having visits months later. That's the only reason why I tune in to watch the circus when he has those follow-up reunion-based shows.
  11. You win the internet trophy today! Priceless.
  12. What a hot mess that place was! My DVR cut off before they do the follow-up info on how the bar is dong post-makeover. Can anyone share this info for me? I am really curious about this one! I hope for the Father's sake, that they are successful so he can be repaid! Thanks in advance for any info.
  13. I could not agree with you more on both your points above. I am truly surprised Roberi was not even in the top 3. Sigh.
  14. Do any of you know if we can still "Rate the Runway" online anymore? I cannot find it on the Lifetime website, and always enjoyed going there to get a reminder and close up view of each designer's creations. Thanks in advance for any info. http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/project-runway
  15. Unfortunately, this does not give specific detail, but does mention the fight that ends their friendship. As much as I do not want to be happy with a dissolution of any friendship, I really hope this is the end of theirs. IMO, they were always toxic together and egged one another on with the negativity and assaults on others. Perhaps they can both be better people without one another; although being a better person is a stretch for Vicki for sure. http://www.inquisitr.com/3548591/tamra-judges-breakdown-in-ireland-signals-end-of-friendship-with-vicki-gunvalson/
  16. Yes, I feel 100% the same way. Fingers crossed she will hopefully be dismissed from RHOC soon. I would like to say she will be off-screen soon, but I have a feeling she will be one of those reality show personas that will keep surfacing on every opportunity possible, such as Dancing with the Stars, Celebrity Apprentice, Celebrity Survivor, The Real World, and sadly the list just keeps going and going! Sigh.
  17. Don't you think your post is offensive to all "thin-skinned" people?!! ~ I hope this comes across as a joke, as it was intended to be (gulp!).
  18. I guess we are both in the minority. I liked Linda's dress! I love knit dresses, and I do not have a perfect figure like I did when I was younger. I am 50 and have a little bulge here and there and the knit dresses I wear help disguise it very well. Perhaps hers was too thin, which is why it was critiqued so much?
  19. Hi neighbor! I grew up in Lunenburg (next to Fitchburg). My first real big concert was at the Centrum in Worcester, saw U2! I feel the same way about Cornelius. I wanted to root for homeboy, but he's too nasty for me to support. Perhaps when he ages a little he will also mature emotionally.
  20. His reaction really left a negative mark with me. Kinda showed a different side to him than the backstory NBC has been forcing down our throats. I looked him up and he is an accomplished broadway actor and has a "polished" presence on social media. Wow, very different than the sad tale of woe is me back story. I am glad he is at least inspiring others.
  21. I'll see you at the show!! I hope Tapeface tours, really want to see one of his shows; how unique and humorous.
  22. I am not defending Bethenny at all, but just wanted to clarify about strep. It's not always throat related, and sometimes you can be a carrier and not always know it. Many a times, I had strep (usually strep throat) and did not know except that I was tested when I would bring in my daughter to get a swab test due to her having a sore throat. Not Fair, doctors, not fair!! However, if she was on antibiotics for 48 hours, she should no longer be contagious, and should not use that as an excuse.
  23. Dear 100%Pain: Oh thank you for stating all that I felt while watching the episode. You summed up my comments perfectly!!! Vicki's HB voicemail to Shannon was just another selfish act of Vicki - she is the epitome of a narcissist, which would make for a perfect mentor for Kelly. GASP. I am also cheering for Shannon and David, I truly hope they are happy and have many wonderful years together. I was wondering about the timing of the Jeff Lewis/Heather Dubrow incident as well. I haven't made it past the 1st page of comments, so I'll be interested to see if anyone has posted answers to that yet.
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