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Everything posted by Deanie87

  1. I understand that Kendall is responsible for the position he is in now, but oh my god did I want someone, ANYONE, to give him a hug. Obviously, if the guilt is weighing on him that much, he could always turn himself in or confess to a priest or something, but I think he is craving some kind of punishment. Logan's actions may end up backfiring on him if he keeps pushing Kendall to face his guilt. I"m not saying that Kendall shouldn't feel guilty or that he shouldn't be punished, but I have a feeling that if and when he does take responsibility, it will be after he has snapped and he will end up doing spectacular damage to the family. For some reason, I was craving a real conversation between Roman and Kendall during that eggy/breakfast scene. I know that Roman is probably the least likely to give Ken any kind of compassion or empathy but I was pissed that he didn't seem to notice, or at least care, that his brother is CLEARLY going through something. The brother who stuck up for him and physically got between him and his shitheel of a father. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if Kendall's protectiveness only made Roman hate him more. And I keep waiting for Shiv to mention that Kendall was crying in her arms to someone, even just Tom, but...nothing. I'm glad that it looks like they are banding together at least. It is a huge testament to the acting and the writing that I care about these assholes as much as I do.
  2. I definitely don't think he would turn himself in, but I do think that he feels guilty. That may not be his only emotion, but I think its a significant one. If Logan hadn't found out, I still think that the guilt would eat away at him. But I'm sure that adding Logan to the mix of anything in Kendall's life just makes it that much more excruciating and muddled. My question is whether or not Logan actually feels compassion toward his son in any measure at all, or if he is just playing on Kendall's guilt and weakness. I think it is probably mostly the latter, but a little bit of the former. What I like is that I can find a shred of humanity in all the characters, as terrible as they are. Except for Tom for some reason LOL!
  3. I swear I had to double check to make sure I was watching the right show when it came on. It seemed so out of place but I loved it. It will always remind me of Randy and Julie from Valley Girl going to the hotel after the prom so Julie can lose her virginity LOL! A bit different from the scenes here. I also love the Blondie song in the opening credits. The punk/New Wave scene was apparently especially seedy, but since these were the songs of my teenage years, so they will always remind me of a much more innocent and optimistic time. Fresh is such a great word for it. And yes, I anticipate a lot of juxtaposition. Lori in the bathroom with the coke was really disturbing. But she looks great in the 80s wear.
  4. I swear I gushed about him last season, but he is just knocking it out of the park again this season. I mean, he is nearly catatonic in the majority of his scenes but he is just so watchable. I absolutely shouldn't root for him, and yet I do. I was so excited to see him smile again, but of course it was under the worst possible circumstances. I want to believe that his behavior since the accident shows that he must somewhere deep down have some semblance of a soul or conscience, but it could also just be his general humiliation and the fact that his father has one more thing to hold over him. But I can't see Shiv, Connor or Roman getting suicidal thoughts from something like that. Especially Roman. Hell at this point, I'm not even sure I can imagine Tom or Gregory to be overly affected by it.
  5. I understand that in a real life situation, but from a storytelling situation, none of this seems earned to me. Of all the many, many things that Jo has been through (and apparently we haven't touched bottom yet) it doesn't make character or storytelling sense to me why this is the thing that causes her to call out of work for a week to drink and lay in bed. I understand the trauma and I understand pushing Alex away to a degree, but this all seems excessive and contrived, but with no explanation as to why they are contriving it. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Maybe its all building to something, but I have my doubts.
  6. Not to mention it goes completely against her characterization from these past two years (which goes against the s11-13 characterization which went against the s9-10 characterization ad fucking infinitum.) Anyway, this time last season Jo was getting on Alex because he was ignoring her about his bank balance and she gave him a long speech about how they weren't going to do this anymore, they were going to talk like adults. And when she proposed she mentioned always running but that now she didn't have to because she was finally home and with someone she trusted, blah blah blah. These writers don't watch their own show.
  7. I liked it, but didn't love it. It somehow seemed kind of rushed to me, but I agree that the big emotional scenes really worked. I will probably have to go back and watch some of the flash forwards because I"m not sure that I got all of the explanations for all of it. Why was Gretchen at the hotel and why wasn't she drinking? Was it part of Lindsay's pre-wedding celebration? Did they make a bet about her not drinking? I also didn't like that it seemed that Edgar was estranged from Jimmy and Gretchen for so long, but I liked the reconciliation scene. But Gretchen was so fucking harsh to Edgar in the car that I had a hard time getting over it, especially because the reconciliation came so quickly in real time, though not show universe time. I did love Edgar's resolve though, and his stubborn insistence on waiting for Jimmy, just in case. Gretchen telling Edgar that Jimmy would never respect him was so mean, but I guess it kind of rolled off Edgar's shoulders because of Jimmy's speech to him the night/weekend before. Which also makes me think that Edgar knows Jimmy better than Gretchen. Who knew this was the relationship I was rooting for the whole time?? I didn't even like Edgar all that much up until the last few episodes. I, too, am a sucker for a montage and the song that they used was absolutely perfect (was it a Ben Folds song?), thank god, because a lot of those milestones seemed a little too cute and easy for me and again it felt kind of rushed. One second Gretchen was reminding Jimmy that she may step in front of a train any day (WTF.) and the next is her thrilled with the sonagram and dancing at the wedding with the kids. I don't know, people grow up and I"m glad that they ended up together, but I sort of wish we had seen a little more of this Gretchen before the finale.
  8. I would argue that Jimmy has always been the semi-functional one. He had the focus and determination to finish a novel, owns a house, has been in a semi-serious relationship previously (with Becca, but still), was able to sustain friendly relationships in the old folks trailer park, and has for the most part been a decent partner to Gretchen. He obviously has his own issues and doesn't deal with problems well (clearly), but I remember him doing lots of little, loving things for her (the YouTube animal cruise, the murder crime spree and generally fighting really hard for her when he fucked up (and yes, he fucked up hugely). I haven't re-watched any of the seasons since they aired, but as far as I remember, the one time Jimmy needed Gretchen for real support when his father died, she freaked out and got him drunk. This is my prediction for what happens and my hope for what happens. I would be very happy with that. I thought it was perfect! Jimmy is a narcissistic snob who feels like he doesn't get the acclaim and recognition that he deserves. Now he gets to be part of some exclusive club so that he can look down on other people, and yes, hold court. And while I think he would be happy to hold court with anyone who would be willing to listen to him, beautiful women and other snobs is probably the best case scenario for him. I don't like where Paul and Lindsay are going either and I really, really hope its a misdirection.
  9. Ugh that was a gut punch. Now I want Jimmy and Edgar to get married. Their final scene was one of my favorites of the entire series, and both actors did an incredible job. I loved every second of Jimmy and Edgar's together and I was so glad to hear Jimmy finally give Edgar credit for what a true friend his is. And Edgar is a true friend, although I kind of wished he hadn't waited until the day before the wedding to lay all of this on Jimmy. I know that he has been trying to tell him for a long time, but ugh. So often, what is good for Gretchen seems to be of the utmost importance on the show, so I was so happy for someone to finally seem to care about what will be good for Jimmy. I think I will be more devastated if Jimmy and Edgar don't get back together than I will be about anything else. For me, the entire series has been building up to a scene like that and it was well and truly earned. Unlike Gretchen and her mother, unfortunately. I feel like we have always known that Gretchen's mother was overbearing and judgmental, but she was so over the top in this episode that I feel a little bit manipulated and their scenes didn't really work for me. Also because Gretchen has never really done much to treat her mental illness, her being offended that her mother never took it seriously just kind of annoys me. Gretchen just wants someone to save her and her saying that now she can do whatever she wants because Jimmy will never leave is so beyond shitty that I thought it served her right when she stepped on the glass (which was a very heavy-handed metaphor, but it got me nevertheless). So congrats to the show on making me basically okay with whatever happens in the next episode. I still root for Jimmy and Gretchen, but I am hoping that they don't get married. My ideal would be Gretchen leaving Jimmy, rather than the other way around, but them finding each other again sometime in the future after Gretchen is finally able to get her life together. But if that doesn't happen, then I hope they both find happiness, either on their own or with someone else (and by that I mean I want Edgar and Jimmy to fall in love and be together 🙂 . Or just be best friends for life and hang out at the Members Only Club and go curling on the weekends.) On the other hand, "There is no way I'd rather go..." AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
  10. That's because it isn't a storyline, its just scenes. Alex hasn't had a storyline in years, unless you count beating DeLuca or him being Chief, which mainly consists of him furrowing his brow and staring down at an ipad while everyone around him doubts his abilities and gives him shit. The only people currently with a real, multi-episode storyline are Owen/Amelia and Meredith/DeLuca. Everybody else just sort of exists to interact with a patient and to resolve everything in their life offscreen or in a cutesy scene at the end of each episode, never to be referred to again. I have no idea why Alex's mom was there other than to give Lindsay Wagner something to do because we learned nothing new (except that Alex's never seen sister apparently has kids WTF and Alex had a big head as a baby.) I have never been a huge fan of Owen, but he is utterly ruined now and the fact that he sucks up so much screentime just to reinforce what a selfish, neanderthal dick he is boggles my mind. And Amelia truly goes from storyline to storyline to storyline while other characters just gather dust in the background. This has continually been a problem on Grey's but it is just so blatant now that I wish they would just give her a spinoff.
  11. Becca and Jimmy were originally engaged which is how Lindsey knew him. I can’t remember why they broke up though. I totally agree, that was the best part of the episode for me. I don’t mind Becca, Vernon or Paul really, but I would much prefer to see small amounts of them more frequently than all jammed into one episode. I find the show works best as a true ensemble with the characters outside of the main four to be sprinkled in organically (such as these three or Sam and his crew.)
  12. Yeah I saw an image of the docs standing around with their damn cell phones held aloft and got such secondhand embarrassment that I deleted the episode right off of my DVR. Yikes.
  13. Ugh, this is going to be painful. I have always been more Team Jimmy than Team Gretchen, so it galls me a little to see that in the flash forwards, Gretchen seems to be doing OK while Jimmy apparently loses everything. I'm wondering if they will call off the wedding and yet meet up someplace in the very last minutes of the finale. I'm not sure what I want. I think that Aya Cash does an incredible job with Gretchen - that scene of her practicing her smile in the mirror broke my heart, but I think I"m ready to tell Jimmy to make a run for it. The blow job stuff was just gross and I can't believe that Gretchen wouldn't have more respect for Jimmy if he told her to go fuck herself.
  14. This is the first episode I've watched since the break and you guys...the dialogue is SO bad. I swear every other scene was exposition. As soon as one character would finish dialoguing about a medical procedure, the next would start in about The Very Serious Opioid Crisis Going on In This Country. And THEN to add insult to injury they have Jo Alex-plain that yes Alex has some experience with this sort of thing. Is that really necessary to anyone who isn't tuning in for the very first time? Are our attention spans that short? Nearly every piece of dialogue between Alex and Jo this season has been one thanking the other for marrying them, exchanging ILY's or Jo providing a Previously On about Alex so that we can prepare for some possible upcoming storyline. What is happening?
  15. This is my fear too. From the beginning, Jimmy has been shown as the more "stable" of the two and the one who was more interested in a traditional relationship and, proposal notwithstanding, the one who is probably more capable of sustaining a relationship. As much as I kind of got bored with the Gretchen show over the last couple of seasons, I really hope that they show a bit of growth from her before the marriage. I know that's not really what the show is about, but I worry that if they aren't endgame, it will be because Gretchen needs Jimmy to jump through hoops and fight for her again. The writers seem to prefer Gretchen as a character, and I can understand that as she does have more complex issues than Jimmy's arrogance and on again/off again commitment phobia, but I prefer Jimmy in many ways, so I hope that they can work things out in the end on a more equal level.
  16. So after reading a couple of reviews I am getting a bit nervous that the kids aren't going to make it. Most of the reviewers seem to like the way the series ends, but they call it very fitting for the characters, which makes me nervous LOL! Alan Sepinwall wrote, "Though the show is mostly rooting for Jimmy and Gretchen to get over themselves and make it work, it also doesn’t run from the idea that neither can be their best so long as they’re with the other." While, I'm not sure that I wholly agree with that, an argument could probably be made for it. I kind of think that they would just drag any other partner down to their level, and I"m not sure that any other partner who would put up with them would be much of a step up from what they have now. (Despite his terrible actions after the proposal, I still think that Jimmy has it together much more than Gretchen.) But having an ending that "fits" them could probably go either way. Anyway, I think that I will be bitterly disappointed if they don't get a reasonably happy ending, albeit on on their dysfunctional terms. Is there any final breakup scenario that would make you happy or at least satisfied?
  17. I don't think that this forum has a spoiler/speculation thread so I am going to create on to discuss some of the media reviews I've read.
  18. Yeah, the era confused me a little because Gretchen and Jimmy seem a little young for that time period. But the showrunner is 46 so all of the Generation X stuff must be fun for him to write and as a fellow GenXer I appreciated the nostalgia as well. Although I sprained my ankle from falling off the chair that I was dancing on during the Y2K festivities, but I digress. I will admit that despite the nostalgia I was getting a little impatient for Jimmy and Gretchen to show up and I may have squealed when they did, all grin-y and full of shit. Chris Geere normally isn't my physical type and Jimmy can be such a smug asshole, but he made me swoon this episode. From how good he looked in the jacket at the party to him describing their love story....*sigh.* I just hope that the end shot of the 90s couple getting married was some positive foreshadowing. I am really rooting for these two.
  19. What the hell has happened to this show? It used to be funny and also able to make you think about issues without feeling "preached at." The history of black America was woven in naturally and I believed that real people talked the way that the Johnsons talked to one another. Same for the work people, but I will deal with them later. I felt it when Dre or Ruby or Pops would enlighten the kids (and the audience) about the culture or the struggles, and the way that they were able to transform very specific experiences into something universal. Now, it seems like the writers are following some kind Black History Month checklist with historical figures name dropped out of nowhere and episodes seem to exist solely to Impart a Lesson, and it comes across like a bad After School Special with points being driven home like a sledgehammer. And the characters aren't real characters anymore. Now they are either just vessels to impart the lesson of the week or the sum total of the characteristics and tics that used to make them funny and relatable, now jacked to 11 (looking at you Diane, Boss guy and Charlie). The work scenes are now unwatchable and offensive, and that is a real shame because they used to be my favorite part of the show. Not offensive because of the behavior of the boss and co-workers, because they are so beyond caricature at this point as to become meaningless. Its offensive because their behavior is so over the top that I imagine even the most hardened bigot being like "well, I mean, I can't be racist because even I know not to act like that (at least in public)." I know that its a comedy and its purpose has never been to change the hearts and minds of racists, but like many beloved television shows over the years, when it was done right, it might cause some viewers to engage in a little self-reflection or to learn some history, if nothing else. I can't imagine that's the case now. Beyond that, I am still Team Junior all the way, and Dre's wardrobe is giving me Cosby sweater flashbacks and that is very unfortunate.
  20. Thank god the various Johnsons finally rallied because I was about to lose it at all of their indifference to Bow and her mom's feelings. Can Dre, ever, ever, ever think beyond what HE needs and what HE wants? Like, ever? Even Pops was more sensitive in the end (of course he was also thinking about his death, but still). Bow doesn't ask for much when it comes to her family, especially considering that Dre's parents live there and Ruby is constantly undermining Bow, so Dre's annoyance at Bow wanting to celebrate her father's uniqueness really bugged. It was nice to see Bow pay tribute to him but I was kind of hoping that some of the other family members would have to. I have a soft spot for all of the Bridges! And I know that Zoey wasn't there likely due to the actress's other show, but I'm not fine with Diane deciding that she would rather go to a wrestling match than be there for her mother and grandmother, and I"m also not fine with her brothers covering for her. Junior should have guilt tripped her into staying (that's how we do it MY family LOL!) I do like their obnoxious friend and the Yo Gabba Gabba reference cracked me up.
  21. For me, it’s not about the looks and I think that DeLuca and Meredith have decent chemistry. But she has 3 freaking kids, and they are still very young. That is a LOT of responsibility for anyone to take on, much less a 20 something with no kids and no previous marriages. If DeLuca were my brother or friend, I would try to talk him out of that immediately. It’s just too much. Beyond that, as much as I was not a fan of Derek, we are supposed to believe that he and The MerDer of It All are absolutely legendary st SGH, and of the current possibilities Koracick is the only one I see who has the confidence to not be intimidated by that. But bring on the younger guy flings!
  22. I kind of get this though. They bought the loft together and completely rehabbed it from a scary space into the homey loft. I understand why they like it and why they don’t want to upgrade. Not only is that a really difficult process but it’s expensive too. Considering how busy they are and the fact that the don’t have kids, I can understand why they keep it.
  23. You know I used to think that there was absolutely no way that KH would ever show up on Greys again while Shonda was breathing. And I still mostly believe that, but since she is mostly out of the picture, it seems more likely now than it ever has. But I still don't think its going to happen and I still don't think that all of the Izzie mentions really mean anything. I think that Krista is more into the Greys nostalgia than Shonda was and so we get references to Izzie, George, Derek, etc. We definitely saw Alex sign the divorce papers from Izzie and since he was at the nurse's station when he did it I always assumed that there was some sort of mail in/out box and he signed them and put them there to be mailed. I still kind of think that its too late to bring Izzie back and that only Alex and Meredith will care (maybe Richard and Bailey) but no one else on the show really knew her and so much has happened since then. Then again, they brought Teddy back and the only person who cares about her is Owen, so who knows? If she ever was brought back I have to think it would be for one episode because she's dying and she did something with the eggs and never told Alex or we find out that she died and had a kid or something. I can't imagine it causing any real problems for Jo and Alex. One of Alex's biggest moments of growth throughout the entire series was him telling Izzie that he deserved better than how she treated him and I would absolutely hate for him to regress on that front in any way. So basically, I believe there is 95% chance of her never coming back down from a 100% chance, but I still think that the ship has sailed as far as her character goes.
  24. This was a really weird episode for a Grey's mid-season finale. I continue to think that the insistence on pairing Greys with Station 19 is dragging Greys even further down. I expect even!more!disasters! because god forbid we can't shoehorn the new show in any other way. There were cliffhangers sort of but...not really, other than the baby daddy drama. I have never been Maggie's biggest fan, but good god. Its like they have taken the worst qualities of other characters and shoved them all into one insufferable mess: Lexie/George/April's stammering dorkiness, Callie's insecurity and now Izzie's self-righteous bitchiness. Awesome. I actually didn't think that this was that big of a deal. He called in a couple of times, the police were saying stay off the roads and even Bailey said that Alex getting hurt trying to get there was the last thing that they needed. So, other than the fact that he was late because he slept in, I didn't think it was some kind of dereliction of duty. I'm in Maryland and we had a huge wind storm a couple of years ago and they were telling people to stay inside, stay away from windows and to definitely stay off the road. Stuff was flying through the air, trees were falling on cars and it nearly took my car door off - seriously it still doesn't close right. Quite a few people died as a result. Beyond that, though, boy they sure are making Alex and Jo look like complete idiots in every other respect. They can barely feed themselves, they can't plan a wedding, Jo - WHO WORKED IN A RESTAURANT - doesn't know what a ramekin is, they lock themselves in a shed, Alex's office looks like a teenage boy's high school locker and now they can't remember to send off their marriage certificate. Good lord, what started out as slightly charming has turned into near unbelievable stupidity, especially because neither character has ever been portrayed as "brilliant but with no common sense." And if I recall correctly, we sat through 3 seasons of angst about Alex wanting to be a grown up with a real marriage, and angsty proposals and refusals and break ups and secret husbands and Izzie's eggs and blah blah blah. And now neither cares that they aren't really married. AWESOME! I don't think the Izzie mention means anything and I don't think them not being married does either, but I'll be damned if I know what the point of any of their scenes were, beyond showing them happy, cute and barely able function in the real world. ETA - I forgot about Link's only slightly less terrible hair (seriously he has gone from Melrose Place to 90210 with the sideburns...WHY!) I was really hoping Glasses was going to tell Nico to fuck right off after his assholery, but I guess not. I don't mind Mer and DeLuca but I still don't believe that a hot twenty something surgeon would be flipping out over a middle aged mother of three. I hope she has a sexy fling with him and then sends him on his way to find some hot nurse or something.
  25. Ugh, I love Richard and James Pickens, Jr. never gets enough to do so I really liked this episode. Its nice when they can show him as more than a wise mentor who is befuddled by the interwebz (though I love that Richard too). He is a conflicted, multi-faceted character and I appreciate that we have gotten to see that side of him over the last few seasons, its been sorely missed. One of the most affecting scenes of the entire series for me was him with Gary Clark in the season 6 finale and this kind of reminded me of that. Like many of the characters, Richard has had a rough few years and I think that this was building in him. I can see that many people have a problem with the fact that he will probably not face any consequences for destroying the bar, but all that stuff doesn't really bother me because after the timeline, the LVAD and Ghost Denny, I have given up on any hope for realism, as have the writers apparently. I will also say that I have never been more attracted to Richard as when he was smashing up the bar. Considering I also was very attracted to Alex when he was trying to lie about beating up DeLuca and that my favorite character on HTGAWM is Frank, followed by Connor, it appears that I have a type. At least as far as Shondaland is concerned. In real life my husband has sadly never destroyed a bar, committed fraud by bringing over African orphans or covering up a shady murder. That I know of... I don't care even one ounce about Maggie/Jackson or Jaggie, beyond their relationship to Richard, Catherine or Meredith, so my biggest disappointment was that they were so off in their own high rise world and had nothing to do with the main storyline. Hopefully, that will change next week. IMO, Jackson has never really fit in with the other characters as a whole, his storylines only seem to involve one or two other people at a time, one of whom is a recurring character. So I don't get why they would put him with Maggie if they are then going to just be in their own tedious storyline that has nothing to do with anything else. Their romance isn't doing either character any favors. Speaking of Catherine, my god is Debbie Allen a fucking stunner. Wow. When she she first showed up and the camera showed us her back and then moved around to reveal Catherine, I swear I thought it was some actress in her thirties, tops. She looks incredible and I am very invested in her story. I like seeing her vulnerable and I can't wait to see scenes of her with Richard. Normally, I don't love these sort of centric episodes, especially right before the Fall finale, but I really enjoyed this one and I am very happy with the first "half" of this season so far.
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