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Everything posted by Deanie87

  1. Ugh I hope not. I don't know how many people watch Station 19 (I don't) but I am not sure this is the best way to go. I'm not going to watch Station 19 so now they will have to duplicate storylines so that those who don't watch can keep up, or more likely, people will just tune out or fast forward through. I am surprised to find that I am enjoying this whole thing. I like that she isn't in instant love with anyone, that she is flirting and that it is all pretty light right now. I also like each of the suitors and would be okay if Meredith hooked up with any of them, and that includes Koracick. I don't think that I want her to end up with DeLuca forever, but a fling would be fine. I like Link because he has no...*ahem*...link to anyone else sexually, and I like the thought of an Alex/Jo/Link/Meredith friendship foursome. But the incestuousness of Grey's has never bothered me because its pretty much always been this way. As much as we say "why can't anyone date someone not from the hospital offscreen," that isn't fun and then that relationship gets short shrift. That's definitely not going to happen when it comes to Meredith. I liked that Link is flirty but isn't coming on too strong and isn't gaga head over heels for Meredith, at least not yet. I haven't liked Owen since mid-season 6 and it took me forever to care even a little bit about him, Amelia and/or Omelia. It finally happened when Leo came on the scene and now Teddy is here to drag it all down to soapy hell. I even enjoyed the Teddy/Owen Germany episode and now I regret that too. Its a bit of a re-do of the Mer/Maggie/Riggs situation where every positive step is followed by three interminable steps back. I'm back to not caring about any of them anymore and that goes double for Betty. Honestly, I think that Nico is kind of dick. One glance at Glasses and you can see that he is not any kind of player, with men or women. Nico led him on, seemed to get a kick out of teasing him and getting him all flustered and then gives him the "its not me its you" speech, not to mention then semi-mind games he was playing last week at Joe's. I see the similarity to Calzona, but this hot/cold playbook has been done by plenty of couples on Grey's so it just seems like more of the same to me. I would love it if Glasses totally turned the tables and out and out rejected Nico next time he comes sniffing around. Jo and Alex were cute, but I really wish that Jo and especially Bailey, faced some consequences about this. Part of the problem of Alex never facing any consequences for DeLuca is that it comes off poorly if he were to really come down hard on someone else, although the situations are totally different. Despite the potential hypocrisy, I was really irritated that he let Bailey and Jo off scott-free and I really don't like the implication that Jo can do whatever she wants because she is married to Alex. I liked the patient and I get that the choice may have either been to go with a not quite safe/ethical liver or she will die, but a small part of me hopes that she has severe complications because I don't see how else this will ever come back to bite them all on the ass and I kind of want it to.
  2. Bringing this over from the episode thread: Maybe its just wishful thinking on my part, but I really don't think its going to go that way. They seemed like long lost friends to me and nothing more. I wouldn't mind seeing a "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" type situation though. Jo has always had to fit into Alex's world and tolerate his friends and that caused some problems when Meredith was extra clingy. So Alex will have to deal with someone who knows Jo from "Before" and who has absolutely no connection to Seattle Grace and all the ghosts that haunt it. Link may know stuff about Jo that Alex doesn't know and the two will have shared memories and experiences that have nothing to do with Alex. I can't imagine that causing huge problems, but I would be okay with Alex feeling a little left out sometimes. God knows Jo did and Alex didn't do much to alleviate it.
  3. Moved my answers to the spoilers/speculation thread.
  4. I don't know about an affair, but I definitely think that there will be some trouble ahead for Ben and Bailey. My hope is that it will all be on Station 19, because if Ben isn't going to be on Grey's full time, I am not interested in a storyline that tries to piggy back both shows. I refuse to watch.
  5. As much as I hated parts of that storyline too (mainly the parts of Alex not suffering any consequences) I have always thought that the shared abusive pasts is what could make the Alex/Jo pairing interesting if the writers did it the right way, it is certainly realistic that people with that kind of history would be drawn to each other for better or for worse. I really wish that the had explored Alex's anger (Jo's too) because it has always been part of his character and even when I don't like it I can usually find it interesting, but they just never do. This storyline was pretty much crap from beginning to end, so now I am fine to just pretend it never happened, as I do with most of seasons 11-13, because Alex is still my favorite character and pretty much the only reason I still watch the show. As far as Alex getting the shit beat out of him, I would venture to say that he has been on the receiving end of more punches/slaps than anyone else on the show, and often doesn't start the fight or reciprocate. George, Izzie, Jackson, Cristina just off the top of my head. And in nearly all of these instances those hitting him are cheered on (you can argue that he deserves it some of the time I guess). I'm not absolving Alex of any of his violence or bad decisions, and I think that what he did to DeLuca obviously goes way beyond a slap or random thrown punch, but he has definitely been on the receiving end of plenty of violence himself.
  6. I don't think its that weird. The only real friend she had since she's been at SGH (I can never remember all the names this stupid hospital has had) was Stephanie and she nearly ruined that with her insecurity and skittishness, plus it pretty much got dropped when Stephanie left. She has really been kind of a loner and that matches what we've been told about her from before - she left her first boyfriend because she didn't feel she was good enough and made a clean break so he could go off to college. So it wouldn't surprise me that she had a close friend from her med school days that she completely dropped when she moved on. Either her husband made her drop all of her friends when she got married or she became friendly with Linc after but had to clear out and leave everything behind once she left her husband. He didn't seemed surprised that she was working in a hospital so my guess is he knows her from med school. I think it will get messier if they try to say that he is someone from her long ago past in foster care, etc. etc. Also, please let the lived in my car thing die and never be mentioned again. Please.
  7. I agree with your whole post. For all of the hate that Krista Vernoff has been getting, her perception and vision of these characters really matches my own and it seems like some of the actors agree and are responding to it. Justin Chambers has seemed kind of bored for the last few seasons (and I certainly don't blame him), but definitely seems more "alive" and present these days. I love the return of snarky Alex and ethically ambiguous Alex. I don't love it when he's violent and out and out sociopathic, but his character has always been morally pragmatic and an "ends justify the means" kind of person and I"m glad that they have returned to that aspect of his character because I have sorely missed it. I loved his back and forth with Richard and the tetherball vs. invisible bats with cell phones conversation, I think that pretty much sums up Alex's life experience and his behavior as a doctor and as a Chief. I have always loved the Richard/Alex dynamic and I hope that it will continue. I am enjoying his relationship with Jo and I"m glad that it seems like we will learn a little bit about her past and that she has a friend from BEFORE (dun dun DUN!!!) I guess the tradeoff with Krista is the cringey sex dialogue, so I guess I'll have to deal with Jo yelling "Orgasms" in the middle of the hallway if it means that we get snarky Alex and Jo and funny and non-bitchy Meredith. Speaking of Meredith, I agree that she wasn't that dolled up, but good lord the hair, makeup and wardrobe people have been doing her absolutely no favors for the past few years, so I am glad to see her stylish and pretty again. Of course it helps that she is smiling and not sniping at everyone in her vicinity. Somehow, I am completely open to all of her possible suitors. I like DeLuca and a fling with him would be fine with me or even something more serious. I agree that it a hot 20-something falling for a widow with 3 kids, not to mention all of the known SGH baggage, strains believability a bit, but eh...what on this show doesn't? I don't find really find Linc attractive (ugh the Melrose Place hair is a big NO from me), but we don't know much about him yet and I think that they have decent chemistry. At the top of the potential love interest list is Koracick since we probably won't get Scott Speedman back. He is like the anti-McDreamy and I appreciate that. They are both adults who have lived a life and experienced tragedy and I could totally see that working. Bottom line for me is that Meredith as mother and super-surgeon has bored me to tears since Derek died (and I was bored to tears by MerDer for years before that) so I really want to see Meredith get out there, have fun and find love again. She is still young, she is still beautiful and also it keeps her away from Alex :) Grey's crossovers really annoy me and this one was no different. I don't care about Station 19 and beyond Ben, I don't care about those characters either so every scene with them was a complete waste of time for me. I didn't watch Private Practice either and it took me forever to warm up to Amelia because I resented the fact that the writers seemed to expect me to automatically know her and adore her when she appeared on Grey's. I like her much better now and I think that the teen and Leo are the best things to happen to her and Owen separately and as a couple. Of course, I'm sure Teddy is going to come in and fuck all of that up, but whatever. All in all I am enjoying this season quite a bit.
  8. Whoo boy, yes. Normally my eyes roll out of my head at the Superhero Poses and Women Doin' It for Themselves, etc. etc. But not fucking today. I thought this was a decent premiere. I thought everyone looked great. DeLuca, Alex, Jo, Bailey, and, finally, Meredith. Her hair and makeup looked great and age appropriate and I didn't find it unbelievable that guys would be interested in her. She was funny and relatable and her dreams cracked me up. And the fact that she didn't have sex dream about Alex makes me give this episode a 10/10 if nothing else. I think that she has good chemistry with DeLuca and with Jackson and I wouldn't be adverse to either pairing, or even a pairing with Koracick. Its good that they have options. The new ortho doc is just a no so far to me, based on shallowness alone. That hair is terrible and he looks like he just stepped off the Melrose Place lot circa 1994, and I don't mean that in a good way. I much prefer Krista's style of storytelling but the stuttering monologues are a huge pet peeve of mine and we got lots of those. The speeches given by Amelia and Teddy were both pretty much interchangeable and they were both given in that annoying stuttering style that I hate. Luckily both actresses are good enough to handle it, but I still don't like it. I'm interested to see where they go with Alex as interim chief. I was tired of him with the adorable moppets so it will good to see him trying something new and I loved him lording it over Meredith and telling her that what she got out of it was him staying. And then I loved her eyeroll. THIS is the kind of friendship I want to see, not unhealthy personhood. All in all a pretty good start to what I hope is a good season.
  9. Me neither. I like DeLuca, I'm over dour, wise Meredith and ready for her to be flirty and nervous. I agree about Maggie. This storyline isn't going to do her any favors.
  10. Alex and Jo are drinking fruity drinks on the beach on their honeymoon. Not sure if that does it for you, but I have to believe its better than another love triangle!
  11. The actor playing Kendall did a great job this whole episode, and has in fact been the break out performer for me. I wasn't familiar with him before this, but he has somehow got me to feel something close to sympathy for Kendall all season long. I loved the detail of Kendall sobbing on his dad's chest but not quite being able to fully hug him or put his arms around him. Matthew Mcfadyen seems like he is having a blast playing dorky Tom. I loved how pumped up he was after telling Nate off that he had to bust some moves to Uptown Girl on the dance floor LOL! The show dragged in the beginning, but man it hooked me by the end and I binged the last four episodes today.
  12. This seems like a mistake to me. Personally, I think that showing Meredith primarily as a mother is boring and Grey's with kids doesn't appeal to me at all. While I'm okay with the professional stuff, it would be nice to give her a balance of something personal that isn't involving herself in Alex's love life or Amelia's love life or Maggie's love life. I think that originally Meredith was so popular because she was flawed, vulnerable and relatable, but those things have fallen away over the last few seasons. Flawed morphed into bitchy and she is successful in nearly every single that she does professionally, to an unrealistic degree. She doesn't even really get concerned about becoming Ellis or ever seem to doubt her parental choices (which is not realistic or relatable for most people). Having her embark on a new relationship, either serious or just fun and flirty, would allow her to show some vulnerability and doubt again, and I think that would be a very positive and attractive development for her. I know that the show is big on emphasizing strong, successful, empowered women and that's great. But they need to make them human and write them in a way that makes you root for them. I think Krista's writing has been a big improvement in that area (she has done a good job of making the majority of female characters flawed enough without bordering on stupid), but I still would like to see Meredith get a little bit of her spark back. No, she doesn't NEED a man to be happy, but a little bit of flirty, lighthearted, and nervous Meredith would be a good thing, IMO. And I will always, always push back on the notion that a person only gets one great love and now that McDreamy is gone, Meredith should just close up shop, tend to her brood and bury herself in work. It doesn't have to be that way. It looks like Scott Speedman isn't coming back, which really sucks because their few scenes were some of Meredith's best in the past season, but I'm sure they could find someone that Ellen has chemistry with. I'll even take DeLuca at this point, although I can't really see Meredith being nervous about him or wanting to make a good impression, etc. and that's really what I want to see.
  13. I watched it again this morning (sober) and there was just so many little moments that I enjoyed: - The faces on everyone as it slowly dawned on them that they were at the wrong wedding and then trying to subtly leave the church. Catherine's face was hilarious. - April Kepner in wedding planner mode. From the furious texts in all caps to Jackson, to her and the other lady biting Alex's head off in unison "THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY!!," to her telling an exuberant Jo to go see the hair and makeup woman so that she could "fix all of this." Her reaction to DeLuca when he asked where he should sit. Sarah Drew does frantic Type A so well and then was so badass ordering people around to save the wedding planner. I will really miss her. -Amelia and her suspicions about all of Meredith's secret feelings and Meredith's reactions to that. "I will always be here for you." "Oh whatever." Scorsone and Pompeo really play well off of one another. - The way that they were able to make a sex scene that showed absolutely nothing somehow hot anyway. Between Alex kicking the door in to the dirty dialogue "I can't see a thing" "that's too bad because this is some of my best work" and then "April will kill me if I get anything on my dress" "Don't worry, I was really careful (!!!)." DANG! - Pretty much everything Jo. From her bouncing into Mer's house with her hair and smacking Alex with her acceptance letter and then kissing him and Arizona, to her obnoxious laugh and fascination with the skeleton "His name is Elden" to her mimicking Alex with a funny voice, to spitting her sex hair out of her face, to her general sunny acceptance of how the day was going "I've had worse days." All of her facial expressions were hilarious. This is really how I remember her being introduced and I'm so glad that she is finally being written like that again. And she never once mentioned living in her car!! - Everyone generally shutting Meredith's self-centered abandonment issues down. Alex did, Amelia did and then Richard. I understand why she was upset about the possibility of Alex leaving but seriously. I found her so unlikable in seasons 11-12 because of this so I'm glad that no one was there for her bullshit, even her eventually. I was meh about her doing the ceremony because, once again, it became all about her and Derek (who I never liked) but I did like the "by the power vested in me by the internet." I also liked how she was flattered by DeLuca's kiss...I am kind of here for all of that. I wish we had gotten some kind of Cristina shoutout because I always loved the Yang/Karev dynamic and would have loved her giving him shit about his wedding. -Everyone looked beautiful. The venue was gorgeous and the lighting on the ferry was perfect. And everyone was likable and funny - all of these actors are great at comedy I wish they all got the chance to use it more. This is probably one of the only episodes in the last 5 years where I didn't feel the need to fast forward and where I liked everyone. Some of the plot and dialogue were very eye-rolly, but I truly enjoyed every single character and that never happens. - I think that the loss of Arizona and April will be greatly felt and I think it was a mistake to let them go. I was never a Calzona fan but I liked that Arizona will leave but with the vague possibility of something with Callie so that people that want them together can imagine that and people that don't can live with it too. I really, really wish that this was the way that they had gone with April and Matthew, but I'm relieved that April didn't die and that she didn't move back to her farm or take Harriet away from Jackson. Catherine mentioned that she would come over for dinner, so I like the thought of her still being in that family and still being a part of Seattle, even if all of it is offscreen. - This season was kind of uneven for me, but it was a VAST improvement over the last three. I like the way that Krista sees most of these characters and I am interested to see where she takes them next season.
  14. FULL DISCLOSURE - I bought some expensive wine to sip for both the Jolex and the Royal wedding but I ended up guzzling it all tonight. However, I loved this episode! This is the first time in such a long, long time where I really enjoyed every character. I get why Japril fans would hate this ending, but honestly Sarah Drew and Jesse Williams sold it. April seemed genuinely, if sheepishly, happy and Jackson seemed happy for her, but also not insultingly into Maggie. I really liked all of the Jo and Alex scenes and even if it wasn't as dramatic and emotional as I would have wanted, I don't have any doubt that they are really good for each other and that their wedding day went perfectly in character for them. The sex by the dead corpse and their reaction to it cracked me up. The only thing I didn't love was Meredith reverting back to her selfish and semi-possesive hold on Alex, but I think she is realizing that people are moving on and she is finally ready to do the same. Also, I never once considered any kind of MerLuca relationship but now I am very much here for it, especially if they can't get Scott Speedman back. There were so many small, funny character moments that I will have to come back to, and I even enjoyed the interns! The episode itself wasn't so shocking or original but something about the beautiful setting and the natural light really just improved everything for me (the wine meant for Harry and Megan didn't hurt either :) If I had a complaint it would have been that the hospital scenes seemed out of place. But I did love the first scene at the stranger's wedding and how confused and awkward everyone was and while I have never been a big Teddy fan, I am curious to see how it all plays out with Bailey.
  15. I'm kind of skeptical about that and I hope she's trolling. I don't think that Jo and Alex will get married at the venue, but I don't think anyone else will either. Don't forget there is some other rando bride to contend with.
  16. Me too. I never watched PP so this is new to me. And I think that this is much more in character for Jo and Alex than a fancy wedding, as beautiful as it looks. I hope there are some nice moments between them and it’s not all slapstick, but Camilla is cracking me up so far with her screams and her spitting her sex hair out of her eyes.
  17. This show is really screwing with me because I'm kind of rooting for Oksana and I kind of really disliked Eve because of how she was to her husband. I don't want Oksana to kill Eve or "win" or anything like that, but I don't really want her to die either. I think that the actress is doing a phenomenal job, I can't take my eyes off her when she's on the screen, so I really hope she's in season 2, as implausible as that may seem. In fact, I am attached to most of the characters, even Konstantin and I want him to stick around too. But now I'm a little suspicious of Carolyn. What exactly does Nico do for a living?
  18. I have watched this 100 times and Jo’s gigantic open mouth scream makes me laugh out loud every single time. I heart these two vulgar idiots!
  19. Yeah, I was really hoping that they were going to imply that Matthew and April had been hanging out together as friends and then leave it kind of as a possibility but not set in stone, rather than They Are In Love Now, etc. But I would rather this than her dying. I guess we'll see what happens next week, but I think it would be nice to just leave things kind of vague so that viewers can make up their own minds as to what happens between them. (Maybe they live happily ever after, maybe they are just there for each other in a comfort/spiritual way and eventually part as friends, etc.) I think that Camilla and Jesse have great friend chemistry and I would LOVE it if Jo moved over to Plastics rather than General under Meredith. God knows she will probably be a resident until the show ends with this dumb timeline but there are already so many general surgeons and we don't have many mentor/mentee relationships left. I really enjoyed them in the burn episode a couple of seasons ago as well.
  20. That's what I'm thinking. I guess its "full circle" for Alex, but I think its kind of cheesy that they may do a wedding "switcheroo" again. On the other hand, I think that its perfect that Alex and Jo sneak off, mostly to have sex, and get locked in a shed LOL! That is much more in character for them than a fancy wedding I think. But as always, I wonder who is going to get the reception bill at the end of the night!
  21. I was feeling that way, but now I'm not so sure. (Waiting for EW to show up and blow the spoiler) I'm kind of surprised that Sarah is putting so much emphasis on tonight vs. next week, which makes me think that we find out her fate tonight, which really only means one thing. Now on top of a death, I'm worried about a big time jump and some kind of afterlife segment in the next episode, none of which I'm excited for.
  22. Last week was depressing and it made me angry. This week it was just sad. Once again, Junior got hosed. Zoey gets a car and a trip to Europe and Junior gets a used watch that his dad didn’t really even want to give up. Not to mention the inscription was about as generic as you could get. It had nothing to do with Junior at all, it could have been for anyone. Normally that would be a great, sentimental gift, but coming from a father who can barely hide his contempt for you, it just came off as half-assed. Ugh, just give Junior a spin-off so I can watch that instead. Finally, it must be nice to frequent a jeweler often enough that the sales clerk knows your name and life story.
  23. I have no dog in the Matthew/April/Jackson/Maggie fight, but I would be okay with her ending involving Matthew. As I've said before, it doesn't need to be declarations of love or soulmates or anything like that. It can just be that they have been spending time as friends with the possibility of more sometime in the vague future offscreen. I would much prefer that to death or disgrace in anyway and if there is a possibility of a great career opportunity as well, all the better. And similar to what you're saying, April was introduced as someone was a late bloomer, so it would make sense to me that Jackson was the cliched "high school boyfriend" or "college boyfriend." That guy (or girl) that you love passionately that had all of the attributes that you thought that you wanted in a partner (and popularity and good looks definitely applied here), and who was perfect at the moment that you were beginning to become the person you would eventually be, but not the person that you could ultimately make a fulfilling life with. I know that there are exceptions to this rule, I have a friend from high school that got married at 18 to her high school boyfriend and is still married 33 years later. I also don't mean to belittle the Japril relationship as just a shallow high school fling because they were friends first, they have been through something traumatic together and they have a child that they seem to successfully co-parent. But I do see how they could each find the other to be exotic and unlike anyone else they have dated and how appealing that would be, and how a part of them will always love each other in that way. But I also think that the show has done a pretty good job over the years of showing why they don't work and that was well before Krista came on the scene. In some respects, their most significant scenes/episodes (the wedding interruption and both Japril the Movies) made clear, to me at least, that love and sexual passion may not be enough to overcome their differences and issues.
  24. I know I'm a broken record when it comes to this, but unless Justin Chambers just doesn't feel the need to work that much anymore, I don't get it either. Just as an example, why don't the writers feel that Alex warrants either a multi-episode arc or even a semi-centric episode about his myriad family issues when Jackson got an entire episode to explore his father issues and Maggie got two multi-episode arcs with her mother? Maybe because Alex's family isn't connected to other characters? I don't presume that Alex is anyone's favorite character but I don't think he is hated and those rare episodes that do explore him beyond Jolex and friendly peds surgeon are usually pretty well received. ETA - Evie you got to the bitter horse beating a little earlier than I did but I co-sign your post 100% right down to the similar family dynamics. I think that this topic (all kinds of family dysfunction) would resonate more than the Current Topic of the Week episodes, but again, I'm clearly biased.
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