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Everything posted by Deanie87
My Brilliant Friend - General Discussion
Deanie87 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in My Brilliant Friend
That's what I got out of it too. She is reading Lila's journals (and tossing them into the ocean is a really, really shitty thing to do regardless), Lila's voice is in her head and while Lila is living a domestic nightmare, she is still smart, she is still stubborn and is still living with the destructive bravado that was always the core of her personality and strength. Lenu has been given all of the opportunities that Lila didn't get, but is still unsure, still lonely, still passive and still unable to really enjoy her relative good fortune. At this point it seems to me that Lenu is perusing her life in order to spite Lila in some way rather than because she actively has a passion for it. * *I wrote this before finishing the finale and have not read further into the forum thread so as not to spoil myself. Things could change dramatically leaving but I'm not counting on it. -
Damn. By the end of the series the only characters I cared about were Conner, Michaela, Frank and Bonnie. LOL to me.
Atlanta’s Missing and Murdered: The Lost Children
Deanie87 replied to Luckylyn's topic in HBO Documentaries
I'm watching too. I think he probably did do it. I vaguely remember from when I was young and I had always assumed that it was a completely watertight case so to see so many people doubt it is interesting. I'm glad they are giving this such a thorough look. -
My Brilliant Friend - General Discussion
Deanie87 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in My Brilliant Friend
I love this show but it can be so frustrating. And while I want to be infuriated with Lila for "stealing" Nino away from Elena, I can't because Elena never, ever communicates what she wants. I understand that she is still a young girl who doesn't really know what she wants or how to ask for it and comes from a society where her wants and needs are immaterial, but I find her so frustrating. Much more than Lila who is just such a complicated mix of intelligence, rage and destruction. It's possible that knowing Elena liked Nino may have made Nino all the more attractive to Lila, but I have a hard time feeling the "betrayal" when Elena just sits silently and passively watches people act around her. I hate that she let that gross, manipulative creep anywhere near her but I almost welcomed her doing something actively, as wrong and as misguided as it was. I do love that she told him afterward. I hope that Elena finally does start putting herself first and figuring out what she really wants. -
This is the show that I have been looking forward to the most this Spring. I am definitely liking it, but I thought that the first episode was pretty heavy handed. I don't know much about Shlafely but I'm wondering if they are white-washing her a little bit. The show is implying that the ERA definitely wasn't the hill she wanted to die on but the topic that would get her the most recognition. And that she used her looks and charms just as much as Gloria Steinem, who I know a little bit more about but am still wondering how accurate the portrayal is. All in all the actresses and music are definitely enough to keep me watching.
I am so late to the "party" but honestly the best part of this episode is seeing so many familiar names from TWoP and PTV. "Hi everybody!!"/Dr. Nick. I'm sorry that we had to meet again under such bullshit circumstances. I am so much sadder about the end of an era of my life (seriously, I started watching and commenting with some of you all through marriage, kids, deaths, etc.) than I am about this sad snuffing out of a character that meant a lot to me. This character has been in my life longer than my kid! What can possibly be said after years of complaining about the treatment of Alex Karev on this show? Honestly 10 years ago, I would have been begging for an Alex/Izzie ending. But this was laughable. I realize that they have apparently been caught off guard but there were so many better ways to do this. Even if he still left Jo and wound up with Izzie there would have been better ways than Alex doing to Jo what Izzie did to him. If I had been given a taste of the legendary JC/KH chemistry, I would have been at least a little curious to see if they still had it and they possibly could have sold it to me, but we didn't even get that. I liked Jolex, but A/I was my first ever real, true all-encompassing OTP. I lived through the Evil Spawn stage, the Gizzie stage, the Ava stage, the GHOST FUCKING DENNY stage, the '"eh will we put him with April?" stage, the Pixie Haircut girl stage, the "why does he have nothing to do? stage parts 1-3, the godawful "he's no Derek but at least he'll idolize Meredith" Merlex stage, and finally the "Jo is perfect for him/wait why is she so whiny/Jo could do better than Alex/FINALLY he is happy and healthy" stage. And then...this embarrassment. In the end, I am SO grateful for Krista/Shonda/ABC/whoever else, because they have so completely ruined a show that I used to love, not to mention my all time favorite TV character to the point that I haven't watched a second of this season, and I don't even really care about this, which would have completely SHOCKED me even 2 years ago. They should have ended the show YEARS ago and the longer they go on, the more they tarnish the legacy of the show. May they always be a cautionary tale.
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
Also interesting/smart how all of this went down a couple of days after the TCAs so no uncomfortable questions. I didn't pay much attention, though, so I don't even know if Grey's was even asked about. Maybe Station 19? -
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
Yeah, we will probably never know the details for any of the backstage stuff (dammit!!). Grey's has definitely dealt with cast members needing time off for various personal and professional reasons, so maybe it was a contract negotiation that went sour which led to Justin seeking help or maybe the other way around. It just stinks that from all outward appearances (which I know don't always mean much) he seemed like a pretty good employee. Shondaland has a lot of disgruntled former employees in its wake though, so I always side eye them. -
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
I don't necessarily think that SaRa has tea, but I believe that she is friendly enough with Justin to know if it was a health or family problem. And if it were, she probably wouldn't have tweeted what she did. She and his wife have been pretty good friends for years, I"m pretty sure. -
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
This is from the former creator of TWoP. I have no idea if they are related or if she has any inside scoop but... -
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
It is time for somebody to publish that tell-all. They need to strike now while the iron is hot LOL! -
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
Hmmmmmm. ETA - she is or was pretty good friends with him and his family. I think she would know if there was a health or personal problem. Or at least she would find out before tweeting. -
Grey's Anatomy in the Media: Incident Reporting
Deanie87 replied to stopthestatic's topic in Grey's Anatomy
Just popping in here to say what the hell? I don't even watch this show anymore but he was the only reason I did for nearly 15 years. I can't believe this. The Grey's tell all can't come fast enough.- 2.0k replies
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I thought the show ended kind of upbruptly, but I, too, got choked up at the end. I am a complete sucker for a montage and David Simon is damn good at them. I saw this Love Letter to NY/Old Times Square as a kind of bookend to his Love Letter to Baltimore from the wire. Which I still can't watch without absolutely losing it. I also really appreciated the sound of the GoT theme in there too, very cheeky of Simon. I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand, she knew that the actress didn't want to do it and had them do it anyway, but on the other hand, they actors were apparently told what it would involve ahead of time and what kind of film it was going to be. She was frustrated, but she didn't threaten them or verbally abuse them and she gave them extra time to take a walk and think about it. In the end they ended up in a Criterion Classic movie without having a sex scene on video for all of eternity. (I assume that was the film the article was referencing.) I actually loved the reunion of Vince and Frankie and laughed when Frankie told him that he looked like shit. That scene and the wedding were my favorite parts.
Ugh what a gut punch. I agree that the fact that Lori did it so fast, with no hesitation and no desire to be high just makes it all the more sad. I really don't care about Vincent or Abby or the other guy and his son. I wanted to see Paul and I wanted to see some follow up on Harvey and Maggie. It seems like some storylines got dragged out and some just disappeared.
S01.E01: It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice
Deanie87 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Watchmen [V]
That's good to know! I saw the trailer for that it looks good. Also, is there some significance to the title of this episode other than the song at the end? I think that it was also on the wall of the guy who took the poison pill. I promise I won't be that person who doesn't know the original material and asks a hundred questions every episode 🙂 -
S01.E01: It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice
Deanie87 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Watchmen [V]
I don't know any of the source material and while I can't say that it all made sense, it definitely sucked me in and I am looking forward to more. Being familiar with the novel and and film, etc., would probably increase the depth of my viewing experience, but it also might increase the chances of my disappointment. That's how I viewed Game of Thrones, invested and entertained, but not overly attached to the source material and that ended up being a good thing in the end. I found The Leftovers to be an extremely emotionally moving series, even if I didn't always understand exactly what was going on or why, so I am willing to give Lindelof the benefit of the doubt. If nothing else, I assume I won't be bored. -
S01.E01: It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice
Deanie87 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Watchmen [V]
That's where I am too. I never read the comic, never saw the movie, don't get a lot of the references, but this was the rare show that made me want to pay attention. Not fold laundry as I watched or scroll through twitter, so that's something. I kind of saw the end of Don Johnson's character coming, but it made me really sad. I was looking forward to him getting a later in life renaissance, so hopefully he'll show up some kind of backstory in future episodes. -
Yeah, I wonder if Lori is based on anyone in particular or just sort of an amalgam of a lot of people? Dorothy Stratten occurred to me as well probably just because of the time period and the blonde hair, but Lori seems less naive than Stratten has been portrayed. I was also a teen in the 80s and am enjoying this season more than the others as well. Part of it is the music and part of it is the strange combination of the lingering seediness of the 70s and the surface brightness and optimism of the early 80s. Its like I was vaguely aware of some of this stuff at the time, but was young and didn't really know what was happening. I about AIDS but it didn't really touch my life in any real way other than the dire warnings about safe sex. It still amazes and saddens me that a huge portion of a generation of people (mostly gay men) was wiped during my lifetime and no one wanted to address it. Whenever I watch something about it now, I get a bit overwhelmed at the tragedy of it. Right now I am more invested in Paul story and Lori's story more than the others.
And for all of his faults (and obviously there are lots of them), Kendall seemed truly upset and angry about what went down on the cruise ships so I hated that he was going to be the one to take the fall for them. Logan turned a blind eye, at the very least, Roman and Tom where both pretty dismissive of it and even Shiv was keeping with the Roy line when she spoke with the witness in the last episode. None of them are good people, but I still think that Kendall seems to be the most sensitive to other people. And I'm kind of fuzzy about what happened last week (?) when Shiv called Kendall on the plane to give him the heads up about Logan backstabbing all of them. Could this have been planned by the kids all along?
Holy shit that felt good! Logan is so loathsome (well, most of them are, that roundtable discussion about who should be the fall guy was cutthroat), but Logan seems to take some kind of pleasure in his cruelty to Ken. Although he still looked kind of proud of him in the last shot LOL! So many transformations in this episode. Roman is now serious and has an ounce of real empathy (not to mention I love him sticking up for Gerri) and, of course, TOM!! His speech line about being sadder with Shiv than being without her was so good and of course, Shiv now respects him, just like Logan now respects Ken. She is a chip off the ole block. This show is so stinking good! So I wonder if anyone else knew what Ken was up to. Shiv and Roman both looked pretty surprised, but I wouldn't hate for the three of them to have hatched it together.
I love that Gerri is just matter of fact about it all. She isn't slightly flattered, she isn't nervous, she isn't overly grossed out. She is exactly what you would expect a woman of her age and intellegence to be - someone who has seen some shit and dealt with men like Logan, Kendall, Tom, and even Roman her entire career and not much fazes her after all.
Yes, I really need to know this! But I'm not sure how I want it to go down. I kind of want Roman to have genuine feelings for her, but I don't want Geri getting involved with any of that mess. I guess I could settle for a mutually affectionate power couple arrangement, but I want to know what Roman's sexual deal is. Did he imply that he was molested by a camp counselor? I didn't quite get what he was saying there.
And if I recall correctly, he was listening to Beastie Boys in that scene, which is just perfect. I love them, but they have to be the epitome of upper class New York white boy rap. As always, RIP MCA. I know that they said they would never tour again without him, but Kendall Roy is RIGHT THERE! This episode had me questioning so many things. Like, did Kendall really think that his dad would enjoy his "tribute?" Or was it just kind of embarrassing fuck you? Did Roman look a tad bit...jealous when he thought that his dad may have bedded Geri? Or just a little nauseated? I desperately want his feelings for her to be real. Did Shiv really think that someone like Rhea would go for someone like Tom, even as an entertaining flirtation? Come on. I would buy her hooking up with Gregory before I would buy her hooking up with Tom. I loved all of the brutal sibling interaction in this episode. Yes to Marcia with the lines of the night. First with STD question and then to Logan "I'm bored. You are booorrring me." Ha! I love this show!
Oh yeah - thanks for the reminder! This makes me want to go back and rewatch season 1 now that I have a better feel for the show. Maybe there's hope for Roman after all!