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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I got FJ, another "red-themed" FJ and four in a row for me. But I digress. I had forgotten that it wasn't that long ago that I'd never heard of red or blue states, and when everyone was talking about some state being one or the other, I was all WTH does that even mean. Now that's all anyone talks about 24/7. (Make it stop! It was so much better before!) I got Miracle Worker too, and am fine with the players not coming up with that answer. My poor brain needs all the crumbs it can get to make it feel just a wee bit smarter than before.
  2. I came here to post this, and @illdoc beat me to it by minutes! (I took a detour, so I blame that for being scooped.)
  3. Thanks. I've never heard of Wise chips, but I was yelling at those guys to go to the chips/snacks section and they might have seen/found the bag with the card on it. Easy for me to say, watching from home!
  4. I really liked the two guys who won the first sweep, and was disappointed they didn't win the big money on that final clue. My antenna cut out during that scene so I missed what product rhymed with "guy" in the chip clue. Can anyone help?
  5. The Winner of Week 7 was a tough decision as there were four in competition for this Prestigious Award. But don't color me selfish as I name the TWO, two, two winners of this week. Both of these players achieved their highest scores yet after seven weeks of play. Those two smarties are @opus and @saber5055. Yes, both finished last week at their highest pinnacle of knowledge. Congratulations to you both. (Me: Thank you, thank you for this remarkable honor. "I am humbled by your applause.")
  6. Wow and yikes! You might enjoy the surgery though, as weird as that sounds. Don't hate me when I say "anesthesia!" Let us know how it goes. Now you will set off airport metal detector alarms!
  7. @peeayebee, what a terrible event. I am so sorry. I wish we could all sign your cast, for sure that would make you feel better. :-P Feel free to type cap-less all you like.
  8. The Sunday Funnies — Volume 6 In honor of Halloween, we’re promoting some of the scariest vegetable movies. First on the list is Broccoli Horror Picture Show. Also spooky is Silence of the Yams. And don’t forget House on Haunted Dill and I Know What You Grew Last Summer. Why is stand-up comedian a good job for a zombie? Because he’s dyin’ up here. How many witches does it take to change a light bulb? Into what? What does an eye doctor hand out for Halloween? Candy corneas. What kind of glasses does a ghost wear? Spooktacles. If you take the inside out of a hot dog, what do you have left? A hollow wienie. What kind of potatoes does Frankenstein like? Monster mashed. Why is stand-up comedian a good job for a zombie? Because he’s killin’ it up here. I didn’t turn my clock back last night. The last thing I need is another hour of 2020. For the pandemic, Sony just came out with a new console ... Plague Station 5. Last night I fell asleep while reading old magazines. I woke up with back issues. Man, making a login password is frustrating. I put in “beef stew” and the computer said it wasn’t stroganoff. What do you call an insignificant pachyderm? Irrelephant. Cowboy rides into town wearing a paper suit. Paper hat, paper jacket, paper pants, paper chaps, paper boots. Everything he wore was made of paper. The sheriff arrested him, charged him with rustling. And now more from our little buddy, the dung beetle ... What’s a dung beetle’s favorite movie? Basic Instink. What’s a dung beetle’s favorite mushroom? Shiitake.
  9. WU had me laughing through practically the whole thing, and I could watch a whole hour of Baby Yoda, couldn't take my eyes off him. When I saw Fire Marshall Biden was the cold open, I was all, oh no, and pretty much stopped watching, although I gather it wasn't as dreck as Carrey's past performances. I just dislike him so much, it colors everything he does as Biden now. Mulaney continues to be my favorite host, even if he isn't "perfectly funny" every time.
  10. And I should have stayed home on Monday and Tuesday. Wait ... I did! 3/5 for me, my bestest week yet. (Or maybe ever this season. We'll see.)
  11. I thought the clue specified 11 letters, but I can't access J-Archive to confirm. My brain might just be tricking not treating me.
  12. I was doing the same thing as the player, "The place where Papillon was ..." That was a tough loss for Chris Shim, forgetting to say "What is ..." when he gave the correct answer of "signature required." Cost him the game. I wouldn't have minded seeing him again. Red Scare is correct and Red Menace is as well, at least for our contest. Fix your score if you need to.
  13. WEEK 7 • Oct. 26, 2020 — ONE asterisk ** 31. Ancient Texts. Developed in the 18th century B.C. & named for a ruler, it aimed to “settle all disputes & heal all injuries.” * 32. The 13 Colonies. Pride in the document under which this future state was governed from 1639 to 1662 led to its official state nickname. * 33. Awards & Honorees. He used his 1983 Pritzker Prize money on a scholarship fund for Chinese students to study their profession in the United States. 34. Lead Singers. The N.Y. Times said this late Brit’s multi-octave range & operatic quality made “even paeans to bicycle riding sound emotional.” 35. Phrases Of The 1950s. A 1954 book review said of this colorful 2-word term, also applied to the post-WWI era, “the underlying hysteria lives on.”
  14. Thanks for posting early @Mindthinkr. It made me laugh (after last week I mean).
  15. I got a laugh out of "hep" being a TS (that I got) since I use that all the time. In fact, yesterday I almost posted here that I was "hep to the scene," then changed my mind because I figured no one would get it. But razzle dazzle baby, I am a real hep cat! I also got Buddhism, dram/drum and diamonds. AND, big drum roll, I also got FJ, making it three FJs in a row for this week. I really AM hep to the scene, baby! Never looked at him because I was busy crushing on the guy in the center. Hottie.
  16. Oh, hey, that's me. Based on @opus' research, I rule "Red Menace" as acceptable and yes, correct.
  17. I only saw the last hour when this aired Tuesday, so watched the rerun tonight so I could see what all the chatter was about with Flip and his dog. Flip has always been a favorite of mine so I was all up to see his run. But the backstory about Maui ... oh gosh, my eyes filled with tears and my heart broke. Perhaps it takes a certain kind of person to appreciate the bond between a human and an animal. But I totally got it. I mean, I TOTALLY got it. I have no problem with how that story was presented. End of my story.
  18. I couldn't believe last night's player going for the next round when she had three whammies. But her family said she "deserved" to win all the new prizes, and she thought so too. Like yeah, even if you did manage to play all three spins, the odds of you hitting that Bora Bora wedding square were pretty bleak. So I guess I was okay with her hitting the whammy right off since she "deserved" to get zero'd out. She could have used that $8,000+ she lost to pay for a "real" wedding photographer.
  19. Yeah, this show was being promo'd as "The Feel-Good Show of Summer" but hokey smokes, it sure isn't making any players feel good. But the show is making out like a bandit since they don't have to fork any cash out, just have to pay the host and the production people and they're good. Talk about banking money, the show is banking money. Speaking of the host, I keep wanting to comb his hair. He's just not quite right for the Bed Head look. The dialogue at the end of the show: Host to player: "What's keeping you strong?" Player (in my words): "I don't want to break down bawling on national tv." Still, I'll miss this crazy show. Hope it comes back. It should since it's not costing the network anything.
  20. You didn't see Match Game last night by any chance? I was wondering how you did in that German-language category the other day. It made me think of you.
  21. Which is why I started thinking about Dances With Wolves last night, replaying "certain scenes" in my brain. Some here know why that's a fav movie of mine. And Graham Greene even got a Supporting Actor Academy Award nom for his role.
  22. I have a problem with the answer of "Jumanji" to the clue "The premise of this 2017 film: 4 teens are sucked into a magical video game where they meet Nick Jonas." The movie "Jumanji" came out in 1995, not 2017. The 2017 film was titled "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle," not just plain "Jumanji." Instead of a BMS, Trebek finished the answer which IMO was so wrong. There also is a third in the series, "Jumanji: The Next Level" that came out in 2019. Which movie did the player think was the correct answer? The wrong one. Using that model, I guess one could just answer "Harry Potter" for the name of the movie where Dumbledore is killed. (Oh, sorry, spoiler.)
  23. Rifle was indeed the correct answer, but because "rifle" was part of the "assault rifle" answer, that was accepted. People tend to think AR stands for assault rifle or automatic rifle, but in fact the AR-15 is named for its manufacturer, ArmaLite ... AR is short for ArmaLite rifle. Yeah, I know. Jeopardy judges can be so wishy washy sometimes. This was just another example. I answered just plain "rifle" the same as you did. So we rock IMO!
  24. So hilarious about Des Moines. I wouldn't be surprised if it wanted to move to Idaho though, especially during an election year. Side note: Around here when we are feeling cheeky, we pronounce it DEZ moan NEZ. "Let's go to Dez Moan-nez this weekend!" I just got a quick look but I believe that fluffy cow was a Shorthorn. The fluff is man made. Show cattle are bathed, then their hair is blown dry with big vacuum blowers in the opposite direction so it stands up. Then the cow/steer is shaped with scissors, mostly to level the top line. The farm stores sell all kinds of product to add to the bath/coat/hair to make it stand up, like Bed Head for guys. Show cattle tail hair is also glued up into a round ball. Not sure why, that's just the way it's done. Farm store also sells spray color to boost the "beauty" on show cattle. It's illegal (AKC rule) for a show dog to be artificially colored or have any substance in its coat. Show cows, it's all out in the open and standard practice. I got Tito and Yugoslavia because I'm old. I got FJ with ease because I'm not THAT old, plus I like Adam Lambert, who is now singing in Freddie Mercury style with Queen. Side note: An image of Freddie Mercury is used in an ad for a show-dog product with the headline "We Are The Champions." Not sure if Queen approved that.
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