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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm at the T42 (2 4 tee and tea for two) this week but you don't want me to set a theme. I basically suck at everything that involves social skills.
  2. While contestants SHOULD know they can bet 1000 in the J round, in the excitement and pressure of the game, it can easily be forgotten. IMO Mayim made a serious error by not saying she could bet up to 1000. Players should always be reminded of that rule, and that's the job of the host.
  3. True. However, I'm familiar with tobacco and how it's grown, harvested and dried, and I have to say I've never seen a tee-pee-shaped "hut" barn for drying tobacco. Maybe that was a photo from India or somewhere. Side note: You know when you pass a tobacco plot in the spring; once the seed has been sown, the long rows are covered with a white cheese-cloth type fabric. You also know when you pass a tobacco farm because the curing barns look like this photo, they all have slats that open so the air can circulate freely. Believe it or not (believe it!) tobacco is grown in Wisconsin. Thank you writers for the wonderful shout out to Alex with the answer of Cam-MOOOO. It actually made me a bit nostalgic for the "old days." And another big thank you goes to Alexandre Dumas for giving me a correct FJ guess. Lastly, thank you to New Champion Julia for your enthusiasm and joy for the game. You brightened my day for those short few minutes, and cleared the black cloud of depression that has been following me these days. You made me smile and feel happy, at least for a little while. I hope you remain champion for many days to come.
  4. Chicago's WGN radio did an interview with Ken Jennings this morning. If my dogs hadn't woke me up, I would have missed it. Still, I only caught the past part. But, never fear, the entire interview is posted online here. He does say next season starts taping this summer so the new host should be known soon. ETA: Obviously, my dogs know I'm a Jeopardy fan because I was sound asleep, and when Ken's interview came on the radio, they started their morning "sing" and woke me up. "Who's a good dog?" "WE ARE!" they said!
  5. Kind of like how Chicago natives say "yoose guys" when asking if yoose guys want to go to a movie.
  6. Agree. And I'll take him over Peacock Guy every day of the week. Of course he was wearing "iron undies" to smash the walnuts. Sofia trying it while just wearing regular Spanx was ... well, I guess it was good teevee, or at least TPTB thought so. Most people knew she wasn't going to make it work. Good time killer, plus this show is all about the judges so there's that.
  7. I'm late so I'll just cut to the chase. Week 37's winner can claim to be the Smartest Person In The Room this week, the only player to score a four, the highest this week, no mean achievement during a tough Tournament. So here's applause for the brainiac known in these parts as @Driad. Kudos and acclaim as DRIAD stands at the pinnacle of Week 37. Here's a photo of DRIAD with the rest of us just hanging out for another week in the contest. Congratulations Glorious Winner DRIAD!
  8. I just saw this posted by Andy on his site TheJeopardyFan.com, for Thursday, June 3. It might apply to some of you. "Important note: Due to coverage yesterday of the debate for the New York City Democratic mayoral primary, this game will air on Friday, June 4 in New York City. If you are in New York, yesterday’s game airs tonight."
  9. Well @Kromm, thanks for starting this thread for a show that everyone hates. LOL!
  10. Well, if I remember correctly, we were all kind to you here if that's any consolation. It felt like she was reading the answers and catching the puns for the first time, which maybe she was. I thought it was a hoot. Different strokes I guess. Too bad Chicago (Tribune) is in fly-over country, hey?
  11. The best part about this show being back is this thread is once again alive with some great posts and posters. Reading here is a highlight and best part of AGT for me. I agree that the "dancer," the one that had me LOL so hard, will be not so hilarious when he comes back. I was trying to think what he would do next time and couldn't come up with anything that would wow me like his first time. But I guess I'll find out. It seems unanimous that we all hate the sob back stories, but every single reality show dwells heavily on them, and winners typically have the sobbiest sob stories. From The Bachelor to Pooch Perfect to American Ninja Warrior, we can't get away from them. But if you fast forward through them, then when the sob person wins, you'll be all WTH? and not know why. I also liked the aerialist Aiden and I guess his backstory sort of got to me and helped me like him more. If his last name was Wallenda he'd be just another aerialist. So I guess ignore what I wrote above about sob stories. I identify with people who do not conform to "the normal," so there's that.
  12. I kept trying to see how the "audience" was all CGI'd in since I figured it was fake. Every once in a while I'd get a glimpse of a big empty behind the judges. I was glad audience was fake though, which meant we didn't get close ups of those old lady twins they show every episode. Or, used to. I was doing so many other things during this show that I missed most of the nuances, although when the choir came on with its gigantic sob story and then Howie stood up, I had a gigantic deja vu flashback to last year. And the year before. And probably the year before that. Some bunch of people who do good deeds get together and sing some songs and voilá, they're going to finals on this show. I didn't know the guy singer was a little kid until I looked over at the teevee. And thought well, that's possibly the winner of this whole thing. Once he beats out the GB choir that is. This show loves little kid singers. My favorite of the night was the "dancer." I actually and quite literally started laughing out loud and didn't stop until he did. I don't know, it just struck me as hilarious and I laughed hard. Go ahead and judge me. Unfortunately, the peacock guy took my good humor away STAT. I couldn't get him off my teevee fast enough, but he kept staying and staying and staying and staying ... Gah, plus now he's going to be back on a later episode. Someone kill me now.
  13. "Eh, I never made the connection." --TM Long-time listener, first-time caller to Mr. Obvious FJ category of newspapers ... right up my alley. I love newspapers and I've worked for several. So, I went through all the newspapers across the country: Star, Times, Observer, Journal, Post, Tribune ... none of them were right so I went with Observer. That it was Tribune was a big "DUH" moment since I've gotten the Chicago Tribune since forever, and the radio station I've listened to since forever was owned by the Tribune Company and was located in the Tribune Tower. You know, where the Chicago Tribune was printed. Of course, it's common knowledge that my bulb does not burn bright around here so there's that.
  14. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your cats, @secnarf and @ams1001. That's heartbreaking. I wish I had something positive to say, but quite frankly, it s*cks. Just know there are posters here who understand what a deep loss that is, and what a void it leaves in someone's life. ***HUGS***
  15. Have you shopped lately for a tin-foil robe? I know where you can find one.
  16. Any other horse person (ahem, @Mindthinkr) get that easy TS of Nez Perce? My first horse was the breed created by the Nez Perce, an Appaloosa. Chief Joseph is famous for saying "I will fight no more forever." Well, famous with everyone except today's Jeopardy players. He's also been a Jeopardy clue/answer more than once before. Man, all the TSs. Mayim was so polite, but at the end of the DJ round when she said "Whew," I interpreted that as "What a crappy game." Scores at the end of DJ were lower than the average J round. Her charity didn't exactly rake in the cash today. Got a laugh that Mayim's Neuriva commercial ran during the show. Nice wager by Robin to win at the end. At least that was something good.
  17. There are some I'm looking forward to seeing; thanks for the link. I have to admit though, based on the above post, I read Dominique Jackson as Dominatrix Jackson.
  18. Wow, I'm with you guys. It was so very tedious, but I kept it on as background noise while I worked online. I looked over a couple times, but next week the rerun of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is already calling my name. I guess the people won some money. I hope they took the cash and ran.
  19. Waiting for @bybrandy and @Prevailing Wind to check in. No doubt they both are on an extended vacation long weekend!
  20. Except it was Horse CENTS, about money, and one answer was a king, and a TS at that. The 2000 answer of Lipizzaner, now that was an easy one. As someone who has never had cable and can't even bring in all the "regular" networks on my over-the-air antenna, it was a no-way FJ for me.
  21. This is exactly what Andy said over on TheJeopardyFan.com. It def needed a BMS. Nash Rambler TS ... ha ha ha. I was seriously waiting for Camus to be an answer in THAT'S MY PHILOSOPHY.
  22. Actually, she didn't. She said something like "I love how you ... something something do something." She did not say "Donald, I love you." What she said was akin to saying "I love that thin-crust pizza cooks quicker than stuffed crust." Doesn't mean she loves thin crust, just loves the fact it's quicker to the plate -- all while not saying the pizza she really loves is pan. Her next sentence was, "There, I said it!" while I'm thinking, no Lizzie, you did NOT say "it." Saying you love how someone dresses or drinks coffee black doesn't mean you love that person.
  23. The only Maggie May I know is Rod Stewart's, and Maggie, "You made a first-class fool out of me." And the only Botany Bay I know makes raincoats. But I do know my Hoppers. When I took the train to Chicago a couple years ago to see the Hopper exhibit at the Art Institute, a friend sent me this painting of me on the train. It looks just like me, if one switches out the stylish suit for a flannel shirt and Crocs. Interesting side note, Hopper's wife was his model in (almost) all of his paintings, and IRL my favorite artist was a, let's say, not very nice person. Love the (delicious) mushroom theme at T41, where all the "best people" are this week!
  24. Oh, man, that takes me back. What was that, Season 1 or 2? Those were good times.
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