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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. If I remember correctly, Jordan's IMDB said he's been in three movies, although there is no picture of him. So, maybe he's a "sort of" actor. I did finally read that Chad ex-boyfriend article that put JoJo in a tiz a few eps back. Call me jaded, but I believe his side of the story. Can't say much of anyone goes on this show for "true love" these days. If it happens, great, there's the bonus. But bottom line, it's fast and maybe not-fleeting fame.
  2. I just heard Anna Kendrick on Ryan Seacrest's radio show. Ryan asked why she isn't tweeting The Bachelorette this season because she always does. She said because Jordan Rogers is in the movie Pitch Perfect 2 with her.
  3. The daredevil skating duo was a segment on "I Can Do That!" last year. On that show, "stars" had to learn a skill/sport from professionals and then compete in it the following week for audience votes. Nicole Scherzinger was one who performed the skating daredevil act. Since the show was on NBC, you'd think the judges MIGHT have heard of it? Although in keeping with the theme of AGT, EVERY act is New! Fresh! Never Seen Before!
  4. Not that I know anything about plastic surgery, but doesn't the wound have to heal first, so the scar and subsequent repair can be evaluated? That girl needs to be taught comebacks when she is teased about her glasses. It's not like she is ugly, with or without them. Plus, she should be told scars are sexy. Because yeah, they are.
  5. The biggest hard-to-believe in this show was, temp is 120F and TC is wearing his black leather jacket all over the place. I ride, and in summer it's in a t-shirt, not sweaty, unbreathing black leather. Although I guess the "hot" look (not temp hot) is what TC was going for. You'd think a scrubs top wouldn't be THAT hot that TC would have to strip down to a gross OD wife beater. How nasty is THAT look for your doctor? No thanks. The bomb pop bite cracked me up, best part of the show for me. Hey dude, eat your 'sicle or lose it.
  6. Talking about the clothes Martin and Louise wear or do not wear ... Martin has been seen several times in pajamas, and Louisa regularly wore jeans (even ones with fashionable "bleach" stains) is earlier episodes. Remember the episode where she made dinner for Martin? Wearing jeans.
  7. If it sounds like Louisa hates everything about Martin, I have to agree with her. I don't see ANYTHING redeeming about him, he's been horrible to Louisa. If I were married to Martin, I would go from loving to hating him because, as I watch this make-believe show, I hate Martin myself. And making HER go to therapy to solve HER problems ... it's not been HER that caused the breakup. Yeah, Martin wants her back, but can he force those words to come out of his lips? No. Louisa tried everything with him, making him breakfast and bringing it to his office ... and she gets rejected every time. After a while, it's impossible to get those love feelings back. I wish she had run off with the architect, he was cute and fun for her. Heck, Martin can't even hug his Aunt Ruth. This show used to be fun, but now it's just watching Martin be cold and uncommunicative. Such a contrast to S1, when he first came to Portwein. He actually SPOKE to people back then.
  8. Thanks for all the information and back stories everyone. I was SO unhappy watching this when Joe wasn't sent to prison. I could just imagine some "good old boys" on the jury, refusing to budge on Joe's right to shoot someone. I guess I wouldn't budge on my conviction that he was guilty as hell and needed to go to prison w/o parole, so there's that. At least he lost his property. I just wish he had lost more.
  9. Property can be sold with easements. For instance, if someone lives behind me and their driveway goes through my land, that easement would be written into both land contracts. It was never revealed if Joe's property contained easements, but I'm guessing it did not. The trails were not grandfathered in, either. It sounds like it was open/for sale land that he bought up. Putting up the gates was a dick move, yeah. Not a way to make friends. I don't understand where he and Tani were when he said Tim was "chasing" them on his ATV. That's why I posted above, I wish we had been shown a map of where everything was, and if there was absolutely no other way to access the public land. But based on this and the Florida case where that private "security" guy murdered the black youth, here are two states where it is easy to rig up a murder and make it look like self defense. The dead guy isn't talking.
  10. Montana is the only state in the union that I had to fight back tears when it was time to fly home, I did not want to leave. Hoosier, he did not "lose" his house or land, he was just prohibited from ever going there again. His wife still could, I'm guessing. This guy was so obviously a murderer. He sent his wife away not so she wouldn't be in "harm's way," but so she wouldn't witness him murdering Tim. That's my take on it. I wish Tim's gun had been checked for prints, to see if Joe put it there, by left-handed Tim's right hand. I hated Joe crying in court. Yeah, crying because he could go to prison, not because he murdered a man. I would have liked to see a map to show where the trails/public land/cabins and Joe's property were, to get a better idea of the problem. Why was Joe able to buy land w/o an easement going through it, those public trails?
  11. "Who agrees to stand on a pedestal to slow dance and kiss in front of a massive crowd while pretending to be alone with your girl? " Answer: Every person who ever appears on this show. That private "elevated" dancing to a live band while surrounded by crowds of cheering spectators is a staple of this show, there is at least one date like that per season, sometimes two. Wasn't it Chris Soules who was given props for not falling off the tiny hubcap he and his date had to dance on? That's good insight, seasick, about some if not all of these guys being recruited from dating (and other) sites. Ali, the most beautiful bachelor ever, has been sent home. *sob* I guess he was so much better looking than JoJo, he had to GoGo. This new site won't accept my paragraph spacing, no matter how many returns I put between thoughts. So sorry for my run-ons. I'm trying to keep them short. I hate posting here since "the change."
  12. Luke has a band? Never has the show revealed this, so for Luke to be on TB-ette to "promo his band" is pretty ... well, not working for him. Yes, he's handsome, smart, whatever. But he signed up for the show just like every handsome and smart guy. So we can see them on teevee! Simple as that. That hike looked like the most tragic few hours ever spent on a fake date. What a miserable time that was, from start to finish, and painful to watch. Then, after taking a helicopter to the woods, Chad is left to wander back to the mansion by himself, in the dark, to scratch on the window ... "Please let me in." Best.Dump.Ever on this show. Beats Kelsey in the Badlands by miles. Chad's two sides are typical abuser. First, beat the tar out of the woman, then turn around and give her flowers and candy and tell her how much you love her and can't live without her. Chad is a danger.There is nothing attractive about him at all.
  13. Best line of not just this show, but this forum: Backformore wrote: "Then dong stand-up routines about sexual experiences - " HILARIOUS typo! (Or ... IS IT a typo?)
  14. Best episode ever. I loved every minute of it. Of COURSE TPTB are manipulating everyone, including me. But it's working this time. I'm all in for part 2 of this obviously scripted show. Fleiss hit a goldmine with this group.
  15. Oh, man, you bring up a good point about Taylor, tomboy vs. doll carrier. I was (and still am) a tomboy, and I never EVER played with dolls, had and have absolutely no interest in them. So yeah, for Taylor to never be with her "doll" is another writer fax paus. Maybe Weller should have tested Jane with a doll question a few episodes back, hey?
  16. I was a big fan of the Vietnamese woman with the short red hair. She shocked me with being able to immediately answer obscure questions. I have to say, I sat down to watch this all because of the Ken Jennings promo. So, WTH, Ken? You knew a coffee answer you shouldn't have and not the ones you should have? Way to break my heart. Still ... 500 questions translates to 500 commercials. I was able to watch all of Strong at the same time.
  17. While not a JoJo fan last season, I really liked her on this. She seemed genuine and natural, sort of a not-fake Kaitlyn if you know what I mean. She was easy to be around and spoke well. Plus she told that guy to PUT ON HIS CLOTHES which no other b-ette has ever done. There are the usual weirdos ABC needs to keep people watching and talking. But I thought it was interesting the only guys (except Luke) they previewed were all from California. Way to stay in budget. And Luke's promo could have been filmed in California, too. There are cows and horses by LA, not just in Texas. I couldn't believe the guys ranking on the guy in the kilt. Obviously, those morons don't know that a man in a skirt is the ultimate in hot, hot, HOT. Although did he really say he wasn't wearing "panties"? It's traditional to go commando under a kilt, but ... panties? Oh well. He's gone anyway. I was going to stay unspoiled, but made the mistake of watching Kimmel that night where he picked his winner and the four finalists. He says he "picks them right" every season, which of course he does, courtesy of RS. So, dang it, now I'm spoiled. Although the guy I pick for me stays until hometowns, so I'll enjoy that at least.
  18. There is a girl here who has been featured on the local news sports reports several times over the last months. Her name is Taylor Shaw. I feel sorry for her.
  19. No one has mentioned that a hi-tech person who carries around MIND-ERASING DRUGS! doesn't have a camping lantern or flashlight and instead has to use a railroad lantern filled with kerosene. You know, those luminating devices that haven't been used since the Cartwright boys on the 1800s Ponderosa. I live in the country where power goes out on a regular basis and I have a few of those newfangled inventions: camping LED lanterns and flashlights. And everyone loves to drive around in the pickup truck with a can of spray paint rolling around clanking non-stop in the bed. NOT. I remember going fishing and camping when I was a kid so I guess that makes me Taylor Shaw. Weller brings back a toy he dug up and not a bone that can be identified? Cabal is right, Weller is stupid. Weller arrests Jane for not being his creepy lust object. Right. That'll holdup in court. I really don't have a clue why Jane had to have her memory erased to begin with, but then I guess who cares. Mayfair FINALLY gets pro-active and kick-ass, so of course she's dead. Jane saw her under the tarp in the barn she burned down, so there will be two crispy remains found there. I do admire Weller, who is a white-collar worker, being able to dig gigantic holes down to some four feet deep and not have to wear gloves, and he never popped a blister. What a man!
  20. Hey, thanks Otto. I wonder if "Paba" is Russian for "Red". Which would/could make Red Lizzie's ... dare I say ... FATHER?
  21. So it's YOUR fault Lizzie died, AlwaysWatching. Thanks a lot for that. No, I mean it ... THANKS. Well, you watching for the first time puts you in the same place as we who have watched since S1 E1. I only ASSumed the woman was Lizzie's mom, the Russian spy, and Red was having an opium hallucination that he would save her life instead of letting her die, something to make himself justify letting Lizzie die to save Agnes. (Even though that's silly, Lizzie's complications had nothing to do with Red's decision to save her life by keeping her out of the hospital where Solomon was going to kill/capture her. But whatever.) I don't know where the fire comes in if Lizzie Mom drowned herself. Maybe that was after the fire when Lizzie shot/killed her dad, then Lizzie got captured by the bad guys unless Mom turned herself in to the bad guys. So if Mom just killed herself, then Red could take Baby Lizzie since she was no longer needed. Just my take on timeline. And, as we saw, Red doing the mind game of trying to save Mom didn't work. So now that the opium haze has worn off, he realizes he needs to go take Agnes and kick Tom to the curb. Maybe. Could anyone read what the inscription on the locket said? My tv is cr*p, small and dark, so I couldn't read it. While I was feeling bad about Lizzie dying even though I don't like the character and actress, now that it's been a while, I'm looking forward to this show going on without her. Like I wanted a season ago, it can now be the Red/Ressler/Arim/Cooper show, with a little Navim tossed in. But only if she apologizes to Ressler.
  22. People who sit to the side of me can see I am wearing contact lenses too. Spader and I must be astral twins! Good thoughts, Daniel, that if this episode had been the pilot, this series could have been so much better. Red-centric instead of it being all about that insufferable Lizzie.
  23. Because of this episode, I had a dream last night about being in a restroom and all the sinks were full of blood. I just got the connection. That was an inordinate amount of blood Red and the woman were dreaming-scrubbing, and it did sort of squee me out. I think so too. That might have helped Red make up his mind to take Agnes from Tom and kick Tom out of the country. Or ... to wherever.
  24. I know, it was off to me, too. Especially since Nick is Red's go-to doctor-on-the-payroll. Why would he kill him? Unless he figured Nick was in on some plot to kill Liz, so manipulated her death/not-death. I guess we'll find out. Maybe. Too funny that Nick is the doctor. Like on The Simpson's: "Hi! I'm Doctor Nick!"
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