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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. The comparison of this show to Thirtysomething and Brothers And Sisters is interesting as Ken Olin, this show's exec producer, starred as the hottie mc hottie Michael Steadman on Thirtysomething. You people would have to be way more than thirtysomething to have seen that show, on from 1987-1991. He also was on 30 eps of Bros & Sis, plus was exec producer on all 106 eps of that show. I see his name a lot in credits. I always had a crush on him ... Ken Olin ... dreamy!
  2. Weller is a dick. That was an entire episode of Weller being a dick. There was nothing redeeming about him at all, fakety fake "apology" to Jane at the end not withstanding. The best part was the Irish mob guy snarking at him, then he had to go kill himself. This show would maybe actually be GOOD if Weller had been killed and the Irish guy took over the team. And the Reade sidebar about molestation ... please, no. (Although it's clear this show's writers don't pay a lick of attention to what I want.)
  3. Thanks to everyone who pointed out that the bunker people only remember the present/changed history and not the original history. I'm easily distracted and completely missed that. But now my big question is, what's wrong with changing history? Sure, that'll change the present, but so what? What's the difference if history is THIS history or THAT history? I don't get it. So I'm all for saving the Hindenburg, saving Lincoln, saving whomever and whatever. I just can't follow the big argument about not changing anything. Why? And yeah, the Flying Eyeball doesn't "fly" per se, but it streaks in and out of time, so that's flying to me, just like the Doctor's tardus sails through time and space.
  4. Subina, I'm late answering your question, but Lizzie got plucked out of her childhood home/Summer Palace when a full troop of American FBI agents swarmed miles into Canada to storm the house, shoot a bunch of Kirk's men, all while missing shooting Lizzie (more's the pity there). So Lizzie is now back "home" as a fully restored (albeit murderer) agent, and Kirk escaped out the back door or something, and has disappeared.
  5. Have we seen that Randall asked Rebecca about his real parents? Rebecca couldn't see into the future, but Randall SHOULD understand whatever she did/didn't do was in his best interest, in her opinion. I guess we'll find out in future episodes. Of course, I'm a look forward, not a look back kinda person. Meanwhile, who was the poet/book? I couldn't read the name.
  6. Well, at least the babies are real and not dolls like used to be on old shows. So I can ignore they are all bigger and not all red and shrunken looking like real premie newborns. Toby bugs the heck out of me. He's TOO charming and TOO "say all the right things" and TOO "all into" Kate. And at each turn, he confides that he is doing all of it to have sex, bottom line. And he doesn't want Kate to continue her lifelong bond with her twin brother. RED FLAGS, all of them. He reminds me of so many (ex) boyfriends, all of whom said, "You don't need to (do whatever, or have whatever) any more now that I am in your life." Run, Kate, while you can.
  7. What I don't get is how the people in the project remember both the OLD history and the NEW IMPROVED history. Wouldn't the old stuff be completely erased and change in their now-current history books? Or is their "bunker" immune to change? I also wonder why they don't travel back to a day before the "big day" so they can prepare better. Although I guess that wouldn't fit into the allotted 45 minutes. And a big YES to the need to disguise the Flying Eyeball so it isn't stolen. If it's the lifeboat, where's the lifeboat for the lifeboat? And I totally would have saved Lincoln, history be danged. Also wonder why only Lucy's backstory keeps changing and no one else's. If that's the case, save the Hindenburg, save Lincoln.
  8. Yes to that, AbsoluteShower. So it was a huge relief this week when Red started in on yet another tedius soliloquy, then stopped himself with a "Never mind." Me: "YES! And thank you." Ugh, I cannot edit my posts. I mean TEDIOUS, not tedius. Phonetics ... eh.
  9. I fell a sleep watching last night's episode so came here to see if any progress was made on this old cold case and Brittany found out who killed her mom. I guess not. So what was the purpose of two hours of ... nothing? To shame the police for not doing anything? It's my opinion that police/detectives are just people who got a job and are doing the least possible to keep getting a pay check (government workers ... you don't have to actually be good at what you are being paid to "do."). As for men killing women, I guess since they continue to get away with it, as Dateline has proven, it won't stop.
  10. I wanted to fast forward to the scene of Lizzie "teaching" all the FBI agents about Red's blacklister, like they are a bunch of morons who can't find some bad guy on their own. Oh ... wait ... never mind. I hate Red now too, for shooting Mr. Kaplan, so hope he goes down with Lizzie, Tom moves to ... wherever, anywhere but here ... and Donald joins forces with Dembe for a spin-off. I meant, "fast forward PAST" the scene of Lizzie teaching the agents. Sorry, this site won't let me edit.
  11. While I'm watching all of Lizzie's constant angst about "who is my father," all I could think of was, what's up with not taking a paternity test? I mean, really. Just turn over some freaking DNA and get over it already. And Kirk wants Agnes for her life-saving blood? Which means to me that Lizzie really is his daughter, but with blood diluted with Lizzie's mother. Then Agnes ... blood diluted AGAIN with Tom's DNA. Hardly seems Agnes would be a life saver for him, does it. But then again, the writers on this show don't care much for logic or facts. I did catch the end of Megan Boone's appearance on some talk show where she was saying she was upset with all the Lizzie hate and "I wish she had stayed dead" talk online. So, here's another post for you Megan: Wish Lizzie had stayed dead. It was SUCH a better show when you were. Her real-life angst mirrors that of her tv character, whining "You guys hate me" on th is episode. Yes, we do hate you Lizzie (speaking for myself).
  12. Liz: "I faked my death to save my family/baby." Me: "So how's that going for you?" WTH is up with Lizzie being a full-on FBI agent again, after murdering the AG, shooting a cop, killing that pilot over Cuban waters, yada and yada. She doesn't even have to go through HR to sign papers and somehow get a refund on her life insurance payout to Tom? Go figure. The best episodes of this series were when Lizzie was dead. And that diary ... is it written in Russian? Because wasn't her mom RUSSIAN? And the pages of that diary read like some novel. I've never seen daily journal entries be anything more than a couple paragraphs at most. I thought Mr. Kaplan's face reflection in the water made her look like Gus Fring. Thanks for sparing us a closeup, show. And good on a draft dog finding her so it could pull her travois out of the woods. Who is her mystery savior? Any almost-dead Blacklisters that we especially liked? Oh: And who is that naked blond in Aram's apartment? And when did Navabi unzip Aram's pants? I totally missed that. But funny that Aram wears an apron while cooking pasta. At least that fits the character.
  13. I have to say, I'm surprised by liking Miley and Alicia being added as judges. Who knew? I'm interested to see how they coach their singers. I'm also curious to see if Alicia Keyes has hair. Stay tuned!
  14. To get nit picky, will the Giant Flying Eyeball always set down in a remote field and not in the center of a metropolis, crushing people and buildings? And how did Lucy et. al. get from that wooded clearing to the Hindenburg landing site, run? Call a Uber? Plus, what's up with these geniuses not tossing in a rope ladder, you know, the kind used to escape fires from second-floor bedrooms. Or would that take away the "hilarious" scene of the three travelers falling out of the eyeball? And yeah, Christmas present to the office gang: Paperweights!
  15. Kidcapri, all teevee show characters can break the time-space continuum so they can appear minutes after being called across country. It used to bug me big time in Hannibal, but now I just accept that these guys time travel or own jet packs. One can't think TOO hard about some things, especially when so much is wrong with this show's writing. I'm wondering how old Lizzie was when she lived in "The Palace" and helped her real mom bury that coffee can. She looked about the same age as when she went through the fire and shot her dad/maybe dad, at least in Lizzie's flashbacks she did. But didn't Mr. Kaplan say Red gave her Lizzie to raise when she was just a swaddling baby? I'm confused. (I know ... surprise.)
  16. Way upthread, Emma posted about getting Advil for the next episode. I need mega doses of Advil just reading these time-travel posts! At least there is huge interest in this subject, so that's good for this show. AND ... do we know for sure that is the SISTER who is now missing? I'm liking Basil's suggestion that she might be Lucy's fiancé. Can't remember if she was called "sister" or not. And agree, Delta Force guy looks/acts less like a Delta Force soldier than I do. Wish they had gotten a different actor for that part, one I could find interesting.
  17. Kinda funny that Derek was tweet-complaining "Glad to be a part of a classy show that isn't about male stripping" when he went all "male stripper" during his private performance. Sad to see Vanilla go when every time I look at Jana and Gleb I think, "Who?" Hopefully, it's next week and out for them. And the public proposal ... I hate them, too. Hate. I did like the Mandy Moore Man Dance this week. Why can't she choreograph something equally good for the women? Force yourself to see women as something other than sex objects, Mandy. Meanwhile, I continue to like Val more and more and Maks less and less. Maks is getting as me-centric as Derek, which is not a good look.
  18. All this discussion about time traveling and what changing this will do to that is pretty funny given that I'm pretty sure time travel is imaginary so therefore we can "imagine" any repercussions we want based on "going back" and making changes. Sam Beckett changed the past every week and neither Gungie nor Ziggy EVER said the future (their present) was ever changed for the worse. Plus, if someone went back in time and changed something, none of us NOW would know anyway, right, because the future changed. I know the debate will continue here ad nauseum, but I, for one, am just in for the ride and whatever happens, happens. Just as long as "show cancelled" does not happen.
  19. Okay, so I enjoyed this show and am in for the duration. So yeah, it probably will be cancelled because that's what happens to shows I like while dreck I won't watch stays on for years. But I digress. The bra talk is cracking me up, but I am glad to know others have been stabbed by underwire. I easily pulled my underwire out because of that, so wondered why that couldn't be done with the bra still in "position." And every single one of my exes (and yeah, there are multiples) have been mesmerized by me being able to remove my bra through my shirt sleeve, quickly and easily, and in a fraction of the time it takes to just unbutton a blouse much less remove and put it back on. The downside to this show for me is the Delta Force guy looks just too young to be that accomplished. I don't care HOW old the actor is, the character on my teevee was barely into his 20s. I like my heros with a bit more "seasoning" to them. Until next week, gang!
  20. So Julianne found Amber's dance "uncomfortable," yet no one made any comments (on the show, there were plenty here) about Mandy Moore's stripper dance? THAT made me so uncomfortable, I had to change the channel. And Amber's booty-shaking ... why is it CAI deducts points for a life that "is not allowed" in a dance yet no one deducts for all the other "mucking about --tm Len" that goes on in the bastardized ballroom dances? Meanwhile, my Val crush developed more after this episode, and James continues as the "star" cutie patootie. Sorry, unable to edit my posts. I meant LIFTS, not "lifes" that are not allowed. Big confusing difference there!
  21. So is there only one demon that jumps around to whichever host is closest to whomever it wants to taunt? If not and there are multiple demons possessing all Chicago's homeless, we are basically screwed. The pilot was creepy scary, this one, not so much. I didn't realize demons could mind-control-hurt people, like making that soccer girl break her leg. But then, I'm not up much on demon technology.
  22. Good point, Captain, about Red putting all the blame on Kaplan when Tom and Lizzie herself were at the heart of her escape. Yet Red continues to expend no limit of energy and resources to get multi-murderer Lizzie back, and Tom is his new BFF and partner. I'm hoping for a big Kaplan resurrection and Red revenge. Although with Spader as the head of this show, I doubt that's gonna happen. Maybe Red should learn to give Lizzie some space since she's made it pretty clear he is not "all that" to her.
  23. Who cleans up when the cleaner is killed? Red doesn't dig graves. I'm guessing he really thought Mr. Kaplan is dead, or at least I hope so, so she can come back and "clean his clock." I'm all for the end of Red after this miserable episode. And that buried coffee can, the LARGE size, only had three things in it? Way to memorialize yourself, Masha's mom.
  24. Frankly, I hope Mr. Kaplan kills Red, Lizzie and Tom fly off to wherever and this show ends with Donald and Dembe getting a spinoff series. Samar can go to the spinoff too. Starving dogs aside, who is feeding that baby?
  25. Only Samar seems to have a handle on WTF is FBI doing running after Lizzie AGAIN. Who the freak is she to warrant so much time (and taxpayer expense) from them? At least Donald is still good to look at, and here's hoping the Only Partly Dead Mr. Kaplan comes back to take Red down. And yeah, Otto, this show did jump the shark for me last night. I've been in since episode 1, but now it's reluctantly. Sort of like a toxic habit that's hard to break. Meanwhile, great recap, Otto. Better than the actual show. p.s. Sorry for multiple posts, but this site won't let me do paragraphs, it makes everything run together.
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