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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I've never heard of The Five Love Languages, and I'm guessing neither have the editing monkeys. Thanks for that inside info -- that conversation confused me, but now I "get it." Nice slip under the radar, Eric and Rachel. And since I cannot read the names since they are off the left side of my tv screen, was that DeMario who kept bragging that Rachel was going to be his wife? If so ... karma, dude!
  2. When TMZ discussed this upcoming season, one staffer wanted to know if TPTB would install a basketball court at the mansion. So, ouch, when ep 2 features ... a basketball game. And I am one who can't get past Rachel's forehead that's huge enough to land a plane on. Her hair was cool at the game, though. I hate the long, straggly, hanging-down hair-with-no-bangs extensions so popular these days.
  3. DeMario’s reaction to getting busted was the same as every guy caught red-handed on “Cheaters” -- you lie your ass off, and if the first lie doesn’t work, try a second and third. Never admit that you are a cheating SOB. The only saving grace was he didn’t know Rachel well enough to blame HER for his cheating and lying, which is where the “Cheaters” guys go when they run out of lies. I liked the Peter-and-Copper two-on-one date. But all I could think was YIKES! he’s getting that cast wet when Copper laid down in the baby pool. I was happy Rachel and Peter both stayed dressed for the whole pool date, a Bachelorette first! I also liked how Peter kissed, unlike the other open-mouth sloppy kisses Rachel has been getting, complete with slurping sounds and disgusting visuals. Later in the night, the one guy even had to wipe his face off after kissing her. How gross is that? Give me Peter-type kisses over mouth baths any time. The husband-baby race was a mess, it really needed some rules. None of the guys were good husband material (as noted by Ashton, thank you very much!) if they are going to treat babies like that. I did appreciate Blake, who was sweet caressing his baby ... until he “mic dropped” it at the end. Then he went back to being a tool. And Lucas won ... what? for winning the race? Getting to be with Rachel first? Okay then. My guess is Rachel decided against sending the other guys back to the ranch after Lucas won. “Please, don’t leave me alone with this creep!” Blake let us know, without naming THAT tv show! that he and Lucas know each other. Blake would be doing himself a favor if he ignored Lucas, although I’m fine with Waboom and Penis Man both going home. Both will be retained for tv drah-mah though, so the “we know each other” stuff will continue. Yawn. My tv is a square box so I can’t see the names during THs. But I fancy the black guy with the glasses. He’s a hot twin for Sterling K. Brown. All of the guys (except Waboom) are good looking though. So far, a good season, although we all know that can change drastically down the road!
  4. I did some research and the show was not filmed all in one night but rather over three weeks in late July 2015. Yeah, almost two years ago. The people in the background are not other daters but extras who got a free meal for spending the evening at MK. And filming was done with hidden cameras. Here are the facts from the Chicago Tribune: July 13, 2015: It appears we now know exactly who rented mk restaurant (868 N. Franklin St.) for three weeks this month. Owner Michael Kornick has been mum about the who and why, but now comes word, via the restaurant's newsletter no less, that the project is "First Dates," a hit in the UK making its way across the pond. And you can get in on it. The show is looking for extras (that is, not participants) to fill out the background during filming. You'll get a free meal and maybe catch a glimpse of yourself on TV eventually. The show seeks single men and women between age 17-75. August 6, 2015: MK restaurant (868 N. Franklin St., 312-482-9179), closed for three weeks to accommodate filming for a reality TV show, will reopen to the public Friday. Michael Kornick's restaurant reportedly made a nice piece of change (and allowed its staffers some paid vacation time) in exchange for being the backdrop for the reality TV show "First Dates," an American version of an existing British show. So all of those dating/not-dating couples are older now!
  5. Thanks Celtic and Madding. Wow, good on Aaron for coming clean. Surprised the mean friend hung himself -- wasn't the husband's blond girlfriend the mean guy's ex? If so, wow, small world. I'm glad to hear all guilty parties ended up in jail. I was trying to pay attention to clothes/background during their talking heads so I would know if they were in prison or not! I cannot imagine myself in the targeted wife's position, or the two girls. How do you ever recover from your ex/dad putting a hit on you/your mom.
  6. This is being rerun Sunday night in my market. I plan to watch it again, I enjoyed it so much. I was stunned by Derek Hough, who knew? I was thrilled to see Stephen Amell, since I'm thrilled to see him at any time. So glad he crushed the course, then added $$ to his charity by doing "his" salmon ladder. I also liked him saying he was at a disadvantage since he watches ANW and the "real" ninjas make it look so easy, he had to keep in mind how difficult it is. I'm hoping they do more celebrity editions for more charities. What a fun hour. Although like others, sorry to have some celebs be "fillers" during commercial breaks. Also loved seeing so many of my favorite ninjas. What a great bunch of people, they help me take a break from RL.
  7. Thanks Otto. I might add that another reason to watch BL is because I enjoy the witty and insightful posts here and in other threads, whether we agree or not. Big Bro Chuck Cunningham indeed. Maybe he is Agnes's babysitter/dog walker in that safe house. How cool would THAT be?
  8. ETA: I looked at the Tribune link and it did say the restaurant: "... had to be shut down for nearly six weeks to set up hidden cameras and film the drama." But then again, what do I know? LOL! I'm pretty sure the dates were not filmed in one night since restaurant was shut for six weeks "to film the drama." Apologies for my sentences not making all that much sense. Please read from bottom to top!
  9. Wow, you guys remember names so I don't know who ya'll were talking about. I do remember Brandon's name since he said it so often, and I agree that he was looking for an audience, not a date. I really liked Anya while Brandon was a little too theatrical for me. I thought their intros said one was from Chicago, the other from NY, so don't know how that would work. But someone needs to tell me what's the difference between dating and hanging out? Brandon wanted to hang out with but not date Anya. What does that mean? No sex? Dutch treat? I liked the black couple, the woman with the extra-long braids, and her date. I thought the never-been-kissed chef was cute and appealing, I would go out with him -- at least once. I found the divorced-three-times guy too crusty. I'd take my meal in a to-go box if I were his date. See ya, don't wanna be (with) ya. I also wondered if all the dates were filmed at the same time. How many cameras must they have in that place? I think they come at different times, since some arrive at dusk, some after dark. But still ... there must be zillions of camera guys in that place. Kudos to the editors!
  10. Did anyone watch The Charleston Affair Friday night? I missed the end. Was the blond woman the husband's girlfriend, and did she hire the killer? The hit packet was in the husband's writing, so I "assume" so. Did Aaron get off or do any time after he confessed he was going to do the hit? What happened to the mean friend, the one who paid Aaron but Aaron was afraid of? Did anything happen to the husband (if he was guilty). Thanks anyone!
  11. ABC is rerunning this episode Sunday evening in my market. I wish they would rerun the first ep later in the season, once I get to know the players. I can never remember who made what introduction, or even got the first rose, by F3 time. I'm not sure I can sit through more of Waboom, though, so might pass on the rewatch.
  12. LOL Scorpios! You are right. But inquiring minds STILL want to know! I still love this show and all the characters, even if it is whack. That's part of its charm.
  13. Well, that could be T-Bag's hand in that jar I guess. Whip is Michael's "whip hand" and Michael (I guess) paid for T-Bag's robo hand. Although I really have no idea why. So with all the hand references, the chopped-off paw could be in that jar. Although I can't come up with any reason for that ... which means it could happen! Does anyone know why Sara et. al. live in New York and had Michael "buried" there instead of some nice Midwestern town. You know, like near Fox River? Did Sucre lose his job on the ship? Although I guess none of it matters all that much. I do wish Mahone would show up at the end, and take out the Poseidon squad. That would be awesome.
  14. I swear, Linc and Michael learned nothing from their Fox River escape, when they "disguised" themselves by putting on a ball cap. WTH Michael, your face is everywhere but you don't grow a beard or long hair or do ANYTHING to make yourself look different? And both you and Linc shave every day, too. Alrighty then.
  15. Sasha, good point about Mr. Medium giving a BS reading when asked. I was expecting him to say he didn't see anyone/thing around his date. Or, to be really hilarious, he could say he saw a bunch of drunken self-absorbed spirits, adding: "They must be related to you somehow." I do disagree with your statement that women don't want men who worship them. On the contrary, I could use one or two (or MORE!) men like that in my life! And you are correct, aradia22, about Dateline deaths. It's always the spouse. So I guess I'd have to marry that online dating-site guy first, THEN get murdered. And speaking of online, I looked at First Date's website and there is an application for new contestants. I don't know if it's old, since tonight is the finale, or if they are casting for next season. I actually thought about filling it out, but then imagined what you guys here would say about me so decided to pass. I wouldn't be able to take the snark! Sad tonight is the finale though. I really enjoy this show, it's easy and a good escape from RL.
  16. And then disappearing and your story being told on Dateline.
  17. As for why I watch BL, I've been here since its first episode. Lizzie, meh, I don't care, but I've always enjoyed Red, Tom, Dembe, Ressler. Look back at old posts when so many of us wished for a spinoff show featuring those guys (and no Lizzie). But, IMO, Red has made himself 100-percent hateful the last couple of episodes, killing anyone who was standing near him. I now DO hate him and Dembe, who is all in with whatever Red does. I saw Spader on a talk show last week and now can't even stand him, he didn't stray from Red having the same mannerisms as Spader. So, now I don't care for one of my formerly favorite actors. I've quit many shows I had been with since S1 E1 once they go a direction I don't like or don't care about. I'll turn into BL next season to see what's up with Tom and if anyone, including Red, gets "Redemption." (Or if Mr. Kaplan isn't really dead, that would rock.) But if not, then I will be out. As for expressing our opinions on this thread, that's what it's here for, whether our opinions match anyone else's or not. Of course, as always, YMMV.
  18. Quote: "Sometimes those celebs turn out to be so endearing or have so many fans that they don't leave as fast as some might like." Yes, because they turn out to be so LIKABLE. And they smiled even though they were told that would ruin their chances for a gold medal.
  19. My night was made when Normani was relegated to third. I threw my hands up and cheered from the couch. I was hoping for a David win, but was just as happy for Rashad. It proves nice guys can win this show and win the hearts of the viewers. David must have had a fantastic amount of votes to overcome his lesser judges' scores. I hate football, but I love Rashad -- one doesn't have to be some kind of sports fan to vote for or want a sports person to win. Both David and Rashad were shown to be nice guys -- race, occupation (and pro partner) didn't matter a lick in the final results. The best two PEOPLE won IMO. So yeay for that.
  20. Piequinn35 said: "What a fucked up place, a kid shooting a cop," Then I guess you've never watched The Wire. And I agree with Perkie, Liotta and Lopez deserved awards. Both are absolutely golden on this show.
  21. Yes to the comment about Rashad's dance being so back-lit viewers couldn't see anything but blinding light. The same blasting light thing was done to Rashad last week, too, and I was going to come here to complain about it (then did not. Ha.). As a viewer, I feel like I'm being jacklit by an illegal hunter. A good song for a Rashad routine would be "Blinded By The Light." On a shallow note, I love Rashad's work-out practice clothes and his shoes. Hot!
  22. Supposedly, Red turned himself into the FBI so he could "protect" Lizzie, for whatever reason. But how has he accomplished that? All the blacklisters he's turned into the team have been so he could benefit from their demise in some way or another. He's used them every week for his own gain. I don't see where Lizzie needs any protecting ... and protecting from whom or what? I'm with TigerLynx, I don't care about the daddy-issue story line. And yeah, Mr. Kaplan was such a great character, well written with a super back story. That must have been a totally different writing team to create those episodes. I also agree with Lunula: Hell no, I don't condone any of Red's multiple murders. If Red's murders are okay because the dead people are criminals, why bother to catch serial killers who murder homeless or drug addicts or hookers since those people contribute nothing to society. Now that Kaplan is gone, I'm on Team Agent Gale all the way.
  23. I thought The Perfect Penis Guy was Blake E, the drummer. I remember hating him because of his intro "package." No pun intended. But I might have him confused with someone else. CindyBee beat me to it! Perfect Penis is indeed Blake E Drummer Boy. (Yuck)
  24. I fell asleep part way through so had to look online to see who was sent home. I found most (emphasis on MOST) of the guys good looking and interesting, and hope the PPs (producer plants) go sooner than later, they are really making me hate them the longer they are on screen *coughlucascough* I like Rachel, just as I liked her on Nick's season. So I'm hoping for a fun ride with not TOO many of the guys turning into douches. Not that I have much faith in that happening. I hope Rachel can sort through the ones there to audition for another show. (And good luck on that!)
  25. David's freestyle is now my favorite of all time, and I've been watching since the very first episode. It actually brought tears to my eyes, it was so fun and joyful and well-done. I needed those bright few moments to take me away from the real world. Normani's body stocking was right out of Cher's Billboard appearance. All that was missing was the song choice, it should have been "If I Could Turn Back Time." I love me some Rashid, and his freestyle was second best. I'll forgive him for being "not quite" in synch. I missed Normandi's freestyle. She did a regular dance with a couple of kids coming in and out, but that was no freestyle. In fact, it was more boring than regular-week dances that have more back up dancers and glitz than that. Meanwhile, I tried all morning to phone vote for David and the line was constantly busy. I'm hoping for a big W for him. I'd be okay with Rashid winning too. I hope he gets picked up by a team, I'd like to watch him play.
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