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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. LOL that so many of us caught Iggy's nip-it-in-the-butt remark. Yeah, Dean is pretty bright, and pretty. But that's about it IMO, now that BIP is showing another side of him. That, plus as someone else said, his hair cut really is pretty ... well, RIGHT, and I don't mean "correct" right. That's all I can see now when I look at him. Plus his intro gags me, him spitting the water out, knowing what must be IN that water. Nasty.
  2. Isn't AGT suppose to be about the acts we see, and the ones that STEP IT UP each round, not on what someone has done in the past. IMO, Bello deserved to go through. Instead, we get the sister/brother that Simon was all verklempt about after they didn't win BGT. Bello's Ringling experience is more honest than the skater's Simon connection. Simon, who owns this franchise. Plus Bello didn't get a sob story before he went on like the skaters did. We all know America loves sob stories. And Fake Trump taking over the stage and away from Tyra to promote his Vegas show was pretty rich. I wondered if Nick would have let that happen. So Fake Trump is in Vegas, competing with the bro/sis skater's skating family's Vegas show!
  3. And of course the singers went through. (And the skeevy bro-sis skaters.) Oh well. See ya 'round, Bello. I hope. And talk about skeevy ... next week, Mirror Image.
  4. Winston, yes, The Beast is James McGrath's Ninja Name. I don't remember anything about him having surgery (I don't always listen to the back stories), but on the qualifier for his city, he badly injured his right shoulder going up The Wall, and pulled himself up and over with his left arm and sort of crashed there in pain. I always "assumed" the next runs for qualifiers were held later, but it does make sense to keep going and keep filming once the course is set up. So yeah, McGrath really IS The Beast if he got that far on the extended course, given his injury. And yeay for his braces (teeth). I never noticed them before!
  5. BIP got more FREE publicity from the Demario/Corinne "scandal" than any other advertising ploy for this franchise ever. So, just "who" do you think could have been behind "the media blowing it out of proportion"? Of course, nothing in this franchise is scripted though, IS IT? DeSchenke, I can't do paragraphs either, so have to do a second post right after the first one if I want paras to appear. That works if you are quick, and no one else posts before you do. I'm hoping Steven is Wells. There you go ... paragraphs!
  6. Reading the posts here is the best part of BIP. Rainsong cracked me up with the Dean's-IQ-leaking-out comment. So hilarious ... and true. Plus Dean likes to recline ... at this dad's house, during CH's lectures, while trying to (not) communicate with women. I do remember what Dean's dad said to him during that horrible HT date, and I agree with it: "You have one effing foot stuck in the past." I have my own opinions on how "damaged" a kid would be losing one (or both) parents based on my own experiences, and Dean really needs to ... well, do something about it besides keep appearing on this franchise. And yeah, I'm betting on Wells being groomed for next Bach. Stay tuned!
  7. Dean was taking Josh's place as The Most Sweaty Guy. Anyone see the back of his shirt during his "dramah" with Kristina? As for the mixed messages, being serious (CH lecture) vs. comedy editing, I think this show knows what it is, even though some of us take it seriously. So ... it's something for EVERYONE! I thought the Carly/Evan wedding was touching, and I even teared up a little. Then I thought about last season BIP and how gross those two were and I wanted to vomit just a little. Talk about mixed messages!
  8. Best part of the show: The previews. Otherwise, this episode: Big snore. Thank you Judy for pointing out making fun of how tall Alex is is NOT funny. Make fun of a guy for being a dick, not something he can't help. There are plenty of dicks on this show to make fun of. I'm starting to see why Dean can't possibly be the next Bach, so thank you BIP for that insight.
  9. That right alexa, I forgot about them. What did Des and Chris do to make TPTB mad? I like both of them, and liked her season. Never heard anything bad about them, but I'm not "in the loop." I liked Diggy on Rachel's season. Still waiting to hear him say anything or do anything in BIP. So far he's getting the same non-edit he got on The B-ette.
  10. Harrison must be a father figure to Dean given that Dean spent most of CH's lecture to the class laying down. Wow, disrespectful much, Dean? And who the heck is Derek? Where'd he come from? i meant Dean laying down during CH's lecture referenced his laying down at his dad's house after that terrible HT date with Rachel.
  11. LOL at the "it's not scripted" routine.
  12. And yeah, the first hour was wedding stuff. Recaps of past weddings (they left out the train montage they played after Sean/Catherine's wedding) and the wedding itself. Ashley I ... OMG, "grotesque."
  13. Gah, where do I go to tell Taylor to STFU. She's making me stabby.
  14. Am I the only one who heard CH welcomed Corinne "back" to BIP? So much of this was filmed out-of-order, including the CH barefoot beach monologue. I've watched every season of TB and B-ette, yet some of these people were new to me. I'll bet TPTB had HOURS of BenZ talking about everything, then pulled out five lines of dialogue about his dog to make him look the fool (to non-dog lovers), get people talking on SM/this site and get some video coverage on Kimmel. Well, TPTB, it worked. Meanwhile, I'm not invested in any of these players, don't find any of them more or less attractive/appealing than anyone else, so I'm going to be a non-partial wrong-reasons viewer. Although Jasmine did remind me that on Nick's season I thought her stunningly beautiful ... until she spoke. She hasn't changed, except her bad personality ruins her physical attractiveness IMO. I do sorta like Cristina, but we'll see how long that lasts.
  15. I agree with the comments ClareWalks made about Alyssa Beird's booty shorts. Beird spent time after every obstacle pulling them back down over her ass, which still hung out. If I, a straight women, spent all my time during her run staring at her ass cheeks, I'm guessing men/kids/boys and her students are dvd-ing her run to watch her ass, I mean, her RUN, over and over. Meanwhile, I've been watching old ANW reruns. Does everyone know James McGrath has an older brother (Patrick, I think) who also competed, and back in "the day," Jamie Rahn was a walk-on and competed as "Captain G4" wearing a tiny red Speedo and full blue body paint ... which mostly got worn off during his runs. And The Beast pulled his shoulder in the qualifier going up the wall, so if this was filmed directly afterward, he had no time to go home and heal.
  16. I was ready to bet hard money that TPTB were screwing with us by showing Peter being cold and non-commital while Bryan was all gah-gah for Rachel and they couldn't keep their hands (lips or tongue) off of each other. And then she "bought" those expensive matching watches. That HAD to be a red herring to through us off the Peter-Is-F1 scent. Up until the live confrontation, I thought Peter WAS F1. Boy, am I glad none of you took me up on my bet or I would be living in a cardboard box under a bridge right now. Now I'm thinking family was told to question Bryan and love Peter, so TPTB could get that on film. I admit, TPTB sure played ME this season! Gah, I mean "throw" not "through." Geez.
  17. JudyObscure wrote: "That's the only good thing that came from all this. People might stop and think for a second before they say any cruel thing they can to someone else, without having to look them in the eye." I write: That will never EVER happen. That case will have no influence whatsoever on Internet trolls. Internet bashing will continue and will, I think, grow, just like roaches after nuclear war. Yeah, I know ... "Have a nice day."
  18. One thing that fascinates me about Simon is that he always has his right hand to his cheek, middle finger extended, as he talks. I wonder if it's some subconscious thing and should be keeping track of whether he does it for acts he likes or does not like. I'm so busy staring at that bird that I don't really hear what he's saying.
  19. I remember seeing this story before, about the ex sending rapists via Craigslist, etc. But on that episode, no evidence was given that the perp wasn't Michelle. This episode still left me with questions, like why do the email/Craigslist thing at all, what did that have to do with the condo? And what was up with the condo anyway, the husband couldn't pay the mortgage on it? Or Michelle was fighting him for possession of it? And what made the condo so fabulous anyway? Just move. And why did the new wife fake a pregnancy? And why won't the husband/ex speak about any of it? And how stupid was everyone, except the parents, not knowing that IP addresses can be easily tracked, unless you are a hacker who knows how to use the Dark Net. The wife should have hired someone she could have met at comic-con. Now I’m thinking that other espisode where rapists were sent to a home via Craigslist was about someone who wanted the house that another couple bought and moved into, and she was trying to make them move so she could have her “dream house.” Too many Craigslist rapist posts to keep track of. Apologies.
  20. I finally got to watch all the acts. I LOL'd again at the three foreign guys who did the screen capture of the audience and judges and played it back to one of the guys drumming. I LOL'd the first time they were on and did the balancing act projected onto the screen while they were laying on the floor. They were the only act that made me laugh. And Simon hated them. Whatever, I guess. I would have liked to have seen the foot-puppet woman's whole act, she just got clips but looked fun, and yeah, what happened to the "dancer" in the wind tunnel? As for the gold lamé-clad wife, her routine got pretty much cut, but I'd like to see anyone, and I mean anyone, do the splits inside that bubble w/o falling to the floor or rupturing themselves. So no talent? I beg to differ. We just didn't get to see it since TPTB decided to show us judge faces instead of her act.
  21. While I agree Mirror Image is the worst of the worse acts EVAH on this or any other show (they would have been gonged on the horrible rebirth of that show), no way do I want them to be VFTW if that means seeing them YET AGAIN on my teevee. They already make me want to poke my eyes out, and shove pencils in my ears since I can't even stand to hear them speak.
  22. Because I tuned in late, I missed Eric's date. Did Rachel indeed wear flannel footie pajamas in his FS as someone posted several pages back? And then she wore sexy nighties with Bryan and Peter? I "sorta" saw those dates, but was doing other things and not paying a whole lot of attention. I did reply "Yes" to my teevee when Rachel asked her dates if they had ever 1. ridden horses and 2. been on a hot-air balloon flight. I just don't remember which bach got which of those dates. (And Eric's date I missed altogether, so don't know what he got.)
  23. Don't these people talk about real life during the FS overnights? When cameras are off? I'd think Rachel and Peter could have hashed out their relationship overnight, that Peter wasn't the one, and Bryan would have been told he was F1. I mean, they have maybe 12 hours alone, so why wouldn't what is suppose to/not suppose to happen on Proposal Day be discussed? Of course, that would STINK for ratings, so I guess I answered my own question. This season, the screwy ATFR show and the resulting controversy is a Fleiss Goldmine. HE is the winner of this season.
  24. I didn't bother to watch since I'm so not about anything to do with TC, but reading here, it seems I made a mistake. I'll have to catch this ep online.
  25. I'm watching Tomeka and Andre, and all I have to say is, man, they are two dumb asses. I can't believe they find people who have absolutely no knowledge of anything to be on this show. Holy cow, these two are some real ... well, dumb asses are the only words I can come up with. I guess maybe the general populace of the United States is just as uninformed and stupid, I just don't hang around with them. Watching this show depresses me. And these dolts always leave with money. WTH.
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