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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I also thought of "fly" for zipper, but good point about judges saying that's another word for zipper, like joey is for kangaroo. I though of the back of a dress or evening gown, tv women are always having their man zip up their dress. I would have said the front of a ski jacket, or closure of a ski jacket, instead of a sealed coat. I don't even know what a sealed coat is. And i guess neither did the player!
  2. My nephew, who was a casino dealer for a while in the Midwest and a math genius. got thrown out of a Vegas casino for counting, and the casino that tossed him put out the alert to all the other casinos to not let him in. He had to give up gambling ... in Vegas anyway.
  3. I haven't announced the winner of Week 41 because that person is me, I got my first score of four (heh, poet) ever. I've scored a three twice this season but never higher until this past week. Thursday night I was actually nervous: "What if I get Friday correct? What if I don't get Friday correct? I've never had a four before." It even kept me awake. Then I got Friday's, an asterisk, and I selfishly felt superior to other players who scored less. Is that how you people feel when you score high and others don't? It was an odd feeling, that Church Lady Superior Thing. I'm not accustom to those thoughts or feelings. I can't say it made me feel good about myself. Then I looked over the score sheet and I found another player who has scored a four only once but was not recognized for that achievement because @secnarf had been named a Weekly Winner the week previous. So I name @secnarf the Official Winner of Week 41 in retrospect. Meanwhile, there is one day left to maybe score a one this week, but I doubt that will happen. I would be shocked if I know Friday's FJ, and it's still Thursday. Maybe I'll feel lower than a zero and score a minus one or minus two for this week. Yeah, that's me. Less than nothing. I googled "blue ribbon" so I could give one to Secnarf and this is the first image that came up. While I don't drink and have never had a PBR, I thought this was a more appropriate gift/award given my low morale and feeling like ... well, like crap. So, enjoy Secnarf. I hope you like your Blue Ribbon. And congrats FOR your FOUR.
  4. I know, right? LOL! That's what so amazing about this show. Maybe "amazing" isn't the correct word, but whatever the correct word, it's what makes me change the channel.
  5. I have discovered that I have a completely different opinion of what is "entertaining" than the people who run tv shows these days, especially the "reality" shows. The old Ed Sullivan show is rerun on some channel. Ed would come out, introduce an act, and then we'd see the entire act with no cuts to audience reactions or Ed jumping around or looking amazed or all google eyed. I guess that's not good enough any more.
  6. True this. And when Brad gets to my age, the answers will come to him the next day or next week, or maybe in the middle of some random night. I can't even remember names of my best friends some days. I cut Brad and everyone else on this show slack on missing what we viewers, reclining at home on our couches, consider "easy."
  7. IMO he bogged down the entire show. What a creepy jerk. He's good on scripted shows, not so good when it's the real Brad being himself. I LOVE pickles!
  8. I can't watch this show all the way through. That players can do or say anything to get a response staggers me. No limit on words (like 25 Words or Less) or miming ... someone has to be really dense not to be able to give or act out clues. It's more than I can take. And some categories, like Give The Second Name and the clues were Obama and Winfrey ... geesh. Come on show, you are killing my brain cells.
  9. I like Peyton too; his appearance on SNL is one of my favorite episodes. I do wonder how the players are chosen though. Those universities have zillions of students, how are three picked. Is College Bowl still a thing IRL? Maybe those three are the best CB players from those schools? Anyone know? While I'm not invested in any of the competing universities, I pick one before each round and, without fail, my choice doesn't win. Such is life I guess.
  10. Unfortunately, all "reality" shows are scripted. The AGT judges know exactly what acts are coming out and have been fed the "right" questions to ask each performer, either to showcase that person's sob story or to make them look like morons or whatever TPTB have decided the spin on that act will be. The GBs are scheduled one per episode and maybe the other judges don't know who will be the GB but the judge whose week it is to hit a GB knows, and does as scripted. I know, it's depressing to realize none of this is "real," even Howie being "the Grinch" this week was planned so he could be colored green and get viewers talking and wanting to watch more. Heck, even The Bachelor franchise is scripted, it's no secret.
  11. A friend in California who trains parrots and does parrot shows as well as providing trained birds for movies and shows stopped performing with her birds due to the outbreak of Newcastle Disease, sometimes called Delaware Disease, which is all over the United States and has caused the death of zillions of birds. So I'd say it's not safe to possibly expose any trained birds to that disease by taking them anywhere, even to AGT.
  12. I would have done a lot of things differently in my life if I could have seen into the future. There was so much outrage here when Mayim wore blazers, different ones every day, yet Sanjay can wear the same suit on Wednesday that he wore on Monday and that's okay. Alrighty then. I'm hoping he comes out in a yellow suit on his last day. Of course, him being a man, THAT would be okay with everyone.
  13. Smooth Fox Terriers. This is not Banana Split but another split face, also an AKC Champion, call name "Goodie". She inherited the eyebrow from her father who has an all-white face with one tan eyebrow and one tan ear.
  14. Thanks Sanjay for (not) brightening up your wardrobe Tuesday by wearing that super-dull TAUPE suit. And matching shoes. I know things come back in style, but I didn't know Beatle Boots had. Sanjay did push the boredom boundary with his pale, washed-out, barely maroon tie. But that would hardly save him from disappearing into the floor if he fell over in that grey/brown suit. At least "taupe" sort of went with the FJ color clue: "What is the most boring country named for a dull grey/brown color." Hoping he has a not-white shirt that he's bold enough to wear in the next eight days.
  15. Heck, you could walk to that. My closest Sonic is a 1-1/2 hour round trip drive on the Interstate. But then, so is everything in my world.
  16. LOL. I ranked on Simon's extra-long boxer shorts last week and other posters defended him. But there he was wearing them again this week, with his dress shirt, old-man calf-high black socks and orthopedic shoes. I think everything about Simon is creepy so now I'm just ignoring him. I wasn't paying all that much attention last night but here are some random thoughts. The strong-man acrobats I loved. They made me LOL more than once. I could watch them for a long, long time. GB worthy, for sure. Two dog acts. Okay, I love dogs. The two Border Collies doing tricks in unison was skillful so I guess I say okay to them. The bluegrass/hip-hop band ... I watch Circle network and these guys would fit right in there. Nothing special about them at all. Wrestler. Well, you got your five minutes. Maybe less. Get the left over 10 minutes somewhere else. The dueling comics I didn't listen to at first, but they ended up being pretty good and I liked them. What's up with Heidi though, are German people suppose to not have any sense of humor? Although it was hilarious when she said she would give them a YES based on the cheering of the audience -- the audience that wasn't there. Way to stay on script Heidi. Then there was some act where a piece of flannel was draped over Heidi and some woman cut it up with scissors to make some sort of mini dress. Got an X from me. I liked the clothes changer, I'd never seen dresses break into confetti before. I'm guessing her hubby helped with that. Big yes from me. I thought the Broadway singer was excellent, GB worthy. But TPTB gave Howie a script to cause DRAH-MAH so he didn't like her. *yawn* The psychic was pretty good. Got a yes from me. The K-dance guys ... please. You guys were NOT good, dance groups a zillion times better than you have been on AGT and dance groups a billtrillion times better have been on World of Dance. And lost. Got a big NO from me. The Dead Parent singer was NOT GOOD. She would have gotten a big red X if she wasn't put on this show because of her sob story. Having dead parents doesn't make you sing better. She sucked. There were other acts that I don't recall. I don't remember who got the GB, but y'all remember to get to Sonic for your free tots today. The GBs are determined before any acts even come on stage. So no need to wonder about that.
  17. That was a clue/answer on J not long ago! I remember because I had a dog named Bananas Foster. His two sisters were Banana Split (she was a split face) and Going Bananas.
  18. What are Chinnies? I'm so happy you are having a great birthday @zoey1996, you deserve it. I also hope the weather is good out there. Let us know if you see any ponies! And take a few photos to share with us.
  19. Could Sanjay's grey suit be any more BORING? Talk about trying to blend in with the background, except the background was more interesting than that suit. And his tie ... I kept staring at it as it was lopsided, the end kept trying to hide behind the right side of his boring grey jacket like it was embarrassed too. Then he was wearing BROWN shoes! With a grey suit! Don't have any black shoes Sanjay? Hope you are more appropriately dressed today Mr. Guest Host.
  20. Oh, wow, you and @Cherpumple are correct, the dress was poppies, not Scotties. I was tricked like in that old faces-or-vases illusion. Thanks for posting that photo, the dress is so CLEARLY poppies! I was even seeing the inside of the flowers as being paw prints. Duh! (I still love the dress though.)
  21. All three of those women are dumbasses if they don't know where the habanero ranks on the Scoville Scale. That credits clip was disgusting. Didn't those use to be fun? Yeah, this entire franchise used to be fun. And that stopped too.
  22. Who was the cute Black guy who got sent home? I'll miss him and Judge Reinhold.
  23. Okay guys, what do I win for predicting this?
  24. So, she calls THOMAS and cut to commercial. When we come back, will she tell Thomas that she isn't giving him this rose? Stay tuned. (As if anyone even cares.) Meanwhile, it looks like the last RC for Judge Reinhold.
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