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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Arie's mom is a twin for Krystal! I'd go on this show in a heartbeat, or want my brother/sister to be the lead so I could get a free trip to Peru for the last episode. That would be worth all the other BS. Peru looks fabulous. I'm spending all my time staring at Lauren's extensions.
  2. I wasn't paying attention to this game, and thought Dacshund, which a poster above guessed, might have been ruled correct. I've shown a lot of them, and we always were warned to be careful taking them out of their crates as most were inclined to bite. But their AKC standard says nothing about that ("The Dachshund is clever, lively and courageous to the point of rashness ...") while the AKC standard for the Rottie says: "He has an inherent desire to protect home and family ..." so there you go. Heckler & Koch was a great answer, except for the AKC part screwing it up.
  3. I guess I'm not the only one who didn't find this episode interesting. However, Jennifer Beals rocks, she steals every scene she's in. I could watch an hour of just her talking. Or not talking. And if Brian is getting sweet on Santana, at least that's a better choice than the college girl from last season.
  4. I figure this story line was added to keep this show current with all the political goings on. That Reade tried to use his job to help her only makes him like, well, everyone everywhere who has an important job, from manager of the local Burger King all the way up to the White House. That's just the way it is. When the woman was kidnapped at the end, that was the perfect set up for a cross over with Taken, coming on next. Brian would have rescued her, killed the kidnappers and given her back to Roman. Case solved. I'm not interested in the how-to-work-with-teens aspect this show took on this week. Yeah, skanky looking teen boys are all hackers and daughters are all surly snots who know more than their mothers. *sigh*
  5. LOL. All tv bad guys who plan to kill someone think they have Red/Negan super monologue hypnotizing powers. It's such a pet peeve of mine. But glad to learn it has a name since it's such a "thing."
  6. My skull ejected a hundred brain cells when the photo of Sterling K. Brown was shown. "Name this actor who plays a brother" (on the most popular show on television) and Trebek even adds: "BTW, the 'K' stands for Kelby." Jeezy pete. This show would show a photo of Abe Lincoln and clue it: "This 16th president freed the slaves and was shot in Fords Theatre ... and the capital of Nebraska is named for him. Who is it?" I was disappointed there was no video/audio of Cat Stevens singing Moonshadow in the Shadow category.
  7. OMG is right. I need to read that book. thanks JenE4, for the link.
  8. If I were competing on FJ, I most certainly would not be wagering to try for a tie. I don't see that logic. I also think two tied winners returning the next game is fairer/better than the buzz off, faster buzzer takes all. Not a fan of this fancy smancy tie breaker.
  9. I've never seen a tiebreaker before so that was a real shocker. I'm glad Laura won, I like her. But I wondered who chooses the tiebreaker category. It could be aimed toward one contestant and not the other. Like if one is an opera singer and the category is Famous Operas. Or one is an Army officer and the category is Military Academies. If they don't like some contestant, they just give the opponent his or her favorite category. I'm guessing contestant resumés would help with that. I thought Sarah, the tiebreaker loser, looked like the librarian champ Laura beat. If someone posted their photos side by side, of course I would be wrong. But in my mind, it was her doppelganger. So Laura got to beat her twice.
  10. Illinois Congressman Dennis Hastert was Speaker of the United States House of Representatives before he got busted as a serial child molester. He paid millions in hush money to the boys he abused when he was a wrestling coach and teacher. He was sent to prison too, alongside all those Illinois governors. (I met him once at a press event and he was a jackass.) Yeah, Illinois is a swell state ... if you're a crook.
  11. Thanks for giving me a headache tallykat.
  12. It took me a while to get past John Noble being in this episode. I kept expecting him to call up Moloch to kill Lizzie/Reddington. Now that I think about it, that would have made for a more interesting show. Lizzie in therapy ... what a laugh. I'd give her a big red check mark "Not Fit For Duty -- Of Any Kind" on my report if I were the doctor. And now after all these years of Who's Your Daddy, she's all Daddy's Girl? Please. The guy trying to kill his wife in the parking garage ... yeah, those places are full of CC. And he obviously doesn't watch much tv or he would know you need to shoot someone right away and stop with the soliloquies beforehand. You can talk to the body when it's dead. I thought it would make for great fun if, when the wife spotted the gun, she reached in her pocket and pulled out pepper spray and let the guy have it right in his eyes. Now THAT would have been a good show.
  13. That was one more mythological woman than I could think of. "Tuba." Yesterday's FJ was the first I'd ever heard of Antigone.
  14. I like both of the above quotes. They create a new category: Jeopardy Conundrums.
  15. This is gold, Teebax. I love it. And to think I'm stuck here ...
  16. Oh, I know, and it was left for last since they were all hoping to run out of time before they had to pick it. Hated that. I got a huge charge out of the George Ryan DD being a stumper. Ryan was just another one of Illinois governors to go to prison. My proud state holds the record for most governors being sentenced to jail -- of the last seven, four went to jail. I like New Champ Laura; she asked for categories by one word, not the entire sentence, plus she started at the top. Not that board jumping bothers me, but you guys make me aware of it. So now it's a "thing."
  17. That's what my mirror says! This made me LOL. Thanks Teebax. Totally OT, but I'm in love with Lin-Manuel Miranda.
  18. I missed today's show, but this intrigues me ... was the clue about the book/movie "Rebecca"? Or about the casino/hotel in Las Vegas? If it was VANderlay, I'd say it was a Seinfeld reference. So many options!
  19. I much prefer that to "I've always wanted to say it, make it a True Daily Double, Alex." Contestants who say that make me stabby. I like the "Bet it all" phraseology. I know you were referring to FJ though, and I, too, bet my entire bank when some categories appear at FJ. Let's hope we don't end up on the same show with this category, Mindthinkr, because I would have to kidnap and lock you in a back room somewhere. I was born horse crazy and although I only own two now, I had 30 at one time, when I stood a stallion and raised foals. I've shown horses in all disciplines and used to catch ride at shows, back when I was younger, thinner and better looking. Ha, yes, appearance does make a difference, even in the horse world. I missed today's show so am waiting to read here how it went. I hope the champ woman repeated, unless someone better came along (doubtful).
  20. Yes, we (that's the kingly "we") give you permission to do this, but ONLY IF you write "Hi PTV" on your FJ board at the end, and perform some trick to be determined before you go on. See you on J! in 2021, Proser!
  21. If you can sing them backward, please do not do this when you get on the show.
  22. Jonah was a total douche throughout the entire game. Everyone ranks on Alan(!) for buzzer pumping, but didn't anyone notice Jonah jerking and punching his buzzer CONSTANTLY, even after he didn't win the buzz off? He looked like he was having a spaz attack through the entire game, and it got worse toward the end, when his jerking and arm pounding actually shook his I'm-such-a-hipster pompadour hairdo loose. I wanted to know WHY he has a sandwich named for him, but Mondrianyone's link to his famously wealthy family answered that question for me. Glad the ill-tempered pouty (and rich) douchebag was a BIG LOSER. Bye Felicia. I like the new champion woman. I know ... amazing!
  23. I decided to FOREGO this episode in favor of going to town to shop, plus I knew I would learn everything I needed to know here. As predicted, this episode was predictable (get it?) and only the names have changed, the scenarios are all the same, season after season after season. I'll bet they even keep the cards to reuse every season ... "If you decide to forego your individual rooms ...". The lead professes to love every contestant and they all go to the fantasy suite where they do whatever they want, because I don't care a lick what they do or don't do. I mean really, who DOES give a care? As for couples declaring they had sex in the FS, which some posters wish, remember what happened to Nick Viall when he did that? If he could have been caught, tarred, feathered and lynched, that would have happened. Instead, that happened to him via social media. TPTB script this, edit it, all to make us think ... whatever they want. I'm saying they all have interesting conversations, Fleiss just doesn't want to interrupt the make-out sessions to show those to us. He just teases us every week with one single ending-credits great scene. Even WTA "bloopers" were anything but fun OR funny. Maybe this show is all for Fleiss, what he thinks is a great date or relationship. Even though everyone is complaining about the lead, the dates, the b-ettes, there sure is a lot of talk everywhere about what a crap show this is. Why are we all still watching? (I'm including myself in the question, of course.) See you all next episode!
  24. Yeah, it was a golden moment, one of the few REAL moments this show has ever had. Arie rocked it. The bloopers were a big huge waste of time. Arie saying "Meh" because he forgot a line. I hate that. And it's in no way funny. YMMV of course. I also hate when shows pimp upcoming movies and other shows. Plus that movie looks absolutely horrible.
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