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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Just once I wish a parent would say: "Sally was such a brat growing up, like she knew everything and did whatever she wanted regardless of what we tried to tell her or teach her. If she gets her ass kicked by marrying this jerkface Colt-ton, then it serves her right. Be careful what you wish for and good luck with that you little snot. Now git off my lawn."
  2. Based on what this etiquette "teacher" is saying about Hannah and her "umbrella" would make me skip meeting her parents and get on the next plane out of Alabama, STAT.
  3. I've obviously been watching this franchise too long because these hometowns are all the same, they are interchangeable: "How can you know after such a short time." "I don't want you to get hurt." "What are your intentions with my daughter." "I only want what's best for you" and on and on. Only a few families stray from the script, because it all has to be scripted. IRL, wouldn't the families have this talk with the daughter/sister BEFORE she signs up for and gets accepted for the show? Wouldn't they have watched at least ONE season of this show? Once the b-ette is a F4 there is no changing the forward motion she has to be either F1 or the next B-ette. These manipulated hometowns treat us viewers like we're dumbasses. ETA: Bachelor Handshake is alive and well in Alabama I guess. Then they are going to an etiquette class! LMAO!
  4. Spike Lee gave Samuel L. Jackson the Bachelor Handshake last night on the Oscars. Thank goodness Caelynn did not do the same to Colt-ton. ETA: @JenE4 beat me to it. LOL!
  5. You and me both. My joke is that in the summer, when I'm wearing shorts, I don't need a flashlight to go outside at night since the glow from my legs lights up the night. Only I'm not joking.
  6. Those are still on my main "Jeopardy" page, three "most recent" posts. I don't pay attention to them since I don't know what threads they are for. Maybe if one has favorite shows picked (I don't) they relate to those? Just guessing.
  7. Hey @teebax, you need to post some photos of any snowmen you made this weekend.
  8. I find him witty and self deprecating. These made me LOL for real. (And I can identify with the "pale" thing.) Today all the ads on the right side of PTV's browser windows are gone, and the posts now go clear across the page. (At least I think they were ads, I never looked at them once.) Anyone else?
  9. If it's any consolation, those of us who are fans of this show and have taken the online test multi times know how difficult it is to do well on just the online quiz, sitting at home. You not only passed that, you rocked the in-person testing and voilá, you are in the Teachers Tournament. That's a land-speed record from online test to being on the (real) show. Just getting asked to take more tests is an achievement. I think Ken Jennings was asked back several times to take in-person tests. You rocked it, girl, just by achieving the dream of actually BEING on the best game show ever. Win or not, you are joining a very elite group of people. A group I will never be a part of, even though I enjoy looking in the window at you guys! If you can only come up with five names for your guest list, there's always Saber ... *cough*
  10. Yeah, that was Don, Donnie, Donald ... I mean RESSLER, confirming Tom really is dead* so he can put the moves on Lizzie. Nothing's more romantic than creating corpses, then burying them together. *Because in Blacklist Universe, people don't always stay dead and that doctor show just might get canceled.
  11. LOL! I like this idea and I'm going with it. Thanks!
  12. I'm thinking it pained Alex to bet only $100 on those DDs since he's the "Bet it all" guy. My thinking is he was told to low ball the DDs just to keep the team ahead in the off chance he would miss one of the DD. That he got that "missed" Arctic DD answer in just seconds after (or during) the time's up buzzer was harsh. Aw, this makes me feel sorry for him. *sad face*
  13. I was going to do two "potluck draws" for additional prizes, but that's a pretty good idea, @Driad! There are 21 players who post scores every week. Eleven others started but dropped out after only a few weeks. None of those 11 made it past Week 7. I'm counting on the 21 to tough it out until the bitter end. It gives my life purpose and makes me feel vaguely important. Truth! The hard part is adding scores, I'm terrible at math, especially when I don't put on my glasses. So far so good though, I quadruple-check everything so I don't make a mistake. Space aliens are just as welcome as trophies. Thanks!
  14. Eh, I kinda posted about this episode in the thread for the previous hour. To recap: Red gives a big speech in the courtroom (without a single "objection") and whatever he says is now the truth. So bogus. And yeah, Ressler used to be the straight-and-narrow hard-nosed FBI guy. Now I'm waiting for him to hook up with Lizzie. Taking bets on in which episode that will happen. (Ugh) Or so he says. Because This Red has never told a lie or made up some story to save his ass.
  15. If only. This would be a better show if only. This show is so much better when I don't pay a lot of attention to what's going on. I stayed home last night to watch ... big mistake. It was so full of dumb-ass writing, all noted above by other posters. My irritation: How many dead bodies has Lizzie left scattered around? And she drags Ressler into her "gang" as an accomplice? I like Ressler (read: the actor) but that's just OTT dumbassery. Although I did wonder if his girlfriend was real or Memorex. I guess she was Memorex. But still, Ressler, JUST SAY NO when a bloody Lizzie shows up at your door when you (finally) have a woman in there. LOL that the cooking thermometer was left sticking in that guy, and the temp registered WAY hotter than 98.9. No one anywhere will connect that to Red, even though the entire room full of cons was watching him shive that guy. *sigh* So Red can spin a story for the court, not get one "I object," and whatever he spewed out is now the truth. Even Lizzie is all up on believing him now. Alrighty then. I don't even remember the deal about the bones and why they were so important or anything else that's been going on in this show because it's so boogered up with the writers changing whatever they want to fit whatever they feel like. Thank the gods the dogs are gone, and the kid, too. I'm guessing wherever they are, it's a happier place. Meanwhile, what's up with Lizzie getting all verklempt telling Dembe to "keep her secret." Tough-ass Lizzie who murders people right and left and uses her FBI credentials to do whatever she wants gets all teary eyed because she ratted out Red? Oh, please. Dembe, you didn't sign up for that ... did you?
  16. I got OLTL since, if I take a ride way back in the Wayback Machine, I used to watch As The World Turns and Guiding Light. My boyfriend (long gone now!) watched OLTL so I started watching that too, just for him. Asa Buchanan is a name I'll not forget! I thought that was a bad clue, and so did Alan based on the look on his face when he answered. I had no idea that was an official name of a real dish. Yeah, I've seen it on menus but IMO they should have used something else. Larissa is the star of this tournament so far. I wish I had her on my Fantasy Team.
  17. That's perfectly fine @opus. I do totals for everyone every five weeks, then I totaled all after 100 FJs. When someone posts their total totals (heh), i make sure that score is the same as the score I have. So far, we've matched up. We are getting close to triple-digit scores. Well, you guys are; I am not.
  18. WEEK 24 — ONE asterisk * 116. British Authors. Born in 1866, he has been called “The Shakespeare of Science Fiction.” * 117. Broadway Musicals. The title of this musical that opened in 1956 came from the last line of a nursery rhyme about a structure that spanned the Thames. 118. African Geography. The 7-letter names of these western- & easternmost mainland countries begin with the same letter. 119. Women In U.S. History. In 1901 this activist was jailed for inspiring the assassination of William McKinley, but the charge was later dropped.
  19. I would have easily gotten FJ if only I had paid more attention to that episode of Timeless. Such a good show, Timeless. RIP.
  20. It's popular on the American Ninja Warrior and Titan Games threads to complain about too many contestant back stories when all those viewers want to see are the competitions. I'm in the minority on those threads too, since I like learning about people and what they have done as much as what they will do. I'm enjoying this tournament, seeing many favorites back on my teevee and finding out what they've been up to. Looking forward to seeing you on the show when you pass the online test! We will all be rooting for you.
  21. Dave Madden won 19 games in 2005. That was the second-longest winning streak at that time. It's been suggested online that team captains thought he was "too old" to be a good player now. But Brad did his research in choosing him for his team as Dave has created and runs all kinds of academic quiz bowls and bees. I'd fist pump too if I had just put my team closer to one million. Either that or faint dead away. Do you mean "time to fill"? It all depends on what you do while this show is on. I know, what's up with that? All those countries keep changing their names. I have an old globe, the kind every school room always had, and it's fun to look at since many of those countries are something else now. Every clue category is a guess clue category for me.
  22. Good For You! *drink* I came up with two pairs that started with the same letter, then I spent all my time counting one, two, three ... on my fingers for each of them. None had seven letters, of course. But it was a valiant try. Or so I told myself.
  23. That, plus his playing was so BEAUTIFUL. The extra time gave me plenty of opportunity to imagine him as my boyfriend. So, I'm not complaining, it was all good for me.
  24. I feel like I should get an asterisk for knowing the TS propofol. (How I know that is none of your business.) Brad's team is rocking it, he was wise to pick two players who write quiz questions for a living. I felt sorry for Colby and his team. I hope they do better in the next round. It's not over yet. But yeah, Larissa was ON FIRE with that buzzer and her answers. FJ = Wow, two out of three super brainiacs didn't get it. Burn.
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