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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought that about the entire That's Canadian Entertainment category. LOL at the suggestion the clue writers wrote a lot of "S" categories. "Sneaky Snakes" and I approve of that theory.
  2. Hoping Friday has the category "Last Day On The Job."
  3. Well, scoring higher than the Contest Host is not a huge achievement, but congratulations. LOL! I'm a vanilla fan but homemade chocolate intrigues me. Count me in for that. Maybe I deserve one of each given my role here is to make everyone else feel smart. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  4. Football here Monday night but my schedule shows this ep for Tuesday. Good luck all you surfers!
  5. I was so excited that this, my favorite show, was on last night. I saw the first contestant get $60,000, then she lined up to compete with Ken ... and my antenna dropped the station. Nothing I could do would get it back. It finally returned on its own three hours later. So bummed. I will say, on a shallow note, that Ken's pink vest and matching pocket square were very stylish, he looked great. And that's all I got.
  6. Our contest now officially has 22 players, but more are welcome and you lurkers out there can still join this week, and next. It's about time you jumped in here @ams1001. You and your milkshakes are a most-welcome addition. Not a spoiler but I already checked today's FJ over at TJF and I'm starting out the new season with a BIG FAT ZERO so it's comforting to know I didn't get any smarter over the break. Good luck everyone, beating my score will be a snap!
  7. We're up to 18 players. More still needed though, so sign up everyone. If you've never won anything before, this is the place to change that. Plus the food is great.
  8. Well, there's also the option of being able to fall asleep during the performance, which a person can get away with if he/she doesn't snore too loudly and his/her date/spouse/partner doesn't notice and give that person the wake-up elbow. It's great for people who are used to falling asleep to music radio. (Raises hand.) I still want Simon to stop Victory mid song and tell her that choice was boring and to change to another song. Then tell her to "step it up" and "make it her own." Then stop her again and tell her to sing an original song, not the same old same ole he's heard a zillion times and finds so sleep inducing. Yeah, that would make an interesting episode, her being treated like every other singer on this show. Let me know if that's ever going to happen. *crickets*
  9. I missed a lot of this episode so didn't get invested in any of the putters, but I was VERY happy to see someone beat the Porta Potties. I don't think the giant do-nuts need to be swinging since I don't think anyone has ever made it to the second one much less all the way through the row. Next week the finale. Hope this comes back again next year. I'd be happy if it stayed year 'round it's such a fun show.
  10. Hokey smokes, I am SO EXCITED to have you join the Contest @ProudMary. You will have fun here every week, I gare-rone-tee it. As for the Table For One (abbreviated T41), I have a perm seat there in an upholstered chair that is out being recovered due to me wearing it out last season. And there are plenty of foods that fit that shape. Season 38 is going to be so much fun. Well, the Contest part anyway. Heh. Welcome aboard the official score sheet ProudMary!
  11. This made me snark my coffee out through my nose. So thank you for that. Okay, so I said snark instead of snot. You're welcome.
  12. Well, I did learn it's called a barrel and not a curl like I always thought.
  13. Oh man, I posted my comments on this episode in E05. Eh, sorry about that.
  14. This is still my favorite show of the summer, I just haven't been here much. But last night's ep was SO good. It was fun to have everyone back, but I have to say I was bummed to see Luke leave again and even more bummed to see Malia stay. She's such a snotty skankwad and ruins this show every time the camera is on her and I have to hear her speak. I've liked Zeke from the start but the last couple of weeks, Koa has grown on me and now he's maybe passing Zeke as my favorite. He has great energy and is so positive all the time, and actually so funny he cracks me up. Malia should take a couple humanity lessons from him. I don't care what woman wins this. I'm so not into the drama. I watch this show for the surfing, not the snarking. Hilarious = the Bachelor cross over. I've watched that franchise since the beginning but forget all the famewhore contestants as soon as each season is over. But it was cool for our surfers to teach those two, and I was glad Allejandro won. He's also a great dancer we discovered. So I was sad to see him leave. I would have loved if there were more of the glow-stick party and less of the Malia drah-mah. That looked like a blast.
  15. A+ to your post @ams1001. Bye two of my favorite acts, Unicircle and Balance Brothers. Both of you should be able to get booked in Vegas on your own. Vegas has very inexpensive hotel rooms where you can stay until that first pay check. I'd buy a ticket to see you both. Anyone planning on flying/driving to Vegas and paying $100-plus to see Opera Girl? Yeah, I didn't think so. I can't even stand to watch/listen to her for free on my teevee. But Josh Blue ... yeay. Josh and Quick Change win this round in my book. Good luck next week.
  16. Happy #StarTrekDay everyone. Live long and prosper.
  17. LOL! I remind you of that old saying, "Them that can, do. Them that can't, host a FJ contest." Challenge accepted!
  18. OMGosh, we are so happy you have joined our contest @SoMuchTV. As for your pre-submitted scores, you will have to battle for that "special" title with your Contest Host. The contest is now Sweet Sixteen Strong and hoping more J! viewers join. After all, it's FREEEEEE! No one leaves this contest a loser, and that's a promise. Welcome! We always have extra place settings at all the tables for everyone.
  19. The three guy singers were on first so I used that time to take the garbage to the curb and let dogs out. Unicircle -- LOVE them. Counting this week: Howie saying Only Five Are Going Through. Interesting Simon told him to shut up about it already. Dress Girl -- I love her. It's such a fun act. Kabir the Comic -- FU Simon. Nurse Choir -- Can they only sing about helping and hope? Why don't they "Step It Up" and sing some hard rock or something. Peter Peter Mind Reader -- I totally did not get his act but I like him and felt sorry for him. Opera Girl -- Why is it the balancing act has to "Step It Up" but Opera Girl just sings opera every week. Why not have HER change her song or switch to hip hop or blues or jazz. I mean really. What's good for the goose should also be good for Opera Girl. Red Dance Group -- All I could think was this looked like my last Jazzercise class with a couple flips tossed in at the end. Yet Simon says this was their "best performance ever." WTH Simon. Balance Brothers -- Stop with all the shooting fire flames behind them, I can't see anything, I'm being blinded by the light. But still, I love these guys and can watch them all day. Someone: Please disable Simon's red X, he's becoming even more intolerable with his jackassery. Simon says about the Balance Brothers, "We've seen the same act, no improvement, so no way you can win" yet Opera Girl sings opera every week and she's gong to win this whole thing? WTH. I hate you Simon. Josh Blue -- He made the greatest entrance, then he made me LOL hard several times, not an easy task. I think it's called belly laughs. He gave them to me. I really like this guy as much as I did when I voted for him to win Last Comic. Brooke singer -- I think she's a good singer but I was stunned to see she was singing my favorite song, Bad Habits. I only knew because the song's name lit up in big lights behind her so I tried to listen to the words. And, sure enough, she was totally singing Ed Sheeran's words in some way so I couldn't recognize the song at all. That led me to the quandary, do I like her because she's a good singer or do I hate her because she murdered my favorite song. I'll just say, let her sing opera next time.
  20. @OperaLover1229, SO EXCITED to have you join the contest. Welcome! Her Royal Highness explained the rules well because basically we have no real rules. Just keep track of the Final Jeopardy (FJ) clues/answers you got correct for that week, then post your score here after the show airs Friday. Example: 4/5. Or in my case, more like 1/5. If the FJ stumps all three players on the show but you know it, that FJ answer is an asterisk. Some weeks have no asterisks, some weeks have two or three. In that case, post your score as 3/5** for example. Comments about what you knew or answers you got right or wrong are encouraged. This is a No Finger Pointing zone, we're just here to have fun. Actually, discussion about anything is welcome here. No negativity about anyone is allowed though ... unless it's about yourself. Ha ha! If you miss an episode, clues and answers can be found at TheJeopardyFan.com. I will post the week's clues here at the end of the week, but no answers. It can remind you if you forgot if you got Wednesday's answer or not. Once I have recorded your score, I will HEART LIKE your post so you know you are in. Some players aren't able to post scores until Monday or Tuesday of the following week. I generally will give a shout out to any players who are late posting to remind them to step on it and get their score in. Once everyone has posted, I will pick a winner for that week based on whatever passing whim I am feeling at that moment. Once scores are in, many players like to gather at the virtual table for that number, and some generous players will bring dishes (containing virtual food) to share. For instance, pizza and ice-cream scoops are round, so a perfect meal for the 0/5 table. Enjoy, and see you next week!
  21. You are in @opus. I will make you feel better by posting my scores every week. If you notice, I seldom do that ... !
  22. You are correct: The certificate for Season 36 never happened. You can blame the contest host for bailing, or more accurately, just disappearing and forgetting all that was promised to players. Crummy host. You have to play again Opus, because it's time for a new icon. Don't let us down. And: Don't throw away your shot!
  23. Ah, an Adelie. Thanks. Adelie was my answer to that FJ question that was really Magellan(ic). Hey, there could have been an explorer named Adelie, right? No excuses. Even the Space Station has a communication link! (This is the thread of No Excuses.)
  24. No excuses! There's always TJF.com if your snooze alarm doesn't go off! You are in. Who is your avatar wearing @Browncoat? Someone new!
  25. Jeopardy! Season 38 is almost here so it's time to fire up a new contest score sheet. Face it you guys, you know this is fun. I hope everyone from previous seasons will be back, plus we need some new players too, so sign up everyone! There will be prizes awarded at the end of the season for a variety of winners, so whatever your score, your chances of bringing home a prize are excellent. (Read: Even Steven for everyone.) Plus, it's FREE! And real, physical, tangible prizes WILL be awarded. And of course, asterisks are back. If you know the answer to a FJ clue that stumps all three players, you'll get an asterisk for that day. And (maybe!) qualify for more prizes at the end of the season. It's a win win! FJ clues will be posted at the end of every week, so even if you miss a day or two, you can catch up here. Then post your score for the week. I will give your post a "heart like" once it's been recorded. Remember, this is all for fun. No finger pointing allowed! Discussion of FJ clues and answers (and random other topics) is allowed though, and encouraged. I hope to see lots of familiar and new avatars here, starting next week. Questions? Just ask!
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