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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I was confused by the entire Charlie Tan episode. So his dad was a guy no one liked. So what. That makes it okay to ambush him and shoot/kill him in cold blood while he's at his computer? Then leave his dead body in the house while you take off for a vaca in Canada for four days? Then make a fake call to 911? And Charlie Tan is the good guy in all this? WTH is wrong with people. Was it impossible to divorce this guy? Move out? Would Charlie be cut out of the will if he kills his dad? Would mom lose the insurance money if she pulled the trigger? There were just so many holes. And I just can't get with continuing to think Charlie's the World's Greatest Guy in the World since he obviously was in on the whole "Show Time" event. And Charlie AND mom get off Scot free ... why? WTH. Meanwhile, EVERYTHING @TVbitch said, and said so much better than I.
  2. I caught the end of this episode on the rerun last night. I didn't hurry to see the beginning since I know all of them fail early after getting long backstories that I don't need to be invested in. I liked the Iowa college fellow Twait, although I agree with another poster about the unfortunate name. His cat was awesome, and it's funny he named it Hades. He also made the course look like a child's playground, making it more shocking so many tanked out on it. Island Ninja Grant obviously got his hair styled by Daniel Gill this week, and I liked the look. Because I read here before watching, I was ready to see his dad walk away when his son and the woman interviewer started dancing together. Yeah, I'd do the same so you are good with me, Dad. It was interesting to see Drew Lachey run. I'm guessing he did not have to stand in line for days to get on the course. It's curious he did not ninja train since he knew he was going to be on the show, and his "It's harder than it looks" comment got a "Yeah, DUH!" from me. Still, it's fun to see "famous" people try it. Ryan Sutter did one season, and I was impressed with Derek Hough and Steven Amell on the Famous People Ninja Special. Meanwhile, I'm content watching famous ninjas that I know from seasons past. Speaking of, I think Brent S. ran last year, no? And it's hilarious Kacy hasn't been mentioned this year. Yet. If she got a residual every time she was mentioned on the show since she "retired," she is living high right now. The people drawing tickets from a bowl to get a run ... lightning will strike me, but when that first woman got a ticket I was all WTH, no way. And of course she failed on the first obstacle. I guess it was her 15 seconds of fame. Every once in a while a man comes a long who isn't threatened by a woman and is happy for what she can achieve. Long may Chris and Flex reign.
  3. Well, I am surely living in Bizarro World since, so far, my score is the best of everyone's, and that's never happened before. My score: 4 *. I've only scored a 4 twice in 43 weeks. I missed Montreal since I still don't know why it's famous for anything, except speaking French. I guessed Boston. Tea party and all. The Greece question was a no-brainer easy-peasy for me. I saw "300" multiple times in the theater, bought the DVD and even have a gigantic bus poster of King Leonidas aka Gerard Butler that a friend sent me from Lisbon. The movie was quite the sensation at the time, as was Butler, who was asked to show his abs on every talk show he was on to promote the film. Yeah, that was all him. I even bought the Men's Health with him on the cover. Okay, so I used to be a stalker. Wednesday and Friday were also easy, being a movie fan, and especially old BW movies with detectives who talked using terms from that era. And Murphy Brown was rerun on one of my antenna stations recently. It's still as relevant and funny today as it was during the Dan Quayle days. Don't harsh my mellow!
  4. WEEK 44 — ONE asterisk 213. North American Cities. In the year 2017 this city celebrated its 375th birthday and the 50th anniversary of an event that made it an international tourist destination. * 214. Ancient Times. In 1955 King Paul of Greece unveiled a statue of this hero near the cliffs where he died in the 5th century B.C. * 215. Bestselling Novels. For help with research, the author of this 2003 novel acknowledged the Louvre, Catholic World News & “five members of Opus Dei.” 216. Women on TV. This character featured in a 1992 Time Magazine cover story on “Hollywood & Politics” returned to television in 2018. 217. Word Origins. 19th c. boots made with India rubber made one quieter, leading to this slang term for one whose job involves surveillance.
  5. Hopefully, the beauty queen was smart enough to get a good pre-nup and she's living on Easy Street now, minus that shit-head of an ex.
  6. It puts a visual of Virgin (*cough*) Sean Lowe in my head, who famously invited the Bachelor camera person into the shower with him while he was completely naked because SHE WAS A LESBIAN. That's all I could think of during scenes of Luke in the shower. I wondered if the same camera person was in there with him. Being a Born-Again Virgin worked for Sean and got him the Bachelor gig. I'm waiting to see if it works for Luke. Not for Hannah! Especially if all four are in a windmill.
  7. It boggles my mind to think how many AGT acts are stopped at the border and can't get in to the country much less to the audition hall.
  8. Totally agree with this. I couldn't understand a single word so gave up, even though I should know most Broadway tunes. Thanks for identifying it for us! Yes. Maybe these were the wives, back with their husbands' routine and tricks. Yes they would. Reference every "comedy" tv show and movie out these days.
  9. Only four TSs today. 1. potassium 2. William Burroughs 3. allegory 4. The Night Manager. Today was easier to keep track of even though they TS'd me, too. Or QS'd me.
  10. The wind was blowing last night so my antenna made the show go in and out for the entire time so I missed most if not all of each act. I looked at the clock before each act though, and thought "Nope, not the last act so not the GB." Then the boy Broadway singer came on and I was all, "Okay, here's the GB, a singer plus the show is almost over." Way to keep me in suspense show. Not. Still, the boy's reaction was sweet, even if I wasn't positive he is ready for Broadway just yet. The blind singer put last week's 50s-glasses-wearing ginger singer Lemont or Leland or whatever his name was, to shame. Plus Simon didn't ask him to change his song or use a different track or come back later and sing something else. THAT was a refreshing change. The graphic designer hoop roller with the spray paint and glitter on his body was interesting to stare at, I'll give him that. I wish I could hear what his co-workers say when he goes back to work. The only laugh I had all night was when Kara told Simon he looked hydrated and she swiped his Dunkin drink. I LOL'd long and hard at that one. That was the best part of the night for me. Ya'll can draw your own conclusion on that.
  11. I practiced with the TS's in yesterday's show. The first one came too quickly and I didn't catch the clue or the answer. Then I decided to just write down the answers, forget about recording the clues. Here they are, in no special order: 1. center 2. Jennifer Connelly 3. catacombs 4. Idaho 5. North Dakota 6. Lawrence of Arabia 7. Emperor Hirohito 8. DD: The Auroras Since many post TSs answered in the Season thread, this could be a contest. I'd be for doing it just on TS Tuesday and/or TS Thursday only though. I laughed that Kevin's interview was about his favorite national park, Grand Teton, and he missed the TS of Idaho, the clue was about the state that had Teton County to its east. Such a no brainer. I'll practice again with today's show.
  12. A special consolation prize for @lb60.
  13. That's my problem as well, I forget most everything instantly these days. Plus I never remember the category, even when playing the game. There is a site where the categories/clues are displayed though, right? Maybe if we did a TS Tuesday or something like that. I'll mull around on it, and suggestions welcome. Then there are those days where there are no TSs. That would make for an easy-scoring game that I could win! I'll poke around with this idea during today's game, on here in 15.
  14. Ah, but she DID get rid of him. Remember that episode a few weeks back? Yeah, neither does Hannah. But Hannah said quite clearly last night that she was confident in that she had always sent the "right" guy home at each RC, and she had no regrets. It wasn't until last night that she couldn't send one of the four home because she "didn't know." Don't feel badly for those who went home, they are the lucky ones. They live to date another day, AND get on BIP! Brad did that and caught all kinds of hate. But then, he DID get a second go at being The Bach, so there's that. WHAT? This show give us red herrings? Say it ain't so! Seriously though, previews have to be taken with a grain of salt. Or a whole shaker of salt with this franchise. Plus, remember the preview from some weeks ago where CH says a guy bought his own ring and has returned to propose? In any case, for anyone going to Greece, be careful around those windmills.
  15. But do the bachelors make the HT dates themselves? I tend to believe TPTB make the dates and set everything up in the HTs so as to fit the story lines and edits they've scripted for each of the players. That also includes putting the families in fake houses if their own homes are not good enough for tv, or don't fit the script. I did wonder if all the families got hair and make up done before their scenes. I also wonder how much make up is on Hannah's nose if it still glows like Rudolph's in every single scene.
  16. Oh, nuts. Now I have to trash can all this season's prizes and start over. Dang. I was thinking a fun contest would be a TS contest, but that would take some skill to keep track of daily. Like if there were five TSs today and you got all five answered, that would be five points for today. If the TS was a DD, that's either double points (ha) or an asterisk. I thought of that since I seem to do better with TS answers than FJ ones. Okay, let's plan on a Season 36 FJ contest. Maybe some new people will want to get in on it next season. I'll even do prizes again. How about sets of coasters made from dog hair? Dog breed optional.
  17. 1. He stays so gets to put another stamp on his passport because, Greece. 2. He gets a FS with Hannah so will find out if his staying was worth it or not. BTW, Hannah was pretty excited about FS next week so my guess is Jed gets a "try out." I was so fascinated by staring at that long piece of bangs hanging in front of her face, I totally missed what Mom was saying. It kept my attention through the entire scene so I blocked out everything else. I disagree. Someone who loves him should tell him he sucks. Or put up some cash for singing lessons. Dude is seriously bad, although his piano skills pass muster. It could be their way of saying "Don't pick Jed or YOU will get hurt." They were putting out enough red flags, not that Hannah can see them even when they hit her in the face. They all know Jed is pretty much of a tool. Either that or TPTB picked that family as the hostile one, because there is one every season. Hannah brought flowers to Peter's family but did she bring gifts to any of the others? Luke looked SO SHORT in the RC line up, and Tyler looked like a giant. Yet Luke is (supposedly) 6 ft. and Tyler is 6 ft. 2. I wonder if Luke is that tall since the other guys dwarf him. He might have Short Man Syndrome and being so tiny (ha) could be (one of the reasons) why the other dudes pile on him. @Wandering Snark, your poem was the best, and summed up the entire two-hour episode. You should send it to Jed for song lyrics.
  18. No phone or Internet today so no live posting. Instead I took notes so I'm dumping all my thoughts at once. • Peter's family is smart, well spoken. Peter starts to tell them about the "journey," but Hannah interrupts so she can do the telling. And she proceeds to say "like, like and like" and pretty much nothing else while Peter's family stares at her, all with a WTH look on their faces. They had to be thinking "Peter, you can do so much better," because that's for sure what I was thinking. • Hannah's Angry Bird eyebrows! • Is Peter a commercial pilot or private hobby pilot? I'm thinking hobby. • Hannah is SO not into Peter. He doesn't even register on her I-Want-To-Jump-Your-Bones meter. • Tyler. I've already forgotten his family but I remember the almost-sex in the back of Hannah's getaway car. • Hannah can barely get a coherent sentence out of her mouth. • There are saddles in Luke's house! Inquiring minds want to know about THAT part of his life. Forget all this jacking around Jesus business. I'll bet Luke knows how to ride a horse (directed at you, Tyler). • Hannah's nose is always red. Always. Regardless of where she is and what she's eating/drinking. • Hannah wears a super-short dress on Jed's date and still she gives him the Handshake. WTH. • Hannah: "Jed always has something in his pocket for me." I think that's what they call a Trouser Snake, Hannah. Oh ... you know that. Alrighty then. • Good news: We won't be seeing Jed and/or Hannah on Songland anytime soon. Or ever. • Tyler and Luke get the shirt's off edit. Peter and Jed, shirts on. • It's the RC and Tyler is wearing capri pants! • OMG, Peter got a rose! No way! • Only Luke keeps his place in the bachelor line up while the other three bro it out. • Finally, Hannah did something good and kept all four boys. • I hate Jed dissing Luke. Just go home if you are so unsure. Why are you still there? • Preview: The "I f*cked in a windmill" was deleted this week. Too late, show! It's already viral. • After credits clip: A bunch of Hannah saying "Bleep, bleep and bleep." I guess her Jesus is also good with her being a potty mouth.
  19. If everyone wants to continue the FJ contest for Season 36, I'm in to host it again. Unless ya'll vote me off the island because my prizes are barf-ola. It's been fun for me. Malta. Whatever color "jealous" is, that's my color. You are so lucky, I hope you had a grand time.
  20. I really enjoy this show, although I am not a music person and don't remember names, people or songs. I like the encouragement from the mentors and the positiveness of the entire show, plus we get to learn a little about the "star" of the week and how his/her/their music is chosen. I think all of the songwriters have great voices, and I wonder why we haven't seen them on The Voice or other shows. They make the singers on AGT look like hacks ... which most of them are IMO. I do find it frustrating that, with only one exception, my favorite songs are not chosen. In fact, most of the time my last-choice is the winner. But what do I know. I totally agree with this. Her, I remember. So irritating. I do object to the songwriter's songs being overproduced, as I noticed one fellow had a few extra tracks in his "solo" initial performance. Minor complaint on a fun show though. I'd like to see some of the songwriters again. And again!
  21. I understand it is in three weeks, so July 26 should be the last day of Season 35. Anyone, please correct me if I am wrong. Contest winners will be determined and prizes mailed after everyone posts their final week's scores. I will be doing a drawing for the random prizes, pulling numbers from a bowl. All contestants have been assigned a number so I won't know those winners until I match number to name. I will be sad when the contest ends.
  22. Thanks for the update. I knew you had been on vacation; so cool that you still are! Enjoy every day. And I'll quit bugging you. For a while, anyway!
  23. Then is there a ToC, or reruns? Asking for a friend.
  24. Ya'll have been doing well on a tough week. Even you, Opus and SHD. I've had worse weeks than a one. I've been watching reruns of The Good Wife so had been thinking about jury-rigged. I always thought it had something to do with the legal system, so imagine my surprise when the only term I could come up with was correct. Who knew. (Well, everyone except me.) I read the Broadway clue as "This play opened in Vienna in 1823 ..." which confused me since I didn't know Broadway plays were put on in Vienna, plus I didn't know what plays would be running in 1823. Alexander Hamilton might have died 32 years before 1823, but no way was Lin Manuel alive then so Hamilton wasn't written much let played in Vienna in 1823. I know. Duh. I've never heard of Johannes Tetzel or the indulgences, but Martin Luther was the only name that floated past me so I grabbed it out of the air. Sometimes even the biggest dolt catches a crumb now and then. As for Gorgons and Polynesia ... no way never.
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