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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. One word: plastic. I thought of you guys when the Evil Man found Piper's tracker in the drain trap. I hope he put the drain back together before he bailed out the window. I like this show very much, it keeps my interest from start to finish. I like that all the characters look like normal people, especially Jo. The only question I had this episode was, what happened to Jo's cop partner when he was adjusting the CC and Evil Man approached him. Next scene, Evil Man was inside. I expected to see Cop Partner knocked out or something. Hey show, how did Evil Man get in the house? The house was mentioned last week ... the outside view is the exact house style I grew up in. Almost all the neighborhood homes were this style, identical. It's not an expensive house, for those wondering. The inside rooms, however, are not in that house, they are a stage set. That style house has four downstairs rooms, all square, all equal: kitchen, dining room, living room, front room that contains the steps to the second level. Piper's bedroom, however, matches the attic of that home style with the dormer windows and sloped ceilings. I'm with you, @shapeshifter, I about fell off my chair when they showed next week’s previews and I saw frickin’ ... tune in next week to find out! Got a kick out of gas being $2.59 wherever this was filmed.
  2. I'm a skier so easily got mogul. I love westerns so easily got Dale Evans. I would have easily gotten Buttermilk if the question had been reversed. I love movies so easily got John Ford. Did anyone catch Kevin's interview comment, he only has one child, "thank god." LOL! Kevin must have been watching yesterday's game and heard the (wrong) answer that the book "Wild" took place on the Pacific COAST Trail. Therefore, he figured he was safe with his FJ answer of The Coastal Mountains. And in today's most shocking news, after 16 wrong answers, I easily got FJ. I've been to the Mt. St. Helens crater, it's an unnerving drive, and I'm saying this as someone who has driven over the Continental Divide -- in the snow -- multiple times. But it was worth it so I could make my FJ score 1/17. Yeay me!
  3. I could post the same sentence, but leaving out the "else."
  4. As did I. Bowling Green, Kentucky is pretty well known, and famous for the Bowling Green Massacre. I went to college in Ohio and lived in Columbus five years, traveled extensively, yet did not know there was a BG, Ohio. The Ohio BG has about 30,000 people while the Kentucky BG has almost 70,000 and lots of tourist things. Ohio's BG has ... well, basically nothing memorable. I read "Wild" and saw the movie, plus mapped the Pacific Crest Trail online, yet I was fine with the answer of "Coast." I know ... not a surprise.
  5. I wish someone would tell Hannah to lose the constant Pageant Smile. I expect she'll continue to shine it at us if she ever gets the tango. I also hated her package, a bridal shower? You mean Hannah's all hooked up with "wedding" stuff? And Alan as a "surprise" stripper at the fake shower? Please. He would go broke if that's his stripping act. But kudos to Tom for cluing Alan that there's such a thing as spray tan. Man, I cannot stand anything about Erin. Thank goodness for the remote so I can flip when she AND the judges speak. Tom remains the one saving grace for this franchise.
  6. An amazing find! Now we need to know what Kit's connection to that street and to LA is!
  7. So much this. If only Mads would make an appearance (and Hugh Dancy!) I'd be all in. I missed the pilot, and I had been looking forward to this show based on the previews. I have to say, I was thoroughly disappointed in this episode. So much anticipation followed by no payoff. So who cares if there was a person in the trunk or not. What difference does it make to anything. Unless it was his real mom, what's another body for a serial killer. And if it was his real mom, so what. Does it make a difference? Not to me. All the calls to 911 also bugged. "Send an ambulance to XYZ Street!" and hang up. Ambulance for what ... gunshot, heart attack, snake bite (!), electrocution, poisoning, hit by a car ... what do the medics need to know before they get there? "Oh, sorry, we didn't know it was a snake bite so left the anti-venom at the shop." LOL at the snake being thrown at Malcolm being big and having a white belly. Then the one stuck to his wrist was a small black one. Black Mambas can kill a person in less than 30 minutes so the 911 call really needed to be fast AND specific. Why did the son who was dealing in exotic animals run from the police? Made no sense except to let everyone into the warehouse and so Malcolm could get a snake thrown at him. That part was so poorly written. Plus if it was that noisy inside, they would have heard it outside too. This show is such a "whatever" hand wave. But Malcolm is fine to look at so put me in the shallow end of this pool for a few episodes anyway.
  8. Same. Had to get a hanky. Jennifer being a freelancer bugged me. Freelance what? Writer, designer, photographer, model, actor, panhandler, stripper, prostitute ... freelance what. I work as a freelancer but translation is I'm self employed as a (I always say my profession). I wonder if she knows Jason, both from ABQ. This tidbit about FJ was posted by Andy on TheJeopardyFan.com: While an on-site Olympic flame was introduced at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, the Olympic Torch relay was designed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis for the 1936 Summer Olympics as a way to demonstrate the growing influence of the Third Reich, as well as reinforce his beliefs about classical Greece being an Aryan forerunner of his German Reich. The initial relay required new roads to be built in order to access Olympia in Greece (where the torch was lit) and went through Greece, Bulgary, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, and Czechoslovakia on its 12-day, 11-night route to Berlin. Somehow, this early history has been glossed over, and the tradition has carried on for each Olympic Games since.
  9. Update: I went to the Minus Cal website. It is having a special promo, get three sample bars for ONLY! $9.99. First orders, take 20 percent off, so three granola-sized bars for $8 and free shipping. I couldn't find the bar size listed, but the photos appear to show one bar is 1.8 oz. I guess I'll just keep getting fat.
  10. I don't know if the product was a sham or not. But because of the crap treatment this show gave them, I'd buy it and try it. I'd hate to think TPTB put them on so Mark could ridicule them. That's just harsh besides being insulting to everyone, including viewers. Then Mark saying the cleaning product people were only on there to sell their product ... well DUH, isn't everyone? Isn't that why inventors want to get on this show? If you don't like the offer, make a counter offer. I hope the sharks who invested in that make a bundle while Mark doesn't. While I like fireworks among the sharks, I hate when inventors are made fun of or harassed or belittled. As one of the sharks said last night, these people go to a lot of work to try to get on the show. If their product isn't any good or their request is out of line, that's on TPTB for letting them get on the show.
  11. So much THIS. I wish Mark could have heard me telling him to STFU too. If Mark doesn't like a product, then say he's out, don't steamroll people because you can. He was so far out of line. Maybe the pitch was BS, but maybe Mark was full of BS too. Well, no "maybe" about that second one. I liked Dan Lubetzky and hope he comes back. Or just stays and Mark leaves. I'd be good with that. I got a laugh about the eastern Med food guy saying he bought his product off a store shelf the night before and didn't have a clue what the expiration date was. It was like the show said, "You're on tomorrow! Get your pitch ready!" and the guy had to scramble to make something for them to taste. I didn't see why the baby spoon was such a big deal, but the little girl presenting it seemed to charm the sharks, so she was golden. The Green-Tea-Extract guys should have hired her to do their pitch.
  12. I think all of you are doing great, I am very proud to be your Contest Host, I feel like the mother hen to a bunch of brainiac little chicks. You all are ahead of me in score, even @Brookside, who hasn't posted last week yet. It's too early to bail, Brookside! Get back in here.
  13. I would have accepted it. Be sure to get on the show when I become a J! judge!
  14. I learned it from being a subscriber to The Scotsman newspaper. The online edition has comments from readers, and there have been several VERY HEATED discussions about the Stone being stolen by the English, people who are not even fractionally popular in Scotland.
  15. WEEK 3 — ONE asterisk * 11. Musical Theatre Inspirations. The title of this musical that opened on Broadway in 1964 was inspired by a Marc Chagall painting. 12. American Colleges & Universities. The 1862 Morrill Act gave states federal acreage to sell for school funds, leading to the creation of 69 of these. * 13. Natural Geographic Features. Timely for 2018, in 1866 Mark Twain wrote of this landmark’s “sputtering jets of fire” & “heat from Pele’s furnaces.” * 14. World Landmarks. “The Eighth Wonder”, by composer Alan John & librettist Dennis Watkins, is about this building that opened in 1973. 15. Epitaphs. From his own 1898 poem, the epitaph of this Irish-born man ends, “his mourners will be outcast men, & outcasts always mourn.”
  16. Well, "nothing ventured" as they say. I thought it was funny her buzzer and podium light worked a second time.
  17. Shout out to @lb60. I got the TS of Tigger, in your honor. Stone of Scone was a TS or stumper FJ last season. Geez, players, watch the show. Got a laugh from the Pliny The Elder clue since we had an extended discussion about Mr. Pliny in the Season 35 thread. That, plus the Stone of Scone TS proves this show is circular. Thank you Laurel for becoming the new champ. Long may you reign. Would "Yeates" with two es be wrong if it were right? Trebek sure dwelled on that extra e. Sometimes you need to just let it go, Trebek.
  18. I tuned in late. Nothing else was on so I flipped it on and sort of watched. I didn't know any of the actors and didn't have a clue it was a comic until I read it here. So I came in with no expectations. It was all new to me. The two dudes singing Sweet Caroline were hilarious, I loved that part. I wondered how Dex got from the trunk to inside the car to spray the extinguisher, but it's been a long time since I've driven a vehicle with a trunk. But during that scene, I kept wondering why the driver didn't step on the freaking BRAKES for pete's sake. I know, I know, drama and all. But that's what I would have done instead of continuing to drive fast and steer around obstacles while being choked. My feet still would have worked. I also didn't like the after-fight makeup. Dex got her head smashed into the side of a car and she ends up with a couple of red scratches and not one single bruise? That irked me for sure. At least give her a black-and-blue cheek or something, it can be gone by next episode Makeup People. Instead, it just looked like her cat gave her a smack on the cheek. Someone smashes my head into a car and I'm down for at least a month, with a swollen face and one heck of a headache. Add me to the list of those who want that tape player to be a regular character. If it is, I'm in.
  19. Your brain might have been accessing the FJ category from the previous day, "Natural Geographic Features," which I read as "NATIONAL Geographic Features." I was all, "Oh, boy, I LOVE The National Geographic, best category ever. I'm IN!" So your transposition is excused. By me, anyhow.
  20. Looks like I'm the only one who came up with I.M. Pei's Louvre Glass Pyramid for FJ, so good on everyone else for not making that wrong guess. Once that image lodged in my brain, it wouldn't come unstuck.
  21. The Sears Tower opened in September 1973, so yes indeed, your guess was a solid one.
  22. I did get ruminant since I raised them for a few decades. As I posted here a while back, the cud is horrendously stinky if you ever "catch" one. Doing so is extremely rare, however, and thankfully so. I only "caught" one once during all my years of working with them day in and out. It was a memorable experience.
  23. Jason losing sent me into a funk and depression because my life sucks and Jason had been a comforting bright one-half hour in an otherwise gloomy existence. He was the perfect player, and I would have been happy for him to remain champion forever. I missed Muir's curse since my antenna dropped all my ABC channels today so I had to make do with Lester tonight. I would have enjoyed a story on Jason since national news comes on after Jeopardy airs here. I could have raised a glass for a farewell toast.
  24. Hang around me and you'll be surprised a lot.
  25. There's a big difference in so many ways, at least in my mind, between a girl who has a baby at age 14 and an unmarried woman who has a baby at age 40. Cassidy could be Nicky's daughter and might be why she kept staring at him after he broke the window. She could have been born after Nicky got back from Nam. We'll find out when she does her monologue on how her dad disappeared and her mom raised her alone, she only saw pics of her dad. And gosh, he sure looks like that guy who broke the window. Anyone have any ideas why Nicky broke the window to begin with? He hated the support group? He got there late and the door was locked?
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