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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I have a BFA from an art college and five years of art history behind me, and I didn't recognize the painting, which appeared to be a not-very-good painting of a janitor mopping the floor, a strange subject. And for it to be the first time "that shade of blue" was used was made up by the writers. Egyptian Blue was the first synthetic blue created in about 2500 BC. Lapis lazuli was used in the Renaissance to make ultramarine, the most expensive of all pigments. In the eighth century Chinese artists used cobalt blue to color porcelain. In the Middle Ages, European artists used it in the windows of cathedrals. And so forth. If the painting was of some ancient Chinese warrior, I might have bought Kindred's story. Still, the blue drink Piper gave dad has to mean something. I'm expecting her to cure his cancer, which would be a good thing. He is a great character and actor, perfect for the part. I wonder what job ex husband has. Kindred buying his company and firing him was no surprise. But now ex can get unemployment, so there's that! I like the friendship between Piper and the daughter. So real. I kept looking at the journalist's t-shirt, wondering if it was his, and if so, where was the bullet hole. Blood was there the next morning and got on the sheets ... what's up with not changing the dressing/bandage! More blue!
  2. Thank you. We'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waiter.
  3. I'm with you. I figured it was a Hitchcock but couldn't remember a digging dog, although Hitchcock owned Sealyham Terriers and they appeared in several of his films. Rear Window is one of my favorites, and I've seen it multiple times. So big DUH to me. My FJ scores continue to talk binary this week. Spoiler alert: The dog is killed in Rear Window.
  4. LOL! As soon as I saw the answer I knew Rear Window right away too. Was this line from a Fiddler on the Roof song: "Tentmaker, Tentmaker, make me a tent?"
  5. Except people can start voting for whomever as soon as the dances start, right? Agree that this show is riding high on the talk. #DWTS was trending last night even before it ended. And yeah, TPTB left Sean as the last saved to create more talk. Am I correct that west coast is unable to vote? Could a west coaster vote before the show airs there or are the area codes blocked? I can vote for my favorite without having to see the dance first. I thought James' dance was spectacular and so near perfect it deserved 10s. I didn't see the bobble judges were talking about (unless they figure out their scores based on rehearsal). So for the next two dances, that were okay, adequate but nothing special or even interesting, to get the same score as James, who had me mesmerized, was whack. I noticed Keramo's dad was absent from the audience. I guess his 15 minutes of riding his son's fame and tv time is over. I agree makeup and costumes were excellent. Except in Hannah's case it took me right out of the mood to see a Dead Zombie smiling and grinning with all her gigantic bright-white teeth during that dance. Way to NOT stay in character. I can't see this show ending any time soon, regardless of who wins this season.
  6. All the FJs have a giveaway clue in them, but you have to know it. As always, FJs and TSs are EIYKI. For FJ I right away thought Brooklyn Bridge, then thought of Washington crossing the Delaware, but who would cross that in a carriage, one needs a bridge. So I went back to Brooklyn and, lo and behold, winner winner chicken dinner. And I've never heard of Emily Roebling.
  7. Come to my house. We can not watch him together.
  8. @Driad my friend, I asked the Contest Commander and was told it counts. Your score is 5+3*. Anyone else, feel free to update your one-half points to a full one and I'll fix on the tally sheet. That was week 7. Tomorrow starts week 8. Ugh. Time is flying even if I'm not.
  9. Go ahead and give yourself a full point for all those half points. I did for Mao and I won't even put here how I mangled the spelling of the rest of his name, and I did again for "right to vote" even though the answer was suffrage. Of course, my weekly totals look like computers conversing in binary so I'm not exactly a threat to anyone.
  10. Not to put the pressure on, but get three more 3s in a row and you'll have raised the bar and set a new standard in Contest Consistency.
  11. @opus, I have to say, your avatar cheers me and brightens my day when I see it, so thank you for that.
  12. WEEK 7 — THREE asterisks *** * 31. U.S. Cities. Named for the ore once mined there, this city at an altitude of 10,152 feet is home to the National Mining Hall of Fame & Museum. * 32. Female Music Superstars. With more than 30 top 10 albums since 1963, this singer-actress ranks no. 1 among the Billboard 200’s Greatest Women Artists of All Time. *33. 1930s Novel Characters. Prior to a murder in a 1934 book, he says he hasn’t been a detective since 1927 & that his wife inherited a lumber mill. * *34. The History of France. This modern regime that lasted 4 years changed the national motto to “travail, famille, patrie”—”work, family, fatherland.” * 35. British History. In 2018 Parliament Square got its first statue of a woman, Millicent Fawcett, a founding member of the London Society for Women’s this.
  13. Then be glad it wasn't a FJ since his proper rapper name is 50 Cent. His Twitter account is @50cent. "Curtis James Jackson III, known professionally as 50 Cent, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, actor, television producer, entrepreneur and investor."
  14. I tried to call you on my thoroughly modern 20th century phone ... but you did not answer, so I got in my thoroughly modern car ... but couldn't get it started, the crank wouldn't turn. Thank the lord we are in such a MODERN century with all these newfangled devices to make our lives better.
  15. Jon Lovitz is on Funny You Should Ask and is just as funny now. I think of ACTING! every time he gets a question.
  16. It's very possible people who are not watching the show are voting for Sean. I can vote for whomever I want while I watch the other channel. ABC can't tell if you are a viewer or a voting bot (meaning voting because someone tells you to, not because you watch the show.)
  17. Here's the clue: "This modern regime that lasted 4 years changed the national motto to “travail, famille, patrie”—”work, family, fatherland.” So it does not say recent, it's even worse: modern. So I guess all you fellas are wearing your best duds, your killer diller zoot suits, while casting your peepers at the khaki wacky Able Grables while getting up the nerve to ask them to jits to the jive and be cookin' with helium. I know this speak is off the cob but it's really on the beam because it's swell, it's MODERN. Just like Vichy. Come on you chuckleheads, don't flip your wigs or be dopey drips. This is all just floy floy to show you how modern Jeopardy writers are.
  18. I've never been asked my age when voting on any show, via phone or online. Plus if I were asked, I would "skew really, really young." Because it's no one's business.
  19. Ally's gigantic carp fish lips were so distracting, they practically blocked her entire dance. What's up with women who think big flap lips are attractive. Ally's mom looked better -- and younger -- than Ally. Kate's pre-dance story really got to me, her being a waitress all those years until she got her break. Made me like her even more. And speaking of liking more ... Pasha, OMG, the hotness! I could have stared at him all night. Yowza. Smokin'. I did have to renew my prescription for Dramamine because of the twirling swirling camera work this show has fallen in love with. Yikes. I about fell out of my chair with all the spinning. Okay, lightning will strike me but all I could think during Karamo's pre-dance video was his dad, who basically disowned him when he found out Karamo is gay, now is all about reconnecting and being Dad and Family and Besties now that Karamo is famous, probably pretty wealthy, and is on DWTS so good old Pops can be on teevee too. *lightning bolt* I hated Hannah's video and her dance. Maybe because I think Hannah is horrible and the clip showing she won't even share a plate of snacks with her partner made me hate her even more. Her dance and her pasted-on tooth grin left me cold. And only one samba roll while ... James had multiple samba rolls in his OH-so-hot dance. I award his hips a 15. That man is ... well, let's say he's my fav alongside Kate. What was up with Erin in those pants doing the crotch squat during every interview. Does she do that when she's wearing a gown? It was like a HMV move with both feet on the ground. Meanwhile, an influential person in high office is tweeting to 60-some million followers to vote for Sean. There's nothing we can do about that. And it's not funny. At least Bobby Bones winning was. Funny, that is.
  20. Thanks for clarifying! I had looked closer a while back to see what it was and THOUGHT if was castle turrets (or whatever they are called). Glad to know I was sort of correct. Lucky you having been to Wales. I can only go there vicariously through your avatar, if you don't mind me trespassing. (And your photo skillz are just fine!)
  21. I said Barbra for FJ, but Dolly came to mind too. I thought Barbra's Broadway tunes would put her ahead of Dolly in the CW market. Madonna also came to mind (she's been in the news lately) but I discounted her for being TOO YOUNG! Don't remember any other FJs, I'm still catching up after being w/o Internet for the last four days.
  22. I guess you took a lot of trips to The Hinderland.
  23. I looked it up to see if I had been there. I've been close, but no cigar. Take 74 west out of Denver, ski a few slopes at Copper, then take 91 south about 40 minutes and you're there. Temp right now is 20F. My kinda place! Here's the museum, which is known as The Smithsonian of the West (future J clue!) and what Leadville looks like. I'm packing my bags now. Ya'll can come visit me.
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