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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. If DWTS staff can dance all through Disneyland at night and not look like strippers, tv-character Beth should be able to perform a waltz or quickstep or cha cha on pavement. Maybe she should have dressed better then, meaning like a child's dance instructor and not a lap-dancing hootchie girl. No way would I let my child attend her school after her parking-lot display, and I would especially not want my son -- or husband -- hanging out there. Why was the name of her studio "Clarke" and not "Pearson"? I thought that's what the sign said.
  2. Oh wow, what a great suggestion, thank you so much. I looked them up and will get one when I go to town this weekend. Before, when I had all the stations, I would have to move the antenna if I wanted PBS, then move it again when I turned back to NBC or some other station. I'm 45 miles, give or take (mostly give), from the city where the stations originate; the FCC website says I should be getting all the stations. It doesn't say standing in the doorway and holding the antenna over your head will help, although it has in the past. (Very tiring, and hard to see the tv from there.) Hugs to you, PW. Maybe there IS hope! Still, so irritating that Sony won't let Jeopardy eps post online yet I can watch other network shows via web. What's up with that.
  3. That dancing scene was so completely awkward, it was a hootchie dance like the Vaudeville women did back in the 30s movies to entice the men in the audience. Totally inappropriate for getting students to sign up for a dance class, totally appropriate for getting dads to come after work for a few "private lessons." Why not take a child or even a dad from the guests and teach them some ballroom or ballet moves instead of hootching all over the place, flipping your skirt up and showing your boobs. Maybe it was just me, but it bothered me. Other than that, I pretty much liked this episode which is astounding since I've been hate watching for a while, mostly hating Kate and Toby, and Baby Jack has only made them worse. Maybe that there was less of them made this episode better. Well, Kate was still horrid while Toby was better. Maybe Kate needs a heart attack and actually die so Toby takes over raising Baby Jack, which is why BJ turns into a good adult. Yeah, I vote for that. WTH with Kate being late for the music class. If monkey is SO IMPORTANT that Baby Jack can't survive without it, why wasn't it with Baby Jack when they were leaving for the class. It should be with Baby Jack 24/7 if it's such a big deal. Just another reason to hate adult Kate, as if I needed more reasons. Funny there were empty seats side-by-side for them when they got there though, and was Toby the only dad there? Cool he was wearing shorts. I didn't have a problem with taking the baby to a music class. As another poster wrote, the more noise a baby is subjected to, the more socialized they are and more able to cope with situations as they get older. Keep a child sequestered and in silence, that kid'll have problems later in the real world. Teen Kate is so very pretty, amazingly so. I have no problem with mom calling her Bug. It's a term of endearment. When mom is mad, she'll call Kate by all three of her legal names. Kids know the difference. So strange that the AA website hasn't been updated for decades, yet those three were the only ones coming to the meeting at the wrong time. Weren't they at the meeting last week? Or do those three just randomly show up at different meetings in different towns whenever. But I guess the show had to throw Whatshername in with Kevin for the afternoon and have Nicky tell his Sally story somehow. So who is going to play 70-year-old Sally? I guess wait a couple weeks and we'll find out. It's about time someone recognized The Manny. Kevin has been walking around wherever for three seasons and no one knew who he was until this week. Amazing. All this fascination with flashbacks and new Baby Jack, yet we haven't seen Randall and Beth's two daughters being born or tiny kids. What's up with that? Maybe waiting until next season?
  4. The local NBC affiliate changed its signal two weeks ago and my antenna can no longer pick it up. When tv went digital, I had NBC, ABC, PBS, CW and Fox. (I was never able to get the digital CBS channels.) Eventually, all have changed directions/power and I've gone from five networks to two, ABC and Fox. I have four different antennas of various sizes and none can bring more than those two in. I've lost pretty much all of my favorite shows over this period of time. And now, Jeopardy. Antennas that advertise they have a range of 150 miles are liars.
  5. Yeah, that runway was def a road, but I guess the show doesn't have the budget to CGI it into anything else. And the company town ... who was living in all the other houses? And Jo and partner just parking it in some old lawn chairs in the town square was all sorts of creepy. Like they were sure NO ONE was there watching them? And yeah, no Google Earth. But phone reception? I got a kick out of the woman hacker's Goth daughter being all, well, Goth. Nice touch. I hope the lady lives to hack another day. Her character is another golden one. Terry Quinn rocks. And he got to eat two bowls of noodles. Piper's creepy smile at the end gave me a look forward to how she will be as a sulky teen who doesn't want to do what mom tells her to. Like that little boy on Twilight Zone who keeps his entire family captive to his whims, because he can.
  6. That was so way OTT. The same thing happened to me when I was riding with a friend. I just said, "Oh, stop, there's a turtle," and she stopped, I got out and moved the turtle off the road. No big drama. I didn't get why the show had to make it like Piper was stopping the car from exploding or something. I missed last week's show so only found out Piper is AI from reading here. ABC wouldn't let me watch the ep online. I'm not sure I'm all in with the half robot/half human thing. But I'll give it time. I knew Jo publishing that story about Piper being orphaned would bring in the real Family Services. Good luck doing that background check on Piper, lady.
  7. I would have, if I could see it. No more Jeopardy for me ever, all my NBC channels are gone for good. And episodes are no longer posted online. Like an old soldier, I will eventually just fade away (from this thread).
  8. Add me to your minority. I'd like the crime to be less Bryan Fuller-esque and while it could still have an essence of creep, I wish it were more "normal." And dad and son working together/not together would be more interesting than some who-cares-about-the-box memory from 20 years ago. Malcolm also needs to stop being an ass. Dad was a serial killer but I'll bet he at least had manners. He could have at least asked the cat's name for pete's sake, since he promised to take care of it after the photog "dies." Malcolm is the last person I'd trust with any living thing, human or animal. I don't care how old actors are IRL, I want them to look the age they are playing in the show.
  9. I read the FJ clue early and almost came here to post my answer, in a spoiler tag of course. I'll do that now: And that's exactly what I said out loud. Don't hate me because I'm honest.
  10. LOL! This show should come with bed arm restraints and mouth retainer. To keep us, you know, from throwing the tv out the window while yelling obscenities about the jackass flashbacks.
  11. I looked at next Monday night's schedule and DWTS is on at its regular time and ABC channel here. Maybe your schedule will change back to no football?
  12. I wasn't paying close attention so didn't know it was a jazz routine. I saw the quickstep and thought, "Oh, it IS a quickstep." Then the background crowd lifted Kate up for an eternity, and I thought,"Oh, call the Lift Police." Yeah, I didn't pay a lot of attention to this episode, except to note that those Disney characters with their OTT mugging make me cranky. I do like Kate with her saying each week that she has a real boyfriend and a Russian boyfriend. That's a breath of fresh air from the manufactured showmances I hate.
  13. I really dislike coming here to rank on a show because, well, I spent an hour watching it. But this show, the one I was looking forward to the most based on previews, is tanking. The crime of the week ... is Bryan Fuller's clone writing this? No one just gets shot/stabbed/garroted in this town, the murders all have to be elaborate art pieces that took hours to assemble for no reason other than so Malcolm can look at the body and instantly diagnose the killer. It worked for Hannibal, not working for this show. Malcolm turned into a giant hateful person this week, and he's been the only reason I'm tuning in, to watch the pretty. But a pretty who is a big asshole is no longer pretty in my eyes. Taking that guy's camera ... WTH. Then flashing his phone at the guy during interrogation and asking the guy how he likes his picture being taken all the time. Malcolm, you moron, famous people go places where the paps are so they WILL get their photos taken. Malcolm = gigantic jackass. Then Malcolm blurts out details of the murder when we all know from watching other crime shows that the police keep those details secret so the perp will reveal something that isn't known to anyone but the killer. And he does this every week. But of course, Malcolm can instantly tell what a person is thinking by his or her reaction. Hey Malcolm, you are no Allison DuBois. Why was Lou Diamond so hesitant to give Malcolm his mom's interview tape when there was nothing on it other than her worrying and crying and being declared innocent. And Malcolm's face while watching, he went from hating her to being Mommy's Little Boy. Of course, he paused the tape without watching the end so maybe mom jumps up and says, "I killed them all!" and we just haven't seen that yet, Mom still has that red dress in the closet, the one from 20 freaking years ago? Yeah, I totally do NOT buy that small detail. I still object to mom looking the same age as Malcolm, which makes his attraction to her, and hers to him, even more creepy. Why not have an actress like the one who played Peter Florrick's mother on The Good Wife. She at least LOOKED old enough to be the mom of someone in his 30s. Unless the show is going for the creepy Norman Bates mom-love-hate thing. Ugh if so. I don't want to see that. Only dad is saving this show for me right now. Although they could have done his flashback better, he looked like an overly dyed Grizzly Adams. The woman in the trunk ... who cares. If mom knew or didn't know ... who cares. What's another body or two since dad's in prison and mom is not. That was 20 years ago Malcolm. For 20 freaking years already!
  14. Hugs back at you, @lb60, you pantsless bear. It's nice to know someone cares, as I become more feeble by the day.
  15. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all Canucks who hang out in this thread. I hope it was a good one. Flashback time! Tony Romo is on Jimmy Kimmel right now. Life is circular!
  16. Now see if you get a dollar from @Driad. I did the same thing, and VOILA! Queso! My FJ losing streak continues.
  17. It's a correct answer according to this contest's rules (which I make up). That would be me. It's like all my brain cells died off during the summer. I've never been more stupid in my life.
  18. I agree, but mentally not physically. She's too entitled to have to scoop poop. I guess that's what Toby's for. I can picture Toby being a great dad (and dog owner), and I don't even like Toby.
  19. What? Kate think about someone besides herself? LMAO! Kate and Toby have a yard now, keep Audio in it. Like that old saying, "good fences make good neighbors."
  20. Coming back to me days after watching this episode: Kate telling Audio she's "not letting him poop in his yard" after the grouchy neighbor confronts her about the car parking. So Kate lets Audio run loose and poop anywhere? Or she walks him and lets him poop anywhere, then leaves the poop? Knowing Kate is an irresponsible dog owner makes me dislike her more, if that's possible. Sitting on the couch and petting your dog doesn't make you a good dog owner. What if she never changed Baby Jack's diaper, or just tossed the dirty dipe into someone's yard? Same thing IMO. Carry a baggie with you Kate, and don't let Audio run loose. Or fence your back yard so it will be safe for Audio AND Baby Jack. Then either pick up the poop or let Baby Jack step in it/put it in his mouth.
  21. Keep it up and you will win First Prize For Consistency. Amazing! I was in competition with you but ruined my Consistency Streak by actually being able to answer a FJ last week. So you now stand alone in the category!
  22. I guess Graceland was Before Your Time. SAD. (ha ha!) I hate when that happens.
  23. WEEK 5 — ONE asterisk * 21. Observances. Washington made the very first Presidential proclamation in response to a request for “a day of public” this. 22. Last Words. In 1876 in the Dakotas this American said, “The old duffer broke me on the last hand.” 23. Hit 1980s Albums. This American singer-songwriter briefly landed on the U.N.’s apartheid blacklist for his 1986 multi-platinum album. 24. English History. In 1600 a royal charter authorized it to set forth to “parts of Asia and Africa” in search of “trade and traffic.” * 25. American Playwrights. In 1963 the Pulitzer Advisory Board vetoed his controversial play & gave no award; he would go on to win 3 Pulitzers.*
  24. Now you made me think about this show again, darn you all to heck. The point of Red being taken (I think) was to force him to tell where Katarina is. But if the blond woman he kissed, then got stabbed by, is Katarina, everyone knows where she is since she is running the hospital con. I "assumed" Red thought she was Katarina when he kissed her. Then at the end, there she is draining Red's blood (so stupid) so Red can see where she is, and so can everyone else. Why go through the big hospital ruse to get Red to talk? I didn't get this episode at all, it was so full of bogus nothings. I think it would be cool if Red were really Katarina except I'm positive this show would never go there. I'll bet Dembe knows though.
  25. Cat's Cradle was my first Vonnegut. I loved Breakfast of Champions. Kilgore Trout wading through the creek and his feet becoming encased in plastic from the toxic runoff from the upstream polluting factory is an image I've never forgotten. I also have Venus on the Half-Shell "written" by Trout. I still call the Botticelli painting by that name. Hey @Prevailing Wind: Put your right foot in!
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