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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I caught the rerun tonight since I missed the first hour of the live show. It was worth watching again to see Cher. She is FABulous. I wondered what it would be like to be one of her background dancers, if they "socialize" with Cher or get to meet anyone else super cool or if they make a ton of money ... or not. The ginger in the lime-green leisure suit directly to her right was a hottie IMO. I do like Cher in a black wig over the platinum, but who cares what I think. The rest of this post will be about what I think. Ryan totally irked me with his "I wouldn't come on this show if I didn't think I was good enough to win it." Honey, then you should have stayed home. His wrestler video wasn't funny for even a fraction of a second, but it was view worthy for the most beautiful man I've ever seen, Latino Meat. I'd pay to see him stand around in those red trunks. Except I googled him and can't find him. (Insert SAD FACE) But back to Ryan. As a dog groomer, I want to put him up on the grooming table and trim up his hair and beard that haven't been touched by soap and water, much less scissors, for a few months. Then he'd get a tub and blow dry, and then MAYBE he'd look worthy of being on national television. His "I just woke up in the doorway of the mission" homeless look isn't pleasing. That, plus he's not funny IMO. Well, his throwing shade on Simon about the buttons was smile worthy. Ryan needed to listen to the Cher/Simon discussion of beards. 'Bye Ryan. I won't be going to see anything Gabrielle puts you in via her "production company." Benecio and his singing partner rocked that place. I'd pay to see both of them. He's one who deserves a career. I very much like him. Billy Ray and the Voices. Ouch. When Kodi is announced winner, Terry drops the big WINNER card on the floor. When the camera cuts back, the card is gone yet neither Terry nor Kodi's mom has the card. Where did it go? Inquiring minds want to know. I'm good with Kodi winning. He sounded good tonight, I was listening, not watching. I even heard Leona. Maybe they tweaked the sound for the rerun. I'd pay to see The Kodi Show. See ya'll in January for Champions. Yikes, that's almost here!
  2. Mercurochrome and merthiolate sting like a bugger, which is why as kids we always chose green medicine (Bactine has an anesthetic in it) over red. Now all I use is red because it does sting, in my mind the burn is killing the germs. I also keep iodine and betadine, we dip calf and foal navels in one or the other as soon as they are able to stand.
  3. @opus gets extra credit for being the 100th post in this thread.
  4. Hey, I found it quite unsettling, and for a variety of reasons.
  5. WEEK 2 — TWO asterisks ** 6. European Authors. When he didn’t win the inaugural 1901 Nobel Prize, 42 of his peers apologized to him, calling him “the most revered patriarch of today’s literature.” * 7. National Anthems. With lyrics by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier, it debuted on June 24, 1880, at a celebration of St. Jean Baptiste Day. * 8. The 1940s. This nickname for a history-changing weapon of 1945 came from a character in “The Maltese Falcon.” 9. Toys & Games. Invented in 1974 as a model to teach 3-D problems, it became one of the bestselling toys of all time. * 10. U.S. Currency. In 1929 Alexander Hamilton became the new face of the $10 bill, replacing this foe of his legacy, who got moved to another denomination.
  6. What, no one else here was yelling "OUTLANDER!" at Jason's missed DD? No wonder he missed it with only me telling him what to say. I got mercurochrome. When I was a kid, Mom gave us a choice of red or green medicine (Bactine). Once we learned green didn't sting, that was our choice. Now I prefer red, and merthiolate is in my medicine cabinet. It also appears to contain mercury. While Black Hawk wasn't a TS, I yelled "Illinois" anyway. I grew up near Black Hawk State Park, 200 acres on the Rock River where the Sauk/Fox lived. There is a museum (with a statue of Black Hawk) and the story kids were told was, the big kettle on display was where Black Hawk was boiled to death. (Not true, he died of respiratory failure in Iowa.) His image is used by many businesses in this area of Illinois. I'm positive no tribe gets royalties from any of them. The image of James used in the commercial for the TOC bore an unsettling resemblance to Simon Cowell.
  7. I had forgotten about Tinker Toys. We had those too, wooden ones. My brother had a metal Erector Set, but it was too complicated for me to play with. I remember Mr. Potato Head that used real potatoes, but my mom didn't want us messing up what she had bought for dinner so we had to play with the neighbor kids' food. I never played Chutes and Ladders, although I am familiar with the name. Toys would be a good J! category. Thanks for the memories @zoey1996!
  8. I don't have any idea what that means, but maybe it's just echoing my wish that Gonzo had won. That's a finale I could have gotten behind (so to speak). I wonder if we will get a follow up on Kodi to find out if he really did use his winnings to buy a grand piano in every color. Inquiring minds want to know!
  9. You are in and recorded, Brookside. And so far you are tied with ... ME! Hope you can tough it out for the entire season this time. I'm rooting for you! LOL about @PBnJay's pants. Or non-pants. I watched The Lego Movie (maybe that's why I answered Legos for FJ yesterday), and the most popular tv show in Legoland is "Where Are My Pants!" I felt show writers were reading here, even though that movie was made some years ago. There is such a thing as time travel, right? Honey, where are my pants?
  10. That's all we had too, but we called it "open the window and let the breeze in." Mine were made of wood; I loved playing with them. I was highly disappointed to learn they went to plastic. Don't know if they are even made now. Sort of like our Monopoly game had metal tokens vs. the plastic ones today. Cheap toys today ... I hated my Rubic's Cube. I didn't know Frank Lloyd Wright was that old!
  11. My FJ thought process: Lincoln Logs! No. Too early. Play-Doh! No. Too late. Plus it was just a clue yesterday. Legos! YES! That's it! Legos! Yeay! I finally got a FJ correct!
  12. I fixed it and this time posted it large enough so even my antique eyes could read it. Hopefully, this cures your case of vapors. You're welcome.
  13. I am not a Drew fan, but I'm good with his jean and earbuds. So many people wear expensive exercise gear so they LOOK like they are super athletes. Like skiers in the Midwest will wear expensive designer clothes and skis sporting hoity toity names as they snowplow down the bunny hill. In Colorado, people wear jeans, strap on no-name skis, and rip down the black diamond slopes. At least that’s what I’ve observed. I see Drew (and Grant) wearing jeans to mean they don't need the mental boost of "my clothes tell you I'm good." Plus it gives Akbar multiple talking points. Remember Isaac running the course in his country-club outfit? Hilarious. But as others have posted, that’s what they are comfortable wearing. Drew listening to music I also like. He listens to tunes instead of stopping to wave to the crowds or do back flips in between obstacles like so many others do. And for that, I'm grateful.
  14. I had to think on this a bit. Dogs can learn words in different languages; my dogs all have multiple names they answer to. But it's funny to me that a perp taken down by a dog that has a death bite-grip on his arm could come up with the correct command for "LET ME GO!" in any language. But the Internet does have a valid point. Thanks!
  15. When trained police and protection dogs are imported from Germany, their new American trainers have to learn German to communicate with the dogs. So, I "si" how this worked for you!
  16. If dogs were asked to pass the butter, tell me their names and how to get to the library, I would have aced that category with my high-school Spanish too. Ed McMahon voice: "You are correct, sir!"
  17. I missed the first hour, but got home in time for Julianne's performance. She gives thanks to Auto-Tune and a solid backing track for enabling her to get through the song. Like @ams1001, I wondered about the painter's tape. In fact, that and her split harem pants kept me from listening to her Auto-Tuned song, so thanks 3M and Duck Brand. It was a hoot to see Cher and her 60s flashback dancers. I was imagining her as being an AGT auditioning act and was waiting for Simon to stop her to change the track or the lighting or the costumes on her dancers or to sing a different song and stop with the covers. THAT would have been fun. Cher does look great though. She's 73 so she can do whatever she wants in my book. Now HER show I'd pay to see. As everyone else, couldn't believe my favs were eliminated early, but this show has never listened to me. I'm guessing the Detroit choir got in there since the Detroit metro area is more than 4 million people, so if they all voted ... I got a kick out of Kodi jumping up and down when he was named one of the final five. At least he doesn't fool around with pretending to be humble and thanking America for the opportunity and this being such a great experience. He was all "Show Me The Money!" and I appreciated that. I only learned who Leona Lewis is from Songland a couple weeks ago. As someone else posted, was her microphone on? Talk about two mismatched singers. Between those two, my 10 votes went to Kodi. I kept looking at Gabrielle's "hair" wondering how it can look so real and so fake at the same time. Sorry to see the show end for the same reason as others have stated. I'm going to have to find something to fill the time before next season and this fun thread starts back up again. Until then ... toodle loo!
  18. Your brain works fast. Before I got through reading your post above, time was up. Gutman could be an other name for Fat Man though. I have seen that movie many times but needed more time to work through the clues. I easily recognized Geronimo, and got a kick out of the Espanol for your Spaniel category. I got the TS of "sit." Even though none of my dogs know that command. So two TSs -- that I remember anyway. I wasn't paying very close attention.
  19. Got you in @Fex. Glad to add you AND your new identity. Two was a respectable week. I hope Dorian didn't hurt you too much. As for you, @Good Queen Jane ...
  20. I'm going to stop proofing my posts (I obviously already have) although the above might have been my subconscious working my fingers and overruling my brain. Your goat-and-sow gif is hilarious! You could be a film editor on Peter's season ... lots of pigs and little goats interspersed into scenes of his dates, like the crabs and seagulls used on BIP.
  21. Golden-Buzzer singers are good, it means we don't have to suffer through hearing them again and again, not until the bitter end. It's sort of a lose-win-lose thing.
  22. Doesn't sting at all is my guess. After his stint on the show, he could be hooking up with A-lister women too. Well, if he doesn't find his Tru Luv from the 25 crazies the sow picks for him.
  23. I liked V.Unbeatable, always have, so watched them all the way through. I didn't watch the sob story, we already know V died. I still like them. I'd watch cheerleading squads too if, as another poster said, they do the same things. I gave them 10 votes. The choirs (both of them) gave me a chance to watch BIP on the other network. Opera girl looked like she was being attacked by giant sea anemones from outer space. I stared at them for most of her performance, fascinated, before I flipped again to BIP. Who decides on these background things? Because of the anemones, I didn't hear any of her singing, thankfully. Do opera singers always hold and move their hands like that? Palms up, arms outstretched, reaching to the sea anemones above them? I tried to like Ryan but only could manage a weak smile maybe once during his routine, while I woke all the dogs with my loud guffaws watching Bring The Funny. That show had comedians who really were funny. I wasn't watching Light Balance, then glanced over and saw they were dancing food items! That got my attention since nothing is more fun than some skipping and hopping burgers and fries. While I didn't know what the point was, I did like them for the first time I am always distracted by bright, shiny things. I do like me some neon food. I didn't vote for them though. It was too little, too late. I missed Benecio's video package but am guessing it was the same thing: He's a kid who liked music. He's still my fav, so I gave him 10 votes. While it's blasphemous to not like service members, I don't get how three military people singing on AGT is so inspiring it keeps other vets from PTSD or wanting to commit suicide. Same with violin boy. He beat cancer so he is a role model for other cancer kids? Like if they beat cancer they can play the violin too? I did look at violin boy before I flipped back to BIP, just to see if he was wearing his overalls that only have one strap. I have to say, Kodi's interview was cute and endearing. His song wasn't that great this week, but I don't think that matters as I see him winning this whole thing. So, good for him. I didn't vote for him, thereby letting everyone else get their votes in. You're welcome.
  24. There's been WAY too much discussion here in the past, all useless since none of us have anything to do with the show. Please don't let it start up again. The timing would be terrible.
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