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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Calgon ... that ancient Chinese secret.
  2. Speaking of, last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live! during his monologue Jimmy played the Jeopardy clip of the clue featuring the photo of Guillermo, which the contestant answered correctly. The camera then moved to a new set where Guillermo was hosting his own talk show now that he is famous (¡Hola! ¡Hola! ¡Hola! ¡Hola!). He even brought out four guests, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, Abigail Bresin and Jesse Eisenberg, upstaging Jimmy. Being a clue/answer on Jeopardy! can make you famous.
  3. Not just that, but Cooper would have wanted to reminisce about (the good and funny) things that happened when they served together, like "Remember that great restaurant we all went to in Seoul ... what was its name? And I've been trying to think of that one guy who kept getting letters from his ex ... what was his name?" Instead we get seven years wasted wondering if Reddington is the real Red. And Cooper never pipes up that he worked with Red "back then." Plus one thinks Cooper MIGHT have mentioned he served in the military with the guy who's No. 1 on the FBI's Most Wanted. Interesting detail to leave out, show, especially since this ep stressed that Cooper is straight and narrow. I did appreciate the people walking away from Red when he started in on his endless soliloquies. I'll bet they had wished his mouth was paralyzed, not just his legs.
  4. Uncle Nicky sure gets a boatload of mail for someone with no family or friends or connections of any kind, including television from what we've seen inside his trailer. Unless he only walks the five feet to that mailbox every six months or so. Randall might have to put that door back on his office if he's going to sleep there. Although his relationship with Beth seemed better this episode. That dance poster ... is Beth going to be in a ballet performance? Or was that for her students? I'm guessing she's still teaching, wherever that studio is now. I wonder why the three girls aren't taking dance lessons.That seems the norm for lots of girls that don't have a dance instructor for a mother. Dance class is a good place to meet girls ... !
  5. Now THERE'S the perfect nanny/babysitter for Agnes. And maybe Mr. Kaplan coming back might make me care about this show again. Of course, Lizzie had to screw that up too. Dembe rocks though. At least there's that.
  6. I finally watched this last night and wondered why I bothered. But I learned Cooper served with Reddington in the military. WTH. Did we know that before? Cooper is freaked that Lizzie shot/killed her dad. WTH. He knows she's killed a bunch of people, yet hires her back after she skips town and goes on the lam, a wanted criminal. No questions asked. It's fine with him that she goes "offline" and leaves to "save" Red before he says she can, because, well, she can. And it's also okay for her to use FBI computers and Aram to do research on babysitters. Where I work, you can get canned for even doing personal emails. I don't think that blond woman is Katarina. I think she wants to know where Katarina is so she can ... well, do whatever. So Lizzie tells Aram who Red really is and sums up six seasons of this dreck show in a couple sentences. Six years of time wasted. Did this show think we really cared who daddy was? I guess not. This season (and the next five) will be all about finding mom I guess. So Red was beaten within an inch of his life? Yeah, not. But I guess no mirrors so Red didn't know he didn't have a mark on him. Even a fake hospital room should have had some fake announcements over the fake PA system, "Calling doctors Moe, Larry and Curly" in French. There were sure a lot of fake actors in hospital and cop clothes though. Big budget! The end where Red is hung up and being drained of blood ... really? That will make him talk when all his blood is gone and he passes out/dies. Great move lady. Still, maybe Red's blood type is extra special and she just needed a couple pints to sell to the local blood bank. And how many blood banks take blood from the neck and not the arm? None? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  7. A fire door is heavy metal, as another poster noted above. An office door is not a fire door. If Randall was in his office and a fire spread into it because of no door, Randall would be dead if he closed the door and shut himself in. The "fire hazard" is pure and total BS. Ask a fireman. Any fireman. The fire hazard line was an excuse made up by Bernice or whatever her name was because Randall was doing something she didn't like. SHE wanted the door put back on. Not the fire department. I thought Kevin and Nicky went right from the vet meeting to the AA meeting, with a small stop at the local bar. If Cassidy left the kid in the waiting room at the vet meeting, the kid was probably trolling around the streets during the AA meeting, hanging out with 40-year-old guys again.
  8. When did Toby and Kate move, and why? I don't remember that story line. And too funny that Kate hadn't seen Toby without his shirt in what, six months? I guess that answers the question of the kind of sex they have (if anyone cares). Answer: They don't. Is anyone ever going to unload that Pod in the driveway. You know, like move into the house? No friends Toby? No paid movers? Except the house isn't empty. So what's that Pod doing there anyway. Toby should have asked for a TABLE for four in that restaurant, except then we wouldn't have to suffer through more POOR ME stuff from Kate. And the show really likes to put that on viewers. Kevin, young and old versions, won this episode.
  9. I worked for the federal government for a number of years, and the goof offs and dead beats couldn't be fired so they were promoted to other divisions so someone else got the problem employees. I'm guessing maybe local governments work the same way. Word about thinking or saying someone is "hot." It has nothing to do with your sexuality IMO. I'm a straight female yet I can recognize other women as being attractive and hot. And there are plenty of gay men I like to look at. Because someone is attractive doesn't mean you are going to have sex with them, it's an appreciation thing, like a fine painting. The teen boy telling Deja about his baby got my fur up. He said his girlfriend "got pregnant" like it was all her fault and he didn't have anything to do with it. Why couldn't he say "I got her pregnant," which he did. She didn't do it by herself. And thank goodness for the angel HE is, taking in his baby. Even though he isn't the one carrying the burden. So big deal, kid. I LOL'd at Kevin coming to Randall's school and asking him what the problem was, didn't he have his shirt tucked deep enough into his old man pants. Great line. I also got a kick out of Kevin asking which of Mom's signatures Randall wanted, he had them all down. When did Miguel stop selling clothes and start doing ... whatever job he and Jack had. I thought Jack had a construction company, not an office job. And he'd been there 20 years? I guess he got that job right after having dinner with Rebecca's parents at the country club. A door off its hinges is not a fire hazard. If it is, my entire house is a fire hazard. That was a dumbass comment, but maybe that woman made it up so she could have her way bossing Randall around. If it were true, the fire department would have been there after reading the story and seeing the pic in the local paper. I did not think Kevin's comment in that meeting was the least bit funny, and certainly not the hysterical moment the show made it into. But those three have to bond somehow. And Cassidy's boy was in the waiting room at the first meeting. Where did mom leave him during the AA meeting?
  10. As did I, it's my favorite album of all times. I still love it, never get tired of it. (I have diamonds on the soles of my shoes!) FJ was faster than an instaget for me, I didn't have to finish reading the clue. Side note: Some years ago, I was driving all night from northern Illinois to Little Rock, Arkansas for a dog show, playing my Graceland CD non stop. I was leaving Missouri, entering Arkansas around 3 a.m. when it struck me ... I'm going to Graceland. I pulled into a rest stop and spent the rest of the night, then drove across the Mississippi into Memphis early the next morning. I was the first person in the Graceland parking lot, did the entire tour, then drove on to Little Rock later that morning. Some things I will never forget.
  11. I'm all about James and thought the judges tanked him with their scores. I would have held up my 8 paddle. I continue to not be able to stand Hannah. She couldn't even hold back the snickers while smashing bottles, and her face while dancing ... she had her lips glued shut but her eyes and the rest of her face were laughing its ass off. (Some people have butt faces so that's possible.) Maybe they should have shown her a clip of Tyler and Gigi before she danced, that might have sobered her up. I'm James for the win, but I'd vote a zillion times for Spicer if it would knock Hannah out. Hannah, can't stand ya. And thinking about Spicer pulling a Bobby Bones makes me laugh. Bachelor fans, did I see Chris Bukowski in the audience when they showed Hannah's "friends"?
  12. You should invite me. Dark meat is my first choice. And only choice if there is enough of it!
  13. I am and will be, when all the shows, tv and radio, are talking about the green bean casseroles and how to best cook turkey, then what to do with turkey afterward. I have no family so I will try to find a couple legs sold individually after the day so I can sort of have my own holiday meal. I always got the leg when I was a kid, it was a family tradition ... for me, anyway. I ended missing FJ again. Doc Holliday was my first thought, but I knew he died in a hospice in Colorado. So I thought Wyatt Earp (who was born not far from me ... Wyatt Earp and Ronald Reagan, go figure), but once his wife OD'd and he took off with the show girl, I didn't think it was him either. But couldn't come up with any other name. I've never read much about Hickok, but I know he was holding the Dead Man's Hand (two aces, two eights) when he was shot and killed I miss being able to watch the show. Reading here, some of the categories and TSs would have been good ones for me. I could use feeling smart for a few minutes.
  14. Well, bummer. Stop in when you can, and keep us company. I'd kind of like to be part of the sandwich generation though!
  15. Except I don't think yours was started by George Washington. But what do I know. (Answer: Not much, obviously.) Happy early Canadian Thanksgiving! Cross the border next month if you are still hungry for turkey.
  16. Same here! Timeless was such a better show, too. I have zero interest in Malcolm's family dynamics. He's a little too old (make that WAY too old) for mommy to be wanting him attached to her apron strings. Plus mom looks a compatible age with Malcolm, not old enough to be his mother. I find that disturbing. The similarities to Hannibal are also disturbing, the quirky woman corpse investigator who appears delighted by the dead people, and the murders that seem like they were committed by readers of Thomas Harris' books. I don't give a fig about the woman in the trunk or Malcolm's family, and the weekly murders are only vaguely interesting. I'm only in for the pretty that is Tom Payne. I guess that's a good enough reason to tune in. Any bets on whether his bed is moved to the center of the room next week, and the window fixed? I think the window being covered in plywood would be funny though.
  17. All are accounted for on the tally sheet now, except @Sharpie66 and @Brookside. Don't be missing out on all the fun you two!
  18. A while back I had a dog registered as Macaroon but I called him Macaroni. I would bounce him on my knee and sing "Macaroni, ride a pony, full of baloney ..." Well, he seemed to enjoy it.
  19. I wonder what the small print is on that deal though. Big companies will buy small competitors, then close the small business so it won't compete against it. So if the fake chicken company "went bankrupt" in five years, that would be the end of the royalties. Once the sharks made their million (and then some back), would they be inclined to keep the fake chicken business, sell it, or if it wasn't bringing in enough cash, close it. The royalty thing would make me nervous unless I was a partner or still had some say in running the biz. No one asked about patents on the fake recipe though. Although I think this show has to be edited down radically to fit the time frame, so maybe that was discussed, we just didn't see it.
  20. FJ = national day of mourning = Memorial Day. Easy. No need to think further.
  21. I emailed someone last week about being full of baloney, then in the middle of the night I realized it should have been bologna. Then I wondered if what one is full of is indeed baloney. Anyone know the facts on that? The Flintstones just started reruns here, and I was disappointed that I didn't remember that theme song at all. It's an instrumental while I remembered a song, "Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, they're a modern stone-age fam-il-lee ..." Maybe that came later. Turns out the local NBC affiliate changed its power/tower direction so I no longer get any NBC shows, so no more Jeopardy or any other NBC shows I like. I'm down to getting only ABC and Fox. At least I can keep up with the contest via TheJeopardyFan.
  22. Yes! And the Oscar Meyer "My bologna has a first name ..." song, too. LOL!
  23. Can you call something chicken when it contains no chicken? The milk industry is taking legal action against almond and soy "milks." I meant to comment that Barbara looked very attractive last night. New hairdo or new face or something. Looked great. The oxygen canisters gave me not-so-good flashbacks to Dennis Hopper/Frank Booth in Blue Velvet.
  24. Thanks! I was thinking Calgon ("Take me away!") after discounting Rice A Roni (the San Francisco treat). Those old commercial are golden. They should be a Jeopardy category.
  25. It's like they were saying that eating real chicken would give you diabetes. I have a "thing" for chicken strips and fried chicken with lots of crunchy breading on it (I don't have diabetes, either) so those fake strips looked delicious and gave me cravings. I looked at the website (thanks for the link, @DEL901) and it's close to impossible to read, black background with a light typeface that's barely there. But I figured out you can get six "chicken" strips for $22. I didn't go farther. It looks like they have other products, but I can't read the site so can't comment on those. I couldn't figure out how much a 10-percent royalty on sales would be for those two, but based on their numbers, it should have been a nice income. Unless those numbers were bogus and they were there just for the commercial, like the sharks accused someone of last week. The "chicken" was in a few restaurants, listed on the website, on Oct. 6 only. I wonder what the unnamed franchise is that was alluded to, the one that wants to sell those strips. I can't imagine paying more than $20 for a few fake strips in any restaurant. But maybe that's just me. I'm a Popeye's girl. I also think the name is horrible. Sounds like a moving company, not a food company. The most interesting takeaway was learning six fake chicken strips cost $2 to make.
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