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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You are only a few points off, and the season is young! There is plenty of time left for you to kick your own *ss. And win a prize*! *Carrot on stick.
  2. Nice that Rebecca had an extra Cornish hen all cooked, like she knew her dinner for seven would turn into dinner for eight when Kate's Dearly Beloved showed up. Why would not cleaning an oven set lasagna on fire? Was a dead possum in there too? Jack opens the window and a pigeon flies in. What's up with people not having screens on their windows. Maybe in California there are no bugs, but in Pennsylvania you open a window and all the flies and mosquitoes come in. This has irked me on other shows where horses poke their heads into bedrooms and dogs jump out at night to go "do things." Put screens on those windows people. I hated Jack chasing the pigeon with a tennis racket so he could smack it out of the air and kill it, then scoop it into the pillow case. Just open the freaking door and shoo it out, a-hole. Kate's music boyfriend is being set up for some sort of tragedy. I hope he doesn't catch the blame for her being the raging beyotch she is now, almost 25 years later.
  3. Even if they weren't having sex, Kevin surely didn't just get up and walk out without telling Cassidy he was going to go get ... whatever ... and to wait and he'd be right back. Yeah, Nick DEFINITELY would have heard that. Interesting that fifth wheel has a real door to the bedroom, so many trailers just have a folding slider door to that space but a real door to the bathroom. Cassidy also would have heard the entire Nicky/Kevin convo too. I couldn't figure out why Randall could play golf as a kid with Dad teaching him, then he was helpless as an adult. So thanks everyone for pointing out Randall was faking it to make the other guys look good and like him. I was completely confused about it but now it makes sense. When we saw Jack taking the blame for some failure at work, where he'd been employed for 20 years, and Miguel stood up for him ... I'm thinking that's the job that was offered him on the golf course when he worked at a gas station. So I guess he takes the job, then Pops lets him marry Rebecca. There are public golf courses, one doesn't have to belong to a country club. And finally ... Justin Hartley w/o a shirt ... wow.
  4. New Jeopardy category: "Those Darned Pentecostals"
  5. Try Open Range if you haven't. It gave me at least a week of happy thoughts. I even rewatched Dances With Wolves last month. *sigh* The man looks good on a horse.
  6. Good thing you did not get farther ... "shhhhiit ..."
  7. I really want to see it. Seeing Kevin Costner on a horse can keep me happy for days. Weren't we discussing Lincoln Logs here, that they are plastic now and not wooden? Andrew should have been reading this thread. That's the one I was positive it was not, said the kid raised Episcopalian.
  8. WEEK 8 — ONE asterisk * 36. 19th Century America. Before its official opening on May 24, 1883 Emily Roebling became the first person to cross it in a carriage. 37. 1950s Cinema. Objects of attention in this suspenseful film include a digging dog, a scantily clad dancer & a possible murderer. 38. World Capitals. In 1865 this city named for an early 19th century British hero became a British colonial capital. Wellington, 39. Novelists. In a 1952 novel, he wrote, “But there were dry years too, & they put a terror on the valley. The water came in a thirty-year cycle.” * 40. Religion. This denomination takes its name from the day, as told in the New Testament, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.*
  9. Thanks @illdoc. I just rescanned and no luck, I still only have ABC (four channels) and Fox (two channels). If I can muster the energy, I might try dusting off an old tiny portable tv that needs a box (I have one) in another room to see if that will at least get NBC (Jeopardy channel) back. I really would like to see the ToC. Thanks for your suggestion though, much appreciated.
  10. I'm so disappointed in all of you that no one commented on yesterday's FJ, that Steve answered "Camus." Get with it you guys! (Saw it on TheJeopardyFan.com. Still can't see the real show.)
  11. Yes, it absolutely DOES matter. Prizes will be awarded this season a bit differently than the last, so everyone, including you, are in contention. Keep up the good fight!
  12. LOL! I'm here now to change it back. It was a one-day thing. You did make me laugh though, that it was freaking you out. Mission accomplished! (That plus Halloween is over.)
  13. Wow, I wish I could watch the show given so many of the TSs here are my favorite things ... Father Brown, Yellowstone (I heart Kevin Costner and the place), Brawny (towels?) and Joseph Conrad ... Heart of Darkness? I did a college paper on that book! (The Daily Motion link locks up every time, can't make it through the first few minutes.)
  14. Ditto Ditto Dumpling. I thought Grapes of Wrath because of all the weather talk, so good the title wasn't asked for. I've not read a single Steinbeck, that I remember anyway. Today I broke my FJ's binary speak, so yeay my brain. I hope everyone is safe from tornadoes. Here we celebrated the day with six inches of snow and a record-setting 20-degree high. All the small towns postponed trick or treat, although I live so far out I'm not affected. I remember when I was a kid trick or treating, one house put out a box of full-sized candy bars with a sign "Take one only." The box was emptied in seconds. And before I got there! There is no honor ...
  15. This made me wonder, how does a PI get certified anyway. Do they have to take classes or be an apprentice like a plumber does for a few years? Can anyone be a licensed PI? And since Dex was doing it anyway, why did she want or need a license? Now she will have to file income tax as a small business and pay a bundle on April 15.
  16. I really enjoyed this episode, my favorite one so far since I've been MEH about this show before now. But last night locked me in. I was craving eating those Mexican dishes, this could have been a cooking/restaurant show and it would have worked. And Ansel got a great part, I liked him best since the tape-playing car was absent, it was my favorite character. And Dex getting in a no-holds-barred fight with a big bad guy, a staple of every episode, did not disappoint. I don't even care any more that she doesn't get bruises or cuts or muscle aches from the smack downs. The only complaint I had was when the cop was chasing the bad guy and bad guy was running up the stairs, cop had a clear shot at him and was even holding his gun. But no, he has to run up the stairs too so they can have some big dialogue. If I were the cop and missed my shot on the stairs, I would have at least shot the bad guy in the foot once I caught him. That would have been at least partially satisfying. Did the chef ever get his cilantro?
  17. If the clue included "a beef dish and rubber boots", then I would have been golden.
  18. And so is your screen name! So am I. I never would have noticed without the sharp eyes of you guy here.
  19. I couldn't see what the logo was, but Good Will went through my mind. Lots of great t-shirts for a coupla bucks.
  20. LOL! Thanks. I wonder if Kindred owns Crayola too!
  21. I feel badly that I didn't notice earlier. Gah! Heh.
  22. @proserpina65 did you getta facelift? I barely recognize ya. Nice, though!
  23. Because, dogs, I did a search and found dogs have been featured in nine of Hitchcock's films. And I found a pic of the scene in The Birds I remember most clearly because it's Hitchcock with his own Sealys. They were quite the popular breed in that era.
  24. Good For You, @Minaboo! (TM Trebek) Heh, it rhymes. Change so noted. Still missing @helpmerhonda, @j5cochran, @Sharpie66 and @suebee12. Check in when you can, the contest line is always open.
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