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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I live not far from Galena, Illinois, an active iron ore mining town back when Ulysses Grant lived there. His house is still there, he is not. It's a great tourist destination. I thought of Silverado for FJ because I really want to see that movie. Then I thought of Copper Mountain, I've skied there but don't remember much of a town. Lots of deserted mines around though. I thought of lead mining, but Galena (see above) doesn't have the national mining museum. (It does have a small one though.) Friends are graduates of the Colorado School of Mines, so I figured the answer was a Colorado town. Golden was a good guess, that's where the school is. (As is some brewery of some beer that never used to be sold east of the Rockies.) Long story long, my FJ reign continues!
  2. LOL, this is so true. (Did you mean people like Mark Cuban?) I don't remember any of the sharks saying, "Yum, these are so delicious" when eating the snacks. I'm glad the guy got a deal though. Real pork rinds don't taste like much of anything except what flavoring has been put on, so these would be a good substitute.
  3. OMG it worked! I LOVE YOU! (Don't be freaked, I mean it in the very best way.) Being a day or two behind is better than not seeing the show at all. Yeay, I am so excited! Thank you thank you and ... thank you.
  4. I know it doesn't REMOVE the tick, they were not asked that, they were asked "does it work for ticks." And they never answered, they just replied with the same sentence, "It works on insect bites and stings." I listened specifically when the tick question was asked since a tick bite can itch for months. I get tick bites often but never mosquito bites and never bee stings. So I looked at the website, which says it works on "insect bites & stings." A tick is an arachnid, so I guess it doesn't work for ticks OR spider bites. They could have said that on the show, but I'm guessing they wanted to leave it all generic to sell more without any negatives, like "yeah, but it can't do this or that." I still wonder about snake bites so you don't have to cut the wound and suck the poison out like in the movies. (Only half-way kidding, it would be great to put in First Aid kits if so.) Yeah, I thought they turned it into a big joke and then blew the guy off. He said it should be marketed to corporate, and I can def see it in offices. You know, so "that guy" can use it when he disappears with the newspaper for a half hour after lunch. Hopefully, the fellow can make it go (eh) without the sharks.
  5. Lori said her "golden ticket" was pure gold, so maybe that's just a perk someone gets if they take her deal. Gold is approx. $48/gram, and there are approx. 28 grams to an ounce. So that ticket maybe was worth $45, give or take. Plop Star was so strange, like you have a couple in your pocket when you are at a friend's house and have to go? How about just reaching your elbow back and flushing as you go. That gets rid of everything, including the smell, and it's free. Of course, that's not an option for Mark Cuban, who likes to stand and admire what he left in the bowl. I'll bet his bathroom stinks up a storm, but he probably has multiples in his house so can rotate between stink ups. Agree that one guy looked like Freddy Mercury. He was quite handsome! Does anyone use one of the knife-sharpening tools that are always advertised on tv? It was odd the sharks went crazy for the knife deal, but I guess these days people will pay anything to not have to do anything.
  6. What? Someone got in a fight with the Phillie Phanatic? (Remember, I can no longer watch the show so, of course, don't hear the interviews.)
  7. Daryn had $14,200 going into FJ, bet and lost $10,601 and ended up with $3,599. He's a two-day winner of $21,799. Info from TheJeopardyFan. He guessed South Africa, the same as I did. Did Trebek make fun of Daryn ONLY winning $3,599 in Friday's game? That would be right up his alley to do that.
  8. I just figured those squid socks parents called their kid "Squid," like some call their kid Beanie or Bug or something like that. I wondered if the socks were like compression socks, or socks for diabetics that stay on adults. I wonder how easy they are for adults to remove if the kid can't do it. And if they have squid tentacle suckers on the inside, do they leave circular sucker marks like a real tentacle would? Kidding, but still I'm curious.
  9. Snarky is Alex's middle name. Often, it's his first name.
  10. Congratulations on ruining your MOST CONSISTENT PRIZE. *sigh* What am I going to do with you @lb60? I've been remiss in not mentioning @Fex's new face lift, which happened a while back. I hardly recognize you any more!
  11. Thanks Zoey. When I read the clue, I was so WTH? that I almost posted a message to Andy on TJFan site about a misprint but decided it didn't matter. I get FJ there early each day and it ruined my chance of getting the answer. I wonder if I would have gotten the answer if the clue had been correct since that movie has been talked about almost non-stop since it came out. (Yeah, I'm a pop-culture person!) I went with the full name and knew I would be ruled incorrect based on poor spelling, the show is so freaky about extra letters even when phonetically spelled. Then the one contestant got away with just "Mao" and I was all, goshdarnit, why didn't I think of that. I can't decide whether to give myself a plus for that day or not.
  12. I have to laugh that every guess, this year and last season, has included Neil Patrick Harris. And add Jamie Foxx to the same over-and-over guesses. It's either a standing joke or judge audio is being replayed as VOs on every episode.
  13. This visual made me laugh. I guess it depends on how one pictures "Icelandic."
  14. You got 4* this week @Browncoat. No questions about it.
  15. WEEK 6 — ONE asterisk * 26. Chemical Symbol Wordplay, Fittingly, the symbols for the 4 elements in sodium citrate, which can make cheese melt easier, spell this 5-letter food. 27. 20th Century American Women. In her only kids’ book, she says, “There was Rose. Rose was her name & would she have been Rose if her name had not been Rose.” 28. World Leaders. This man who ruled from 1949 to 1976 was sometimes called “the Red Sun.” 29. Movie Soundtracks. The soundtrack of this 2018 film has “Material Girl” & “Money (That’s What I Want)” in Chinese in English. * 30. The Postcolonial World. This African nation left the British Commonwealth in 2003 over sanctions on its undemocratic government; in 2018 it applied to rejoin. * Clue 29 was copied directly from TheJeopardyFan.com. It was so confusing to me, were the songs in English AND Chinese or in Chinese and not in English. Made it impossible for me to answer. I assume the clue appeared correctly on the show.
  16. That's kind of like saying Leningrad instead of Petrograd or instead of St. Petersburg. It's all the same place. I know Zimbabwe used to be Rhodesia (home of Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs, used to kill lions!) so as the unofficial judge in my own mind, I rule you correct. I found this little gem that contains the details: "From 12 December 1979, to 17 April 1980, Zimbabwe Rhodesia was again the British colony of Southern Rhodesia. On 18 April, Southern Rhodesia became the independent Republic of Zimbabwe." Some years ago I used to get calls in the middle of the night from a fellow in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia!) who wanted to talk about certain breeds of dogs with me. I didn't mind since I'm guessing he could only call during his daytime, so when the phone rang at 2 a.m. I knew it would be him. He was a Brit ex-pat and very interesting.
  17. HA ha! My comment that Lizzie needed a dog did not go unnoticed! I've lost track of how many she's had/not had. The one I remember most is the Malinois that looked just like Person of Interest's Bear, when she was "in seclusion" in Alaska or someplace north. If I remember correctly, she let that dog get killed. Wow, that all seems so long ago and so unrelated to anything going on now. This show is so all over the place. When Red told the nurse he'd killed people for doing less than she did, I'm thinking yeah, Mr. Kaplan, which totally screwed your show. But the nurse saved Dom, so she gets to live. I guess all the years of Mr Kaplan cleaning up after him and saving Lizzie and baby Agnes didn't count. Yeah, I'm still bitter. My vote is Cooper is Lizzie's father. He made some deal with Reddington when they were Navy buddies. You know, best pals that he hadn't mentioned for seven years, until this season.
  18. How can all these one-inch-long metal tracking devices be put in peoples' necks yet they can't feel them and there is no scar or stitches. If one single hair falls on my cheek at night, I can feel it. I think I'd notice a big lump in my neck if, you know, I ever took a bath and washed my neck.
  19. I forgot about this show so am a week behind. Everyone has already summed up how I feel about this episode better than I can, which is pretty much this show sucks and makes no sense whatsoever. I guess I'm watching out of a six-year habit and to see what BS writers are shoveling at us this week. I can hear them in the writers room now: "Well, that story line didn't pan out so let's try this." "Hey, I had a crazy dream last night, I think we can turn it into a few episodes to get us through season seven." The only good part was Red telling Lizzie everything was her fault, Dom is gong to die because of her, everything bad that happened and will happen is her fault. Unfortunately, that burn didn't take since later Lizzie tells Red he WILL answer all her questions whether he wants to or not. *sigh* Cooper continues to be creepy around Lizzie, he so has the hots for her. Unless it turns out Cooper is her father. Which then would make him drooling around her even more creepy. What happened to that cool dude that Red moved into Lizzie's building to keep her safe. I think he got killed around the same time as Mr. Kaplan jumped off the bridge. He really needed to be replaced, but then Agnes won't get kidnapped, a plot line that I'm pretty sure was part of that writer's crazy dream. For a minute or two, I though Dembe was going to get a love interest. Well, the season is still young. If Brian Dennehy can fake an accent, why can't that terrible one-note actress playing a Russian woman. I get a kick out of these badass women taking the time to do their hair and full makeup, including lipstick, plus add jewelry before they head out to kill, maim and torture. If Lizzie had a dog, it would warn her when baddies break in to kidnap Agnes. A fabulous cross-over opportunity was missed when Dom was not taken to New Amsterdam. That would have been worth watching. As it was, this episode was not worth watching.
  20. Reading here, now I'm wondering if Piper will grow up or stay the same size. I guess the actress will continue to grow if this series is renewed, so that answers that. But it's a good hypothetical question since children are viewed as less threatening. And having a bunch of Piper look alikes is interesting. Because maybe that kid in the video isn't Piper but one of 100 other Pipers. I wondered about the social worker being on her first day, but Jo made it clear she checked the woman out thoroughly with the home office. One perk of being a cop! Now I'm wondering what Piper's purpose is. And how did her fake parents vanish out of Jo's office a couple episodes ago if they aren't aliens but robots too. It's not good for me to think too deeply about this show.
  21. Except that Malcolm didn't ask the name of the cat or where the guy lived or anything. And the photog didn't say it either. He could have said, "Please take care of my cat, his name is Bosco." Or something. Anything. IMO this show's writers totally blew the cat off and that irritated me.
  22. Thanks! Obviously, I missed that. As I posted way above, I don't pay much attention to small details in this show, nor the larger details either it appears. Thank you for posting. Now the scene makes more sense.
  23. What? Where is the "slut shaming"? And no one can criticize Beth because she's black? Please. Look up "hootchy chootchy" (definition and videos). I watch a lot of old BW movies and that is exactly what her dance appeared to be TO ME and I THOUGHT IT WAS NOT APPROPRIATE. I don't care what dance instructors wear DURING CLASSES or what DWTS dancers wear. This was a family gathering with everyone in the neighborhood invited (I guess) so can anyone explain why she did not elect to show how to TEACH someone to dance since she is selling dancing LESSONS, not dancing SHOWS? I'm just expressing my opinion and how I felt about that scene. It was written wrong IMO. And I don't give a care what color or race Beth or anyone else is. I would have written the same thing if it were a white man doing that dance to promote his dance studio opening. Meanwhile, in other news, I agree with other posters that Claire Huxtable really does only have one expression, smirky. It's hard to tell when she is suppose to be acting some other way. Or maybe she's always suppose to be smirking and superior. I was gobsmacked when I saw Crissy Metz in her silver dress on the Emmy purple carpet. But I guess we are not suppose to talk about that either.
  24. Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know her maiden name and thought maybe the show was taking over some existing studio for shooting and missed changing the sign. I block so many small details about this show. Some big details, too.
  25. For which I thank them. But I don't find the journalist actor the least bit attractive. How depressing is that. I don't think any of the men in this show are "hot," which leaves me to just appreciate good characters combined with good actors and good writing. I'll take that over token eye candy any day. (Well, most days ...) I still like this show, a lot.
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