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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm all for individualism -- five years in a college filled with fine-art students, me being one of them, will do that to a person -- so his hair didn't bother me. And I laughed at his OTT pout. I dated an actor for quite some time, and he would do the same exaggerated pout, which made me laugh every time. Plus Justin's fav category was Non-Operating Theater, which says it all to me. Here I thought I was a real smarty being able to ID a black Angus. I guess everyone (except the players) can as well. To my credit, I can ID all breeds of cattle so I'm hoping for a Photos On The Moov category in the future. Otherwise, all I got was Love (Beatles shout out). I guess that's all I need. I was hoping the woman player could work her "Lord" into some exclamation, like "What is, lordy lord ... Greystoke." I know, it's a stretch. But judges have allowed crazier things. For FJ I was all pumped, another Timeless episode reference! So of course the answer was easy peasy -- Alice Paul. @Browncoat -- Deepest sympathy on the loss of your friend. How shocking. *Cyber hugs*
  2. Good thing that woman is there then because all those doofy guy car thieves don't do anything. And neither does Grey, it seems. They all just hang out there.
  3. Oh, duh. That totally went over my head. So thanks for clarifying!
  4. Thank you. I love Futurama. I keep this on my desktop and look at it every once in a while.
  5. The previews for this episode looked fun so I was looking forward to it. Turns out it was my least favorite of all time. The case of the week was stupid. Where were the guys getting that cash, from the bills tucked into their skivvies? If so, then how did Cheryl Hines know how much was being skimmed, is she counting each bill as it gets tucked? Maybe just put that unsmiling bouncer guard dude in the back to collect all the cash as the guys go into their dressing room. This is a big male strip club and Dex has never heard of it? Our DEX? Portland isn't that big, is it? This show had to hire Mimi and Larry David's wife? So distracting. And unnecessary. I kept waiting for Drew and Larry to be dancers in that club. Hey, maybe that would have improved this ep. Or not. I didn't get why the drug cop was all about finding/shooting the drug guys all by himself. I guess I wasn't paying attention. So now Grey spends all his time at the car thief place? What are they doing with the cars they boost? I don't see any going out the door. Don't they typically cut up stolen cars and sell those pieces? Why is the woman doing all the engine repair work, are they stealing crap cars from the junk yard? The big drug dealers who owned that shipment they accidentally stole ... no one is looking for a missing million-dollar coke truck? I don't get that. And I REALLY don't get pulling Dex into some drug bust when there are undercover cops trained for that. I call total BS on that story line. But show writers never listen to me. Meanwhile, when baking does anyone get flour all over their faces? I never have. Tookie and Ansel must have different mixing/baking skills and a recipe that calls for flour floating through the air and sticking to any exposed skin.
  6. I got home late, at the end of the interviews, so didn't see a lot of the show. I did catch maelstrom (thanks Lost!), Grey's Anatomy (even though I quit watching that years ago, but the cross-over commercials never end) and, having been in this field since the beginning of time, printer's (printing) devil. I was all jazzed when I saw the FJ clue since in the Reef Break thread we had extended and often discussions about why cars were driving on the left in an American territory. So we all learned there is a real U.S. territory where cars drive on the left. But when it came to me remembering which territory we all were discussing ... epic fail. I understand short-term memory loss happens first. Congrats to Dennis on a nice run. He is the first victim of the three-time-champion thing this year, I believe.
  7. The U.S. Figure Skating Championships is on starting Friday night, NBC. I'll be watching so I can wave to @Good Queen Jane as promised. Can't wait!
  8. Just a nit pick with the sandwiches. I would have taken the "lid" off to put on mayo or mustard or pickles or something, and seen the shiny mercury in the center, rolling around. I know ... *hand wave* Rob Lowe's son is a huge jerky mcjerk. It's fine with me if he wants to OD again. I didn't realize PTSD guy got hired. But he's pretty interesting, maybe the best character. I do like metro Rob though. Pretty funny. Liv Tyler scenes mean I can do something else when she's on.
  9. Just watched the pilot, which I thought was okay. I've never watched any 911 show and don't like procedurals, but it was pretty good. The only part that really took me out of it was the "Welcome to Texas" sign as Rob and son drove west from NYC, through Texarkana, Arkansas toward Dallas, where not one single sagebrush or piece of sand exists. WTH show. I also was freaked by Rob being more tan than a Hispanic and AA actor, but then I guess there's tanning beds in NYC too. What will drive me away is Liv Tyler. Holy cats, she sucks and stunk up this pilot. She's not attractive, is a crummy actor, and her snow-white face doesn't fit with living in Texas. Geesh, she's like a gigantic ghost. If there is going to be a love interest for Rob, I'd rather it be the turban firefighting lady.
  10. With all due respect to Good Queen Jane who is on sabbatical, I proclaim @Fex as the winner of Week 19. Congratulations, and well done!
  11. He did, and the saying can be leaf or leave, either one is correct. (I asked the Jeopardy judges!)
  12. Thanks for giving me something to watch for next episode since I never noticed. Judges always made some spectacular entrance before, and were introduced. I guess they just show up and sit down now. I'll find out next week!
  13. Good thing the dead woman wasn't still in it so there was room for JY guy.
  14. This visual is so hilarious, and those AIs would be easy to spot if the 'uploading' was done again. What a hoot if it happen while the DOJ guy was kicking those two FBI agents to the curb. I swear, this is the best show on tv. I loved last night's episode. I was surprised but happy to see Brooks still alive since, as my new eye-candy crush, I figured for sure he was dead. I guess Benny healed himself from getting slugged in the jaw with a tire iron, or whatever it was Jo used. I'm glad Chris is continuing to be a good guy after I was so sure at season's beginning that he would turn on Jo and Piper. When Brooks looked at Jo and got sort of a bit closer, I was thinking "Hot chemistry!" I thought they've had chemistry all along while I never saw it with Benny although other viewers did. I don't even see it with Alex. I could give a care why they divorced. They did. End of that story for me. Then Brooks kissed Jo and I immediately broke out into a huge grin and shouted YES! I guess that tells everyone what I thought about it. Brooks is HOT. Jo immediately turned flirty and coy, giving more props to what a great actress she is. Not Jo, the real actress who plays Jo, whatever her name is. I do have to say I wasn't a fan of Jo kissing Brooks later on, in her garage. I don't know why. I'm all for equal opportunity, but it just didn't play right IMO. Wrong time, wrong place, yada yada I guess. It would have been better w/o that scene. When they were discussing how to kill Helen, I was thinking why not use the Walking Dead technique of chopping the head off. Separation from the chip should work, right? Then Helen dissolved herself after stealing that new chip. I was thinking hurry, sweep up those crumbs and spread them over the water everywhere. No one listened to me.
  15. If the boyfriend had been abusive, a rapist, a woman beater, a cheater, yada yada, I don't think the Pearsons would have kept his picture at all, much less for years stored in a piano bench. Plus Kate is such a self-centered rag, she would have been harping on how he ruined her life well before we have to see it in some upcoming episode. She would have stabbed his face out of that photo is my opinion. Of course, the opinion of this show's writers may vary. Randall was so exhausting, Beth is indeed an angel for staying with him period, much less marrying him and having his kids. If his dinging phone shows up next episode ... I swear I'm reaching through the teevee and smashing it.
  16. I vote Dementia Rebecca took the jewelry/cuff links when she was there and then totally forgot about them. Randall will find them years after putting Rebecca in that hospice unit.
  17. Do all doors in every house (except mine) creak then opened? There's WD40 for that. Randall watches the Great British Baking Show! Another shout out to Cornish hens. Viewer alert: Never put Cornish hens on the menu if you are having a dinner party. Something's wrong with Kate so EVERYONE has to be there? WTH. Randall, just drop out of college since you have to instantly be there if a Pearson stubs a toe. Girl better be on her death bed. My guess is whatever has happened will lead to some major speechifying. Best line of the night: "Please don't say redrum." That made me laugh. Otherwise, I just wanted someone, anyone, to take that freaking phone away from Randall. Holy cats, man. That might be Sophie with Kevin. Face not shown so they wouldn't have to pay the actress, they just used an extra to fill in the space until next episode. That's got my vote.
  18. This is another example of is it better to take a wild guess and maybe be correct, or write down an answer that turns out to be wrong and be ridiculed online. Samantha thought her answer was wrong, but gee whiz, it was correct. I'm taking the wild stab if I'm ever on this show. I have no problem with Dennis, and congratulations on being a three-day champ. He's been walking a lucky tightrope for FJ though. That has to goof your thinking. Which might be why he replied Lincoln for Booth. He heard penny and forgot assassin. I don't blame him, he's been playing Jeopardy for 1-1/2 hours straight while we get nights off to sleep in between shows. @Good Queen Jane got a shout out with the ice-skating clue, and AT's announcement that the championships are going on this week. Hope you are having fun, Your Majesty. I said echidna as soon as I saw the pic. I also got J.W. Booth, The Orville (it's been a clue/answer a couple times before), dissidents, utter/mutter and umber. To even it out, I thought the lemur was a flying fox. Eh. Shout out to @Mystery Author with the Sue Grafton clue. AT's new interview words are, "Okay, good." I miss the GFYs. I blame Alex Jacob. Finally, a FJ category that's up my alley and parked in my garage. I got it instantly, even though it's one film I've never seen. I award myself a big, fat GFM.
  19. I wonder if Malcolm will now add some guilt and trauma and have nightmares because he took away Mom's gun. I knew that was a dumb ass move when he did it. Gil was looking all kinds of fine this episode, and for the first time I liked Mom. She actually was proactive and took charge of the escape situation, except for that one major mistake she made of running up stairs, not out the front door, and not trying any phones, including the cell Ainsley, of course, would have had on her. Or yelling out a window for help. And holding the scissors by the middle of the shears instead of the handle so they wouldn't go more than an inch into Junk Yard guy if she did even managed to stab him. Okay, so she could have done things better. WTH with some secret room in the basement that no one knew about, even Mom, and how the hell did Junk Yard guy get Malcolm down there. That house isn't a stand-alone, is it? I thought it was a row house. Kids would have found that tunnel decades ago, and that includes Malcolm, who might have actually told Mom or Sis about it. *hand wave* Child Malcolm stabs Junk Yard guy and JY guy just stitches himself up with fishing twine? Alrighty then. No problem. JY guy stabs Malcolm in the stomach and no damage is done to his internal organs, pancreas, liver, intestines, stomach ... am I missing anything? Not to say he would have bled a ton more than he did. Then at the end he's being hugged to death. Stab wound healed itself I guess. And didn't hurt when he lifted the 200-lb. dead-weight JY guy into the box either. I thought Martin was all kinds of funny this episode. I liked him in Malcolm's hallucination when Malcolm said, "You were going to kill me" and Martin replies something like, 'Well, let's just get beyond that" or something similar. Crazy Gramma was all bat shit. Great act, I'm thinking about trying it. I wonder if Malcolm's dead friend is still on her dining-room floor.
  20. I watched the first hour, then the last hour during commercials on Prodigal Son, and I still saw all the acts. Go figure. I liked the dog act, they were funny and I expect a lot of that got edited since the dogs were pretty hyper and full of energy. Yeah, it's not that hard to teach a dog to jump through a hoop or over someone's back, I've done it and it took like two minutes with my dogs. But I've never seen dogs stand on their hind legs, make an arch, and the other dogs jump over it. So, props for that. I didn't care for Violin Cancer Boy the first time so was meh about seeing him again. He could win this if his cancer comes back and one or two legs get amputated so he's playing from a wheelchair. *lightning strikes me* The magician with the rice bowls ... I don't like to hate on people or acts, but you really need more than showing one freaking grain of rice turn into two freaking grains of (invisible) rice to get my applause. Where were the close-up Shin Lim cameras? I thought Freckled Sky was fine, and no more "I don't understand it" than any other of the multiple acts of that sort. WTH Simon. You didn't understand it because your ID, at least as demonstrated by your slack-jawed, gaping mouth and dead eyes, isn't all that high. Don't invite these people if you are going to red X them, you dumbasses. It's not dramatic, it just make this show look (more) stupid. And scripted. The Italian harmonica guy I liked. I liked that he said he's Italian so he cries. I also liked his playing and would have listened to more if only the show had given him more than 20 seconds for his set. WTH was that about, show. I still like V. Unbeatable and finally, an act worthy of Golden Buzzer. I'd like to see them in a battle with Simon's Golden Buzzer cod-piece-flapping jump-around Star Wars guys. Winner take all. Losing Golden Buzzer judge gets kicked off the panel. Voting by the real America, not these fakety fake made-up "American Fans." I like Michael Grimm okay, although I turned back to Prodigal Son so missed most of his song. Duo Destiny gets the award as the act that made Simon smile, which he did when the man caught the woman on his shoulder and her crotch was in his face. Quick Style, the three dancers, I see as perfect for World of Dance, not for this show that is more about stupid than talent. I liked them and hope to see them later on WOD where they will do well. I only saw part of the Miki Dark act, but there was too much of Heidi yelling and what not for me to want to see the entire thing. It took someone a long time to put all those "torn" pieces into the same "kissed" envelope to fill up that basket. That's all I'm sayin'.
  21. What a sweetie. Maybe turn on the dishwasher and go into the cat bathroom and watch for water, where it comes in and when. It could be something inside the wall. I'm just imagining pipes are in the wall. Meanwhile, I'd do some research into what water gods like, or what water demons don't like, like saging or incense or drums or something. Hey, I'm grasping at straws here!
  22. As did others, I got Clare Foy, Follies Bergere, Alan Alda and scripts. Got a laugh out of the answer of Ontario, a Canada shout out, after my weekend study of Canadian provinces and territories. I could have until the end of time and I wouldn't be able to get any of those Hidden Gems. I'd fall asleep before even figuring out the first one. And those players got them all easily. Go figure. I love it when there is a TS and Trebek gives the answer as "The FAMOUS Univax." No, Alex, if Univax were THAT famous, it wouldn't be a TS there. And here, too, it seems. For FJ I instantly said Secretary of State, then said whatever Condoleesa Rice was. Turns out she was Secretary of State too. Eh. When I crossed into Canada at Niagra, it was before 2001 so no ids needed. But the guard made sure he felt me up as he reached though my car window to the bag in the passenger seat, to see what was in it.
  23. I do, which is interesting in itself since I would have been five or younger. Thanks for asking.
  24. Perhaps you could if the memory was impactful, like hearing someone talk about killing a person you knew, and knew had been murdered. I still can see the EMTs carrying my dad down the steps on a stretcher when he had a stroke, my sister and I sitting on the couch. I remember my aunt coming for the funeral that I was not allowed to attend, and I remember my oldest sister's MIL taking me trick or treating, telling each house that my father had just died as I held my bag out for a treat. I remember bawling my eyes out in school, my head down on the desk, all snotty, and the teacher telling the class my dad had died. I was five.
  25. Which makes this show all the more stupid, or viewers more stupid, that Simon pretends to not know every single winner from around the world AND which ones have been invited to this tournament. He also knows who is going to win, what songs singers are going to perform and which acts he is going to buzz X for drama. He also gets shown the most of all of the judges for some reason (!), with his dead fish eyes and non-expression. And shirts that don't button.
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