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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. And WGN Chicago radio loves to talk about it on early morning shows. I was spoiled the day James' streak came to an end by having the radio on at freaking 6 a.m. when the show wasn't going to air for at least 10 more hours. Because he's originally from Naperville, Chicago media considers him a Home Town Boy.
  2. My goats never did that (Gretchen must have been a mini, dairy goats are so gentle), but my ram Jackson knocked me down more than once when my back was turned. The only way to get his attention was to sock him on the end of his nose since you could break a hand smacking him on the head. If I had an edge on one mill, no way would I toss a game to help anyone, friend or not. A conspiracy that J or K would do that to help B is ... well, insane. I'd win the mill, then invite the loser over for a weekend. Or buy him a nice suit and tie. Speaking of, I liked how Brad's video showed him checking out what tie looked best. Good For Him! ETA: Jackson quickly learned to run away and stay away as soon as he knocked me down.
  3. I didn't get Ansel wanting to move out because he's old enough to be on his own and has been saving his money so he can do just that, then is all excited to move in with Grey and sleep on his couch so now Grey can watch over him. What was up with that. I guess he just wanted to get away from Dex, nothing else makes sense. I didn't really get the COOW except it was suppose to compare the judge/brother to Dex/Ansel. I never did see any cats or anything else in those cages. Maybe because I didn't care enough to look. I thought Miles was homocide and now he's auto theft? He gets one vehicle back and now he's transferred to that division? And blackmailing Grey wasn't cool, dude. You should be busted for that, Miles. I hope you feel good about your selfish self when you get Grey killed.
  4. Yes, as KatyM said, they were asking for the decade, and when AT hesitated when Brad said 1500, Brad clarified by saying the decade before 1510, or something similar. I know ... another poorly written/stupid clue. Imagine that. ETA: Sharpie66 said it better. Thank you! No one else here was happy at the category of Goats? Just me? I had a herd of dairy goats for decades, started with a Saanen and Tog and one Nubian, then went to all Nubians. Nothing better than fresh milk and homemade cheese and custards without leaving the comfort of home. My best friend raised LaManchas that her daughters showed in 4H. That breed is very quiet whereas Nubians are very vocal. My goat kids used to jump onto the back of my Cheviot ram, then leap off into the air for sport. Jackson the ram seemed to enjoy the back scratches. After Ken answered "I'm walkin' here" (which I referenced a while back in the Season thread as my fav movie quote), he said he broke his buzzer. And I wonder if he really did since he was not able to ring in after that. I got easily the TS of Gallatin since Montana is my fav state, and my business trip to Bozeman was my favorite of my career (at that magazine). The reading of Glenn Close's clue was so long it put me to sleep so I might have missed some categories after that. It needed to have a disclaimer, like it's okay to cook dinner or walk the dog during this clue, there's time. ETA. I meant to say, I find Brad remarkably handsome. So he wins that contest in my book, hands down.
  5. Too late to join this season, we are on Week 18. But if everyone wants to continue, we will have a Season 37 contest. Prizes are awarded in several categories, the highest score is only one. There will be several other winners who will receive one of the swell prizes. That could be you!
  6. TMZ last night did another segment on the GOAT players and how they've spent their millions. James donates to charities in Vegas, Brad donates to libraries, Ken bought four houses, three in the Pacific NW, one in Utah. As for AT retiring, Vanna taking over for Pat on Wheel is a glaring demonstration of how good Pat is. And I like Vanna. I don't even want to think about AT leaving.
  7. Feel free to point your Finger of Shame at me since the only Dreyfus I know is Richard. However, I do know several lines and plots from The Dick Van Dyke Show. Oh, but Opus, he lives in cyberspace! There are prizes awarded for that!
  8. You get a gold star for that post.
  9. Okay, now I'm hoping President Eisenhower will post this episode. I really want to meet Shaun.
  10. I'll have ya'll know that because of you, I made a special trip to my friendly local farm store where I bought a pound of dark chocolate sponge candy. Which I ate during the one-hour drive home via Interstate. Well, not all of it. There's still some left.
  11. I was gone so didn't see today's show. For which, after reading here, I'm grateful.
  12. I guess the Think music was not composed or played on the piano Marlon Brando gave to Merv Griffin. That's the problem. I never hear music on any tv show, so it was nothing to me.
  13. When I saw people were posting here before the show aired in the Midwest, I did not come back last night. Next day is safe enough for me to read comments. I don't see what the hoopla is about AT saying "bitchin'" It was a common term of the 70s, and it means "super great." When someone calls another person a "bitch," they infer that person is a female dog, which is suppose to be an insult. That's not what AT said or meant. I'm in the world of show dogs, and "bitch" is an every-day word, it's a female canine. Dog-show classes are divided by sex, and classes are Puppy Bitch, Novice Bitch, American-Bred Bitch, Open Bitch and so forth. What's the big deal, offended people. The radio played the Triple Rhyme Time clues/answers this morning, with the show hosts trying to answer and laughing about how much time they would need to come up with all three words. They marveled at how quickly the players responded. Then they played some of the Toy category and remarked how easy those were, which made one of the hosts reply that was so people at home (and them!) could feel smart. Hey, we viewers need a bone tossed to us every once in a while. I spent some time shouting at my tv to root certain players on, and actually jumped up and clapped at one point in the first game. Ken is the best on the buzzer, and I hope his hesitation to wager TOO much on FJ doesn't hurt him. I also hope Brad comes back strong tonight. It wasn't like him to miss those DDs. I laughed and thanked all the posters in the Season thread for our discussions on sackbutt and Lincoln Logs so I could feel smart for a little bit. ETA: I also caught Ken's grammatical faux pas in his recorded package. He should have run his script past his editor at Simon & Schuster before taping.
  14. Because if it were, the category would have been Women International Sports Stars.
  15. I spent most of this episode holding the antenna over my head and trying to find a place in the door jam where the station would come in. And stay in. I don't have a clue if there were any TSs. But ... for all you deprived people who have never heard of Cristiano Ronaldo, behold: The rest of him is just as nice. He's arguably the best soccer player of all time, and is the third richest athlete in the world ($108 million per year), On the down side, he's been sued for tax evasion in Spain, and a rape charge was filed against him here last January. That was big news in the U.S. At least I heard about it. At that same time, a friend was breeding her dog, named Kate Spade, to a male named Cristiano Renaldo, and I told her the pups would be doomed, having a suicide mom and a rapist dad. (The pups ended up being just fine.)
  16. What the what? It hasn't started yet. Still one hour to go. No more, please, if you are getting it early somewhere.
  17. Blain's has all kind of canning supplies, including the correct salt for making pickles, wax for sealing jellies, plus anything else you can think of. I'm glad you found them for your Ball jars. It runs specials from time to time, free shipping on a $49-or-more purchase, so keep your eyes peeled!
  18. Because they didn't get their scripts and roles to play until shortly before filming. Hannah can cry at the drop of a hanky, as proven by her bawling her mascara off during every DWTS rehearsal. They don't love each other, they are Fleiss fodder to make chatter, ratings and $$ for Fleiss and this POS franchise. Hannah is just Fleiss's flavor of the month (or year), although for what reason I don't have a clue. Some people somewhere must like her, just don't look at me. @Thorkim, I'm sorry for your health issues, although your post could have been written by any number of posters here. The posters here are the reason to watch this dreck. Or even better, not watch and just read here for the snark.
  19. Sounds like you have described Zweigle’s pop open white hots!
  20. Tab reminds me of Back To The Future, when Marty McFly asks the soda jerk to give him a Tab, and the guy replies, "But you haven't ordered anything yet."
  21. Fleiss and ABC are pimping this show but HARD. First, Hannah was sent back by TPTB to boost chatter and ratings, she didn't just hire a limo and decide to crash the party on her own. It's all scripted, guys. Even my local (LOCAL!) noon news showed clips from last night and gave it more air time than the Iran protests. WTH. Sure, people probably had sex on this show in the past, but it wasn't shoved in our faces 24/7. Remember Nick Viall being demonized for saying ON AIR! that he had sex in the FS so why was he being sent home. So shocking! Everyone hated him for leaking that fact. Now it's being bragged about. Changing times I guess. But I was raised that some (many) things s/b kept private. Add that to I think Pete looks like he's 12 and holds absolutely no appeal to me ... and all of the women look the same with their center-parted-extension-filled scraggly hair ... Wow, I just realized I'm no longer in this show's demo. Although I'd watch in a heartbeat if Crazy Luke P were brought back as The Bach!
  22. Everyone has reported in this week, except @Toothbrush, who remains missing. Please let us know you are okay. Congratulations to @illdoc for the highest score this week. Going backward, recognition also goes to these high-score week winners: @Driad weeks 10 and 13, @Sharpie66 week 14, @PBnJay week 15.
  23. I guess they are hot dogs that are white instead of red. I found this photo of three whites with three reds. I guess a package of "red and whites" is sold. I don't know why they are called "pop open," unless the casing splits when they cook. Couldn't find a pic or explanation of that. Lots of brats are white before they are cooked, and sort of a darker white after cooking. I guess these "white hot" dogs are made with similar stuff(ing).
  24. I don't like him either, but the thought of him doing his AT impression while hosting the show would be funny. For a few days anyway. The radio this morning was playing clips from one of Ken's appearances. The category was, figure out the persons the clues refer to, take their initials and convert from Roman numerals to a "regular" number, then that number is the answer. The radio host read the clue, then the people at the station tried to come up with the answer, then the initials, then figure out what the translation was from Roman to regular. The radio guys figured they needed an extra five minutes to come up with a "maybe" answer. Then Ken's response was played, which was instantaneous. It was a pretty funny segment. Ryan Seacrest said on his radio show that he would never ever be on Jeopardy, even if he were asked, the answer would be no. He said he'd go on Celebrity Wheel but never Jeopardy. "That's for smart people." James' brother gave James a song for either his birthday or Christmas, and posted it on his SM account (the brother's). They played the song on the radio. The singing wasn't the best, but the song was pretty funny. ETA: Ryan did say that AT is a treasure. After watching tv news that's all horrible and upsetting, then AT comes on the tv, and he's all calming and makes the world okay again. I thought that was pretty accurate and sums up my feeling too.
  25. Another really good book! Oh, yes. They sort of disappeared when HIV happened. But I remember them being so tasty, I would eat them in multiples which totally ruined what they were suppose to do.
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