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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. WEEK 15 • Dec. 16 — NO asterisk 66. TV Theme Music. A short piece for 2 guitars called “Strange No. 3” was the first part of the theme music for this drama series that debuted in 1959. 67. Milestones In U.S. History. Congress declared September 6, 2008 Louisa Swain Day because Louisa did this in Wyoming on that date in 1870. 68. Plants & Trees. One of Britain’s few native evergreen trees, it’s prized for bringing color to winter, & its foliage is often hung in homes. 69. Science & Innovation. In her 20+ years working for this company, Audrey Sherman of Saint Paul has been granted more than 130 patents. 70. Classic Fiction. A 1902 work says of a riverboat journey, “We penetrated deeper and deeper into” this, the work’s title.
  2. I know you are, but what am I. Which is why I said "yew." One of those came with this farm, and I sold it for a pittance, before learning that antique tractors can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. When I read the FJ clue, the image of an M crossed my brain, followed by an ampersand and another cap M. I shook those out of my head, then correctly answered 3M. I believe MMM would have been ruled correct. Well, it would be if I had been judging.
  3. Like I said, I've never heard of her and have never seen her before, nor have I seen any of the above. If I had, duh, I maybe would have heard of her. Wayne had the best costume, although Seal's leopard was right up there. Made them look great.
  4. I recognized Wayne's voice so I knew he was Fox, but Daughtry surprised me. I wish they would replay some of the previous videos/songs after the reveals so I could listen to Rottweiler knowing it was Chris. Or at least let them sing a whole song after each reveal instead of filling the time with judge blah blah blah stuff. Now that I know who each of the characters are, I'd like to go back and rewatch each episode. But I won't. I've never heard of the Flamingo woman.
  5. Last night the radio show out of Chicago had a discussion about newspaper comics, and gave a special nod to Opus, then had a great deal to say about Bill the Cat. I thought it a nice "cowinkydence."
  6. She def qualified for Tournament of Champions, which asks for five wins. I was irritated by yesterday's FJ since holly grows on the farm and it's considered a bush or shrub, and looks nothing like a tree, and nothing like the sculpted trees I looked up online after the show. My holly looks like this, although now I suspect it might have been sculpted by Hereford cattle. Face it, this ain't no tree: Mistletoe was not a bad guess, although it's a parasite and grows high up in other trees. You can see it in winter when deciduous trees have dropped their leaves, it grows in sort of a ball. I used to sell a ton of it at craft shows in the fall.
  7. I loved Hannibal, until it went pretty much off the rails there at the end. NBC already has Bone Collector episodes in the can. The woman is played by the actress who was Olivia, married to vampire Lem, in Midnight Texas, another show I liked that got canceled. Sounds like the book is being followed somewhat, with the main guy restricted to bed. Maybe I'll see some of you guys in that thread.
  8. Sure it does. Example: Clue: This is what Bill the Cat says. Answer: "ack"
  9. Andy at TheJeopardyFan.com always has info about the FJ answer. What he posted about Wyoming's women allowed to vote is interesting since it also includes "the rest of the story." (TM Paul Harvey) "In 1869, Wyoming Territory passed the Wyoming Suffrage Act, giving women the right to vote. On September 6, 1870, the polls opened in the first election since the passing of the act; Louisa Swain of Laramie gained the distinction of being the first woman voter (as Laramie’s polls opened 30 minutes prior to Cheyenne’s). "According to the Wyoming State Historical Society, though, Wyoming’s reason behind giving women voting rights weren’t entirely magnanimous; many in the territory felt that it was necessary to counteract the fact that nonwhite men had been granted voting rights by the 14th and 15th Amendments. Another consideration was the thought that because men outnumbered women 6 to 1 in the territory at that point, that suffrage might attract more women to come to Wyoming." ETA: Wyoming became the 44th state in July 1890.
  10. Elmore Leonard is my hero since he's the reason for my crush on Timothy Olyphant, star of Justified, which was developed from Leonard's series about Raylan Givens. One episode of Justified had a bunch of "Fire in the Hole" action, another Leonard book title. Leonard's genre (TM Alex Trebek) covered westerns, crime and suspense thrillers. Knowledge is circular!
  11. I knew this, but that clue took me back to my favorite show, Timeless (RIP), where Robert Todd Lincoln cut quite the handsome figure in that episode, and got a bit flirty with Lucy. Who did NOT prevent the assassination of his father, even though she had a ton of chances.
  12. Does anyone even know what/who Katarina is trying to locate? Was it ever revealed what was in that suitcase .... whose bones those were, if it even was bones in there. Do the writers even know WTH is going on in this show? And ... is Lizzie back living in the same building as when she lived with Tom? And if so, when did she and Tom dig out a tunnel, did they carry buckets of dirt down to the river to dump in one at a time like Hogan's Heroes? And neither the landlord nor anyone else (like the utility companies) knows there's a freaking tunnel that is blocks long and it starts at that apartment building?
  13. You are welcome to join me at The Pathetic Table which, BTW, is the most funnest table in the room. We are serving fast food and egg nog! (I can't believe this site says "funnest" is correctly spelled while "nog" is not.) @Toothbrush, check in with us please! The Contest host is worried about you.
  14. Well, THAT'S an entirely new show plot that we've never seen before said no one ever. Let me guess ... the young detective will be a woman who wears high heels with her uniform and has long hair always hanging down while Nathan Fillion some handsome actor guy plays the criminologist. They will never be romantically attracted to each other. Then I hope Red pulls his gun out and shoots him dead, making it the best finale ever. And when it's all done, Cooper will welcome Lizzie back to The Team, plus give her a salary bonus and as much paid time off as she wants because she's a mom and, after all, Agnes comes first, before all the random people Lizzie's been involved with killing.
  15. I saw my first commercial for the Battle Series tonight on ABC. It features the three players walking in slo mo down a hallway. It made me laugh since it reminded me of Ken Jennings' tweet that proceeds from any winnings will be used to buy James a sport coat or blazer, and maybe a nice tie.
  16. I think this "memory manipulation" is a bunch of BS crap so the writers can do whatever they want and explain it away as someone's bogus "memory." They've already contradicted themselves multiple times. "He said/she said." I'm waiting for Liz to wake up in bed with Tom in the shower. "Hey honey, I just had the craziest dream."
  17. How many of you have lived in an apartment with a pipe from floor to ceiling in the living room. Bathroom maybe yes. Living room, no. Unless Katarina had it installed for dancing purposes. Well, now we know those agents in the hallway outside Lizzie's door were sluffing off outside in their car. No wonder we never saw them. And they never saw anyone carrying in all that medical equipment either, nor did they see people going in and out who didn't live there. I'd assume FBI would have photos/names of building occupants, but then again ... FBI. Wow, Lizzie believes everything any rando tells her. And she's some crack FBI profiler? But then again ... FBI. LOL moment: The prison guy one-ups Red to get in to see Tongj. That's a first, Red is losing his street cred. Second LOL moment: Red to Park: "How long have you been here?" Do luxury cars have pull-up door locks? Or any cars these days? Red's Mercedes appeared to have them, yet the cheap vehicles I drive haven't had them for years. Make that more than a decade. Third LOL moment: Aram to Lizzie: "Thank god you are okay" instead of "Where the hell have you been?" Dembe stops Red from getting out of their follow car because those Russian agents (whom Dembe recognized and named) "will kill you too." Yeah, with their fake bullets. Cooper remains all smoopy with Lizzie instead of firing her ass, which is what she's been deserving of multiple times every season. I still say Cooper is her real father. Or mother. And, of course, we are left with the final reveal: Red is hiding the TRUTH while good old Mom is not. Alrighty then. I can't believe this dumbass show keeps getting renewed. ETA: I forgot to say how convenient it was that truck got the only empty parking space in NYC, which happened to be right in front of the FBI stake-out car.
  18. She wasn't the nun who was arrested for breaking into Oak Ridge as a protester in 2012, was she?
  19. I was going to crack up if it turned out Bob Sonic founded that chain. So I looked it up and it was Troy Smith. So close ... no cigar.
  20. We called them High Waters. Lizzie was wearing them when she went to the park last week, and walked through the cow pie on her way to look for dead bodies in the lake. No one "cool" would EVER be caught wearing High Waters. Which I guess explains why Lizzie is wearing a pair. I'm questioning all that happening in Katarina's apartment while those many FBI guards are right outside her door. I find it hilarious that EVERYONE has heard of Red Reddington yet not one single bad guy can recognize him. (Or is it?) Lizzie to Red: "The woman in Paris ... if you find her, will it end?" Me: "Will what end? This crap show? I sure hope so." Ilya was wearing a wedding band during his memory trip. If Katarina was leaving during that Trip Back In Time, when her husband got in the car (wearing no shoes!), why was she running around wearing only a nightgown after the explosion. And why did hubby get in the car if wife wasn't in there. Duh. LOL moment: Katarina comes out of her drug-induced Memory Trip to answer the phone. I kept watching those electrode patches on Ilya, waiting for them to fall off since they were hanging on by a hair, or less than one hair. Red and Dembe rush in and shoot all the mover guys. Shouldn't he just capture one or two to question? Red's been pretty quick on the trigger this season, like it was such fun sport to "accidentally" kill the salt-and-pepper collector guy a few weeks back. Second LOL moment: Red showing the photo to the woman who just got gut shot with a 12-guage and insisting she ID the pic. Alrighty then. I be more interested in Dembe, he not only does needlepoint, he's a fine sketch artist. I swear she was wearing it this episode, I kept staring at her head. Which is not enjoyable in the least.
  21. Finally got around to viewing this episode. I have to say, I don't miss this show at all. I did get a laugh out of Red ranking on Glen and telling him that he's sick of Glen's "insipid banter" all the time. Man, if there was ever a case of Pot calling Kettle black, that was it. Park's been there what, two weeks? and she already knows Red better than anyone else. Katarina tells Lizzie she's seen the men outside her apartment, but none of us have. Never. Ever. Then she tells Lizzie she's seen the gun in her purse so she knows Lizzie is FBI. What, does the FBI issue gun purses? Agents now carry guns in purses and not as side arms? When did that start. And if I were Lizzie, I'd be asking my nanny what she's doing snooping in my purse. I didn't think Lizzie being an agent was such a big hush-hush secret. No one is ever in Glen's DMV. I want to go to there for my license renewal. I join the rest of you in being astounded at the fresh blood and gigantic chunk of hair being stuck on that park restroom mirror. Even I would have taken that hair glob for some DNA testing, and I'm no FBI agent. For sure it would have come back from Ancestry.com as Russian. Those Russian cleaners really suck if they didn't notice that mirror when they removed the body. If they did. Who knows. Maybe the dead guy is in the park service dumpster. Agnes drawing a "dead body" was so bogus. That drawn guy had just fallen on a banana peel, his eyes didn't have Xs over them so he couldn't have been dead. I'd think Katarina would be able to rent an abandoned warehouse for her kidnapping and torture. Or those apartment walls are thick as a brick if no one is hearing what's going on in there, and no one, even the FBI guards! have noticed those men coming and going. Although it appears that one guy lives with Katarina. Not that anyone seems to care, even me.
  22. Well, so much for J names being Jeopardy smart. Although it appears I can again speak to computers given my last four weeks are 0-1-0-1. (My computer replied: "Get away from me, dumbass.")
  23. WEEK 14 • Dec. 9 — NO asterisk 66. Vice Presidents. George H.W. Bush in 1988 was the first sitting Vice President to be elected to the top job since this man 152 years before. 67. Oscar-Winning Films. The first words spoken in this 1970 Best Picture Oscar winner are “Ten-hut!” “Be seated.” 68. National Historical Parks. Est. in 2015, the Manhattan Project National Historical Park has sites in Hanford, Washington; Los Alamos, N.M.; & this Tennessee city. 69, Women Authors. In 1947 she testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee on how the film “Song of Russia” was communist propaganda. 70. Business Namesakes. It’s the last name of the man who said, “Our whole concept was based on speed, lower prices & volume…my God, the carhops were slow.”
  24. I said Sonic. The clue referenced speed, and slow carhops. While Sonic isn't a great last name (neither is Shrapnel), it does mean speed, and Sonic has carhops, some wearing roller skates. A+W also has/had carhops, but I tossed that one out. McDonald('s) never occurred to me. I wear Crocs. And I love them.
  25. It's my understanding the games were filmed this week, so ABC knows how many nights it needs to open up for the battles. I think three are required, but Trebek said if there were ties, it could take up to seven nights to determine the winner. Anyway, ABC now knows its schedule, but I wonder if it will leave that time slot open for the week just to keep people from anticipating the outcome/winner. Sort of like during the World Series, if more games need to be played. I still wonder, as @Ailianna posted, how the regular episodes will be handled if that market airs them at 7-8 on an ABC affiliate. Our FJ contest might have to skip some days if all players can't see that day's episode. I guess we wait and see!
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