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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Thanks for posting this. I agree that the prime-time games will not be part of the contest, they are just for us to watch and enjoy. The contest will continue to be for the daily Jeopardy episodes. Although I wonder if the prime-time show will bump any network regular episodes if some markets get Jeopardy at 7 p.m. on ABC. I wonder how sites like TheJeopardyFan.com (where I get the FJ clue every day) will handle the prime-time episodes, or if they will be a separate category. I can't imagine people addicted to keeping player stats would miss tracking those stats. I'm hoping a special thread will be created for the Battle Series so we don't have to read about some "certain" player if we don't have to. You know who I mean!
  2. Thursday's FJ made me think of The Oak Ridge Boys, so I looked them up to see if they were from that glowing town. Turns out they are from Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Alabama, and were originally named the Georgia Clodhoppers. Seriously! While living in Knoxville, Tenn., they played regular gigs in Oak Ridge, so changed the group's name to the Oak Ridge Quartet. This in the 1940s. They became the Oak Ridge Boys in 1966. Ya'll will thank me when they are a Jeopardy! category.
  3. There's a discussion about just that on today's TheJeopardyFan.com. I found it interesting, being a J name myself. IRL anyway. Unfortunately, it has not made me any smarter. I thought of everyone here with the FJ category of WOMAN Authors. Then there was that darned giveaway in the clue, "she." No doubt put there in case you didn't notice "Woman" in the category.
  4. Okay, this is the only theory that makes sense to me given that Benny showed no inclination to steal Piper before. Wasn't he with Jo when they went to the Stepford Housing Development, and wasn't he all verklempt when the cool Hacker Lady Friend got killed. None of his past appearances jive with his being part of the AI Gang. Speaking of the Stepford housing Development, that was a pretty big neighborhood to be undiscovered and with a landing strip. People walking their dogs come across dead bodies IRL, wouldn't SOMEONE have spotted those houses and inquired about realtor prices? I'm assuming the AI Gang is paying property taxes, which should be a nice chunk of money given the location. Obviously, I'm overthinking ... p.s. There was a show a while back where aliens were already here, living among us. I hope this show isn't ripping off that plot.
  5. Thank you @suebee12. That did indeed answer my questions!
  6. Thanks @suebee12. In the interview, Trebek said whomever wins three games is the winner. Does anyone know if the shows are going to be one-half hour like a regular episode, or will they run two eps, one after the other, for an hour's worth. I'm pretty sure, based on Twitters I've seen, that taping is over. I can't imagine any audience member not leaking the results! I also can't imagine the stress show writers must be under to come up with clues that are not re-occurring show staples.
  7. I seem to remember Grey kicking Liz out, which also included firing her from that $20/hour bartending job, so I'd say Liz got some blame. The Indian casino must be rolling in dough to have FULL COLOR hi-def security cameras. I've never seen any that were not blurry and black-and-white. I thought for sure High School Nemesis would nag Dex when Dex sat her iced tea directly on the table when there was a saucer provided for it. Nemesis sat her glass on her saucer. That big honkin' sweaty glass is gonna leave one nasty ring. When Dex was making her bed, I was hoping Milo Ventimiglia would show up to help her. That, and she should invest in some fitted sheets. Although she would still need Milo to help putting those on. I must have drifted off since I had no idea what Ansel was looking at on the laptop. The way he acted I thought it must be porn. Maybe that's why he wants his own place, so he can invite Liz over? Talk about a love quadrangle! I do like the Dex character because while she is not unattractive, she looks like a normal person, wearing high-top tennies and dressing like a regular person, Janis Joplin t and all. Except I can do without her pink lipstick. In fact, everyone except Grey appeared to be wearing lip stick this episode. Yeay for Sue Lynn, the reappearing regular. And the Food Truck guy was back too! Only my favorite car was missing this time.
  8. Having multiple dogs and living in the cornfields where all sorts of varminty critters also live has given me full knowledge of tick life. I knew they hang out all winter waiting for spring thaw so they can fall on me and my dogs. Last week I had a discussion about possums eating ticks. Truth is, possums eat the ticks they pull of their own bodies, which they can do because of the "thumbs" on their back feet, and they clean themselves like a cat. It's like they are wearing their lunch. Enjoy your breakfast everyone.
  9. I follow WaPo journalist Dan Zak on Twitter. He authored a book, "Almighty: Courage, Resistance and Existential Peril in the Nuclear Age," and is an expert on nuclear everything. He interviewed Sister Megan Rice, a Catholic nun, who was 82 years old when she and two companions, ages 63 and 57, cut through the fence at Oak Ridge and painted anti-nuke symbols on the building walls. They remained there in protest until they were arrested. Most employees and locals had no idea what was going on at Oak Ridge. Scary as heck.
  10. Mr. Francis was a steeplechase jockey, and rode four seasons for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. I liked that his books were good stories that didn't need to stray from pretty much a G rating. I was sad when he passed away.
  11. Well, this episode was a roller coaster. I thought the FBI guy was all creepy when he kept touching Benny during that convo, and thought FBI guy had to be an AI. Then Alex goes to turn in Piper and I'm all hating Alex. Then it was a con! and I like Alex again. Then FBI guy turned into Jo's partner and I liked him again. Then Benny turns out to be the bad guy AI and I'm all WTH. I was thinking of you guys here, very few of you liked Benny. I guess you were right all along. But I, too, wonder how he had all those stories/articles published if he were AI, unless he took over someone else's identity. The car chase was pretty awesome and Jo sure knows how to drive for a small-town cop, and the same for Chris or Agent FBI, whomever was in that second car. I guess AIs can survive big falls off of bridges, plus can swim pretty well. The ending was all kinds of WTH, and I wanted Piper to run into the woods, but I guess the Magic Bracelet kept her from doing that. It maybe kept her from making the cars flip over or her captives' heads from exploding too. The crab was still on the fridge! And Piper got taken before she could cure dad's cancer. Another WTH. Great episode though. I love this show. It's well written and doesn't have to rely on romantic triangles or quadrangles as do so many other shows.
  12. Yesterday's FJ I got instantly, then had too much time to think maybe it was Apocalypse Now, but I remember that started differently so went back to Patton. Time is not always my friend. And I only have a vague reference to years. The Pritzker Prize was in a Dick Francis book? How on earth does that relate to a steeplechase jockey. I'm a DF fan, but the name Pritzker wouldn't have remained with me since the gov hadn't removed all those toilets yet from his mansion. We had A+P stores here, although my mom preferred the National Tea grocery, National for short. When we visited relatives in Arkansas, we shopped at the Piggly. Back then, groceries were regional and it was fun to bring items back that couldn't be bought locally.
  13. Oh great. Now we are all screwed.
  14. I thought the barbarian explanation on TheJeopardyFan site was poor to non-existent. So Guelphs and Ghibellines were barbarians? Plus the JF site's explanation was so long and wordy, it practically put me to sleep. I give it an F. So thank you @dcalley for posting an explanation that makes barbarian sense. Although 476 was a HUGE time span before the 13th century. And as someone else posted, wasn't all of Europe pretty much inhabited by barbarians back then? Neanderthal Man could be called a barbarian. I blame the that travel site's PR person for a crummy FJ clue.
  15. Safari won't open any primetimer anything for me, on my desktop Mac. Firefox and Chrome, no problem. Three cheers (five cheers) for you getting a lifer bird. I hope you got photos. I'm sure you did not even imagine it raining during your trip since it basically never rains there. Go figure. Glad you had a good time though. What other birds did you see that you can't find at home? Do tell all, please!
  16. This made me snort my morning coffee. So hilarious, but now if the writers are reading here, you know we're gonna see "Amelia Hoffa No. 694" next season.
  17. I am missing scores for @Toothbrush for the last two weeks (11.18 and 11.25), and this week, and @suebee12, I need your score for last week (and this week, of course).
  18. WEEK 13 (Dec. 2) — ONE asterisk * 61. Historic Lists. “Why does not the Pope…build the Basilica of St. Peter with his own money rather than with the money of poor believers?” is one of these. * 62. Literary New York City. An insider described the scene there: “Just … loudmouths showing off, saving their gags for days, waiting to spring them.” * 63. Opera Title Names. Before being consumed in flames, he flirts with a bride on her wedding day & a list of his amorous conquests is sung. 64. Holiday Songs. This song had its beginnings as a book handed out to children at Christmas at Montgomery Ward. 65. Europe. A tourism website for this country noted its colorful history “filled with barbarians”, royalty, & even a movie star.”
  19. Thanks for pointing that out so now it's the only thing I will see when I look at him. I might not be looking at him much though, as this season and Pilot Peter hold zero interest for me. I'll tune in to see what women TPTB have chosen to fill the standard cast requirements, but whether this guy finds love ... eh, I don't care. Yeah, the original balcony Mesnick ... those were the fun days.
  20. And I can buy them at groceries in Iowa and Illinois. But this show takes place in NYC, and most people around the country aren't familiar with kringles. I thought it a strange comment that completely took me out of the episode. I wondered why someone would be making a kringle if that person were not from Racine, Wisconsin and grew up with them. Note: Kringles were not available outside of Racine until a few years ago. My friends from Wisconsin would go there to buy them to bring to parties. and they were a treat one could get nowhere else. Back then.
  21. While there are several countries that are crossed by the Himalayas and, therefore, several different nationalities, I've never heard of any people called Himalayans. (Mountaineering is one of my interests.) However, I see your point and problem with the accepted answer.
  22. Ah, those are sweepers, also called rotary brooms. They are sold as attachments for a wide variety of tractors and L+G tractors. Here's one on a little Case tractor.
  23. Okay, that all makes sense now @UnknownK. I remember Dex had/was looking at a ring some episodes back. Thanks for clearing that big mess up. It is pretty common to hate the other woman, even when nothing is her fault.
  24. Two women together IS a male fantasy. Google it. I personally would like this show better if they skipped all the romantic triangles and quadrangles and twosomes and threesomes and all somes. I'm not interested in who Dex or anyone else is sleeping with, male or female. I'd rather see the entire hour feature Ansel than some love angst, whether it be hetero or bi or whatever. Dex and Grey being friends is the best part IMO.
  25. I totally did not get the Benny thing. Was he married with a kid and took off to follow side piece Dex into the military? That's on Benny, not Dex. And Benny being killed by a roadside bomb wasn't anyone's fault except the person who planted the bomb, and I'm just guessing that wasn't Dex. Sue Lynn paying off Dex with casino chips was smart on her part, and she probably did get the approval of the reservation council. Knowing Dex would head right to the casino means, pretty much, that the reservation paid Dex nothing for her work. I doubt she forsaw Dex actually winning at the craps table. I wanted to know what the cop boyfriend found out about Liz. Besides that she is dating Grey. Did that nugget show up in her background check? Cop reports include dating history? Who knew. I don't know what the big flap is or will be about Dex sleeping with Liz. All the men I know would be all, "Do it again and let me watch." I don't know any guy who would be freaked about two women together, but I know a ton who have that as one of their fantasies. So that development was a big NO big deal to me.
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