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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I can't get past Liv Tyler's lips to pay attention to any plot she's in. They are fascinatingly huge and fake, like she has a big fish stuck on her vampire-white face. As for ratings, it's on opposite AGT and The Bachelor. Hard to top those American favorites!
  2. Maybe because some act will be called the winner of AGT Champions 2020, so AGT Champion or something similar? It's a more enticing name than AGT Rerun Acts from Around the Globe. Although it would be cool if Simon called in all the winners of all his franchises to compete. Maybe he did, and had to work down the list when the first, second or third places couldn't make it. I wonder if AGT pays for everyone to fly to LA.
  3. In this case, I suspect AT already knew what she had written, and she got a shout out to her husband which would have been "illegal" if she had written it along with a real/wrong answer. She might have been spooked because writing shout outs was declared against Jeopardy law during James' run. Much of the time, there is a tell cluing us to AT knowing what everyone has written for FJ. I imagine that player and her husband and family watching at home got a kick out of it, now that the show has aired and the result is known. JMHO.
  4. I say it would have. One person answered Hanks and another wrote Gosling. As long as AT didn't say Muhammad Ali, you'd have been the winner.
  5. I think they should since it's sort of the same as "Ahrun Bhuur." And we all know that answer is correct! You better make it through the Thursday test. You are running out of excuses.
  6. So funny! I had totally forgotten about that. It was a Johnny Carson skit, Carnac the Magnificent. The answers had been "kept in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch since noon today." That was the funniest thing in the world back then, when Mom would let me stay up late to watch. Looking forward to a new Hawaiian shirt tomorrow.
  7. Guessin' you've never had a puppy. That is odd that Africa only has one Africa's Got Talent. But the winner could brag he won AGT! Now I need to look up where it's held, like did an act from Liberia have to walk all the way to Johannesburg. Inquiring minds want to know. Okay, I looked it up and here's what I found: "East Africa's Got Talent is a talent show competition that is part of the Got Talent franchise owned by Simon Cowell. It broadcasts simultaneously across four countries in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda." Then there's this: "More than 5,000 young people from Central and West Africa showcased their talent for a chance to win a place on the new upcoming television show, Africa’s Got Talent." There also is a separate South Africa's Got Talent. All Simon's.
  8. Last week I was all, "This is my favorite show of all time." This week I was all "I don't care if it gets a second season." Alex has been nothing but in the Friend Zone all season, yet this episode, while everyone is in danger of being killed, he starts a "How dare you talk about my ex wife" p*ssing contest with Brooks. WTH was that about. Thank you writers for letting Brooks just ignore it. I've never seen any attraction between Jo and Alex, so good riddance, let the dude shuffle off to D.C. or wherever. He'll be back on weekends so can still go on escapades with his ex next season. If there is one. I got a laugh that Jo and Brooks are trapped in that building, can't get out, then here comes Alex, Piper, Benny et. al. running in. Then, instead of leaving, they're all "trapped" with no way out. So Helen broke the upload ball's case, or whatever that thing was. Where is that duct tape when you need it. What was that nano-bot going to do under Jo's skin? But props to the show for keeping Jo's neck cut visible and blood around through the rest of the episode. I watched another show this weekend where the hero's gunshot through his shoulder was completely healed and vanished by end of episode. I didn't get the big light beam to the heavens either. What, so now the AIs don't exist? Did they all beam up too? Oh well. *hand wave* I knew Jo turning Helen into Piper wasn't going to end well. You should have left well enough alone, Jo. If there's a next season, you will see what I mean.
  9. I got the impression that the category was about current things that might be on a Necco wafer heart, not real and actual words. The clue pointed to FAX ME, which isn't exactly a current phrase, but neither is BEEP ME. Which might be construed as something quite different than a pager. I don't know how I would take it if someone gave me a heart that said BEEP ME.
  10. Everyone who will listen, and anyone who will not listen. You rock. Impress your friends and one-up your enemies. It's your week. Be warned it might happen again. My sour-cream container is non-partisan.
  11. I hope you get the call, @The Wild Sow. It's a family tradition. Plus you'd look snazzy in a bow tie.
  12. I would put money on you being smarter. I just know for a fact that I'm getting progressively not smarter! I hope you passed though. I probably still didn't, although I'd love to get on the show so you guys can rank on me. That would be such a hoot!
  13. I just posted the same in the Test Have You Taken It thread. I did the practice test earlier and thought it funny that the answer for the Iran clue was Kuwait, pretty much the same clue/answer as was on today's episode.
  14. Wow, I just took the Tuesday online test. I know I'm not smarter by a long shot, but it seemed to me that this test was really dumbed down. I kept thinking as I was taking it, this can't be the real test, Jeopardy is punking me based on how poorly I've done on past tests.
  15. Still missing the score from @helpmerhonda for this week, but I'm doing the drawing for the Weekly Honorary Non Prize. Everyone's number is in my (empty) sour-cream container. I've shaken it up, am drawing a number, eyes closed, and the winner is ... @DXD526 Congratulations! You have won a hearty (imaginary) handshake and bragging rights as Captain of FJ Contest Week 20.
  16. There was a regular skating clue, lutz/axel if I remember correctly. I kept waving at the person wearing a blue scarf wrapped around her neck, and a purple vest/jacket/sweater. There were empty seats around her during the women's Friday night long skate. I spent more time looking at spectators than skaters. I kept seeing one woman wearing red everything. She looked like she was keeping score for herself. Others had a yellow blanket, plus there was a lot of purple so those people blended in too much. Still, I waved. I love Tara and Johnny.
  17. I pretty much wasn't paying attention to the plot or the case of the week or much of anything else due to me trying to make sure that was Daniel Sunjata. I recognized his lips, but man, the rest of him sure looked different than Franco Rivera.
  18. I only saw the first hour since Prodigal Son called me to watch him, and I didn't care enough to turn back to AGT during the PS commercials. I liked the balancing guy and dog, but what was up with the editing. The man is doing a handstand, the dog is sitting up on top of his feet that are in the air. Cut to the judges ... cut back to act and the man is standing holding the dog. I want to know how that dog got down, or did he flip off the man's feet onto his back and was crippled, hence end of act. Inquiring minds want to know. Voices of Service. Eh. I wasn't crazy about them first time, turned the channel during their act this time. Take away the hook of they are vets and ... there is no hook. Just some okay singers. Brian King Joseph has beautiful blue eyes. The Silhouettes. Sure, they were the first in that genre but now they are just one of 60 thousand acts all the same. I, too, thought the dog was going to die so got teary. Then when I realized I was suckered, I got over them pronto. I can't get over how rude the judges are to winners from obscure tiny countries like Romania, where people can barely scrape out a living much less afford a television set. Of course, Simon and Howie would X a Cirque cross dresser/trans person so there's that. Nothing like letting your phobias show, fellas. No Xs from either for the woman in the slinky skin-tight suit bouncing on the bar though. Gee, surprise. I saw that CLIFFHANGER! DID SHE FALL AND DIE clip multiple times during the day, so it was pretty clear to me she did not. Geesh, show. Get over yourself. The little kid comedian was more funny times a zillion than that Ryan short arm guy. I could have done without his screeching his lines though. That was a little OTT. Still, he was channeling Ricky Gervais, which I got a kick out of. Prodigal Son called so I left AGT. I might catch the rerun to see what I missed, but probably not. OH! I did pay attention to the beginning, and no, Terry does not intro the judges, he just says "There are our judges." Maybe because Simon will be kicking Heidi and Alisha to the curb after this show and doesn't want their names made public. That pile of fired women judges is getting pretty deep.
  19. Does anyone know how long filming this episode lasted? It went from dark of night to, as Matt said, daytime. What was up with that? What was everyone doing during that time span, when only two ninjas were going to climb. Maybe the rope tower fell down or something and they had to put it back up. I read that the new season will be inside in at least two of the three cities where filming will take place, so runs will be in the daytime. How will Drew figure out when to sleep since last season he slept during day and trained at night to fit the filming schedule.
  20. While Frost was the only poet I could come up with, later in the day I thought of Sandberg, and was proud of myself that I knew he couldn't be the answer given he was born some 30 miles south of me, and Carl Sandberg College is in his birth town of Galesburg, Illinois. I looked him up, and he died in North Carolina. I have no idea how he got there, but I don't blame him leaving Illinois. I think of Sandberg every time I cross the Spoon River, which is whack since that poem was by Masters. Good thing that wasn't a FJ.
  21. If you had watched "Funny You Should Ask" today, you would have heard Byron Allen say approximately the same thing for a question about Viagra. I consider him good company. Meanwhile, shout out to Newfoundland, the first clue off the board. I liked all the interviews today. Trebek was nice to all the women, and everyone had a fun story. Too bad Heather didn't take advantage of those DD bets. I'm sure she was reviewing hindsight after the game. FJ = Poets = Big Fail Subject For Me. I could only come up with one name so went with that because, as I've posted here, it's better to grasp at the wind and say something, anything, than nothing. The amazing part is Frost was the only name I could come up with. No, I don't feel smart. Just lucky. But sometimes luck is all ya need.
  22. No doubt confusing when the barista asks for his name to write on the venti cup. @Mindthinkr, I've found Irn Bru at Celtic games in my area. There are always vendors selling it ... and haggis, too! Or meat pasties, if you prefer one of those. If there is caber tossing where I live, there has to be some near you!
  23. I was looking forward to this. I miss this show and was glad to see my Ninja friends again. I thought the USA had a huge advantage since all of them had been on those obstacles multi times. I felt bad for the Aussie and European teams who are seeing the course for the first time. I also was WTH about two Aussies getting the WWWA treatment. What was THAT about. I was glad Drew said he finished that stage hurt because "he could" and that the show had given him a million dollars so he sort of owed it to finish. I was down on Drew during his winning season, so that made me not dislike him any more. Loved meeting Daniel Gil's father. That was an interesting segment, something I didn't know before. I was rooting for some of those Aussies and Europeans. But USA was leading through the whole thing. Then they freaking LOST on the last obstacle? That was shocking. Nothing like winning everything except one course, then losing the whole ball game. But happy for the Aussies given USA had an advantage, as stated above. I'd love to see some of the Europeans (and Aussies) again. That would be cool if they could compete during the upcoming season. The only weird thing about this show IMO is Zuri. She has these teeny little spaghetti arms and no muscle tone whatsoever. I wish they had a host who at least looked like she could do a push up or something. ETA: I thought Olivia Vivian rocked, but I also thought she was a real dumb bell taking all that extra time to showboat. No one told her the runs were being timed? Yeah, she made it through but got her *ss kicked time-wise. Not the way to be a team player IMO. Save the showboating for your regular season, I'll respect you more that way.
  24. Oh, thanks @Trey. NOW I get it. I wasn't paying much attention and heard Waushara as Waukesha and was thinking, I go to Waukesha several times a year, cool that it's part of a Jeopardy clue. NOT! Heh.
  25. What clue was that? I obviously wasn't paying close attention as I don't remember this. What does Winnebago County, Wisconsin, have to do with Wau-Pack-Uh and Wau-Share-uh? I still don't get the connection. Oshkosh is the major city in that county. I don't know of any cities in Winnebago that match those pronunciations. I'm stumped.
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