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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Why is it that, at least on tv, adoptive parents are considered liars if they don't tell the child he/she is adopted. Not telling someone something is not a lie in my world. By the same token, if I know something but don't tell you, am I a liar? I know you are getting a promotion at work but I don't tell you. Liar. I know you are getting fired at work but don't tell you. Liar again, I guess. I can't get my head around that way of thinking so I still think the adopted guy was a dick to the people who raised him.
  2. Man, that was one stupid episode that barely kept my attention. I thought it was going all Agatha Christie too, not that I cared one way or the other. The entire show was an hour I'll never get back. I did catch Red saying this: "Her husband wasn't who he appeared to be, she was in jeopardy." WTH. Didn't we learn some seasons back that Red hired Tom to marry Lizzie? Although I think that changed from season to season, until Tom killed himself to get off of this stupid-ass show. The bad guy who caught on fire ... I guess in Turkishland they don't teach kids to stop, drop and roll. All of Lizzie's FBI cronies wear suit and tie to stand around in the post office dungeon yet wear t-shirts and lumberjack flannel to a ballet recital. And yeah, what's up with Agnes being what, 10 years old now? Too bad no one invited Mr. Kaplan to the party. And Lizzie being all "We have each other" = me: barf.
  3. WEEK 29 • March 23 — TWO asterisk * 141. 1970s Sitcoms. A warning on early episodes said this show “seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices and concerns.” 142. American Poets, This New York woman died in 1887, the year after the subject of her most famous poem was unveiled. 143. Alliterative Legislation. Signed into law in March 1941, House Resolution 1776 was this act that provided aid to a foe from 1776. * 144 Western Hemisphere Geography. The Yucatan Peninsula is shared by these 3 countries. * * 145. Presidential History. He was the first President to deliver the State of the Union Address on television.
  4. I know, I know. My point was, Dex was taken to the hospital from the murder scene, her street clothes removed, and she was put into a hospital gown, then handcuffed to the bed all WHILE UNCONSCIOUS. The stupid/weird part is in all caps. Have never seen Bojack Horseman so cannot comment on Margo Martindale's part in that show. She shows up a lot in different shows through the years. She'd be my pick for Stumptown Mom. I mean, if we have to have a stupid mom plot at all since I agree with @Orbert on that story line.
  5. I guess the title of this ep refers to the horse Bill was riding as it was magically able to repel bullets from auto-rifle fire. LOL that Bill was riding bareback and supposedly clinging to the side of the horse Apache style to avoid the bullets when in reality the horse's head and neck would have absorbed that fire. But since it was Bulletproof, thank goodness. LOL that Bill found halters and lead ropes for all those horses. I actually was expecting him to come out with the horse all saddled up. So I guess we don't know what the Big Blackmail Secret on Bill was. I kinda wanted to know that. LOL at the undersheriff or whomever that bad guy is knew the location of the Quinceanera so he could drop in to talk to Bill there. Way to worm an invitation to the open bar, guy! Speaking of the Quinceanera, Bill had to reek of gunpowder, sweat and horse when he did that first dance with his daughter. LOL that no one went, "EWWwww, P-U" when they got next to him. I did really like the Quinceanera gown, so pretty, and I liked the Quinceanera itself, even though it went on kinda long. I wish they had showed the end, when everyone, including those kids, were all falling down drunk. I was confused by The Mayor being held captive. I thought it was the real mayor of LA, but I guess the barbershop guy's name is The Mayor? I was yelling at the Pawn Shop Woman to drop down behind the counter to reload that shotgun. When the killer came to lean over the counter to shoot her, she could have blown his head off. Maybe, since she had two misses with a shotgun already. Bill needs a new family that understands he doesn't clock out at 5 p.m. when he's galloping after bad guys that are shooting at him. "Oh, hey, it's 5 o'clock, time for me to go home. See you guys tomorrow. We'll take up the chase here at 9 a.m., okay?" Who was with Bishop at the party? She looked just like her ex that broke up the relationship. I guess Bishop has a type. Kudos for having the chase vehicles actually be taken out by gunfire. It's so dope when bad guys always shoot the car doors and no one ever gets hit, and chase cars always keep chasing. I guess this episode proves that a good horse is always handy to have around during a gun battle/car chase. So yeay for that.
  6. I love Larry McMurtry and have read all of his books. I missed the show today so I need to check out the archive. There are always good categories/clues for me when I miss the show.
  7. I wonder about ratings since so many people DVR and watch later. I sometimes don't watch a show until a couple weeks after it airs in real time. I've heard tv critics talking about if ratings are relevant any more, viewership is so skewed. Although I guess the old fogies running the networks are still in the stone age about that sort of thing. Anyway, I hope this show gets the go for another season.
  8. The asterisk is yours @Browncoat. I don't adhere to show time limits given I look up the FJ category on TJF in early morning and think of my answer as I scroll down to see if I am correct. I don't time it. And sometimes I stop to do something else before I see the answer. Goose and gander!
  9. saber5055

    S03.E12: Fools

    Depends on whose heart attack it is. Ha ha ha.
  10. If we are forced to have Dex's mom if this gets a second season, then I vote for Margo Martindale, reprising her kick-ass mom role from Justified. Is Sue Lynn Benny's mom? I like her character and how she's always blowing smoke about her people when it's convenient. Her side kick is also fun, and a hottie too. I like both of them, and their connection to Dex. Thinking about it, I like all of the characters on this show and the actors who play them. All except Mile's partner. She can be gone any time and I won't miss her.
  11. Same here, especially since Tookie told us it was girlfriend stuff. I did think it weird Ansel stood behind the door when he opened it, maybe he and Mom met already? Ansel smuggling Dex out via his driving was all kind of cool. Also, gotta love Tookie and his cooler and food truck.
  12. Well, my complaint that Dex doesn't get into fist-fight brawls anymore was taken care of this week. Dex rocks. The priest fist-smashing the confessional was one great scene. My last-week extreme lack of interest in the love life of Miles and his partner also was fixed this week. Hoping that's gone for good now. Miles is back in my good graces. Partner Chick can go write some parking tickets and be gone, disappeared forever from my teevee. Grey's in a hospital bed and now being blackmailed into helping track and find his father who has been missing X years? Unbelievable. Blackmailed about what? What does anyone have on Grey these days to force him to do anything he doesn't want. Grey's dad was kinda all sorts of cool though. I guess he's been running scams out of LA for a while. Gotta keep the wife in nice clothes. All that money with the same year ... I thought for sure it was counterfeit and that was the big deal. I don't get why, if Benny was targeted to be murdered, why the guys set up some IED to (maybe) injure him. How would they know he was going to drive right over it? And was Benny alone in the vehicle? Were others killed? Or did they fake out the explosion and kill Benny by hand? Long story short ... why not just shoot him and say it was an enemy sniper. Hand wave. I'm SO totally not interested in Mom. I can't think of even one story line I'd want to see with her, except the one where she leaves town again, forever. Hoping for a renewal. Just one minus Mommy Dearest. ETA: I forgot to say, Miles' dad has some wild-ass eyes. And LOL at the beginning shout out to High Anxiety and Doctor Detroit: "Fruit cup?" I also thought Dex being chained to a hospital bed after being arrested while unconscious was a bit ... well, stupid.
  13. I guess she had to be there to cuff him into his bed at night. I'm using my imagination for the rest.
  14. saber5055

    S03.E12: Fools

    LOL. Which is why I could easily get out of that window, forward and backward. I thought the husband-shooting-wife story was kind of WTHeck too. Did he feel guilty after shooting her so didn't finish her off, roll her up in the carpet and dump her body somewhere for a Dateline episode?
  15. Red Riding Hood: "Grandma, there are sure a lot of big empty wooden boxes and trunks in your house." Grandma: "All the better to store bodies in, my lovely."
  16. What, wait ... so how did Eve know her sis was put in the box/trunk? Last week she went down into Mom's basement and got into that trunk. Was "girl in the box" public knowledge or did Malcolm tell her he was having dreams about a girl in a box ... and if so, why would she think that was her sis given all the other murders Dad did. Surely there are more unsolved ones since Dad isn't coming clean about this particular one.
  17. It's a TracFone reunion! I've been getting notices that my phone won't work soon, but I've been ignoring them. It was a gigantic day-long hassle with a TracFone CSR when I got a newer phone a while back, switching everything over, and I am not quite up to going through that again. It is too much. They keep telling me to fork out the cash and buy a new one.
  18. My conclusion #1: Randall continues to be a dick. My conclusion #2: Beth rocks. My problem with this episode #1: Kate and Toby throw a big birthday party for Little Jack, people come from all over the country, then K and T take baby, walk out and leave everyone without even saying "Bye, thanks for coming and bringing presents. Lock up when you leave." Problem #2: Madison comes to the family gathering/birthday party to dump her pregnancy news on Kevin, something that should be done privately? Alrighty then. Problem #3: Everyone eats, then leaves Rebecca to do the dishes? WTH people! Question: So blind baby Jack ends up being able to see just fine in the future? Maybe a dying Kate willed him her corneas ... That could be a good episode.
  19. I wrote one TS before this episode was blown off the air ... Maybach. Thank you Lorde and your “Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece” line. Not surprised it was a TS. Some years ago I mentioned Maybach when referring to rich-people autos to a rather wealthy lawyer friend, and he was all ... huh, what? Not that I know about cars costing $8 million, but I do listen to song lyrics.
  20. Okay granted, the show was preempted here, but Andy had a Rita Hayworth poster in his Shawshank cell. Stephen King's novella is entitled "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption." Did someone get credit for Shawshank/Raquel Welch? Her famous poster was "One Million Years B.C."
  21. Just take your AVON SKIN SO SOFT. (Insert hysterical laughter.)
  22. I know. I was all "What the what" when Bright said that. Like, let's not talk about this major big huge issue -- your dead sister and my dad who killed her -- and it will just go away, disappear, and we'll live happily ever after. Like that could ever happen never.
  23. saber5055

    S03.E12: Fools

    The eyeball thing was all kind of gag inducing until I remembered I've had eye-deadening drops for different tests, including an eyeball ultrasound, I still looked away for a bit. The woman stuck in the window was all kinds of nonsense to me. I'd be able to wiggle back out of it, and I didn't see where she swelled up so gigantically that the guys had to cut the sill apart to get her out. Plus, unless she used the entire roll of TP, that was a pretty weak toilet to clog on some poop. I guess the show was going for comedy. Eh. Not funny. I was really hearting the Young Frankenstein movie date, and was shocked when it went south. But I'd be all about turning those two guys into the cops. He can take his revenge later. Are people not suppose to know he's gay? If that's a problem, toss those people out of your life. They didn't steal his credit cards and run to Best Buy to buy a bunch of big-screen teevees before ditching the wallet? Some crooks they were.
  24. Or Cheech-a-rones. Which reminds me I saw Cheech and Chong perform at a local college back when things were Smokin' and everyone had Nice Dreams. How about that FJ category of American Poets and the answer turned out to be a woman! The show writers are really going off the rails lately.
  25. Just know I am so far ahead in winning the prize for most 0 weeks, no one can catch me. No one!
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