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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. As a big fan of the space-time continuum, I got a laugh out of this.
  2. To all readers of this thread today, MAY the FOURTH be with you.
  3. I agree, the questions were easy this time. I guess I'm especially cranky these days since I was yelling for that red ball to go into the million slot and wipe that $800,000 off the board. And for the husband to tear up the contract. It did not warm my heart that they went home with $85,000. I almost hate myself. Almost.
  4. You can tell Charlene that because of her they made the clue more clear this time around. She can feel redeemed!
  5. Hokey smokes, PW. Glad you are back amongst the living and made it through your ordeal okay, and that there was a Bosco and Stella reunion. Jeopardy might be a fun watch with a Bad Bunny/Fonsi soundtrack, although I admit the clues might be more difficult to decipher. Keep us updated on your progress. The oxygen thing makes me worried ...
  6. But I was on that episode and I won! Actually, since the audience isn't suppose to speak, I don't think it will be missed. They can play some canned applause and I'd be good. At least I was for all the games I won ... in your dream!
  7. That was a blast from the past. I photographed a Ray Charles concert some years ago (before he died, heh) for a magazine I worked for. I sat on the stage steps, just a few feet from him. (He was the first musician I shot who didn't make me nervous as he didn't know I was there.) He was grouchy as show started late, and he kept checking his braille watch, which no one could see but me. But he gave a great performance. Back OT, I wondered how many newer viewers knew what Tomorrow with Tom Snyder was so they could appreciate Aykroyd's dead-on impression. And if they had ever heard of Mr. Mike, another regular of that era. Last night's episode was a trip in the Wayback Machine for sure.
  8. Looking forward to two weeks of your brainless posts.
  9. LOL that those posters were still in mint condition after being stuck on the Ressler boys' wall for 25 years. It would have been funnier if the modern posters were for CardiB, Justin Beiber and Lil Wayne. And Kid Robby makes his bed; Adult Robby doesn't.
  10. So much THIS. That required waving two hands at once. I don't even want to think about this episode, it was the worst. Except to say, how many bottles of Clorox are needed to dig up bones, and Mom doesn't have any shovels in the garage. And the night watchman they hid from never noticed their flashlights or heard their shovels or them talking. And Donnie (and Lizzie) didn't get a Blacklist number, even though those seem to be pretty easy to come by lately. * Triple Hand Wave *
  11. But isn't a biscuit a cookie in Brit speak? I mean, isn't a cookie a biscuit in Brit speak?
  12. I agree. And got a firm foundation and substantial set of the right kind of values from it. You were/are lucky, whether you realize it or not. Respect. Meanwhile, I am jealous of those cherry trees, they make my favorite pie ever. I could weigh a ton of those "over the rainbow"!
  13. I'm letting all contest players take a two-week well-earned vacation. (You are welcome.) When we reconvene, we'll take up where we left off, so we will be in Week 35. It would be kinda funny to keep FJ scores through the reruns. I'm guessing I still wouldn't have a perfect week.
  14. It took a minute but I actually got that one. Yeay me!
  15. If there was a VOMIT emoji, I would have awarded it to your post. Just that thought squees me out. This episode was such a waste of time, I don't even have much to comment about that hasn't been said above by posters better than I. All I could think of though, was that those were the bones in the suitcase everyone was fighting about a season or two ago. I mean, that would require time travel but this show isn't above that. I was confused as to whether Donnie flew back to DC to talk to Liz or she flew to Detroit (because she wasn't doing anything anyway and Agnes is now old enough to be left alone and Cooper says she can come/go as she pleases) because phones don't work. But in the big scheme of things, meaning this show sucks, it doesn't matter. Do 25-year-old bones give off a big stink when they are dug up? Yeah, I didn't think so, even if show writers do.
  16. Sounds like you grew up making the real deal and, I suspect, got that TS!
  17. Thank you @Minaboo, Happy May to you as well! For once I remembered it was the start of a new month so all the dogs got their heartworm meds on the correct day for once.
  18. Yes. Well, either this season or last. But I remember it. I didn't have a clue about that description since, having been raised poor, our strawberry shortcake was those yellow Twinkie-type sponge cakes (that come four to a package) with strawberries and Cool Whip on top. Now I don't know what to call that.
  19. Got you this time @suebee12. You cannot escape the clutches of The Contest! p.s. Thank you!
  20. I knew I posted! And you gave me a big heart,,,,,Maybe because it was at the end of the post???? Not to be picky, but your post from April 19 would be for Week 32, score of 2/5. Week 31 was 5/5. Got those. I'm missing Week 33, April 20-24. I went back and didn't see it. This week is Week 34, score of 4/5 recorded. So I still need Week 33. Help!
  21. I know, right? @suebee12, I'm missing your score from last week. Help!
  22. How about: "Of the member states at un.org, it's the only nation with a Spanish-language article in its name."
  23. I got poison and Norman Lear. And a complaint about "bundt pan" being accepted as the answer for "this cake." WTH show. But I guess if Charlie Bird Man Parker is okay, then Bundt Pan Cake is alrighty too. Geesh. On the bright side, while I seldom notice clothes, I did very much like Mr. Trebek's tie today.
  24. WEEK 34 • April 27 — ONE asterisk * * 166. Civil War People. Before they were photographed together in 1862, Lincoln wryly noted this general “should have no problem” sitting still for it. * 167. 1950s Films. The last line of this epic film was “Go—proclaim liberty throughout all the lands unto all the inhabitants thereof.” 168. 19th Century Novels. Its first line ends, “The period was so far like the present period…for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.” 169. Advertising. Copywriter Keith Goldberg wrote this question in 1999 for a financial services company; they’re still using it. 170. Nations of the World. On the English-language list of member states of un.org, it’s the only nation with a Spanish-language article in its name. Next week will be an Official Contest Vacation so I hope everyone scored well this week. SCORE!
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