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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I didn't know why she took it off the stand since he had a guitar, or why they didn't share the one mic. But what do I know about ... love.
  2. Ari after Bri and Chris sang: "Bri, I felt like you had farts coming out of your eyes." Ha ha. ETA: Suzysite beat me to the SEND button.
  3. Oh, Matt. You should have said, "I'm so happy you opened up to me. You are so wonderful, and I can't wait to see where this goes." Then pull out a page from The Bachelor Handbook and kiss her. Long enough that she will quit talking.
  4. Hal-loooooooo! It's echo-y in here. HA ha. I'd love to travel via motorcoach from LA to Vegas. With someone else driving. Rudi and Matt got a Fantasy Suite. And with no note or key from Harrison! Wonders will never cease. I've seen that bottle farm on a roadside attractions website. I'm not interested in declarations of love between people who have known each other for what, one week?
  5. Exactly. Which is why this show is so whack, nothing makes sense. Even the side stories don't make sense. Like Park getting busted down and forced to work in the crap area of NYC/DC when she really wants to be in the prime crime spot of Fairbanks. WTH.
  6. Happy Mother's Day to the readers and posters here who are moms. I hope you are having a nice day. And those of us who have moms, I hope they are being appreciated today as well.
  7. Could it be that the Dream segment was just the cast saying goodbye to the season as this was the last new show, not that everyone was saying goodbye to SNL forever because they won't be back? I liked that segment, and laughed hard when the camera pulled back to show Mikey (was it Mikey?) alone on a Carnival cruise ship. Nightmare! It was clever, funny and sad all at once. ETA: It was Beck on the Carnival ship, not Mikey. Thank you @Pete Martell and @ItCouldBeWorse.
  8. She has a ton of her work out videos posted, she's "working out" in skimpy clothing during quarantine. TMZ shows the vids on occasion, and if you google, you will find pages of them. That, plus the "burning down her gym" thing. Chloe's impersonation is spot on. Spears makes $500,000 per show in Vegas; that's one million for two shows. SNL is just giving her more publicity. If she objects, she can take down all her videos, stop touring/performing and stay home with her kids. (Not going to happen.)
  9. Is it wrong that i laughed really hard at "Bat on a Stick"?
  10. Boyz II Men ... Excuse me while I step out to get some Kleenex.
  11. "Crystal, don't make me key your car again."
  12. He must have gotten a bunch from that gun seller he killed a couple weeks ago.
  13. Wow, thanks for that info about Roker. That reminded me that Spader got Leslie Jones a stint on the show three or four years ago.
  14. I saw Roker's name in the opening credits, but had forgotten about it until he showed up. Yeah, that was a real WTH moment. Next episode maybe we'll get Matt Lauer. I understand he's looking for work.
  15. Welcome back @Sharpie66. Got you all caught up. Yeay!
  16. I thought it was going to cost him Red shooting him between the eyes. So much this to everything everyone has posted above. My biggest question is, what was Katarina trying to find out anyway? Everyone thinks she's dead so what's her big deal? Plus is she really Katarina or that other name that, when the thug told Red who hired him, Red said "She's dead"? An ever bigger question is, who the hell cares. I don't. During the episode all I could think was, why am I watching this crap. Maybe because it's better than the Andy Griffith reruns I've seen a zillion times, but then again, maybe not. I'm starting to think anything is better than this dreck. And WTH was Al Roker doing on this show? Is he even on Today any more? Are we suppose to believe this "beloved" tv weatherman is besties with the world's most wanted criminal? That whole scene was a bunch of WTH. Although I do dig his blue glasses. Does he wear those on Today? The warden's scam of putting prisoners in isolation, then using them to commit crimes was pretty clever. But I guess not that clever if our "heroes" figured it out in 20 minutes. So the bad guy was holding the Imam in front of him as a shield, and Red had guys with rifles and scopes and lasers with him, yet Red can just lift his pistol and fire off from the hip and shoot the bad guy dead center in the forehead. Yeah, not believing that one bit. Then he shoots the warden in the chest? That made no sense at all. I mean yeah he shot the guy, but why in the chest when he had his pistol pointed at the guy's head. I don't give a care about Katarina and just want that story and that crappy actress to be gone. So of course she will be around all this season and next. I'm not sure how much longer I can last. It seems even Spader is ready to die, die, ditch this show if he's putting Lizzie in his will. Dembe, Glenn and Fisher Stevens will be PO'd that they are getting nothing for all the crap Red's put them through. Heck, I'm PO'd with the crap this show is putting me through. Red owes all of us viewers some inheritance too. My condolences to your brain. Even they bailed on this shit show. And they were on the payroll.
  17. Welcome home, PW, and back to the living. Are you off the oxygen yet? If I were staying with someone with weird politics, I might have to go on oxygen.* Nothing personal against your brother! *Or whatever Dennis Hopper was breathing in Blue Velvet.
  18. Thank you @suebee12 for warming up the crowd as the opening act for this week's Jokey Jokey Thursday. Let's start with some quarantine jokes because, you know, it's so hilarious. And speaking of, do you know what kind of jokes are recommended by the CDC during quarantine? Inside jokes. My house got TP’d last night. It was worth $50,000, but now it's appraised at $875,000. Not to say I've gained some weight during quarantine, but I found my old hula hoop in the garage and it fits now. And on a related note: A little girl asks her father, “Daddy, do all fairy tales begin with ‘Once upon a time?’” He replied, “No, there’s a whole series of fairy tales that begin with ‘If I’m elected, I promise ...’” A lady called her husband at work, and says, “Hey, do you ever get a shooting pain across your body like someone has a voodoo doll and they keep stabbing it and stabbing it?” Husband says, “No, why.” And she pauses and then goes, “Okay, how about now?” Father Thomas sees a little boy reaching up to ring the doorbell, so he kindly picks the child up so the kid can ring it. Then he sets him back down and says, “What now my son.” And the kid says, “Well now father, we run like hell.” Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went camping. They pitched a tent one night and went to sleep. Middle of the night, Holmes wakes up and says, “ Hey Watson, look up and tell me what you see.” Watson says, “I see a million stars.” Holmes says, “And what do you deduce from that?” Watson says, “Well some of the stars must have planets and at least on one of those planets ... “ Holmes cuts him off and says, “No, Watson, someone stole our tent.” And finally ... I thought I’d tell you a time travel joke, but you didn’t like it. Don't worry folks. I got a million of 'em. (Hears this thread page being shut down all over the world.) Oh, and speaking of the world, there's this factoid: As an American, I get tired of people saying America is the dumbest country. That’s ridiculous and unfair. Personally, I think Europe is the dumbest country.
  19. Just goes to show ya, no good deed goes unpunished.
  20. I got the impression that grown-up Robbie was still living at home in that bedroom. Which makes the posters even more hilarious.
  21. I nominate Browncoat for the consistency prize! I second that nomination! I said Halley, no too old, then Hale, like in Hale-Bopp, then wondered if Hubble was a person. Then I thought, even though I watched the GOAT tournament, "There's some guy's ashes on the moon?" I maybe could have remembered the answer if I associated Shoemaker with anything besides race horses.
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