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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. No kidding. Too bad TITAN is in the name of the show, and people are competing to become a TITAN. I was pumped to see Noah continue to rule as Tie-an. He's become the best part of this show for me. While the Cirque guy is handsome and looked good in his pretty blue skin suit, I was glad the single-dad-son's air time was minimal this week, and glad that camera-hog child is now gone. I know, I know, it's the show's decision to make the kid his hook, like there are no other single dads out there. But I tune in to see the tie-ans compete, not little kids jumping around and shouting. What was up with everyone climbing up the bottom of the golden log. Last time climbers were successful shimmying up the top. Maybe everything was more slippery this week. Jessie really killed it on her climb, she had that particular skill set down pat. I pay attention to how men vs. women are made to dress on athletic shows. I wonder why some women wear halter tops while others wear full-length tops. Yeah, the women's pants are pretty "thin" across the ass. It appears their material is thinner than what the men's suits are made of. At least the women are not forced to wear little tiny thong pants, so there's that. I thought Jessie did better this round, and I was rooting for her. Because she rocks. I didn't care if Dead Sister or Firefighter won in the end, although I'd be good not having to hear about Dead Sister for the zillionth time. But get ready because next time she competes, we'll hear all about it AGAIN.
  2. I remember you had met and knew Anneke. I was hoping your episode would have been replayed.
  3. I missed the cheer squad the first time around, but caught them on the rerun last night. I very much enjoyed them, slo-mo and all, which is always irksome. As I look around this room, I've come to the conclusion that I am the only one who enjoys this show and doesn't mind that acts and judges are from around the world. Once they land in the United States, America does indeed Got that Talent. At least for the few weeks while the shows tape/air.
  4. Didn't air in the Midwest either, due to the same long-running NASCAR show which is obviously more important than anything else on earth.
  5. My money is on Patterson being only partly dead.
  6. So much THIS. I was yelling for Tasha to kick Madeline in the head while M was on the ground. That would have knocked her out (I'm saying) so THEN Tasha could strangle her w/o Madeline making all that noise so her henchmen heard and were able to save her. That was a real WTH moment. Like because it's a lab everyone who works there is a trained computer tech / coroner?
  7. My guess is Yo was scouted and hired by AGT to appear, or got hired for the show via his agent. He has a "sob" story to get viewers on his side and create sympathy for him, doesn't mean it's true. This show does not count on the American public actually knowing any of these people or doing any research into the fact they have successful careers already. This is all about the (facade) of AGT discovering talent and MAKING THEM A STAR! (I should TM that last part.) That's why it's fun to read here, to discover the "real" stories. AGT is another reality show that is pretty much everything but real. Still, it's a fun way to spend some time.
  8. I am, quite literally, laughing out loud, so hard that it took forever for my mouse to hold still so I could LOL your post. (Insert more hysterical laughter here.) I don't have a clue what that says about my personality. (And don't want to know, either.) Happy James-Breaks-The-One-Day-Total Day everyone!
  9. Because I love you -- in the strictly platonic sense -- I am awarding the gift of today's game, July 1, 2020, to @lb60. Enjoy, my friend!
  10. Oh, ugh. Thanks -- not -- for the depressing news. Hey, if ya gotta go out with someone, that's one of the better choices.
  11. So I guess it's the Celebrity Family Feud audience that's to blame. Thanks a lot you dumbasses.
  12. LOL! Awkward does describe Derek. He tries so hard to be "cool." If he'd just settle down, it wouldn't be so obvious.
  13. Yeah, I know Jefferson Y Adrianita probably was more fun than Luca & Allesandra and had more TRICKS, that magic word (TM JLo), but Adrianita irks me, she has a resting AND active bitch face and seems to be someone I would NOT want to know IRL. I was hoping for Luca & Allesandra to win that duel, but then again, no TRICKS spells doom on this show. How anyone could vote for The Rise over UPeepz staggers me. UPeepz had a complete theme going with their music, plus gave The Rise a plane ticket home, complete with their luggage ready to go. And like JLo, I kept wondering what that was on the floor behind The Rise; turns out it was the guy's shoes. Eh. Hope tWitch doesn't pick them for redemption. Kurtis Sprung ... my new tv boyfriend. Feel free to leave a close up of his face on screen for the entire show, show. He's my wish to win this entire show. Then he can dump that girlfriend and I'll take her place. Yeah, now THAT'S the ticket ...
  14. I've never heard of the Chrisley's and don't know who they are, nor do I want to. I couldn't tell them apart from the "civilians' playing. While I enjoy this show, this was my least favorite episode ever. Has Jane worn out the welcome for players we've actually heard of? Still, LOL at the lopsided scores. No kidding, show. Take a hint!
  15. Wow, no audience is the best improvement this show has ever had. Keep it that way show. Real auditions are not done before huge 6,000-people audiences anyway. I really REALLY liked this improvement. Although now I feel badly for those two old matching-clothes ladies not getting any air time (or paycheck) this week. Ha ha. No I don't. Keep the no audience forever show. Not that you'll listen to me. The little boy has never watched this show because he wants to put a spotlight on people with disabilities to prove they can do things too. This is the 15th season and the sixth audition session this year and you haven't noticed that's the them of 99 percent of all the acts? Gah. Get with the program, kid. "What's your talent little boy?" Boy: "I'm playing the piano." Simon: "What are you going to sing for us?" Me: "Duh Simon. Read your note card." I thought the kid was good on the piano and a good drummer. He could make it in a rock band somewhere with all that drum-stick twirling. I didn't think the Singing "Magicians" deserved Xs. Just let them finish their act and then tell them no. Simon to little girl singer: "What's the name of your song?" Girl: "One Way Ticket to Tennessee." Simon: "What's it about?" Me: "A one-way ticket to Tennessee, dumbass. Geesh" I would rather have seen the entire act of that cartoon magician guy than another singer. Sigh. That was not to be. Comedy lady ... sorry, but your set was too long and boring, plus I kept staring at your boobs. I mean, THERE THEY WERE. I couldn't help it. I was waiting for them to fall out when you got down on the floor. Plus I was surprised the show let her set get aired, except she's Black so I guess making fun of Black vs. white was okay. Eric had to leave with just a couple acts left to go? What? He gets paid by the hour and the show's budget tapped out just then? So weird ... Well, 'bye then. I HATED the unicycle guy, hated him. Plus what was up with Simon finally admitting for the first time ever that he knew an act? I would have given this guy four Xs all by myself if I had been at the judge table. The poetry slam guy rocked it. ROCKED IT. He was my GB, then Howie made him his GB. His act would have been perfect if Simon hadn't asked about his sister (he never asks other adult acts about siblings) so as to screw the guy's lead in. Simon is such a dickwad. Anyway, I do love me some slam, and this guy was top notch. Well done guy. Good way to end the show. Looking forward to more no audience next week. Will Sofia bring another Modern Family friend to guest judge? Tune in next Tuesday night and find out!
  16. I thought it was up to the contestant as to which and how many weights to remove before trying to tip the wall. Technically, one doesn't have to remove any of the weights if he/she think the wall can be tipped with all weights on. I was rooting for Robbie Rhino after laughing out loud at his "Booty Shorts Thursday" at his gym. I would be all about heading to the gym that day. It's always bugged me (use a stronger word here than "bugged") that, for example in beach volleyball, the women wear tiny thongs lodged up their ass while the men wear big baggy shorts down to their knees. SO irritating. I'm for equality, guys. Anyway, the booty shorts workout did make me laugh, which was most welcome last night. Then the show turned into the Seven-Year-Old Boy Show with the Cirque guy's son becoming the focus of that guy's run, and DJ spending more time promoting the kid than running his show. Maybe the fact I don't care all that much for little kids has something to do with my irritation. So it was irksome that this dude beat Booty Shorts. That means we get to see more of the kid instead of more booty. Eh. I liked the climber woman since I'm a huge mountaineering fan plus living in a truck is a lifestyle I'm comfortable with. Glad to see her win at least one skill, so there's that. And we only had to hear about Dead Sister once during this episode. I got distracted so don't know if my Captain won against Seven-Year-Old Boy. Captain was the best reason to keep watching this show IMO.
  17. Yes! And consider that I believe it improved his looks 100 percent. He should keep it. Although if he actually ever SHAVED, that would disguise him more than some Blacklist-borrowed wig.
  18. One that contains 20 of the "same" number maybe?
  19. @Fex, I deleted my LIKE to your post twice so I could LIKE it three times. Thank you. You've brightened my day. Or night, depending on where you are.
  20. Finally, here are the scores for correct FJ answers in the Season 36 contest: PBnJay - 162 Biakbiak - 159 Driad - 144 Fex - 122 Suebee12 - 121 Good Queen Jane - 117 Browncoat - 116 j5cochran - 116 M. Darcy - 108 Zoey1996 - 107 Helpmerhonda - 104 Clanstarling - 98 Illdoc - 98 LB60 - 89 GrannySmith - 88 Peeayebee - 86 Trey - 86 Minaboo - 84 DXD526 - 83 Opus - 68 Here are the final rankings for most asterisks in the Season 36 FJ contest. Note that not everyone played The Asterisk Game. PBnJay - 24 Biakbiak - 20 Driad - 20 Fex - 16 Good Queen Jane - 15 j5cochran - 13 Zoey1996 - 12 Suebee12 - 11 Browncoat - 11 Illdoc - 11 GrannySmith - 11 Peeayebee - 10 Minaboo - 10 Clanstarling - 9 M. Darcy - 8 Helpmerhonda - 8 DXD526 - 7 LB60 - 5 Instead of there being "winners" and "losers" (because IMO there are no losers here) and to give everyone an equal chance to be rewarded for committing to playing this game for 38 weeks, I blind-drew five numbers from my Magic Cottage Cheese Tub. The numbers coincide to names on the score sheet; those five people will be sent a prize, awarded in reverse alphabetical order. Prize winners are @peeayebee, @PBnJay, @Minaboo, @M. Darcy and @illdoc. I will PM the winners in that order so each may choose a prize from this list. That might take me a while, but know I will do that and yes, your very-real prizes are here and will be mailed to you. Yeay all youse guys! I always feel badly after winners are chosen because I want everyone to be able to get a real prize for playing this season, and some of my fav players (you know who you are!) were left in that cottage-cheese tub. Waiting for Season 37 maybe? p.s. Notice Saber's scores are not in either column. Thank goodness I am not a competitor or yes, @lb60, that Booby Prize would indeed be mine. Twice!
  21. LOL! It caught my attention because I live an hour north of Peoria. The old saying to see if an act was any good on Vaudeville was, "Yes, but will it play in Peoria?"
  22. The archery guy stumped me since I remember using 25-lb. bows in high school gym class so thought he was bogus when he said his was 65-lb. (I think). But I guess a competition bow would be that weight, so fool me. If I had been more with it about bow weight, I might have chosen him. Didn't the fake taxidermy guy say he got his award in Peoria, Illinois? I looked it up and indeed, the big taxidermy show was there a few years ago. So he lied and told the truth all at once!
  23. Tuesday's rerun reminded me that Josh is my favorite Jeopardy player of all time, ever. (Forever and a day, even.)
  24. I seldom watch this show because of Mama Doris, I can't tolerate her, and because of her I no longer care for Anthony Anderson. Is it in his contract somehow that if he's on, she has to be as well? If so, I'd be good with a new host. End of that story. Then last night I tune in for the first time in weeks and am greeted with Anthony making boob jokes about his mother. JUST SAY NO, SHOW. But hey, let's see the Doris Award AGAIN instead of the guests or the celebrities. You know, the statuette that emphasizes Mama's big SAGGING boobs. Oh, so funny, stop me, I can't help laughing. NOT. If all the Mama crap was cut out, the celebrities would actually have time to ask more than three questions total of the panelists. You know, the part of the show I tune in to see. *sigh*
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