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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I spotted one very handsome guy in the beginning, but he's not on the date. No idea who he is. The last guy to speak "his heart" on this date is going to be out of BS to spout, it's already been said multiple times. Dale: He "couldn't be more excited to be there" he says in a deadpan voice and with expressionless eyes. Yikes.
  2. Same here. I was all in for Clare, an adult. I don't know Tayesha, I skipped that season for the first time ever, so don't care about her at all. Although she is 30 so maybe she's old enough to not, like, you know, like talk like a, like, you know, a tween, you know like. I might give her a chance but my thinking is, once Clare is out, so am I. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy the snark here as long as I can. You guys rock.
  3. Exactly this. Leslie could be doing informative VOs instead of just saying "That's right girl, go for the expensive honey." She could have said, "Girl better not take more than five of that honey." I watch ANW and the hosts talk about "Don't let your foot touch the water!" and other comments so viewers know how obstacles are scored. Leslie jabbers constantly while contestants are shopping, and that's fine. BUT! She could be filling viewers in on what exactly shopprs are suppose to be doing/taking/not taking. I thought the slow barrista and flower person were stupid. One team can be favored over another during those stalls. This version is just a ... well, mess. Maybe Leslie, who I assume is running the show, thinks everyone is a big fan of the original. She forgets many viewers never saw it or even have never heard of it. Or maybe she doesn't care.
  4. It would make sense if, before a team is sent to "shop," Leslie said, "Remember, no more than five of the same item, and you can't leave the cart" so viewers know what's going on and why shoppers don't just stick their arm in a shelf and "sweep" everything into their cart. As for the catching on after watching a few episodes, if viewers don't know there even ARE rules, good luck with anyone watching more than one or two episodes. Viewers shouldn't have to come online to learn how a tv game show is played. I can't see continuing to watch when I don't know what I'm watching. Yeah, it was kinda like an SNL skit. Maybe exactly like an SNL skit.
  5. In Arkansas. I spent every summer on my aunt and uncle's farm in the Ouachita Mountains where they raised Hereford cattle. The dung beetles would make a perfectly round ball of cow poo, about the size of a shooter marble, and roll it (using their back legs) to wherever their burrow/hole/nest was. We would sit and watch them roll the ball, and follow along to see where they were going. One summer there was a migration of tarantulas, a mass of hundreds of brown hairy legged critters moving down their isolated country lane. We left them alone. I also had my first experience with a dead/not-dead possum in their woods. And I got lots of snake experience there, poisonous and non. Terrapins were also common. The dogs liked to retrieve them (they were pointers/retrievers after all) and bring them to us.
  6. Saturday morning cartoons were the best, and yes, that's how I knew "Open sesame." Bugs et. al. also introduced us kids to opera and some of the great classics of literature. Today's kids just don't "get it."
  7. The show is fooling people into thinking this. Notice it is always said a player is ORIGINALLY from somewhere else. "Nancy Bosecker is a software engineer ORIGINALLY from Peoria, Illinois." Translation: She lives in California now, as do all the contestants ORIGINALLY from another state. Truth is, Nancy lives in San Diego.
  8. So did I! Good thing I remembered the seed part. Thanks for reminding me I have that DVD set and I haven't watched it yet. It's time now!
  9. No doody on @Driad's floor! I imagine your Scarab rolling little balls of it across the floor and depositing them in its burrow. (Yes, I've watched dung beetles work IRL!)
  10. The "trendy shoe" clue came up and I thought, GREAT, now I have to read all those posts about people and their freaking high-fallutin' expensive shoes and I'm sitting here wearing a pair of old Crocs, the shoes everyone makes fun of and only stupid losers wear. So yeah, color me surprised when Crocs was the (TS) answer. They are trendy NOW, what with the KFC Chicken Wing Crocs and the Post Malone, Bad Bunny and Bieber Crocs. But this episode couldn't have been filmed before then. (Well, maybe.) To set the record straight, Crocs have been my shoe of choice for more than 20 years, so I've held strong through all the name calling and shaming for wearing them. I even have a "good" camo pair for trips to the big city. Tip: You can repair holes worn through the bottom of Crocs with a bicycle-tire-patch kit. Got a laugh out of "First Lady Truman" being a correct response right after the detailed "Mary Todd Lincoln." I got FJ so will have at least one for this week, after my Goose Egg last week. Yeay me.
  11. I came here to say the same thing. I've never cared for her, but when she started out pretty smart, I was thinking hey, girl's got some brains going for her, I need to rethink my opinion. Then she was all WTH is a woodchuck, some imaginary animal? And I was back to oh, snap, get her off my teevee, what a loser. I never watched The Sopranos but saw that last scene several times on different pop-culture shows. I didn't notice they were eating anything, but like she said, shrimp was too high-class for that diner. Onion rings were what people would order there IMO. Chicken fingers would be next choice, but even those are a bit fancy for a mob diner. And nachos? No way. Too crunchy and loud for the sound guy. Plus messy with all that cheese gooping off the chips. No respectable mob boss would eat nachos, at least not in public. Was glad when she was gone, although I'd really like to own that wig. It was nice. The "regular" guy who came on next shows promise. He was smart so far, and I like how he thanked Jimmy for making him feel relaxed. Well done, fellow. I hope you go far.
  12. Never saw the original so have nothing to compare this with. I thought Leslie was great, but I've always been a fan so she could do no wrong here IMO. Not sure if I "got it" when shoppers were trying to get the most value. Was waiting for the coffee or roses worth more than scooping 10 $20 hams into your basket? And why not push/stuff those inflatables into the underneath rack on the cart instead of trying to carry them while shopping. I guess I'll have to pay more attention next time. I wasn't a huge fan but since nothing else is on ... it's a brainless distraction.
  13. PW, I am giving you a 3 for this week based on your honesty and ability to sleep for long distances of time. I have three contestants vying for Week 5 Winner. But the title goes to @bybrandy for consistency in scoring, achieving the same total for the last four weeks in a row. Congratulations on being non-wavering in your commitment to FJ knowledge. The players in close contention for Winner were @Driad, the only one to score all three asterisks this week. Nicely done, my friend. And ... @saber5055, the only player to score a big fat goose-egg ZERO this week. That's right, folks. Yours truly wins the Dumbass Of The Week award. You're welcome.
  14. Stay tuned for next Sunday. Dung beetle will make a return, just for you!
  15. The Sunday Funnies, Volume 4 You know why they call them hemorrhoids don’t you? Because asteroids was already taken. I was in Egypt and saw a couple of mummies kissing. I said “Hey, get a tomb.” Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects with your mind. Everyone who believes in this power, raise my hand. Penguin walks into a bar and asks the bartender, “Has my father been here today?" Bartender says, “I don’t know, what’s he look like?’ Dung beetle walks into a bar and says “Is this stool taken?” Belly button’s playing poker in Las Vegas. What does the dealer ask him? “Are you innie or outie?” The belly button’s favorite car is the Innie Cooper. The belly button’s other favorite car is the Outtie. (You might have to say that out loud.) Three doctors were marooned on a desert island but were never found. They wrote HELP and SOS in the sand, but the search planes never stopped to rescue them, they couldn’t read their handwriting. I dropped a big tub of Country Crock on my foot, and it still hurts three days later. I can’t believe it’s not better. Why can’t dinosaurs clap their hands? Because they’re dead. The clerk at a clothing store said to the psychic, “Try this shirt on.” The psychic said “But it’s too small.” The clerk says “But you didn’t even try it on.” and the psychic says, “Trust me, I’m a medium.” I just got thrown out of my local park for arranging the squirrels by height. They didn’t like my critter sizing. Where do you take someone injured in a peek-a-boo incident? To the I C U.
  16. No kidding. When I saw the cold open was going to feature yet another Fire Marshall Biden, I left the room and didn't watch it. After reading comments here, I did watch the video clip today and discovered I didn't miss anything by skipping it live, and am sorry I wasted 10 minutes viewing the clip. This show really needs to watch the real Biden to know how off base Carrey is. He's not even close to an impersonation. If he continues as Biden, I will continue to not watch when he is on. I didn't know Issa, but liked her in everything she was in. I liked the date sketch (except for that questionable gross term that they kept repeating) and the 5-Hour Empathy, Ady's bit, the dance off in the hall ... pretty much all of the show kept my attention, but the only thing that made me burst out with a LOL was WU, Che's "We have a type." And I always like the Trump boys showing up. Cocaine girlfriend went on a bit long though. I LOVED Bowen in the Bonjour Hi sketch. He is my favorite and hope to see more of him. I discovered I like Bieber's "Oh God" song better on the radio while not watching him. And I find it difficult to relate to someone depressed and feeling sorry for themselves because they are famous and wealthy. Maybe if I could try it, just once, I could feel sympathy. But since I cannot, I found his second song way self indulgent. Nice to see Chance, even if for just a wee bit.
  17. I have no idea how to score this! Check TheJeopardyFan.com for clues and answers to find your ?/5 score. For the socks math problem, my answer is two. It's like the guy who has on two different shoes, and when asked about it says he has another pair just like it at home. That drawer is full of 10 matching pairs of socks.
  18. I can see where that could be a problem.
  19. LOL! All comments are welcome, from players and peanut gallery. Yes, you are correct about the asterisk. Me, I just record what players post. But @Grundoon59's total now includes two, two, TWO asterisks, not one! Thank you!
  20. I thought I would never say this ever, but I really like Bieber's new song (with Chance the Rapper). Was wondering if Chance would make an appearance. I wish he was hosting again.
  21. You are 4/5 with 1*. Oz has spoken.
  22. WEEK 5 • Oct. 12, 2020 — THREE asterisk * * 21. World License Plates. Around 2010 the state license plate for Michoacan, Mexico featured these insects. * 22. Literary Pronouns. Thanks to a horror film, this novel returned to the bestseller lists in 2017, some 30 years after reaching No. 1. 23. Movie Appearances. Not an actor, this man who died in 2018 appeared briefly in some 40 mainly action films with a combined $30 billion worldwide gross. * 24. Psychological Terms. Physician “Cannonball Mike” Friedman defined this behavioral type & admitted the term applied to himself. * * 25. 20th Century American Music. The composer of this 1944 ballet said it “concerned a pioneer celebration …around a newly built farmhouse in the …hills.”
  23. The same thing happened to me. I was thinking "But he's right!" when AT ruled him wrong. When AT gave the answer, I remembered the category. Duh moment for me at home with no lights, cameras or other people judging me (except you guys) so his error is totally forgivable in my book. My guess is no one else buzzed in because they were thinking "What's the deal, he's correct" too. And I'm a Trek fan, I watch at least one version every day (it's on for four hours every evening), and have had consecutive crushes on Spock, Worf, Picard, and most recently, Odo. I guess there was no time after FJ for AT to comment on Aaron being a contestant and part of the FJ answer, and Ballett being a contestant and part of the FJ answer since he used his extra minutes at the beginning to mention the dueling AA names.
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