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Everything posted by Darknight

  1. What about the lion king or Matilda? Sad that Jill is 23 and has the mind of a 10yo. Michelle and JB would never take any of their kids to a Broadway show. Too expensive for a family of 21 and ungodly Also her siblings come to her. Jill needs to move three hours away and get away from her parents
  2. Sarah Maxwell moody books somewhat relates to her life. The Maxwells are crazy people
  3. Ben will move in with the Duggars. Jessa will stay in her room and Ben with the boys
  4. Why did Jill have volunteers at her wedding?
  5. My gosh what a coincidence? Just like his currently girlfriend. Gosh it's a train wreck. The only ones I feel bad for are the kids. Jace kaiser and Nathan's daughter I wonder if Nathan showed his daughter her new brother?
  6. I think Cathy is trying to use her words more carefully since the Duggars are serious about this courtship stuff
  7. I hope not. I hope Barb means it when she says no more kids for her to raise. And I hope she uses tough love on Jenelle. Where's the mother
  8. The only book they know is how to meet prince charming. I'm surprised they don't read literature. I would like to know what reading level each kid is on for their age, along with their math level.
  9. JUST to show how better they are than regular people.
  10. How much was Josh making at the car lot? And what happened to it now. I remember they also use to post on social media to come to the lot to get a car. I would think she would enjoy going from sharing a room with 9 sisters all different ages, taking care of them and a household, and being alone getting to do whatever she wants when she wants. Must be some adjustment.
  11. According to Gothard and a bunch of others, pants draw attention to a woman's crotch and curves. It might lead men to lust after her and have impure thoughts. Because you know men are animals that can't control themselves. Why do they have guns? Do they hunt? Wanna protect themselves? Just leave it in God's hands. What I Dont Understand about fundies is how they don't even read the bible. The Bible isn't against birth control or education. It doesn't say women are to be treated as slaves. It doesn't say wear skirts or having a bunch of babies. God gave you a brain and free will. So stop blaming your actions on her.
  12. But if Derrick's job doesn't want the publicity? And isn't Jill suppose to follow her headship? She's suppose to agree with whatever he says and make him happy. That's what she's trained from birth to do. I don't understand how she can be bored all day. With a baby coming and probably a few more to come I bet she would be wishing to have some peace to herself.
  13. Choosing a man over your child is disgusting. I'm glad Anna lived with her grandmother. And I wished she wouldn't have filmed the show just for ratings. Sugar bear should take custody of Alana, if he's fit. Are tlc this is what happens when you give idiots a tv show
  14. 9 kids are adults. 10 are underage starting with Joy whose turning 17 in a few days. The rest can help out and take responsibility for themselves. I hate when they use this excuse for everything. Especially when they're late. O it was hard. We have to pack for so many people. And get everyone loaded. Having 19 kids is so difficult. So why have 19kids??
  15. They also held hands, dated, all without chaperones. According to them kiss is sex and can stir up desires. Seems to me they teach their kids no self control. Jill saying I love you to a man she hardly knows. Getting engaged, dating married all in a few months just looks like these kids can't control themselves
  16. Maybe she should get the mommy makeover. Again those dressed are horrible. Derrick seems smart, but I think money might speak louder to him than his job. If he can earn what he's earning now in a single episode or by doing interviews then the show might become more important to him. I hope not. What a waste of doing all this if he does quit. He will never leave J Bob
  17. I so agree. They down the word love around like it water. Just like people who marry after two months of knowing each other. How can you tell love vs crush feelings if you hardly know the guy. It seems to me these kids don't know what marriage really is. Couples fight disagree on things,have to plan stuff, etc. A couples needs to accept each others flaws. how do they know what each others flaws are if they were never alone together? You are so right Jellbeans. The first guy I dated I had a huge crush on. Then after the third date I dumped him because he turned out to be a total idiot and douche bag. I can't imagine marrying him.
  18. No. That's a big sin. Only dating leads to divorce. If you do everything right and follow the Lord nothing will go wrong. And it's bad enough these people are in the public eye. What will they tell their fans? Jessa and Ben are used once they get married who would want them in fundie land? If only they were in the real world not fundieland. Jessa can blame daddy It's like Michelle and JB thinks dating leads to sex or divorce. Like wtf? Dating is just getting to know the person. Sex is optional. Just like people can and will have sex while courting. Dating is fun. Not meet but one that daddy approve of and will be on camera
  19. Hahaha. Omg. It makes me not want to have anymore kids I don't feel bad for Michelle who would feel bad for her. I feel bad for Jana
  20. I've read they dated 10 years ago. But aren't dating now. Sorry tlc I call bullshit. Now they're worried about the children's safety? While the Duggars follow a child molester. Double standards? I bet it had to do with money or ratings.
  21. I hate when they say this. It's basically Biology and common sense 1+1=3
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